Do you know what state this is? Art looks at the decline in map-reading skills. see page 6 Are VOLUME XCVII, NUMBER 22 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1996 s s es and a few minutes away in space-time, warped, that travel into the past is pos­ BY JEREMY WONG standing outside. A few had suddenly be­ sible. The second is the alternative histo­ On Tuesday 9 April, Professor come enlightened and well-versed in cos­ ries view, proposed by David Dutch, in Stephen Hawking visited Caltech for the mology and general relativity. A stand­ which the universe is postulated to have second time this year, the present occa­ ing ovation greeted the Hawkings when a large number of histories. Hawking sion to deliver a lecture at the Beckman he entered the room. forced himself against his wishes to sup­ Auditorium entitled "Space and Time Hawking stated that string theory is port the consistent histories view, al·· " our best hope for quantum theory though he realized that would entail de­ The audience reveres the legend; no and general relativity. He emphasized terminism. other hypothesis accounts for the inspired that time cannot be ruled out. He The lecture became more conjectural fervor which filled the golden-ceilinged mentioned two possible accommodations. as it progressed. He told of his "chronol­ auditorium. Clippings of speech here and The first is the consistent histories view­ ogy protection conjecture"-that time there indicated that this was a new audi­ one has to find a consistence solution of travel is possible only microscopically. ence transformed from the one a few feet the equations even if space-time is so Stephen W Hawking, SEE HAWKING ON PAGE 5 cc SS BY JIM CHENG of Admiral, becoming the first BY KAREN BLITZER Naval Intelligence Specialist to The first ever Caltech Al- Recently chosen by the reach this rank. ternative Break Pro- Class of 1996, Admiral Bobby In these years, Inman had gram began the morning R. Inman will address the served as Director of Naval In­ of March 26, as 4 vans laden ates at this year's Gommence­ telligence, Vice Director of the with food, tools, computers, ceremonies on June 14. Defense Intelligellce f-\ ",..."'." and 22 somewhat sleepy, yet Admiral Inman serves on Director of the National Secu­ eager, participants Caltech Caltech's Board of Tnlstc~es, rity Agency, and Direc­ heading east towards Arizona. he has served since 1989. tor of '-''-''"'''U h1telh~~ence. staff, two graduate who has served a num­ Retiring in 1982, Inman students, and 16 undergradu­ ber of decades in the Navy as turned towards industry ate students undertook the 12 wen as in several intelligence served as Chairman and CEO of hr journey to Teesto, Arizona agencies, is currently an Adjunct Microelectronics and Computer in hoping to have fun and do Professor at the LBJ School of Technology Corporation in Aus­ some useful community ser­ Public Affairs and at the Gradu­ tin, Texas from 1983 up until vice work. Teesto, located ate School of Business of the 1986, and from 1986 to 1989, about 45 north of Winslow, University of Texas at Austin. as Chairman, President and Arizona, is a community of Myfanwy Callahan and Renny Talianchich work Born in Rhonesboro, Texas CEO at Westmark Systems, Inc. about 400, and part of the Na- in the Chapter House kitchen. in 1931, Inman attended the In addition to his service in vajo Nation. , University of Texas at Austin, Caltech's Board of Trustees, Starting an Alternative difference in the community." dents working together. where he received his B.A. in Inman is also a member of the Spring Break Program has The group spent two full Another group ofstudents 1950. He subsequently joined Board ofDirectors at Sci­ been a long-term goal for the days, March 27 and 28, work­ attempted to install some the Naval Reserve, and received enceApplications International, Caltech Y, but expectations of ing on projects in Teesto. The Caltech-donated computers. his first commission as an En­ Southwestern Bell, Temple In­ low student interest kept the participants slept on the floor This project became frustrat­ sign in 1952. In the next nine­ land and Xerox. He is also a project in the planning stage. ofthe Teesto Chapter house at ing when both software and teen years, Inman would serve Trustee of The American As­ Once made aware of the pro­ night, and worked on both in­ hardware problems began numerous assignments both at sembly, the Center for Excel­ gram, though, a surprisingly door and outdoor projects dur- cropping up. Although key sea and ashore lence in Education, and South­ large number of students parts were missing, in Naval Intelligence. western University. Admiral expressed interested. The through the team's hard Graduating from the Na­ Inman is also a member of the Caltech Y, the Office of "Many ofus went work, and a few last­ tional War College in 1972, Executive Committee of the Student Affairs with the there expecting to do minute Fed-Ex packages Inman was promoted to Rear Public Agenda Foundation and of a representative containing important Admiral in 1974, and to Vice is a member of the National Walking Shield, an things for them, components, Caltech was Admiral two years later. In Academy ofPublic Administra­ non-profit organization de­ they were working able to leave 3 fully opera­ 1981, he had attained the rank tion. voted to helping Native tional computers and two Americans, began making right alongside printers in the Teesto arrangements with the Na­ Chapter House. The com­ vajo living in Teesto. Af- puters will be used in the ter a preliminary visit, Teesto's youth and seniors USUAL ideas soon became concrete ing the day. One group of stu­ programs. Students also plans. dents laid out and built a fence worked in the kitchen prepar­ As Athena Castro ex­ around Teesto's basketball and ing lunches with the Chapter Announcements 12 ARC Minutes 5 plained, the Alternative Spring sand volleyball courts. De­ House staff, replaced damaged DILBERT® 7 Baseball Preview 9 Break Program allows partici- spite the windy climate and ceiling tiles, and began a fence The Outside World 2 FalmeOn: 6 to a broader under- blowing dust, the fence con­ around a propane tank located YNews .4 Mobius Strip 3 standing of world around struction went smoothly, with behind House. TrustMe .4 Volleyball.. 9 making a tangible Navajo Caltech stu- SEE NAVAJO ON PAGE 2 1996 THE CALIFORNIA TECH ..@ _-----------------------------------,0:~ z ;0 '"'-'l by Myfanwy Callahan ;0 '">< Llr,LULr", MT - More evidence arose. 470Americans associated '" was assembled last weekend to with the embassy as well as sev­ ~ connect Theodore J. Kaczynski eral hundred Liberian citizens ...:I:: to the 16 Unibomber bombings who hold American passports since 1978. A completed bomb will be offered a chance to leave found in his cabin closely re­ the country which is currently en­ sembles one of the bombs used gaged in a civil war. most recently in a Unabomber attack. KIRYAT SHEMONA, ISRAEL ­ Shiite Muslim guerrillas fired F.'"",,_ IL A Mitsubishi au­ rockets at northern Israel Tues­ tomobile plant was charged with day, wounding 36 people. The hundreds of cases of sexual ha­ Hezbollah group said the attack rassment Tuesday, making it on was in retaliation for a land mine of the largest sexual harassment explosion which killed one and cases ever to be brought before wounded two boys. Israeli forces Caltech Alternative Spring Break participants shiver in the snow. the federal court. Women assem­ responded with air raids and tank bly line workers claim to have fire against 17 Shiite Muslim vil­ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 been harassed multiple times in lages. stay, a speaker on Navajo cul­ professed. The group worked the last five years; in some cases, The group gained valuable ture talked to the group about the hard, but had opportunities to daily. TORONTO, CANADA - The Quebec insight into the Navajo way of Navajo way and how to preserve see the comet (Hyakutake) in an government has blocked distri­ life. Several of the men, and it. Shortly after lunch on March area with little light pollution, SLAVINOVICI, BOSNIA-HERZ­ bution of kosher foods labeled most of the women, had the op­ 29, the group left, after heartfelt interact with other Caltech stu­ EGOVINA - Six Muslim men only in English, crimping Pass­ portunity to participate in a farewell speeches and a deli­ dents, play in the brief, unex­ emerged from the hills of east­ over supplies. For ten years the "sweat", a Navajo spiritual cer­ cious barbecue, which included pected snowfall, and drive ern Bosnia last weekend to tell a government has waved the law emony. Students also helped traditional Navajo dishes such as across Arizona in a 4-van word­ horrifying account of the attack requiring products sold in Que­ build a sweat lodge, the place mutton roasted in an open pit, ofSrebreniea. Last July an esti­ bec to be labeled in French and game-playing CB caravan. mated 3000 Muslim men were English for the Passover goods where the ceremonies are held. fry bread, and blue com hash. Greg Steiert aptly summed killed in the attack. These six because they are imported from "Being introduced to a sa­ The Alternative Spring up the experience: "Many ofus men who remained in hiding for the U.S. and Israel. The cred ceremony such as the sweat break was a success. Partici­ went there expecting to do nine months were just a few of present crackdown has was very special and unex­ pants had fun, accomplished things for them, but they were the 8000 missing persons that re­ caused an uproar pected," one participant com­ their community service goals, working right along side of us sulted.
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