rh!..Jk~t- Th:.. dJ~n~ fJ- I ;~~t~rrd:J~r :!!JJ:! Host d olntly by UNIVl:USI rAS BAKRlf~•: The 2012 International Conference on Business and Management 6-7 September 2012, Phuket- Thailand HOSTS Faculty of Economics Kridawacana Christian University , (UKRIDA) Jakarta- Indonesia Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Prince of Songkla University Phuket - Thailand Faculty of Economics and Social Science UNIVERSITAS BAKRIE Bakrie University Jakarta - Indonesia Undergraduate Program in Tax Accounting Faculty of Economics Trisakti University Jakarta - Indonesia 5 The 2012 International Conference on Business and Management 6- 7 September 2012, Phuket- Thailand SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES/REVIEWERS 1. Dr. Acep lwan Saidi, M.Hum; Faculty of Arts and Design, Bandung Technology lnstitute,Bandung -Indonesia 2. Alan R. Nankervis Association Professor of HRM; R'MIT University, Melbourne -Australia 3. Dr. Aree Tirasatayapitak ; Prince of Songkla University, Phuket- Thailand 4. Dr. Aziz Taufik Hirzi, M.Si; UN ISBA, Bandung -Indonesia 5. Prof. Dr. Boo Edvardson; CTF Karlstad University, Sweden 6. Chotim~Longjit, Ph.D; Kasetsart University, Sriraca­ Thailand 7. Dr. Dong Xuan Dam; Hotel and Tourism Management Department- National Economics University, Hanoi - Vietnam 8. Elizabeth G. Ananto, Ph.D, FIPRA; Master of Management in Communication Trisa~i University, Jakarta- Indonesia 9. Prof. Dr. Farah Margaretha; Trisakti University, Jakarta­ Indonesia 10. Dr. Felina C. Young; San Beda Graduate School of Business, Manila - Philippines 11. Prof. Dr. Hamdy Hadi, DEA; Persaoa University YAI, Jakarta Indonesia 12. Prof. Dr. Handoko Karjantoro, CPA; Universitas lnternasional Batam, Indonesia 13. Hanif Amali Rivai, Ph.D; Management Department, Andalas University·Padang -Indonesia 14. Dr. Harsini Soetomo, ME; Trisakti University, Jakarta - Indonesia The 2012 International Conference on Business and Management 6- 7 September 2012, Phuket- Thailand 15. Dr. I Gde Adnyana Sudibya; Udayana University, Bali­ Indonesia 16. Dr. I Nyoman Madiun; Bali Tourism Institute, Bali­ Indonesia 17. Dr. I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja, SE, MP;· Udayana University, Bali - Indonesia 18. Dr. Janet Cochrane; leeds Metropolitan University, leeds­ United Kingdom 19. Juanna Judith Huliselan, Ph.D, MA; Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta - Indonesia 20. Assoc. Prof. Johnny Jermias, Ph.D; CMA Beedle School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia- Canada 21. Dr. Khomsyah; Trisakti University, Jakarta -Indonesia 22. Prof. Dr. Lars Haglund; CTF Karlstad University, Sweden 23. Dr. Lerbin Aritonang; Tarumanagara University, Jakarta­ Indonesia 24. Prof. Dr. Maman Kusman MBA; Padjadjaran University­ Widyatama University, Bandung- Indonesia 25. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manat Chaisawat; Naresuan University, Bangkok- Thailand 26. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md. Mamun Habib; Faculty of Business Administration in American International University­ Bangladesh (AIUB) 27. Maria R.N Radyati, Ph.D; Center of Entrepreneurship, Change and Corporate Social Responsibility Trisakti University, Jakarta- Indonesia 28. Prof. Dr. Mutiara S. Panggabean, ME; Trisakti University, Jakarta- Indonesia 7 The 2012 International Conference on Business and Management 6- 7 September 2012, Phuket- Thailand A Message from the Conference Chair It is my great pleasure to welcome you to this conference: The Keynote Speaker, Prof Lars Haglund from the Service Research Cent-er (CTF) Karlstad University, Sweden. Our hosts: Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism, Prince of Songk/a University, Phuket, Thailand; Christian University Krida Wacana;, Jctkarta, Indonesia; Undergraduate Program in Tax Accounting, Trlsakti University, Jakarta~ Indonesia; Bakrie University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Especially Prof.Dr.Methi Sunbhanlch, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. Prof Dr. Prathana Kannaovakun, Dean of Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand Rev. Dr. Aristarchus Sukarto, M. Th; Rector of Krida Wacana Christian University, Jakarta, Indonesia Prof Dr. lr. Sofia Alisyahbana, Rector of Bakrie University, Jakarta, Indonesia Abubakar Ariel, Head of Undergraduate Program in Tax accounting, Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Oor sponsors: PT. Sinor Mas, Indonesia and Hamriyah Free Zone Authorities Government of Sharjah, UA£. Especially Dr. Rashid AI Leem - General Director of Sharjah Ports, Customs and Sharjah Free Zone Authorities, UA£ and Mr. Muhamed _Basheer, Assistant Head of Sales ofHamriyah Free Zone authority, UAE. Distinguished Guests and all delegates /participants We are honored and delighted to welcome you all to the 2012 /BSM - International Conference on Business and Management in this beautiful city of Phuket. We would like to make a few remarks on the range of participants attending this conference. Participations in this conference are from severcil countries: Austria, Bangladesh, Bostwana, Croatia, Finland, Jndones}a, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Nig,eria, Thailand~ Philippines; UAE, United Kingdom, 5/ova~ia, Sweden _and Zimbabwe. Actually we have selected 164 abstracts from 28 countries 2 •.1',~,, Ma ~gePWent· ) The 2012 International CoRferen.ce on·Buslf!ess ..a .nd· ·' 6-7 Sept~m· bet. 2-Q~,. · ~~t ~ TbaUan~ I , ; The 2012 IBSM International Conference on Busfn.ess and M'Q.J!f. a~gement: wi/J. address the challenges organizations especially in Asia faced glCJ'bD11y· and also a chance to discuss the options that they may consider as part of their strategies. We do believe that this conference will be a foru.rn j9r sharfng kn.o.w,/edg.e c;;,:bout the practices of the organizations in dynamk -environment of difjerent Issues. The conference w,ilf lncor:pora:te both concep,t:ual an:d empirical research papers that link knowledge to dijferen.t countries contexts. We would like to thank all the participants for being here to share 'the knowledge and experience. A special thanks to our hcsts, sponsors a(ld CAAL team for all their supports to this conference. Finally., we< are very grateful for the contribl:ltions -oj rrumy coJI~agues~ presenters, session chairs, authors, revlewets, a·ttendants .and o,ther staffs and Inst-Itutions who have contributed to this confePen:ce. We acknowledge the significant contribution of our keynote speaker, Prof. Lars Nr;Jglund jrom Service Research Center Karlstad UniversitySweden at our conference. Dear colleagues and friends, we wish you all an eiJ]9YOP1~ cenjer~n. ee With a high enthusiasm, fruitful discussions and also a lot of tun in this beat:J.ti/J.I'I city, Phuket. Thank you very much. Prof. Dr. Asep Hermawan, M.Sc Phuket, 6 September 2012 ~ "·~ .:rhe 2012 International Conference on Business and Management .... "•.;) 6 - 7 September 2012, Phuket -Thailand ·.. ~ · Country List of Participants/Presenters Austria Bangladesh Botswana Croatia Finland Indonesia India Iran Israel Japan Kuwait Malaysia Nigeria Thailand Philippines UAE United Kingdom Slovakia Sweden Zimbabwe 94 The 2012 International Conference on Business and Management 6- 7 September :2012, Phuket -Thailand RESUME OF KEYNOTE SPEECH By Prof. Lars Haglund Service Research Center (CTF)- Karlstad University SWEDEN The topics that will be discussed in this conference: • Customer and Service orientation in higher education • How do we achieve a good market • What can be learned from researching our customers/students • What are the obstacles that make market • Text book know/ede vs rea/life The 2012 International Conference on Business and Management 6- 7 September 2012, Phuket- Thailand THE IBSM 2012 INTERNATIONAL CON-FERENEE -- - - ON BUSINESS AN-D MANAGEMENT PHUKET 6-7 SEPTEMBER 2012 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE DAY 1: THURSDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER 2012 TIME DESCRIPTION PLACE 09.00- 12.00 REGISTRATION TALANG B 12.00- 13.00 Break - ·13.00- 15.00 REGISTRATION TALANG B. 16.00-17.30 OPENING CEREMONY TAKSINA 1,2,3 KEYNOTE SPEECH Prof. Lars Haglund- Karlstad University Sweden 19.00- 21.00 WELCOMING DINNER TAKSINA 1,2,3 DAY 2: FRIDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 2012 TIME I DESCRIPTION PLACE 08.00- 08.30 REGISTRATION TALANG B 08.30- 12.00 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING, MIX ISSOES TAKSINA 1, 2 08.30- 12.00 MARKETING TAKSJNA 3 12.00- 12.45 LUNCH RESTAURANT 12.45 - 16.30 MIX ISSUES, HRM, CORPORATE SOCIAL TAKSINA 1,2 RESPONSIBILITY 12.45 - 16.30 SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES, HOSPITALITY TAKSINA 3 AND TOURISM, OPERATION MANAGEMENT 16.30- 16.45 BEST PAPERS ANNOUNCEMENT TAKSINA 1,2 16.45 - 17.00 CLOSING TAKSINA 1,2 13 The 2012 International Conference on Business and Management 6- 7 September 2012, Phuket- Thailand Track Schedule Session: 1 Time: 12.45 - 14.00 ROOM: TAKSINA 3 · .No \ Small Medium Enterprises . · 1 Comparative Analysis of Development of SMEs In Developed and Developing Countries Vifal~aheshbha/Pandya Gujarat National Law University Gandhlangor, INDIA 2 The Analysis of The Impact of Bank Loan Implementation to Increase Micro Scale Company Profit (Case Study In Hamster Breeder Compal)y in Bandung -Indonesia) Elizabeth T/ur ~anurung ~a reo Parahyangan Catholic University Bandung INDONESIA 3 Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: An Analysis of Impact of Public Policy on Entrepreneurship Development In Nigeria S.A Abdullah/ Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria NIGERIA 4 The Obstacles to be Young Entrepreneur Absharlna Hasyyati Feby Rahmawatl Husna Leila Yusran Trisakti University Jakarta INDONESIA 5 A Study of Constraints and Motivating Factors for Indian Women Entrepreneurs in Small Scale Industries Poonam Vatharkar Aditya Institute of Management Pune ~aharashtra INDIA I Session Chair: VIRAL M PANDYA 21 .
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