
1, ! ' j. i 1 I NASA-TM-87361 198500025M ~! , ! ' ! I . ,,. I .I I 1 NASA Technical Mem I r~ndum 87361 '------ - - - - - --- ;:.,. " ~ ~ OCTOBER 1984 1111111111111 1111 1111111111 11111 11111 11111111 NF01540 NASA Technical Memorandum 87361 A Bibliography of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Principal Investigators and Their Associates, 1983-1984 Nand E. Witbeck, Editor U.S. Geological Survey F lagstaft, Arizona NI\S/\ National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scientific and Technical Informatlo'l Branch 1984 Contents General Interest Topics ...................................................... 3 Solar System, Comets, Asteroids, Meteorites, and Small Bodies . 5 Structure, Tectonics, Gravity, Planetary and Satellite Evolution, and Planetary Interiors .... 13 Impact Craters and Basins: Occurrence, Modeling, and Geologic Studies ................ 17 Volcanic Studies. 21 Eolian Studies ............................................................. 27 Fluvial, Mass Wasting, Glacial, and Periglacial Studies ............................... 29 Geochemistry: Regolith, Volatiles, Atmosphere, and Climate Studies. 33 Geologic Mapping, Stratigraphy, and GeomOIphology . 39 Radar Studies . 41 Remote Sensing and Photometry . 43 Cartography, Photogrammetry, Geodesy, and! Altimetry ............................. 47 Author Index . 49 iii A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANETARY GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS AND THEIR ASSOCIATES, 1983 -1984 This document is a compilation of selected bibliographic data specifically relating to recent publi­ cations submitted by principal investigators lllnd their associates, supported through NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications, Solar System Exploration Division, Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program, and serves as a companion piece to NASA TM-86246, Reports of Planetary Geology Programs - 1983, NASA, Washington, D.C. 20546. General Interest Topics Ahrens, T. J.; and O'Keefe, J. D.: Impact of an Asteroid or Comet in the Ocean and Extinction of Terrestrial Life. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 13, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 88,1983, pp. A799-A806. Arvidson, R. E.; Guinness, E. A.; Moore, H. Jr.; Tilman, J.; and Wall, S. D.: Three Mars Years: Viking Lander 1 Imaging Observations. Science, vol. 222, 1983, pp. 463-468. Arvidson, R. E.; Levinthal, E. C.; Saunders, R. S.; and Schultz, P. H.: Terrestrial Moons and Planets. Chapter 36, 2nd Edition, Manual of Remote Sensing. Am. Soc. Photogram., 1983, pp. 2385-2415. Baker, V. R.: Mars, in McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology - 1984. McGraw-Hill Book Co., N.Y., 1983, pp. 271-274. Bristow, J. W.; Armstrong, R. A.; and Allsopp, H. L.: A Note on the Geology and Geochronology of the Tsange Gabbros. Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans., vol. 85, 1982, pp. 135-139. Carr, M. H.: The Surface of Mars: A Post-Viking View. J. Astron. Soc. Pacific, vol. 12, no. 1, 1983, pp.2-15. Carr, M. H.: Geology of the Terrestrial Planets. Proc. 4th IntI. Conf. on Permafrost. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1983, pp. 103-108. Christiansen, E. H.; and Davis, M. H.: The Moon, in Space and Planetary Environment Criteria Guidelines for Use in Space Vehicle Development, 1982 Revision, Volume 1, NASA TM-82478, 1983, pp. 3.1-3.38. Guinness, E. A.; and Arvidson, R. E.: Three Mars Years of Surface Contrast Changes Seen at the Mutch Memorial Station (VLl). (Abstract.) Lunar Planet: Sci. Conf. 14, Lunar Planet. Inst., 1983, . pp. 269-270. Johnson, T.; and Soderblom, L.: 10. Sci. Am., vol. 249, December 1983. McGill, G. E.: The Geology of Venus. Episodes, no. 4, 1983, pp. 10-17. Morris, E. C.; and Lucchitta, B. K.: Astrogeology, in chapter 31, Geologic Applications. Manual of Remote Sensing, 2nd ed. Am. Soc. Photogram., 1983, pp. 1901-1910. Nash, D. B.: History of 10 Studies. Natural Satellites, Int. Astron. Union Colloq. 77, Cornell Uni­ versity, Ithaca, New York, July 1983. 3 Plescia, J. B.: The Geology of Dione. (Abstract.) Natural Satellites, Int. Astron. Union Colloq. 77, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1983, p. 29. Plescia, J. B.: Geology of Dione. Reports of Planetary Geology Programs, - 1983. NASA TM-86246, 1984, pp. 34-37. Plescia, J. B.: The Geology of Dione. Icarus, vol. 56, 1983, pp. 255-277. Reynolds, R. T.; Squyres, S. W.; Colburn, D. S.; and McKay, C. P.: On the Habitability of Europa. Icarus, vol. 56,1983, pp. 246-254. Spudis, P. D.: Modeling Mars, Moon Surfaces. Geotimes, vol. 28, 1983, pp. 22-24. Squyres, S. W.: Planetary Science: 1979-1982. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., vol. 21, 1983, pp. 139-142. Squyres, S. W.: Ganymede and Callisto. American Scientist, vol. 71, 1983, pp. 56-64. Strom, R. G.: Der Merkur, in Bild der Wissenschaft, Stuttgart, Germany, 1984, pp. 62-74. Tyner, R. 1.; and Carroll, R. D.: A Catalog of Selected Viking Orbiter Images. NASA RP-I093, 1983. Weeks, R. A.; Underwood, J. R., Jr.,; and Giegengack, R.: Libyan Desert Glass: A Review of Fact and Fancies. (Abstract.) Section IX, IntI. Conf. on Glass in Planetary and Geological Phenomena, August 14-18, 1983, New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred University, New York, 1983, pp. 1-2. Weiss, B. 1.: NASA Regional Planetary Image Facilities. (Abstracts with Programs.) Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. 15, no. 6,1983, p. 716. 4 Solar System, Comets, Asteroids, Meteorites, and Small Bodies Bell, 1. F.: Callisto: 1upiter's Iapetus? (Abstract.) Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 15, Lunar Planet. Inst., 1984, pp. 4445. Bell, 1. F.; Hawke, B. R.; and Gaffey, M. Jr.: Composition of the D-type Asteroids Derived from Infrared Spectrophotometry. (Abstract.) Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 15, Lunar Planet. Inst., 1984, pp. 4647. Bell, 1. F.; Hawke, B. R.; Singer, R. B.; and Gaffey, M. 1.: The Olivine Asteroids: Discovery, Min­ eralogy, and Relationship to Meteorites. (Abstract.) Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 15, Lunar Planet. Inst., 1984, pp. 4849. Brown, R. H.: The Uranian Satellites and Hyperion: New Spectrophotometry and Compositional Implications. Icarus, vol. 56,1983, pp. 414425. Brown, R. H.; and Cruikshank, D. P.: The Uranian Satellites: Surface Compositions and Opposition Brightness Surges. Icarus, vol. 55, 1983, pp. 83-92. Bums, 1. A.; Cuzzi, 1. N.; and Showalter, M. R.: Discovery of Gossamer Rings. Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc., vol. 15, 1983, p. 1013. Bums, 1. A.; Showalter, M. R.; Cuzzi, 1. N.; and Durisen, R. H.: Saturn's Electrostatic Discharges: Could Lightning Be the Cause? Icarus, vol. 54, 1983, pp. 280-295. Bus, S. 1.; Dunbar, R. S.; and Swanson, S. R.: Observations of Comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa. Int. Astron. Union Circ. No. 3812,1983. Clark, R. N.; Gaffey, M. 1.; and Fanale, F. P.: Surface Composition of Natural Satellites. (Abstract.) Natural Satellites, Int. Astron. Union Colloq. 77, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1983, p. 4. Consolmagno, G. 1.: Ice-rich Moons and the Physical Properties of Ice. 1. Phys. Chern., vol. 87, 1983, pp. 42044208. Cruikshank, D. P.; and Brown, R. H.: The Nucleus of Comet P/Schwassmann Wachmann I. Icarus, vol. 56, 1984, pp. 377-380. Cruikshank, D.; Veverka, 1.; et al.: Saturn's Satellites: Optical Properties of the Surfaces, in Saturn, T. Gehrels and M. Matthews, eds. University of Arizona Press, 1983. Cuzzi, 1. N.: Planetary Ring Systems. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., vol. 21, 1983, pp. 173-186. 5 Cuzzi, J. N.;Lissauer, J. J.; Esposito, L. W.; Holberg, J. B.; Marouf, E. A.; Tyler, G. L.; and Boischot, A.: Saturn's Rings: Properties and Processes, in Planetary Rings, A. Brahic and R. Greenberg, eds. University of Arizona Press, June 1984. Cuzzi, J. N.; Scargle, J. D.; Showalter, M. R.;and Esposito, L. W.: Saturn's Rings: Indirect Evidence for Moon1ets Embedded within Encke's Division. Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc., vol. 15, 1983, p. 813. Davies, M. E.: The Shape of 10. Natural Satellites, Int. Astron. Union Colloq. 77, July 5-9, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, p. 14, 1983. Dawe, J.; Barrow, J.; Hartley, M.; Morgan, D.; Russell, K.; Savage, A.; Helin, E.; Shoemaker, E.; Bus, S. J.; and Dunbar, R S.: Observations Made with the 1.2-M Schmidt Telescope at Siding Spring in the Course of the U.K.-Caltech Asteroid Survey (UCAS). Minor Planet Circ. Nos. 7882-7920, 8093-8114,8228-8247, and 8494-8508, 1983-84. Dermott, S. F.; Gierasch, P.; Gradie, J.; Sagan, c.; and Thompson, W. R: Origin and Depth of Titan's Hydrocarbon Ocean. (Abstract.) Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 15, Lunar Planet. Inst., 1984, pp. 222-223. Dermott, S. F.; Harris, A. W.; and Murray, C. D.: Asteroid Rotation Rates. Icarus, vol. 57, 1984, pp. 14-34. Dermott, S. F.; and Murray, C. D.: Nature of the Kirkwood Gaps in the Asteroid Belt. Nature, vol. 31, 1983,pp. 201-205. Dobrovo1skis, A. R.;and Harris, A. W.: The Obliquity of Pluto. Icarus, vol. 55,1983, pp. 231-235. Dunbar, R. S.: Discovery of 1983 RD. Int. Astron. Union Circ. No. 3862, 1983. Dunbar, R. S.; and Helin, E. F.: Observations of 1983 RD from Palomar and CERGA. Int. Astron. Union Circ. No. 3865, 1983. Dunbar, R. S.; and Helin, E. F.: Estimation of an Upper Limit on the Earth Trojan Asteroid Popula­ tion from Schmidt Survey Plates. Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc., vol. 15, no. 3, 1983, p. 830. Dunbar, R. S.; and Swanson, S. R.: Pre-Discovery Observations of 1983 SA. Int. Astron. Union Circ. No. 3881,1983. Dunbar, R. S.; and Swanson, S. R.: Observations of Comet Shoemaker. Int. Astron. Union Circ. No. 3864, 1983. Durisen, R. H.: Transport Effects Due to Particle Erosion Mechanisms, in Planetary Rings, A. Brahic and R. Greenberg, eds. University of Arizona Press, June 1984. Epstein, E.; Janssen, M.; and Cuzzi, J. N.: Saturn's Rings: 3.4 mm Wavelength Observations at Low Inclination. Icarus, vol. 58, no. 3, June 1984. Esposito, L. W.; Borderies, N.; Goldreich, P.; Cuzzi, J. N.; Holberg, J. B.; Lane, A. L.; Pomphrey, R B.; Terrile, R. J.; Lissauer, J. J.; Marouf, E. A.; and Tyler, G. L.: Eccentric Ringlet in the Maxwell Gap at 1.45 Saturn Radii: Multi-Instrument Voyager Observations. Science, vol.
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