25 26 23 22 24 27 18 21 19 20 29 28 17 30 31 16 34 33 15 14 laurel 32 collection 13 12 Plant List 35 1 Quercus palustris pin oak 2 Salix discolor pussy willow 3 Rhus typhina staghorn sumac (female) 36 4 Populus deltoides cottonwood 5 Betula populifolia gray birch 38 37 6 Prunus serotina black cherry 7 Populus tremuloides quaking aspen 39 8 Populus grandidentata large-toothed aspen 40 9 Aronia melanocarpa black chokeberry 41 10 Juniperus virginiana red cedar 11 Vaccinium angustifolium lowbush blueberry 10 12 Vaccinium stamineum deerberry 11 9 13 Kalmia latifolia mountain laurel 8 14 Ostrya virginiana American hop hornbeam 68 15 Kalmia angustifolia sheep laurel 69 16 Amelanchier canadensis shadbush 7 42 17 Hamamelis virginiana common witch hazel 18 Quercus rubra red oak 5 6 67 19 Fagus grandifolia American beech 4 66 20 Betula alleghaniensis yellow birch 70 3 43 65 2 barn 21 Viburnum lentago nannyberry 64 1 22 Fraxinus americana white ash 63 62 59 57 44 23 Vaccinium vitis-idaea var. minus mountain cranberry 61 58 60 46 24 Gaultheria procumbens creeping wintergreen 25 Castanea dentata American chestnut 50 47 48 45 26 Rhododendron prinophyllum roseshell azalea 51 49 27 Rhododendron periclymenoides pinxterbloom azalea 28 Quercus velutina black oak 29 Viburnum acerifolium maple-leaved viburnum 54 52 30 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip tree 56 55 53 31 Vaccinium corymbosum highbush blueberry 32 Quercus prinus chestnut oak 33 Betula lenta sweet birch pond 34 Quercus coccinea scarlet oak 35 Gaylussacia baccata black huckleberry 36 Acer rubrum red or swamp maple N 37 Quercus x saulii Saul’s hybrid oak 38 Quercus alba white oak 39 Tsuga canadensis Canada hemlock 40 Acer saccharum sugar maple 41 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam paved road 42 Sassafras albidum sassafras gravel road 43 Clethra alnifolia sweet pepperbush gate 44 Lindera benzoin spicebush gravel path 45 Ulmus americana American elm 46 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash grass path 47 Nyssa sylvatica pepperidge stone wall 48 Ilex verticillata winterberry (female) boardwalk 49 Viburnum dentatum northern arrowwood 50 Rhododendron viscosum swamp azalea stream 51 Alnus rugosa speckled alder stone steps 52 Pinus strobus eastern white pine 53 Betula nigra river birch 54 Cornus amomum silky dogwood 55 Liquidambar styraciflua American sweetgum 56 Thuja occidentalis arborvitae 57 Viburnum prunifolium blackhaw entrance from 58 Myrica pensylvanica bayberry Lonetown Road 59 Viburnum nudum var. cassinoides witherod 60 Cornus racemosa gray dogwood 61 Rhododendron maximum rosebay rhododendron 62 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi bearberry 63 Cornus alternifolia pagoda dogwood 64 Comptonia peregrina sweetfern 65 Ilex opaca American holly 66 Carya glabra pignut hickory 67 Carya ovata shagbark hickory 68 Juglans nigra black walnut 69 Cornus florida flowering dogwood Highstead Native Tree & Shrub Walk 70 Rhus copallina shining sumac Facility Notes Field Notes Alphabetical List Acer rubrum…¯a’ser r¯u’brum …………………………………………… 36 Acer saccharum…¯a’ser sak-kär’um …………………………………… 40 Alnus rugosa…al'nus rū-gōs'˙a ……………………………………… 51 Amelanchier canadensis…am-el-ang’-k¯e-er kan-a-den’sis …………… 16 For the protection of the fragile plant environment, please note: Highstead Landscape Arctostaphylos uva-ursi… • ark-t¯o-staf’i-los oo’va er’si ………………… 62 Shaped by natural and human forces the woodlands, wetlands, and Aronia melanocarpa… No dogs, bicycles, play equipment, food or beverages a-r¯o’ni-a mel-an-¯o-kâr’pa ……………………… 9 Betula alleghaniensis…bet’u-la al-l˘e-g¯a’-n¯e-en’sis …………………… 20 Native • meadows at Highstead provide opportunities for the study and Betula lenta…bet’¯u-la len’ta …………………………………………… 33 Betula nigra… Stay on the paths and boardwalks appreciation of diverse managed and unmanaged habitats and the bet’¯u-la ni’gra¯ …………………………………………… 53 • Betula populifolia…bet’¯u-la pop-¯u-li-f¯o’li-a …………………………… 5 Carpinus caroliniana… Please refrain from picking plants and flowers plants and wildlife they support. Permanently established vegetation kär-pi’nus¯ ka-r¯o-lin-i-¯a’-na ………………… 41 Carya glabra…k¯a’ri-a gl¯a’bra ………………………………………… 66 • plots and deer exclosures enable the study of the current condition Carya ovata… Tree & k¯a’ri-a ¯o-v¯a’ta …………………………………………… 67 No smoking Castanea dentata… and long-term response of forests to climate change, invasive plants, kas-t¯a’n¯e-a den-t¯a’ ta ……………………………… 25 Clethra alnifolia…kle’thra al-ni-f¯o’li-a ……………………………… 43 animal browsing, and other disturbances. Native plantings and the Comptonia peregrina…komp-t¯o’ni-a per-i-gri’na¯ …………………… 64 Cornus alternifolia… The collection of native trees and shrubs at Highstead is viewable kôr’nus al-ter-ni-f¯o’li-a. ……………………… 63 landscapes in which they are displayed serve to enhance the beauty Cornus amomum…kôr’nus ˙a-m¯o’mum ……………………………… 54 Shrub Walk year round, with each season providing different points of interest. Cornus florida… and ecological value of the natural surroundings. kôr’nus flôr’-i-da …………………………………… 69 Please call ahead to make a reservation, and to check Cornus racemosa…kôr’nus ra-se-m¯o’sa ……………………………… 60 Fagus grandifolia… A Self-guided Tour on weather-related trail conditions. f¯a’gus gran-di-f¯o’li-a …………………………… 19 Fraxinus americana…frak’si-nus a-mer-i-k¯a’na …………………… 22 of Highstead's The Native Tree & Shrub Walk Fraxinus pennsylvanica…frak’si-nus pen-sil-vā'ni-k ˙a ……………… 46 Gaultheria procumbens… The Native Tree and Shrub Walk at Highstead was gawl-th¯er’i-˙a pr¯o-kum’benz ……………… 24 Native Woody Plants Gaylussacia baccata…g¯a-lu-s¯a’shi-˙a ba-k¯a’ t ˙a ………………………… 35 Hamamelis virginiana… created so that visitors may familiarize themselves ¯ ham-˙a-m¯e’lis v˜er-jin-i-¯a’na ………………… 17 Ilex opaca…i’leks ¯o-p ¯˜a’k ˙a. …………………………………………… 65 with the native plants of southwest Connecticut and Ilex verticillata…i’leks¯ verti-si-l¯a’ta …………………………………… 48 Juglans nigra...jū'glans' nī'gr ˙a ………………………………………… 68 I-84 surrounding areas. Each plant identified by a number Juniperus virginiana… Danbury j¯u-nip’˜er-us v˜er-jin-i-¯a’na …………………… 10 Kalmia angustifolia…kal’m¯e-˙a an-gus-ti-f¯o’l¯e-˙a ……………………… 15 Newtown on the map has a corresponding marker posted on or near the Kalmia latifolia…kal’m¯e-˙a lat-i-f¯o’l¯e-˙a ……………………………… 13 Route 302 Church Hill Rd. specimen. All the signs pertaining to the walk display the acorn Lindera benzoin…lin-der’˙a ben’z¯o-in ………………………………… 44 Bethel Liquidambar styraciflua... ' ' symbol shown on this page. This self-guided tour takes lik-wid-am bär sti-ra-se-flü ˙a …………… 55 Liriodendron tulipifera…lir-i-¯o-den’dron t¯u-li-pif’˜er-˙a ……………… 30 Rte 58 Myrica pensylvanica…mi-ri’k˙a¯ pen-sil-van’i-ka ……………………… 58 Route 25 approximately an hour and a half. Nyssa sylvatica… Rte 107 nis’˙a sil-vat’i-k˙a …………………………………… 47 Ostrya virginiana...os'tri- ˙a ver-jin-ē-ā'n ˙a …………………………… 14 Highstead✪ Pinus strobus…pi’nus¯ str¯o’bus ………………………………………… 52 Defining Native Populus deltoides…pop’¯u-lus del-toy’d¯ez ………………………………… 4 Populus grandidentata…pop’¯u-lus gran-di-den-t¯a’ta …………………… 8 The term native is loosely defined. It can describe an area as small as Populus tremuloides… Route 107 pop’¯u-lus trem-u-loy’d¯ez ………………………… 7 (Lonetown Road) Prunus serotina… Route 58 your backyard, or an area that encompasses an entire continent. For Route 53 proo’nus ser-ot’i-n˙a ………………………………… 6 Route 7 Quercus alba…kw¯˜er’kus al’b˙a ………………………………………… 38 Route 107 the Native Tree & Shrub Walk, we use a 100-mile radius from the Quercus coccinea… Redding Center kw˜er’kus cok-sin’¯e-˙a ……………………………… 34 Quercus palustris… Route 107 property to determine which plants we classify as native. Species kw˜er’kus pa-lus’tris ………………………………… 1 Quercus prinus…kw˜er’kus pri’nus¯ …………………………………… 32 featured on the Walk include both naturally occurring and planted Quercus rubra…kw˜er’kus r¯u’bra ……………………………………… 18 N Quercus velutina…kw¯˜er’kus ve-l¯u’ti-n˙a ……………………………… 28 Wilton specimens; all are indigenous to this specified area. Quercus x saulii...kwēr’kus krôs sôl'-ē-ī …………………………… 37 Rhododendron maximum…r¯o-d¯o-den’dron maks’i-mum ……………… 61 Merritt Parkway Rhododendron periclymenoides…r¯o-d¯o-den’dron per-i-cli-men-oy¯ ’d¯ez … 27 Rhododendron prinophyllum…r¯o-d¯o-den’dron pri-no-fil’um¯ ……… 26 Norwalk Fairfield Rhododendron viscosum… I-95 r¯o-d¯o-den’dron vis-k ¯o’sum ………………… 50 Rhus copallina...roos ko-pal-lī'n ˙a …………………………………… 70 Rhus typhina…roos ti-f¯e’na¯ ……………………………………………… 3 Salix discolor… Vermont s¯a’liks dis’kul-˜er ………………………………………… 2 Sassafras albidum…sas’˙a-fras al’bi-dum ……………………………… 42 Individuals or groups interested in visiting Highstead Thuja occidentalis…thew’y˙a ok-si-den-t¯a’lis ………………………… 56 N.H. Tsuga canadensis… may make arrangements by writing or calling: tsoo’g˙a ka-n˙a-den’sis …………………………… 39 New York Ulmus americana...ul'mus a-mer-i- kā’na …………………………… 45 Mass. Vaccinium angustifolium…vak-sin’i-um an-gus-ti-f¯o’li-um ………… 11 Vaccinium corymbosum…vak-sin’i-um kôr-im-b¯o’sum ……………… 31 Highstead Conn. Vaccinium stamineum… 12 P.O. Box 1097 ✪ R.I. vak-sin’i-um stam-in’¯eum ………………… Vaccinium vitis-idaea var. minus… ¯ ¯ Redding, Connecticut 06875-1097 Pennsylvania vak-sin’i-um vi’tus i-d¯e’ a ……… 23 Viburnum acerifolium…vi-b˜er’num¯ ¯a-s˜er-i-f¯o’li-um ………………… 29 203-938-8809 New Jersey Viburnum dentatum...vi-b˜er’num¯ den-tā'tum ……………………… 49 www.highstead.net Viburnum lentago…vi-b˜er’num¯ len-t¯a’g¯o …………………………… 21 Viburnum nudum var.
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