1903. CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD- HOUSE.· 1917- Ha also, from the same committee, to which was referred the By Mr. SOUTHARD: A bill (H. R. 17326) granting a pension bill of the House (H. R. 10760) granting a pension to Wallace L. to Julia E. Young-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Scott, reported the same with amendment,_accompanied by are­ port (No. 3669) ; which said bill and report were referred to the PETITIONS, ETC. Private Calendar. - Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers He also, from the same committee, to which was referred the were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: bill of the House (H. R. 17298) granting an increase of pension to By Mr. ALEXANDER: Resolution of the board of supervisors Clara E. Smith , reported the same without amendment, accom­ of Erie County, Ky., in favor of the good-roads bill-to the Com­ panied by a report (No. 3670) ; which said bill and report were mittee on Agriculture. referred to the Private Calendar. By Mr. COOMBS: Resolutions of City Front Federation, of San Francisco, Cal., favoring the repeal of the desert-land law­ PUBLIC BILLS, RESOLUTIONS, .AND MEMORIALS to the Committee on the Public Lands. INTRODUCED. By Mr. HENRY of Connecticut: Petition of retail druggists of Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills, resolutions, and memorials New Britain, Conn., urging the reduction of the tax on alcohol­ of the following titles were introduced and severally referred, as to the Committee on Ways and Means. follows: By Mr. LITTLE: Petition of full-blood Choctaw and Chickasaw By 1t1r. MUDD: A bill (H. R. 17307) to authorize the Anacos­ Indians, praying an enabling act to permit them to remove to the t ia, Surrattsville and Brandywine Electric Railway Company to Republic of Mexico-to the Committee on Indian Affairs. extend its street railway in the District of Columbia-to the Com­ By Mr. MUTCHLER: Resolutions of Lehigh Lodge, No. 403, mittee on the District of Columbia. of Easton, Pa., International Machinists, favoring the repeal of By Mr. STEPHENS of Texas: A bill (H. R. 17308) providing the desert-land law-to the Committee on the Public Lands. for the trial of certain citizenship cases in the United States courts By Mr. PADGETT: Paper to accompany House bill granting in the Indian Territory-to the Committee on the Judiciary. a pension to Alexander Bennett-to the Committee on Invalid By Mr. THOMPSON: A bill (H. R.17309) to appropriate 100,- Pensions. 000 for the relief of parties for property taken from them by mili­ By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Petition of Cigar Makers' tary forces of the United States-to the Committee on War ClaiJ:ns. Union No. 37, of Fort Wayne, Ind., favoring House bill 16457, By Mr. MANN: A bill (H. R.17310) toestablishafish-hatching relating to gifts in connection with the sale of tobacco and cigars­ and fish-cultural station at Chicago, Ill.~to the Committee on the to the Committee on the Judiciary. Merchant Marine and Fisheries. By Mr. RYAN: Resolutions of the board of aldermen of Erie By Mr. McRAE: A bill (H. R. 17311) authorizing the State of County, N . Y., in favor of House bill 15369, known as the good- Arkansas to fix its western boundary-to the Committee on the roads bill- to the Committee on Agriculture. Judiciary. By Mr. SHACKLEFORD: Petitions of retail druggists of Boon­ By Mr. POWERS of Maine (by request): A bill (H. R. 17312) ville and Macks Creek, Mo., favoring the passage of House bill making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations 178, for the reduction of the tax on alcohol-to the Committee on for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, and for prior years-to Ways and Means. the Committee on Appropriations. _ By Mr. STEVENS of Minnesota: Protest of Crown of the West By Mr. LITTLE: A bill (H. R. 17313) authorizing the Court of Lodge, No. 135, and Ramsey County Lodge, No. 331, Order of Claims to resume consideration of the case of the Eastern Chero­ B'rith Abraham, of St. Paul, Minn., against the exclusion of kees against The United States, and for other purposes-to the Jewish immigrants at the port of New York- to the Committee Committee on Indian Affairs. on Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. FEELY: A bill (H. R. 17314) to increase the limit of Also, petition of Charles T. Heller and other druggists, of St. cost of the United States post-office at OakPark, Ill.-to the Com­ Paul, Minn., urging the reduction of the tax on alcohol-to the mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. SMITH of Illinois: A bill (H. R. 17315) for the further Also, resolutions of the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce against prevention of the spread of communicable diseases in the District the removal of the dam at the mouth of the Minnesota River-to of Columbia-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. By Mr. GREEN of Pennsylvania: A bill (H. R. 17316) to in­ By Mr. WANGER: Resolutions of McKinley Lodge, No. 283, crease the limit of cost of the United States post:-office at Allen­ Order of B'rith Abraham, of Pottstown, Pa., relating to methods town, Pa.-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. of the immigration bureau at the port of New York-to the Com­ By Mr. GAINES of Tennessee: A bill (H. R . 17317) to prevent mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. the exportation and sale of goods made in the United States at a By Mr. WILEY: Petition of Webster & Ruff, druggists, of less price than the same class and kind of goods are sold to the Lapine, Ala., urging the passage of House . bill 178, for the re­ people of the Uriited States-to the Committee on Interstate and duction of the tax on achohol-to the Committee on Ways and Foreign Commerce. Means. Also, a bill (H. R. 17318) to preve:at the exportation through By Mr. ZENOR: Resolution of the Commercial Club of New postal service of goods made in the United States sold, or to be Albany, Ind., for 9-foot draft of water in the Ohio River- to the sold, at a price less than the same goods, kind and quality, are Committee on Rivers and Harbors. sold in the United States-to the Committee on Interstate and F oreign Commerce. By Mr. HEATWOLE: A concurrent resolution (H. C. Res. 85t) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. for printing 19,000 copies of Review of the World's Commerce for the year 1902-to the Committee on Printing. SUNDAY, F (}bruary 8, 1903. The House met at 12 o'clock m. PRIVATE BILLS .AND RESOLUTIONS IN-TRODUCED. Mr. WILLIAM J. BROWNING. Chief Clerk, called the House to Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions of order and read the following communication: FE:BR U.ARY 8,1903. the following titles were introduced and severally referred as I hereby designate as Speaker pro tempore for this day Hon. R IOHABD follows: WAYNE PARKER, of New J er sey. By Mr. BOREING: A bill (H. R. 17319) for the relief of James D. B. HENDERSON, Speaker. Denton-to the Committee on Claims. The Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D., offered the fol­ By 1\.fr. DICK: A bill (H. R. 17320) granting an increase of lowing prayer: pension to .Orin P. Stoffer-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Almighty Father, whosespirit is everywhere present to uphold~ By Mr. GILLETT of Massachusetts: A bill (H. R.17321) grant­ strengthen, and guide Thy children in the discharge of the cares ing an increase of pension to William B. Kimball-to the .Com­ and responsibilities which must needs come to us in this earthly mittee on Invalid P ensions. existence. We thank Thee for the holy Sabbath day, which takes I3y Mr. HAY: A bill (H. R. 17322) for the relief of Mary Jane us, if we will, out of the busy whirl and turmoil of life's activi­ Pollard, widow of William Pollard, late second assistant engineer, ties, not only to quiet and rest, but to a contemplation of the larger United States Navy-to the Committee on Claims. relationships of life with Thee and our fellow-men. We thank By Mr. LITTLE: A bill (H. R. 17323) to appropriate $2,010 to Thee for whatever is great in men as financiers, as discoverers, as pay findings of Court of Claims to Constant P. Wilson, as admin­ statesmen, as scholars or teachers of truth and righteousness, istrator-to the Committee on War Claims. but above all we thank Thee for that full rounded-out character By Mr. MOSS: A bill (H . R. 17324) granting a pension to in men which lifts them above self in poise and nobility of soul. Rebecca Cardwell-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. We bless Thee· for all whom Thou hast raised up to be leaders of By Mr. STEVENS of Minnesota: A bill (H. R.17325) granting men, especially for the men of America who have wrought and an increase of pension to Clara Eugenia Kramer-to the Com­ woven into the fibers of our nation their characters, which make mittee on Pensions. it strong and great; and as we gather here to-day, help us to call 1918 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 8, to mind whatever was noble and pure and lofty-in those whom we Mr. HULL. · Mr. Spe_aker, it was not my good fortune to know would honor by this sacred s-ervice, and let Thy loving arms be General SE-WELL previous to my entrance into Congress.
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