OF THE WO RLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD VOL. IV, NO. 15 PASADENA, CALIF. JULY 19, 1976 Mr. Armstrong~s agenda SEP begins headed by Kenya visit second half ORR. Minn . - This vcar's "Ci..' ­ PASADENA - Herben W. Arm­ ground-breaking ceremonies fo r a ond month-long session ~f Iht: Sum­ strong. recently returned from an ex­ secondary school in Gatundu. birth­ mer Educational PrognllTI (SEP) £111 tensive trip 10 M")u them Africa. is len­ place and home o f Kenya ' s President under way here Jul y 15 with a nl!ar­ tatively scheduled 10 begin his next Jomo Kenyalla. The project is ajoint capacity 339 youn g people from all trip 10 world capitals Aug. I when he effon of the Ambassador Interna­ ova the United Siaies rcgi~lcrcd . depart~ for Nairobi. Kenya. via a tional Cullural Foundatio n (AICF) Ron Dick. activity difl!l'lor for Ihl' stopover in Rome. and the Kenyan government and was program. which is spunsored by Ih (" A~cording to Stanley Rader. the initialed when Mr. Armstrong met Church's Youth Opponunilic' Unit­ Work's vice presidcm for financial President Kenyatl 3 in May of la st ed ( YOU) fo rp!:ople 12 to 18 yeursof affairs. who wi ll also make the lrip. year. JUSt before a three-nighl cam- a£c. said the second !Oession was off Mr . ArmMrong will panil'ipale in (See KENYA VISIT, 9) page to a "great smn" after a "su\.'ces"· fu'" fj~1 sC';o.s ion. Actlvitiesofrhe program-which A Personal Letter int:luJe IIrc hcry. canoeing. fishing. rinery. rod climbing. \\iuerskiing.. (See SEP STARTS. page 9) ;=~~ AICF praised Dear brelhren in Christ: long-range growth and deve lopment at dedication GREET INGS from smoggy. gray plans for Ambassador College. We JERUSALEM -In a salute to Ihe and overcast Pasadena. For the past are continually looking al ways to U.S. bicentennial thai was to have several days I have been involved in improve and develo p our collegiate been attended by Herbert W. Ann­ intensive budget discussions with our programs and provide the youn g st.rong. Liberty Bell Garden was ded­ vice president for financial affairs, people of the Church and the world icated here July 2. two days before Mr. Stanley R. Rader, and business with the best-quality educational . *'..-l the 200th anniversary o f the signing manager Mr. Ray Wright and others. facilities and opportunities thai can JERUSALEM DIG - Ambassador students work at the excavations of America' s Declamtion of Inde­ 1500 PERSONAL. _ 8) We are very pleased with our near the Temple Mount. (See article belOW.) [Photo by Avinoam Glick] pendence. In a brief. infonnal cere­ budgel projections for rhe nexi fis.:aJ mony, the park - which is built year and have a completely balalu:ed around a replictt of Amer1c3' s Lib· budget with which to world God's eny Bell and is panlally financeJ by Work has finished the year in good Jerusalem dig in eighth season the Ambassador International Cul­ shape, with positive upturns in in­ lural Foundation (AfCt-1- was con· come and, actually, the largest year JERUSALEM - The Temple Room. board. tuition and round-rrip wi ll include trips to Galilee. the secrated as a li ving monument to in our history, financially. The good Mount archaeOlogical excavations. airfare were given the 12, who were Negev Desert. the port ci ty of Elath friendship between Israel and the news behind all this is that it has cosponsored by AmbassadorCollege "selected on the basis of who would and MI. Sinai. United Siaies. allowed us 10 project an extra ONE and Israel's Hebrew University . are profil most from the experience," The six students from Pasadena According to the dedication 's MllLlON OOlLARS to be assigned di­ now in their eighth year of cospon· said Keith Crouch, faculty member are Denise Dozier. Steve Hart. Reg printed program. the park will be re­ rectly inlo the elecuonic media - sorship, according to project director from Ambassador Coll ege. Killingley. Lex Morgan. Kathy Paw­ served " for recreation and for medi­ radio and television - for the com­ Binyamin Mazar. (The dig began a Pasadena, and supervisor of the lak and Nancy Wagner. From Big tation" and will be a site of "con­ ing year. And. as we very carefully year before AC's involvemem.) group. ';Grade-point average, edu­ Sandy are Debbie Broach. Jnay Buf· certs and happenings." monitor the expenditures of all de­ Twelve Ambassador College SIU · cational background. interest in fin gton. Michelle Bumpers . Brad Attending the dc~~ n were panmenls and divisions. we actuaUy dents. six from each of the two cam­ studies and travel experience were al l Buzbee, Mike Ho pper and Terry Jerusale m' Mayor ~ Kollek. hope to increase Ihat figure by a re­ puses. are participating in this year's taken into consideration." Willhoite . U.S. Consul General Michael Ne\\· spectable amount. program. which run ~ from June 7 to The students and Mr. Crouch are The three-credit-houc class 13ught lin and t.:":~'r dent of the Council of NOIwithstanding, even though it July 30 and includes classroom in­ staying in the Ram Hotel for the by Mr. Crouch. hislon cal gcograph )' RabrJlS of ... Icrica. ~ccord in g to may cause additional budget read­ struction and tours of historic sites in eight-week program. which includes of Palestine, requires completion of James D. Scruggs III. a U.S. Slate justments as we go along through the addition to the actual digging. six week~ of supervised digging and 36 hours of classroom studies, read­ Department official stationed here . year - and as God opens new doors Full scholarships for the 12 SIU­ classes laughl by Mr. Crouch. and ing assignmenls. tests and 10 hours "Mr. Annstrong was slated to be before this Work and television sta­ dents were provided by the A1CF. two weeks of extensive louring that (See JERUSALEM. page 9) (See LIBERTY BELL . ;:oage 8) tions become available to us - we are goin g to walk lltrough chose doors ON FAITH and trust in God to provide the wherewithal later. We're Pedal pushers push on going to simply have the faith and confidence in God to know tbat, if He opens the doors. He fully intends to provide the means to walk through in trek across nation those doors! HAYS. Kan . - The Ambassador July 12 when his bicycle hit the back God's Work Solid College-sponsored bicycl ing learn is tire of the biker in front of him abom rig ht on schedule on its 4.300-mile 25 miles west o f Canon CiIY. Colo. J wanl to share wi th you my very trek across the nation. having cov­ Bo b's wrist is in acasl and he wears a confident and satisfied feelings over ered 2.436 miles as of July 17 when back brace. but he intends to finish our intensive budgetary meetings of the cyclers stopped here fo r the the trip in the " sag wagon." a ve­ these past days and give you the very weekend. Only four days before. hicle following the pack, carrying good report that God's Work is in Ihey had reached the halfway point. spare pans and emergency supplies. sound and solid shape. Even though Pueblo. Colo .. where they wel'e es­ "We're working as a team:' we have had to continually make corted by police cars for 7'h miles Geo rge Bryan, assistant 10 tourdirec­ economies w he re necessary and through the city. tor Larry Hawonh. said of their wish we could tell you we are al­ The cyclists began pedaling on the " 90-person family ." (Mr. Hawonh locating an extra $2 million or $4 West Coasl, at Astoria. Ore., June 9 said he prefers to think of their million or even $ 10 million for the on a tour to celebrate the U.S. bicen­ "9.000-person family." counling media, rather than $1 million. it is tennial year. The mo re Ihan 90 riders the Church members who have as­ nevertheless very GOOD news to be include 32 members of the Ambas­ sisted and wi II assist the group along able to work wi th a balanced budget sadorCollege touring team from Big the roule .) and to project (barring. of course. Sandy and some 55 pedalers from any unforeseen reversals in the na­ o ther church areas in 27 states. Sabbaths With Members tional and inlemational economies as Canada and Australia. To date the The cyclisls camp during the week a whole ) thai God's Work should greatest distance covered in a day has and spend the Sabbalh with Church have a year o f positive upturn in all been 111 .9 miles. and the riders ex­ members whenever they can. though respects. CYCUSTS - The Ambassador-sponsored cyclists roll down a Til­ ceed 100 miles many days. for one stretch the y pedaled a month Within a few days I will be com­ lamook, Ore., street under police escort on their 4.300-mile trek across The trip has seen only one casu­ siraight. campin g OUI every day and missionin g various fcasibilil)' Sludi. the nation. They are now more than halfway IhrQu9h their bicentennial­ alty. Bob Berkey. 15, of DarlOn, nOI sccins anr other Church memo with regard to some far-reaching and inspired excursion. [Photo by Douglas Kranchj Ore . broke a collarbone and wriSI (See PEDAL PUSHERS, page 91 2 The WORLDWIDE NEWS Monday, July 19, 1976 deserving special recognition, and instead doing. I wouldn't do without it , all the trips and the people he meets.
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