Original from and digitized by National University of Singapore Libraries Original from and digitized by National University of Singapore Libraries AGRICULTURAL BULLETIN OF STRAITS AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES f-fi* C C ^ ■ OLD SERIES (IS91 - 1900) AND VOLUMES 1 to 10 (1901 - 1911)• Original from and digitized by National University of Singapore Libraries Original from and digitized by National University of Singapore Libraries MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND CO - OPERATIVES DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE PUBLICATIONS (i) Index to Agricultural Bulletin of Straits and Federated Malay States. (ii) Classified List of Principal Original Articles in Agricultural Bulletin of the Federated Malay States and Malayan Agri¬ cultural Journal. (iii) List of Publications of the Department of Agriculture, Federation of Malaya. DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE, FEDERATION OF MALAYA KUALA LUMPUR. 1962 PRICE $2 Original from and digitized by National University of Singapore Libraries IKSiSg CHIm '■■■■..: -.v.-: 11®- W.-y $ fi .. Original from and digitized* by National University of Singapore Libraries contents Page Introduction. 1. Index to Agricultural Bulletin of Straits and Federated Malay States .... .... .... ■••• 1 Old Series (1891 — 151-0)" and L Vols. 1 — 10 (1900 — 191Gf) 2. Classified List of Principal Original Ai'ticles in Agri¬ cultural Bulletin of the Federated Malay States and Malayan Agricultural Journal .... .... 61 3. List of Publications of the Department of Agriculture, Federation of Malaya .... .... .... 126 Original from and digitized by National University of Singapore Libraries INTRODUCTION One of the functions of the Department of Agriculture is to act as a bureau of information on agriculture and allied subjects and the main media are the publications of the Department. The Department commenced to issue "Bulletins" as early as 1909. These occasional publications dealt with various subjects connected with agriculture and were complete in themselves consisting of lines of work which had been brought to definite conclusions. Information which had been brought to light during the progress of the work and visits by Departmental Officers to estates and experimental stations were not considered sufficiently important to warrant publication in a special bulletin and yet these were of some value and interest to agriculturists. It v/as, therefore, decided to publish a periodical containing short articles of immediate interest in 1912. Thus, the first number of "The Agricultural Bulletin of the Federated Malay States" was published in August, 1912. Prior to this, i.e. from 1891 "The Agricultural Bulletin of the S.S. & F.M.S." was published by the Botanic Gardens, Singapore, as an occasional publication until 1910 and then as a monthly journal as a source of information on agricultural matters in Malaya but this was considered insufficient in view of the growth of agriculture and the Department of Agriculture itself in the old Federated Malay .States. The title of the journal was changed to "Malayan Agricultural Journal" in 1922 and thej journal appeared in its present enlarged from in 1930. Concurrently, the "Bulletins" of the Department were recast and were then issued in two series, a General and a Scientific Series. The first number of Economic Series appeared in 1932 and the first and the last issue of Mechanisation Series was published in 1950. In 1956, it was decided to issue all Bulletins of the Department in one series, the series to commence with No. 101. VERNACULAR PUBLICATIONS Publication of agricultural journals in Malay, Chinese and Tamil has been discontinued and published copies are available only for reference in the library of the Department. Malay and Chinese leaflets, are issued by the Department at various times for the use of local farmers not conversant with the English language. MAJALLAH PERTANIAN The above national language agricultural journal contains suitable translated articles from the English publication The Malayan Agricultural Journal. This is published in view of the growing importance of dis¬ seminating the progress of agriculture in this country to the rural popula¬ tion. The first issue was released in March, 1962. ANNUAL REPORT The Annual Report of the Department is published and sold by the Government Printer, Federation of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Titles of issues of all publications of this Department are given in this list with an indication of present availability together with their prices. Remittances for publications and enquiries regarding publications should be addressed to the Director, Division of Agriculture, Federation of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Departmental publications are available for reference at all State Agricultural Offices and; Federal Experiment Stations. Free leaflets are issued to the public from these offices and stations. Original from and digitized by National University of Singapore Libraries Index To AGRICULTURAL BULLETIN OF STRAITS AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES Old Series (1891-1900) Yols. 1 to 10 (1900-1910) (With separate index to articles on Rubber) (Reprinted from the original with some corrections) k VOL. DATE. PAGE. Abolition of Botanic Gardens, Penang 9 March '10 97 Abrus precatorius, a covering plant 8 Sept. '09 415 „ „ at Batu Tiga 8 '09 447 Abroma augusta as fibre 4 May '05 158 Acid soils, treatment of for Rubber, by J. B. Carruthers 8 Jan. '09 1 Acalypha fruticosa, by H. N. Ridley .... 7 July '08 268 Acanthus montanus 2 Sept. '03 291 Acclimatization of Plants, notes on, by H.N.R. 6 Dec. '07 415 yy if yy •••• 7 Jan. '08 1 Acorus calamus, Use of against Termites 3 May '04 178 Acridium sp. (grasshopper at rubber) 8 Sept. '09 424 Actinella Richardsonii (Colorado rubber) 8 Feb. '09 53 Adenanthera pavonina OS Dec. '98 227 Administration of Land Laws of F.M.S. 8 May '09 195 o O „ of Forests in F.M.S.—1903 y y '04 165 Adulteration of Gambir OS Feb. '92 34 ,, of Patchouli yy May '93 54 „ of Cloves y y April '97 114 „ of Pepper .... | .... yy yy '97 120 10 „ of Produce July '11 210 Africa, British Central, planting in 1 April '02 267 1 „ German East, Consular Report y y '02 268 African Products of Rubber 9 May '10 170 5 ,, Rubber Company, a big Jan. '06 8 „ Rubber Vines, by H. N. Ridley G May '07 125 Afzelia palembanica (insect pest of) .... 6 Aug. '07 244 „„ pest of, by H. C. Pratt 6 yy '07 248 Agave americana—-Fibre of 3 March '04 88 jj jj .... .... 3 Oct. '04 409 o Agave sisilana o '04 409 ,, Zapupe 8 Dec. '09 569 9 Age of Rubber Aug. '10 . 338 Agricultural Association, Report on .... 5 July '06 237 „ Exhibitions of the Iioidicultural Society 5 March '06 82 8 „ Exhibitions—American views of .... Oct. '09 474 4 ,, Periods Aug. '05 299 9 „ Produce (1909) y y '10 301 „ Progress in Perak 9 Jan. '10 5 Agricultural Show 2 Oct. '03 334 yy JJ •••■ •••• •••• 3--'04: 66 99, 170, 180, 232, 299 „ „ at Kuala Lumpur (1904) .... 4 June '05 230 „ „ at Penang (1905) 4—June; 161 238, 333 Original from and digitized by National University of Singapore Libraries 2 VOL. DATE. PAGE. Agricultural Show at Penang, by W. Fox 5 March '06 73 1 Oct. '01 29 „„ at Penang 8 '09 „ „ at Penang, rubber list Aug. 375 9 Jan. '10 15 ,, „ at Penang, report of (1909) 1 '02 480 „ „ at Malacca Sept. 5 „ „ at Singapore 06; 34, 307 412 „ „ at Singapore, 1910 9,--'10; 166, 176, 5 Nov. '06 411 „ „ in British Africa 1 —'02: „ „ in the Peninsula 157, 505 7 550 „ „ of Medan —'08;200, 4 ,, Society, proposed 05; 49, 162 Agriculture among natives, Encouragement of, 2 Dec. '03 399 Q O „ among natives, by L. C. Brown -'04; 53, 90 10 March '11 66 ,, and Science 6 '07 273 „ Directors' Report Sept. 4 '05 292 ,, History and development of Aug. 1 Nov. '02 537 ,, in Brazil 10 '11 220 ,, in British North Borneo .... July 2 '03 260 ,, in the Cameroons and Togoland .... May 2 July '03 211 , „ in the F.M.S ditto (1905) 5 June '06 206 6 >» '07 175 „ „ by J. B. Carruthers 7 '08 383 „ in Kelantan Sept. 9 '10 311 ,, in Native States (1900) .... Aug. 5 '06 140 ,, in Seychelles May ,, Progress of, in F.M.S. by T. W. Main 8 Aug. '09 353 7 Nov. '08 523 „ Report of Director of 8 '09 j> >> >> •••• ••** Sept. 391 in F.M.S. (1910) .... 10 Aug. '11 236 10 '11 219 ,, and Forestry in Hawaii .... July Albizzia moluccana, (as shade tree)) OS Dec. '98 227 7 '08 137 „ „ curious roots of .... April Alchornea villosa 4 June '05 215 Alligator Apple, by E. G. F. Campbell 5 Nov. '06 411 Altitude at which Rubber can be grown 5 March '06 67 Alstonia scholaris OS May '00 250 OS June 133 )j •••• •••• .... '97 8 Feb. '09 52 >> )) •••• "" "Pulai" 9 ?» '10 54 Amathusia phidippus (Coconut butterfly) OS May '00 259 Amazons Rubber versus Plantation .... 8 Dec. '09 568 Amorphophallus Prainii OS Dec. '98 215 An Ant-killer 3 Aug. '04 306 Anacardium occidentale 5 Oct. '06 377 3 '04 130 Analysis of Castilloa and Funtumia Rubbers .... April OS Feb. '92 37 „ of Gambir 5 May '06 136 „ of Rubber 7 Dec. '08 579 „ of Soils of Singapore Bot. Gardens .... 8 '09 564 Analytical Laboratories of Aynsome .... 9 Feb. '10 51 „ Notes of Rubber Plants .... Ananas sativa 3 Jan. '04 1 Original from and digitized by National University of Singapore Libraries 3 VOL. DATE. PAGE. Andropogon citratus 5 Aug. '06 282 9 Angsana Tree—disease on .... April '10 133 Animals associated with Rubber 8 July '09 316 Annual Report of Botanic Gardens, Singapore .... 6 April '07 91 S'pore 1907 7 March '08 104 Annual Report of Director of Agriculture 7 Nov. '08 523 Annual Report of Govt. Micologist (1907) 7 Dec. '08 588 „ „ of Govt. Plantations, F.M.S. 7 (1907) »» '08 606 Annual Review of Rubber Market 2 Jan.
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