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a -*-"-^'i"-T 1 i inn rr in" ii" in' m Hi ; --. • < :] I HI ? j 1 ; •"•• ••••': ':• m 001 I *-.;;/ s Alumni Association University of San Francltco 2130 Fulton Street. LMfi 112 San Frsnei*co, CA 94117-1048 EX LIBRIS , The fgnatian I929 COPYRIGHT, MAY 1929 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF ST. IGNATIUS COLLEGE DANIEL C. DEASY, JR., EDITOR RALPH A. DEVINE, BUSINESS MANAGER PRINTED BY GUARANTY PRINTING 6? LITHOGRAPH CO. ENGRAVED BY COMMERCIAL ART & ENGRAVING CO. COVERS BY JOHN KITCHEN JR. CO. THE 0 0 0 IGNATIAN ANNUAL PUBLICATION of ST. IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS MAY, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE CX REV. JAMES J. CONLON, S.J. Professor of Chemistry "*v ( *&iZ ? '*4'/ / J> ^4 '// /, «>V^, °^ *#s %,O/i . ^O 'J-/ «/ ^ #s KA^-^^ ^ ^Co IA/Z ^ /£?, OAr */ rt ***& «& e<**c ^ t«S V \A "V \ Ttf& \ ,^S &** *YOtf p\CA V? «r.o*D ^d^ oW# # tv# c ^$S -t^ o^G tfKS*"a y<°*** i \. °*& ye<{/)• %S cO. °s6 'ts '*<? °f 4/?c We *°se n4: *tofta re n~-,°f *s 0/2 C VA 46e 0 y ^>£teJ*« ,£•''*o*r % s s 4v 'rjv/ tertrJ*?^ ft '«y«tn7°°* ''4 e "> // aS *»e leSs *s* WA*it °«r S Uj t/uJe 'o A r *'tt °^J' ^s. o% •> «V ,}**«.— 6 Htj 46,Or <W V2, S P'r«t- td^ °f46Cj \^A I \\ THE PROGRESS OF LAW i. Kjaveman hopes and aspirations Of the race Neanderthal Seemed to lie in strained relations And in bashing one and all. Thus in studies retrospective When we find these tactics prized, We declare the lot "elective, Surely—but not civilized!" OQAS}G>C \v ii O o THE COLLEGE if Ov \\r REV EDWARD J. WHEELAN, S. J. President REV, HUBERT J. FLYNN, SJ. Dean of the College of Arts and Science REV. CHARLES F. CARROLL, S.J. Regent of the Schools of Law and Commerce REV. THOMAS J. FLAHERTY, S.J. Treasurer HON. MATT I. SULLIVAN Dean of the School of Laiv REV. JOHN H. MCCUMMISKEY, S.J. Dean of Men Four years of life have swiftly passed away And friends full many, foes beside, have we, And now we stop and think with drear dismay Hon' tinged with deep regret our joy shall be. LAWRENCE E. MCINERNEY, Arts, '29 18 The IGN AVIAN* 1929 F acuity DIVISION OF ARTS AND SCIENCE i 1 i HENRY F. ABELLA, A.B. W. BRICE ATKINSON, M.S. REV. GEORGES MONBALLIU BAILEY, S.J. REV. RICHARD H. BELL, S.J. A. RUSSELL BERTI, M.A., LL.B. BERNARD BIERMANN, J.D. CO REV. CORNELIUS A. BUCKLEY, S.J. JOSEPH M. CLARK, S.J. REV. ALEXANDER J. CODY, S.J. V REV. JAMES J. CONLON, S.J. PRESTON DFVINE, A.B., LL.B. 0A0 REV. HENRY A. GABRIEL, S.J. REV. JOHN J. GEARON, S.J. JAMES J. GILL, M.A. GEORGE HALEY, PH.D. • * REV. JOSEPH T. MORTON, S.J. JAMES R. NEEDLES, A.B. WILLIAM A. O'BRIEN, A.B., LL.B. FRANCIS IGNATIUS O'NEILL, M.A. CO MIGUEL RUE LAS JOHN J. SAVAGE, B.S. VICTOR C. SETHER, M.A. r • ^ HENRY J. STRICKROTH, B.S. REV. JAMES L. TAYLOR, S.J. REV. ALOYSIUS M. TORRE, S.J. REV. VICTOR V. WHITE, S.J. \ /' i i ASSISTANTS AND SECTION LEADERS ok> HAROLD J. CLARKE DANIEL C. DEASY, JR. PAUL F. O'GARA WILLIAM B. SPOHN KARL J. WAIDER ST. IGNATIUS COLLEGE 19 • DIVISION OF LAW AND COMMERCE HERMAN A. VAN DER ZEE BERNARD BEIRMANN, J.D. EDWARD KEIL, A.B., LL.B. V HON. DANIEL C. DEASY, LL.B. WILMER H. EBERLY, LL.B. WILLIAM T. SWEIGERT, A.B. LL.B. CHARLES P. KNIGHTS, A.B., LL.D. WILLIAM A. BREEN, A.M., LL.B. HAROLD C. CAULFIELD, A.B., LL.B. MORGAN T. DOYLE, A.B., LL.M. K JOSEPH A. FARRY, A.M., LL.D. ROBERT E. FITZGERALD, A.M., LL.B. JAMES J. HARRINGTON, A.B. LL.B. EDWARD M. LEONARD, A.B. LL.B. PAUL A. MCCARTHY, A.B. LL.B. V BENJAMIN MCKINLEY, A.B. LL.D. REV. JOSEPH T. MORTON, S.J. JOHN J. O'GARA. A.M. LL.D. JAMES J. O'GRADY, A.M. REV. VICTOR V. WHITE, S.J. REV. ALOYSIUS M. TORRE, S.J. HENRY J. STRICKROTH, B.S. nn WILLIAM G. CLARK, C.P.A. V LOUIS T. DIEBELS PRESTON DEVINE, A.B. LL.B. JEROME A. DUFFY, LL.B. WILLIAM A. O'BRIEN, LL.B. CO WILLIAM B. RYAN, B.S. NICHOLAS J. BUSCH. PH.D. EDWARD I. FITZPATRICK, A.B., LL.B. JAMES V. COMERFORD JAMES J. GILL, M.A. JAMES L. ELLIS GORDON O'NEILL, A.B. t \ REV. THOMAS FLAHERTY, S.J. CHARLES RUGGLES, A.B. LL.B. REV. JAMES L. TAYLOR, S.J. JAMES J. O'GRADY MERVYN MILLER REV. CORNELIUS BUCKLEY, S.J. ROBERTO SANGIORGI, LL.B. MIGUEL RUELAS REV. GEORGES MONBALLIU BAILEY, S.J. REV. PETER M. DUNNE, S.J. 22 T/k IGNATIAN < 1929 Arts and Ocienc e V EDWARD KINGWELL BUTLER, A.B. Block Club Glee Club Dramatics, 3 V Philalethic Congress, 1, 2 Track, 2, 3 1 HAROLD JOHN CLARKE, A.B. Bio-Chemical Club; Philalethic Congress, 1 oao JOHN JOSEPH COLEMAN, A.B. Philhistorian Debating Society; Block Club; Glee Club; Department Head, 1929 Ignatian; Senior Editor, Ignatian News; Senior Manager of Track; Secretary of Block Club, 4; Oratorical Contest, 1, 2, 4; McKinley Debate, 2; Track, 1, 2, 3. FRANCIS JAMES COLLIGAN, A.B. President of A.S.S. I.C., 4; Kappa Lamb­ da Sigma; Philhistorian Debating Society; Skull and Sledge; President. Students' Spiritual Council, 4; Executive Commit­ tee Rep., 3; Board of Student Control; Board of Athletic Control; Associate Edi­ tor, Ignatian News, 4; Varsity Debater, 4; Chairman, Constitutional Committee, 3; Editor. Ignatian Handbook, 4. ST. IGNATIUS COLLEGE 23 II DANIEL PATRICK CONVERY, B.S. Philalethic Congress, 1, 2 Football, 1 Legal Debating Society, 3 Interclass Basketball, 1, 2, 3, 4 V PETER LEO COX, B.S. Transferred, 3 Students' Spiritual Council DANIEL CORNELIUS DEASY, JR., A.B. Kappa Lambda Sigma; Philhistorian De­ bating Society; College Players; Glee Club; Editor of 1929 Ignatian; Senior Editor, Ignatian News; Executive Com­ mittee Representative, 4; Games Commit­ tee, 4; Reception Committee, 4; Publica­ tions Council, 4; Dramatics, 3, 4; Ora­ torical Contest, 2; Philalethic Congress, 1, 2; Legal Debating Society, 3. JOHN JOSEPH FAHEY, B.S. Philalethic Congress. 1, 2 Legal Debating Society, 3 Students' Spiritual Council 24 The IGNATIAN ' 1929 CHARLES ANTHONY GERSTBACHER. A.B. Philalethic Congress, 1, 2 Philhistorian Debating Society Treasurer, Philhistorian Debating Society. RICHARD HECHT, B.S. Philalethic Congress. 1, 2 Executive Committee, 4 Class Vice President, 4 Senior Manager of Minor Sports Treasurer of Students Spiritual Council. 3 SANTIAGO HERRIN, B.S. Transferred from University of the Philippines, 3 President of Filipino Ignatians. 4 FRANCIS XAVIER KERNER, A.B. College Players; Glee Club; Secretary A. S.S.I. C, 2; Executive Committee, 4; Board of Student Control, 4; Class Presi­ dent, 1, 4; Dramatics, 3, 4; President. Philalethic Congress, 2; Vice President. Philalethic Congress, 1; President, Phil­ historian Debating Society, 4. ST. IGNATIUS COLLEGE 25 EDWARD JAMES K1LMARTIN, A. B. Transferred, 4 Law Varsity Tennis Team, 4 Librarian, 4. VALENTINE JOHN KING, A. B. Kappa Lambda Sigma; Philhistorian De­ bating Society, 4; President, College Play­ ers, 4; Skull and Sledge; Games Commit­ tee, 4; Department Head. 1929 Ignatian, 4; Senior Editor. Ignatian News; Dra­ matics, 4; Stanford Debate, 4. JAMES FRANCIS LAYDEN, A. B. Kappa Lambda Sigma; Philhistorian De­ bating Society; Secretary, College Players, 4; Glee Club; Student Manager of Dra­ matics, 4; Dramatics, 3; Oratorical Con­ test, 2; McKinley Debate, 2; Ignatian News Contributor, 2, 3, 4. THOMAS GORDON LIST. A. B. College Players, 4; Glee Club; Philhis­ torian Debating Society; Oratorical Con­ test, 2; Dramatics. 3, 4; President, Phila­ lethic Congress, 2; Secretary. Philistorian Debating Society, 4; Class Treasurer, 1, 2, 4. 26 The IGNATIAN < 1929 ISIDRO LOPEZ, B. S. Filipino Ignatians. GEORGE ELLIOT MALONEY, A. B. President, Block Club, 4; Executive Com­ V mittee, 3; Senior Football Manager; Class President, 3; Brawl Committee, 3; Base­ ball, 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball, 1, 2, 3, 4. 009 WILLIAM GREGORY MILLER. A. B. Dramatics, 3 Contributor, 1929 Ignatian Philalethic Congress, 1, 2. JAMES HERBERT MURPHY, B. S. Varsity Golf Team, 3, 4 Transferred, 3. ST. IGNATIUS COLLEGE 27 WILLIAM A. McCORMACK, B. S. Treasurer, Bio-Chemical Club, 2 Games Committee, 4 Fiesta de Adios Committee, 3 Chairman, Junior Prom. Committee, Track, 1, 2 Interclass Basketball, 1, 2. 0 LAWRENCE EDWARD McINERNEY, A. B. Philhistorian Debating Society; Executive Committee Representative, 3; General Ac­ tivities Committee, 4; Games Committee, 4; Senior Baseball Manager; Dramatics, 3; Assistant Publicity Director, 3; Stunts Committee, 3; Football, 1, 2; Class Secre­ tary, 3, 4; Contributor, 1929 Ignatian; Philalethic Congress, 1, 2. DANIEL JOSEPH O'BRIEN, A. B. College Players Dramatics, 4 Philalethic Congress, 1, 2 Philhistorian Debating Society. CYRIL THOMAS O'CONNOR, A. B. Vice President, Students' Spiritual Coun­ cil, 4 Philalethic Congress. 28 The IGNATIAN < 1929 RAYMOND JOSEPH O'CONNOR, B. S. Treasurer, Block Club, 4; Executive Com­ mittee, 3; Vice President, Students' Spirit­ ual Council, 4; Senior Manager, Basket- Ball; Baseball, 1, 2, 3, 4; Captain, Base­ ball Team, 3; Class Vice President, 3. BARTHOLOMEW ODONOGHUE, A. B. Secretary. Bio-Chemical Club 1926 Ignatian Staff Philalethic Congress, 1, 2 Publicity Department, 1 Class Secretary, 1, 2. JOHN ANTHONY O'KANE, A. B. Dramatics. 3 Winner Oratorical Contest, 3 Winner, Sullivan Memorial Contest, 4 Valedictorian, 1929. Librarian, 4. ROBERT THOMAS ORR, B. S.

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