Iiinliilf : Ord at Midnight To- New York

Iiinliilf : Ord at Midnight To- New York

THX EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. * LITTLE SPORT C-4 * nmr. spit l. iaaa MAJOR BOX SCORES CAMPANULA TOP VOTt GtTTtR ——————————— All-Star Balloting Ends GIANTS, S BRAVES, 7; CUBS, 4 hfsgEf ltS5: Tonight; Record Likely ssssar CHICAGO, July l (i*).—The 10 0 0 30lit'* ] 1Rhodes Walker.c 7 ¦ IMS Nation-wide All-Star hue- i Westrum.c 10 4 1 HowtlLc 0 0 8 0 ' • 1 ' F 0 20 •: . SECOND BASE—Fox. Chicago. 1.243.- Hesrn.o 30 1 RewciFka.s 0 1 sssl :i: s isssr-* s s j bell poll—heading toward a rec- 772:- Arils. Cleveland. 1.219,408; Me- 2Taylor 1 0 0 0 keesmr.p 0 0 0 1 Dougald. Grissom.p 10 0 iiinliilf : ord at midnight to- New York. 618.23.1: Runnels, 11 SktUert 10 0 total—closer j Washington. 237.114; Ooodmsn. Boston. wWlm.p 0 0 0 0 Roebuck,* 0 0 0 1 ! leagues night. McCall * 00 0 0 t Shubo 110 0 FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Dodgers Hurting for Catchers M 0 0 0 ToUls 84 11 24 7 TsUto 24 *27 16I ,\minor e Qlel.P 0 10 0 0 The latest tabulation showed i **Br aS£i,* i*Sssßl (Holman Br th* Associated Fries By Roeen,!!MSLCleveland 748.116: Carey. Mew tfeuuU 0 0 0 0 th*Associated Press 4,496,956 ballots have been east ’ /ork. .155,401: Detroit. 113.015. D 1, Hatfield. Sm2S“*j^ i As Third-Stringer Takes Over . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE to and BHORTBTOP—Kuenn. Detroit. 1.236,- Totals 40 7x31 IS Totals Sfllo 33 16 An^*«S 17s! L*s Apceles. ll;Portland. 7 (it ta- name the American Na- 157; Carraaquel. Chicaeo. 1.219.784; !ai bi - by tional League starting lineups j New York. 435.062: 1 Safe on error lor Katt to 7th. 6 ' ~ BROOKLYN. July 1 (JP).— - ground ball Gail Harris. Diets, Ban Banter. ttrlekland. ' *• S*r. 7: Francises. 4 <ll In- for the 22d Game in ' Cleveland, 306,281: Klaus, Boston. 2 Struck out for Hawn la 7th. Dixie Howell will catch for the ! Walker tagged him for a double t nines.) All-Star 11: County - LBPTFIELD—WiIIiams. Boston. 1.- 1 SIS iS SSS=? 1 Bimini, B. W. t—Yams Bshsmc. '• Dodgers against the to- play but suffered a badly bruised inoilywood.Oakland Sacrament* 18. Milwaukee Stadium July ] * * Pirates ¦ at Seattfe. postponed. 235.906; Zeraisl Kansas CHy. 1,198.- 6 singled far Roebuck ta llth. B UUn Do«*Ui- ' 12. That figure already exceeds j 326; Chicago. One winning run was L night as the National League > shoulder and will be out for twoJ INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Minoso. 801.524: Ainer. x out whoa' 3. New York. wsr&bxv: - attempt Toronto. 4; Columbus. the 1954 total of 4.272,470 votes. ! Cleveland. 273.101: Noren. acoaasu. Cnadhll. Errors—Jnckssn. leaders to absorb a wave > or three days. Montreal. 18; Havana. 3. New 000 100 20-8 : 5: 4. high - York 200 001 ; that, I The Dodgers beat the Giants. Buffalo. Richmond The all-time is 4,637,743 ' ir Brooklyn -----T 000 SOO Sl—o TIGERS, 4; WHITE SOX, 3 of injuries under normal ' Syracuse at Rochester, postponed. ErsL - 1,280!295! D5w! a2whid. **l.2lß**l2; Adcock <2)7 cron*. Tws-bsss i ¦¦...i.i a ¦—— innings yesterday to ballots, established in 1949. > Tuttle. Detroit, 338.141: Piersall. Bos- Runs —Dark, Lockman (J), Maya. Ter- Thomson. ¦ conditions, could be disastrous. 8-5. in 11 a AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Roy Campanella. Brooklyn ton. 391,808: bu.br. Chicago. 217,073. wllliger. Gilliam. Rasas. Raider <2l, A.H.O.A. Chfengo, A.H.O.A!y aren’t con- keep right on rolling just thee Denver. 19: St. Paul. 3. 1 Amoros, Purillo. Errors—Bodies Row- 3 14 1 But these normal ¦ Minneapolis at Omaha, postponed. catcher, out of the lineup with : -4 ditions, as the Dodgers are coast- . same. Only tames .-cheduled. kneecap, Jensen. Boston. 398.114; A. Smith. ing along 13-game TEXAS LEAGUE a broken still remains ; 391.258; Chlesso, BFmgSOF* e on a lead over Shreveport. 8' (10-tnntns Clertland. Riviera. Houston, bits—Lockman. Thompson. Adcock, yest CblwMrw, 0 4 2K«n'»,Sb ills0 0 0 o K vote-get- 268.306. Two-base 4 2 0 second-place tie. called time limit). highest : — the individual CATCHER—-Berra. 1.274.- 7^ .10 10 Rivers.r( 4 0 .1 Milwaukee. New York. 2;*sT 0 Howell, . Cage Coach San Antonio. 7: Btsumont. 0. ter with 1.279.419. 382: Dollar. Chlesso. 802.1}*; Hetan. Three-base^hlt Wuns^ran-^- SmB??: off*'JcffMsS! cSs*J*2; 416 0 Butbr.cf 414 6o the veteran catcher Quits Oklahoma City. 16; Tulsa. S. be an- ! Cleveland. 429.608; White. Boston. 391.- by'RSUht b * 0 6 0 Jackson.lb 2 0 7 0 who has been on verge of Dallas. 7: Fort Worth. 6. Pinal returns will 413: Courtner. Washington.242.Bl6. Sf BadW, 4. '3 00 2 Drooo.lb 1021 1 the plays—Terwtlllger ' Harris; Off I in 6 tnnlncs; off Jsfleost..^*^7 SOUTHERN AsgbCIATION Double 3 29 nounced Monday. There were *to Innings; ; Moss.c 110 n being released several times, has [ After Years . lam res to Wolkor. Left or 4 in 1« off Dovls. o In Vs * 3Pierce 0 0 Little Rack. 13; Chattanooga. 6. Gill to Hod 16 la 0 0 — Mobile. no major changes today’s Brooklyn. 8. Base* Inning; off Confer, ft innings: B.liliii'x"0 0 0 moved up string i CUMBERLAND, July 1 (JP). Atlanta. 7; 6. in : bases—New York. 7; ta Inning; Fornie's-P 0o from third to Birmingham. 6; New ! Hearn, *8 1: off JohuMa. 0 Vi off Cron*. 1 0 * Orleans. latest tabulation. on balls—OS 17 Moctsaat. runs—- L Trucks.* 20 1 first string as a result of injuries Walter Louis Bowers, basketball 1 Memphis. 6. off Nowcomb*. 2; off ffpooner, I: off tn 2 MUms. Runs and oaraod • lNleman lion i Nashville. 17: out—By 1; Campanella High ... EASTERN LEAGUE . The T 6 players elected will ' , Roebuck. 1. Struck Hearn. gSrfffiJliJ&.tfrJk Consue'a,* oelo o to Roy and Rube : coach at Allegany School , I Allentown. by by Mr Haw- “ IStcpheas o 10: Wilkes-Barre 3. appear least 1,231,964: Behoendlmet.” at. .4 Grissom. 8: McCall. It 0-0; off Crons, o-fl. Winning pitcher— 1 0 o for 3$ years, has been relieved Reading. 6: Blnshgmpton. 3- start and for at Hamner, Philadelphia, 1.103,- li k 2 Walker. 1 Albany, 7; innings, barring 1.224.319: '£ Cron. (3-1). Loclng oltchcr—Jtffcoot 36 coaching . Williamsport. 6. three illness or i 858; O'Connell. Milwaukee. 397,101; QU- ; M¦Sa2rrm (6-8), ,* Tote Is 32 7 278 ToUll 727 is3 Campanella, whose injured of his duUes at his own* Schenectady. 4. 11am, Brooklyn. 384,626. Grissom. 4 Id 3% Innings;.*£^E;off WUhslm. Tlum—2:3o. Attendcnce—3l.332. I 10: Elmira. injury. pitchers, additional Milwaukee, o 0 Inning (faeod one loth); 1 Steeled for Trucks In 7th. Dodg- request. „ SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE _ The 1 THIRD BASB—Mathews. , In batter In hand was a factor in the Montgomery, s—l3; Macon. 2—12. outfielders, infielders and catch- 1.238.142; Jaekaon, Chlesso. 1.226*29: : off MeCalL 0 tn ti inning; off Glel. 0 2 Run for KtU tn Bth. ers’ loss to the Giants last year, Ralph R. Webster, superin- • ‘ueusta. 3—5; I—7. Brooklyn. Jones, . inning; Moniaat, 8 Ran for Morn la 9th. Columbus by ¦ Robinson. 621.403: In off 1 In W ln- Title Defense schools, 2S-year- Savannah. 4: Charlotte. 3. ers will.be named the oppos-j i Philadelphia, Thompson. Newr ning: off Noweombe. 6 Is 7 timings: off Planned 4 Fouled out ter Consuegra la Sth. suffered a knee injury -when i tendent of said Columbia. 7: Jacksonville, 4. Spooner, 0 2 innings: off Roebuck, ing All-Star managers, A1 Lopez In TOKYO, July 1 UP).— Orient Detroit 200 000 020—4 4 struck by a foul Up in Bt. Louis iold Robert Eugene Shaw, who > . LEAGUE Logan. In Innings. Rung „ PIEDMONT °SHORTSTOP Milwaukee s 2 2 and earned runs t *• of the Indians and Leo Durocher 1.241.693: Banka. Chicago. 1.233.277; : —Off Hearn. 2-2; off Grissom. 3-3: off Chlcato 000 008 100—33 almost ago played for Bowers during the n Reese, Brooklyn, 702.414; New 0-0: off McCall, <M»; Lightweight Champion Omsap two weeks and has i * Jro ,«f’i2: ' Dark. r Wilhelm. off Glel. U a lU 19405, aunoury,r ,: Lynchburg.nc«r of Nswcombe, 1 had been 4. the Giants. York. 611*26; McMillan. Cincinnati.. 0-0: off Moniant. 1-1: off Naruphai - ?• appeared only briefly twice since named to re- ¦ > 197.118. 3-2. off Spooner. 0-0; off Roebuck. 2-2. of Thailand will de- Po? 2u^ *BSte? Er'ro?s— ’< I AMERICAN LEAGUE CBN TERFIELD Snider. Oromok. Runs batted In—Tuttl*. Boone then. He collected four hits in i place him. Washington, Brooklyn,, winning pitcher—Roebuck (5-3). Loclng * FIRST - ; against veteran, including 1.228,627; BASE—Vtrnon. 1.162.618: Ashburn, Philadelphia. 1.131.- pitcher—Monaant (0-4). Time—3:24. fend his title five attempts two dou- Bowers said, “I’m beginning Power. ktnm City, 1.194.- 441: Macs. New York. 1.118.892: Virdon.. Attendance—£2.434, ffiL-ESss: ¦ i i |1St. Louis, 286,073; Bruton. Milwaukee. battle-scarred Masashi Akiyama 5 Tuttle. Hum* rant—Minoso. Boone. t. files against the Cube June 31’to feel the wear and tear.

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