\ » VOL. X X X V III NO. 36. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, MARCH 30, 1916. PRICE 4 CENT8 PROGRESSIVE by, treasurer. A. D. Graffam, Mrs. F. S. Haley, The town committee are Dr. F. B. MISS EDNA TRUE Mrs. C. F. Chandler, Mrs. N. E. GRAND TIME CAUCUS HELD Colby, Jaimes Mathieson, W. D. Quim- Wells, Mrs. C. E. Parker, Mrs. N. E. by, Anson Hoair, Charles Barrett, Er­ FIRST REGENT Butler; afternoon committee, Mrs. AT RANGELEY Proctor Smith, Mrs. Frank Savage, nest Haley, M. Tomlinson, Sylvad- Town Committees and Delegates W. Mrs, Joseph Sweetser, Mrs. George er Binkley, Dr. C. S. Stuart, M. D. D. A. R. Chapter Organized in Adams, Mrs. Mary Gleason; enter­ Tibbetts, Cliff HUB, W. E. Twomibly. Entwistle Lodge “Can’t Be Beat” Chosen for the Various tainment, Mrs. Fred Wells, Mrs. Delegates to State Convention at Phillips-State Regent Present. Ralph Bangs, Miss Hortense Voter, for Entertaining—Grand Mas­ Conventions. Bangor, April 5: iSylvadier Hinkley, Mrs. George Adam©. Janues Mathieson; alternates, Er­ ter Bunker Present. Through the efforts of Miss Edna Confectionery wa© passed around (Special to Maine Woods.) nest Haley, Dr. F. B. Colby. True, who for several years has in the afternoon and games enjoyed. Rangeley, March 28.—At the Pro­ Delegates to District Convention been a member of Colonial Daugh­ A grand time was that of the Dis­ gressive caucus held March 27th, Dr. Sylvaderr Hinkley, James Mathieson ; ters Chapter D. A. R. of Farmington, trict meeting of the Odd Fellows at F. B, Colby was chosen chairman; county convention, Dr. F. B. Colby, a chapter has recently been organiz­ Rangeley last Friday night. The spec­ James Mathieson, clerk; W. D. Quiim- W. D. Quimby, Anson Hoar. ed in Phillips to be known as Jona­ PRELIMINARY ial train was scheduled to leave tills than True Chapter, No. 27, D. A. R. town at 4 o’clock. A few members from Gov. King Lodge of Klngfieid The first meeting occurred at the SPEAKING HELD arrived here at noon, and went on home of Mis© True on the evening of March 21, Mrs. C. W. Steele of the special from here. Before the train started the band, all members Farmington, State Regent, institut­ Reynold Graffam and Zera Batch- ing the chapter and installing the of­ of the order except two, gave a few elder Chosen tor the Finals. selections at the station. Upon ar­ ficers. The charter members are riving in Rangeley the members, 63 Edna True, Elima Byron, Eva Tooth- aker, Velma Russell, Imogeme Scam- The Preliminary Speaking Contest in number, headed by the band man, Evelyn Currier, Mliiia Ross, took place at the Union church last (Continued on page 8.) Lillian Tooth|aker, Mattie Atwood, Saturday evening with thef following Aibertine Butterfield, Mabel True speakers and selections: en: First assessor, Carroll L. and Edith Hunter, all of whom were Music Knapp; 2nd assessor, S. S. Whitney; present except Mlis-s Hunter. The The Soldier’s Reprieve, 3rd assessor, Colby B. Whittemore. officers for the ensuing year are: Irma Sampson The officers of the fine department Regent, Edna True; Vice Regent, Truth and Victory, Bstella Smith are as follows: Clerk, C. E. Parker; Madia Ross; Secretary, Blrna Byron; Napoleon The Little, chief engineer, E. V. Holt; 2nd en­ Registrar, Lillian Toothaker; Histor­ Karl Howland gineer, W. R. Leavitt; 3rd engineer, ian, Evelyn Currier; Treasurer, Vel­ Voice from a Far Country, A. S. Beedy. ma Russell; Chaplain, Imogene Seam- Gertrude Stillman man. Music DEATH OF RESPECTED RANGE- The chapter is named for the A Pathetic Incident of the great grandfather of Miss True and Rebellion, Zera Batdlielder LEY CITIZEN. two of the other charter members. The Dreamers,, Reynold Graffam The old flint Jack carried by Jona­ There’ll be Room in Heaven, Geonge Dana Hinkley, who died than True when at Valley Forge Pluilomene Bourque March 16, 1916 at his home in Ran­ with Washington has airways been in < Music geley was born in Madrid, July 8, the True family. It has now be­ Decision of Judges 1847, and was the son of Joseph and come the property of Miss True, and As is usually tlie case it was not Polly Hinkley. very fittingly ojeoupied a place of an easy task that was assigned the There were nine children in the honor in the parlor daring the cere­ judges, Mr. D. F. Field, Mrs. O. H. family. Mr. Hinkley’s age was 68 monies of the founding of the chapt­ Hersey and Mas. E. C. Higgins. The years, 8 months and 13 days. er. parts were excellent and well given, His first wife, M-ns. Elverna Ab­ The J. M. Teague Ca/mp, S. of V. and it was after some time spent In bott died June 19, 1877 and his sec­ presented the Daughters with a beau­ consultation that Mr. Field announc­ ond wife, September 28, 1908. His tiful flag. ed that Mr. Graffam and Mass oldest Child by hiiis second marriage, Tllie talk given by Mrs. Steele re-; Batdhelder, biut that the vote of the Riley, died when about two years cf garding historic research in our own committee was not a unanimous one. age. PLEASANT ISLAND CAMPS The final speaking in the Inter- HOTEL BLANCHARD state was very interesting and Mr. Hinkley was taken sick on On Cupsuptic Lake. Fishing unex­ scholastic contest will be held at STRATTON MAINE worthy of earnest thought and con­ February 9th with dermatitis but celled. Best of hunting. Special rates Strong, and of course iwe are all sideration. After the close of the was only confined to has bed for two In the center of the Fish and Game for June, October and November. hoping that Phillips will still be able regular meeting, a social hour was weeks. Everything was done tor Section. Write for booklet. Write for booklet. to bring borne another cup this year. enjoyed, during which time Miss him that was possible, and his niece, WESTON U. TOOTH AKER, Prop., -HOTEL BLANCHARD, True, assisted by Mrs. Henry True, Mrs. Harry Batohe’der cared tor him. STRATTON MAINE. E. H. GROSE. Prop. Pleasant Island, - - Maine served ice cream, coffee and assort­ Both of his sisters, Mrs. Wltbam and ed cake. The meetings will be CORPORATION Mrs. Morrill and ibis son, Guy were held the first Tuesday of each with him before he died. month. Tine next one Tuesday, OFFICERS CHOSEN Mr. Hinkley belonged, to the. G. A. Mountain View House | April 4 at Mass True’s home. R. Post of Phillips and was always an active and interested member. Mountain View, Maine Phillips to Have All Nigh Electric When Bunker Hill day ha© been ob­ For farther particulars write or address | CHILDREN’S DAY served in Rangeley Mr. Hinkley was Light Service. always on hand to assist in every L. E. BOW LEY, AT THE GRANGE way possible to make the day a Mountain View, » » * Maine.| The annual meeting of the Phillips pleasant-cne, for everyone attending Village Corporation was he1" last and especially to the “ Boys in Blue,” Little Ones Give Pleasing Program. Thursday night at Lambert hall, to whom he was ever a loyal Cony M. Hoyt was oliosen moderator brother. and J. Blaine Morrison clerk. There He served 10 months in the army Ed. Grant’s Kennebago Camps Childrens’ Day at the Grange Wed were 21 articles in the warrant and at the close of the Civil war. Log camps with baths, open fires, etc. Best trout fly-fishing, both lake and nesday, was asi usual' ,a happy day the most of them were speedily tak­ Mr. Hinkley was a stage driver for stream, canoeing, mountain climbing, etc. Excellent cuisine. Post Office for the little ones and there was a en care of. many years between Phillips and wd Long Distance Telephone in Main Camp. For rates, descriptive circulars very large number present. Games One of the most important matters Rangeley before the railroad was snd other information, write _ __ CD. G R A N T (S i. S ON CO., P. O. Address, Grant s Me. were enjoyed before the dinner hour, to come before the voters was the built and lids patrons ever found him Railroad and Telegraph office Kennebago, Me. and also after the following program question of all night electric light pleasant and obliging at all times in the afternoon: service for the town. and hie made many friends whom he Piano Solo, Ruth Merton On the advice of the Public Utili­ always kept. Recitation, Louise Worthley ties Commission some time before, The funeral services for the de­ j BALD MOUNTAIN CAMPS,*“ mJ10“ " ,‘” | Recitation, Elaine Badger that the people of the Electric Light ceased were held at the Rangeley F. B. clhurcib, Rev. H. A. Childs officiat­ BalcPMountain Camps are situated at the foot of Bald Mountain on l^oselookme- Solo, Marcia Davenport Co. get together in some way on the runtic Lake. Near the best fishing- grounds, b irst classTreecircularAt % Dialogue, Opal Webber, Cora matter, a satisfactory agreement was ing. The remains were taken to road to camps—Telephone connections—Two mails daily—*Vv nte tor free circul . Madrid for burial, accompanied by AMOS ELLIS. Prop’r.. Bald Mountain, Maine % McLaughlin wag reached, so that it was not nec­ Piano Solo, Evelyn Jacobs essary to have a decree given by the his tour children. His three sens, Recitation, Irene Wing Commission, and the Electric Light Gard, Ernest and Guy, with, a cousin, Girls’ Quartette, Colored Co., will furnish all might service, Riley Hinkley, were the bearers. Select Reading and Tableaux, probably beginning in about cne Four children, 12 grandchildiren and Rangeley Lakes and Dead River Mrs.
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