( THE PACIFIC CITIZEN Established 1929 National PublicatJon of the Japanese American Citizens League (75c Postpaid U.S.) ewsstand. 25 Cents #2.588 Vol. 111 NO. 7 ISSN: 0030-8579 941 East 3rd St. Suite 200. Los Angeles, CA 90013 Friday. September 14. 1990 ~ MEET 'CPL. JOE KASHIKOI YO'; 'L.A. TIMES' EDITORIAL TURNS TIDE: Asian American Enlists into Little Tokyo Veterans Memorial · Mort Walke-'s GI Joe Comics Dispute at Compromise Stage HO OL LV-Thi past week (Sept According to Honolulu Star Bulletin LO GELES - CoL Young O. nunitm nt and fundrai .- 6), Cpt Joe Kashlkoi Yo, an Asian writer Burl Burlingame, Walker care­ Kim, president of the I 4-12ndl II American character, was introduced by fully sought opinions of a dozen or so World War U Memorial Foundation, Ol Mort Walker to hi "Beetle Bailey" A ian Americans before proceeding, deelared that the Foundation board, at comic trip because he said the number including a woman in charge of Asian i meeting on ept 5. had reaffrrmed t!tt!mn M m nal lonument Will> t of Asian Americans in the U. has affairs at the L.A. Times and the Asia i concurren e with the compromi' in Iud na~ of all I ,6 9 Japan • grown 30% in the last 10 years. House in ew York . He was on the program offered by Mi hael D. Barker meri an-Ih ing and deau-\vh Walker said he will timulate new verge of dropping the character after of the Barker-Patrinel Group, Lnc,. to erved ID the I th B ttaH n. 4-Lnd • Ideas-and pe£hap attract the non­ con ulting with orne Japane Amer­ the isei eteran Coordinating Coun- Regimental omba! Team, and the comic reading A ian American as ican he talked to--' they were very cil ( CC) lilitary Intelligen e ef\ i e dunng well. nsitive to tereotyped imag of take­ letter dated July 17, I , w \\arume penod Th ethruc roll call at Camp Swampy charge, buy-everything Japan e. I was nt by Barker to Jim Mita, President The m nument i to be perman ntl m ludes Beetle himself-he' lri h; told it was OK to have a Japan of CC, requ ting a pon to hi located ID the maID plaza of FU"'l.t tn.'et t. Sgt. Snorkel I German , Plato I Greek, character, but he had to tay in the compromise program \ hich in luded Plaza, a _ milIt n devel pmem pro­ Rocky I Italian, Mi Buxley i hadow , not say anything, and nor do JIM TOKESHI eight resolution : (I) Memorial I a­ Ject \\.hl h in ' Iude the nonh 'Id or Swedi h, Gen . Halftrack i Engli hand anything . Therefore, no one would be tion, (2) Memorial d ign competition, East FiIll! treet in th heart of Llltl Lt Flap I black. offended." (3) inclu ion of the I .649 member Tokyo. But the cartooni t really wanted to nam of the 100th. 442nd and Ml poke person ~ r the I 4-Ln " Zero i JU t the farm hick, and no Tokeshi Named group of World War 11 . (4) pecial MI et ian Memonal ommittee. , ethnic group in the would would lay in tall "a quick and mart and ambiti­ ou .. character into the laid-back almo - eetion for KIA (killed in action) of George i hinaka. had satd in an inter­ claim to him, according to Beetle cre­ PSW Regional phere of Camp Swampy, so he went other wars. (5) re pon ibility of iden­ vie\ ID February . "We want to make ater Mort Walker. ahead and Cpr. Yo uch a person. tifying and funding the additional pe ial recogniti n of the I <W2nd Kashikoi is Japanese for wise, intel­ Director Japanese American cartooni t nam of the pecial ction by CC, and th MI ~ r their a ompli hmen hgent, clever and essentially sum up Den­ ni Fujitake hrugged when he looked (6) pecial plaque in recognition of all dunng World ar 1I . e're trying to , the new character. "I've been drawing SAN FRANCI co - Jimmy Tok lu at trip featuring Cpt Yo. "\ gue it' Japan e merican eterartS of World Imm nahl the unll. a team. The !hi trip for 40 years and introducing was named as Regional Director for the a tereotype to mo t American , but War U, (7) language for pecial plaque, whol team ontributed. a vel) pe ial a new guy give you some stimuli for JACL Pa ific outhw t Office at 1..0 then everyone in 'Beetle Bailey' i a and (8) funding for other than items 4 team." new ideas," Walker explained. "I need Angele . Ln eleeung Tok hi . national tereotype. and 5 by the Memorial Foundation. Re pondlDg t critl v h llPPO' d a lot of umuli." Yo was originally director Bill Yo hino tated, "The jokes aren't from Cpt Yo' "Jimmy has a tfong ba kground in According to the lOO/442JMl th oncept of ImmonaltzlDg th It 109 f named Yokoi but shortened to have it point of view, they're from Walker' ," World War Mem rial Foundation well the d ad eteran. i hinaka ound more "cartoony," explained the organization. The Pacific outhwest n Fujitake pointed out. "Which probably tatement, VCC was al 0 requ ted rud ID February," ou d n't ha e to Walker. Di trict i very imponant to the national mean Yo won 't get any more depth organization and it will be a great chal­ to respond and conftrm: (I) CC' be dead to be imm nahzed. We're ju t .. He has al 0 drawn flak in the past to him than you see here." appro al of the ompromi program trylDg to t II the tOI) of a pe ial group for taking a humorou approach to lenge for Jimm to work in the di trict Walker said: "All I'm trying to do as a member of the taff to implement based on the council member organiza­ of Japanes merican lDegregated f XI m. The Army new paper. Stars I to get people to laugh. Beetle Bailey tion ' completing their re pe ti e re- UOlt who made hi tory ." and Stripes, dropped the trip a couple the programs of the national J CL .. I a family trip, a general tire of iew and ratification p e ,and (2) of time because the paper w afraid A graduate of California tate ni- riti . m in th Wake corporate life - it' not really about versity 1..0 ngel, Tok hi had the e tent of the council member or- the black haracter rrught tart the black Critic u h as Dr HayalO Kihara. the Army, after all." rved m a vanety of role for the ervicemen to riot when they read it Dr. Harold Hamda and R ben JACL These included nauonal youth L.A. County Hate HayamlLU , all \ orld ar II \etemn , chair. P W J CL youth repre ntative oppoed the lDelU ·1 n of living veteran and board member of the Downtown Crimes Hit Record on the memonal-"We lew It as a Y O U ~ 1..0 Angele chapter. HOW COULP I KEEP NoSE CLE Al-I, \ I ion of upreme grandeur b} It 109 WATCH YOU ~ P's ~ Q~ , . SECOME A In accepting the po Ilion , Toke hi Levels for 1990 leaders of that group wh e u e u h CORPORAL I TOO, TIME PA$SE5 AJoJ D, Z. IP.', referred to the motto of the ational LO ANGEL Ra ially and religl- an immode.t con ept of martyrdom and CORPOAAL '10 ~ YOU'RE A CORPORAL! ociation of Colored Women' Club ou Iy motJ ated cnme in 1..0 ngel imm nahty for lhem~1 es " whi h tated "Lift A e 11mb." tat- County reached re ord level dunng the nd th ,II 0 anted to ID- 109 that "the pint of tho word ha e flrst half of 19 • a cord 109 to the ept elude other \\orld War II vetenm . tayed With me and the work I hope to 6 mid-year report from the ount} Com­ \vell as \eteran of other \\an.-from do as well ac ompli h With J CL i mi Ion on Human Relalion the pam\h men an \ ar t the Gre­ 10 the pirit of that motto . I hope The e alatmg number of Immi­ nada mlhtal) actl n-on tht! m nu­ to rYe the membe ..... hlp of thl orgam- grants I a top factor 10 nmg hate ment clu Ion of other World " ar zarion, the ian American communit cnme. noted Deput} henff Tom 11 vetemn, aid Klham. "would make and oclety a whol With the 10 pira­ Greep of . pe ial lOve tlgatlon who those other vets ~cond cla.~ citlll.:ns • tlon held 10 tho words." noted that m rea ed Ian and latino Dr Harada . Id. ID the I'ebruary Tok hi began hi dutie in the P Courtesy Honolulu Stor-Bulletin population pro Ide greater numbers of tory, It would be "tembl' to omit Regional Office on ug 0 Carol 'BEETLE BAILEY'-A nation-wide comic strip created by Mort Wolker targets three ongre., lonal Medal of Honor aito continues to as I t a the oflice thiS week odds (pI. Joe "Kashikoi" Yo--seen above In a diologue With !!> agam t A,ian ro more than recipient· Hlro.,hl 1lyamur" in th' ecretary. a farm hick, Private Zero. three-fold~ from 7 dunng the Ii...,t half Korean 'War.
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