Available online at http://ajol.info/index.php/ijbcs Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 5(1): 38-45, February 2011 ISSN 1991-8631 Original Paper http://indexmedicus.afro.who.int Occurrence of finfish communities in trawl hauls of Atlantic Ocean in Badagry coast, Nigeria E. F. MYADE *, M. O. OYEBANJI, E. O. OLUWAJOBA, A. B. WILLIAMS, B. C. MBAWUIKE , N. AJUONU , G. W. OLAKUNLE, O. O. ADEGBILE, A. Y. GADZEKPO, M. U. UMUNNAKWE and M.A. ABASS Nigeria Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, No 3 Wilmot Point Road, P. M. B. 12729 Victoria Island – Lagos State, Nigeria. * Corresponding author; E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Thirteen trawl hauls were conducted at depths ranging from 10 m – 100 m. Fifty six finfish families were observed, comprising ninety seven species from eighty two genera. Ten commercially important finfish families were identified out of which the Haemulidae had the highest number of occurrence and distribution with catch per unit area (CPUA) of 36.17 Kg/Km 2. The Carangidae with CPUA of 22.09 Kg/Km 2 was the lowest in abundance and distribution of the important finfish families. The total biomass estimate of finfish from the entire survey area under investigation was 440 tons (t). The middle stratum, S2 (30 m – 70 m) had the highest biomass followed by the land adjoining stratum, S1 (10 m -30 m) and the least stratum biomass was obtained from the farthest stratum, S3 (70 m – 100 m). Fishing is optimized in the middle stratum, S2. © 2011 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved. Keywords: Biomass estimate, finfish communities, demersal trawl, Atlantic Ocean, Badagry coast, Nigeria. INTRODUCTION effects in regulating population size. In many Estimates of abundance are pertinent ways, the accuracy with which population for fisheries management purposes, and the sizes can be determined ultimately defines our demand for such information has increased ability to test a desired ecological hypothesis dramatically in recent years. Indices of in the field. population dynamics such as abundance, Research survey of the fish resources of mortality rates and recruitment are required the Nigerian coastal waters dates back to the for quantitative understanding of ecological 1960s (Longhurst, 1965; Williams, 1968). processes and are integral parts of the Surveys in the early 1970s led to the knowledge for an effective fishery establishment of the shrimp fishery, since then management. Abundance surveys will always there had been several other research surveys play a major role in evaluating the relative for the assessment of the fish stocks in importance of environmental influences, Nigerian waters from which deep-water interspecies and intra-specific relationships as resources surveys led to the identification of well as the possible density - dependent Ariomma bondi , an important drift fish species © 2011 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved. E. F. MYADE et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 5(1): 38-45, 2011 in the Nigerian waters which is still not information (length, weight, stomach content harnessed. analysis etc). This report is an excerpt from The management of Nigeria’s living the first ten days of the Living Marine marine resources onto wards is based on Resources Survey (LIMARES). scientific data provision, but with the shortfall The selection of trawl stations followed in data availability due to lack of regular and a stratified random sampling which was depth periodic surveys, the fishery managers are ill dependent along transects. There was no fixed equipped to implement prescribed solutions to distance between stations but they were of 10 a potential fishery problem. m depth apart. The stations were at 10, 20, 30, Fishing on the Lagos end of the 40, 50, 70 and 100 m; this helped in reducing Nigerian coastal waters is conducted mainly variance of biomass estimate (Figure 2). in shallow waters by mostly artisanal fishers The entire study area was divided into and as well as commercial trawler operators. three strata, S1 (shallow water of < 30 m The sea fisheries (Fishing) Regulation S.I. 19 depth), S2 (medium depth water of >30 m and 0f 1992 under section 14 (1) states “ No motor < 70 m), and S3 (deep water ranging >70 and fishing boat (except canoes) shall fish within ≤100 m). The combined catch per unit effort the first five nautical miles of the waters of the (CPUE) for all finfish species in a stratum was Nigerian continental shelf” but over the years, used to calculate catch per unit area (CPUA) there has been conflicts between the two and subsequently used for biomass estimation groups of fishers arising from artisanal for that stratum by means of the swept area fishers’ nets being entangled in trawl lines. method (holistic approach to stock The industrial trawlers do most of their fishing assessment). at depths shallower than the 100 m depth area The catch rate or CPUE (Kghr -1) of probably due to lack of capacity and also haul and CPUA (KgKm -2) were calculated for inadequate information on the available stock. each species and summed up for their The result from this survey is aimed respective families. Biomass estimates of at providing a more recent and accurate data selected families were computed using the for fishery managers and policy makers alike swept area method. This method assumes that on how best to manage Nigeria fishery the mean catch in weight per unit area is an resources as well as providing an insight into index of stock abundance (Gulland, 1969, the ecological dynamics in the Badagry Pauly, 1984). The area, a, swept by the trawl fishing area (Figure 1). is calculated as a = D × W (Km 2) MATERIALS AND METHODS where, D is the distance covered by the trawl The survey was carried out using the during a haul and W is the path swept by the otter trawler F.T. Susainah (LOA 25, capacity trawl. 540 Hp). The fishing gear used was a The biomass (B) for entire area is commercial otter board high opening trawl. calculated by summing up biomass in strata The mesh in the cod-end was 20 mm and the S1, S2, and S3. Biomass, B for each stratum is wing spread was 18.5 m. The average haul estimated as duration was 30 minutes and towing speed B = A si × (mean CPUA/X) Where, A si varied between 2.4 – 2.7 nautical miles per is entire area of the stratum under v hour. All hauls were made during the day. The consideration, and i= 1,2,3…nth, while X catch was sorted into species and species being a technology –related parameter which groups as reported by Sparre and Venema represents the proportion of individuals of (1992) and then length – frequency data was stock caught per unit of effort exerted taken before being put in labeled bags and (Gulland, 1983) otherwise referred to as stored in the refrigerator for onward catchability co-efficient and for the purpose of transporting to the laboratory in the Institute this report we are assuming X to be 1. for identification collection of biological 39 E. F. MYADE et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 5(1): 38-45, 2011 Figure 1: A satellite imagery of Badagry coast, Nigeria showing the sampling stations (enclosed in the circle). Inset is the map of Nigeria showing the location of Badagry in Lagos State. (a) (b) Figure 2: (a) Photograph of a cross section of scientists sorting the landings on deck FT. Sussainah; (b) scientists taking length-frequency measurements of sorted species on the sorting table. 40 E. F. MYADE et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 5(1): 38-45, 2011 Statistical analysis It was assumed that all sampling Catch rates stations were randomly selected. The CPUE Catch rates for all the finfish families in and CPUA values were log transformed to the study area showed Haemulidae to have the base e and the resultant data was used to highest catch rates of 7.64 Kghr -1 followed by produce a geometric mean. The mean and Scianidae with 6.51 Kghr -1 and of the standard deviation was calculated by back commercially important finfish families, the transforming the mean on the log scale by the least CPUE is observed in the Tetraodontidae exponential function. (e.g. Mean CPUA = with 1.8 Kghr -1. The coefficient of variation of EXP (mean CPUA log scale + variance CPUA log the CPUE of the commercially important scale/2 ) (Daug et al., 2002). The mean errors families in the study area ranged from 3% to were tested at P = 0.05 using students 267% (Table 2). distribution to obtain the confidence limits for the obtained results. Biomass estimates The family with the most biomass RESULTS estimate in the entire study area is Haemulidae Species and family distribution having about sixteen tons, followed by The study observed ninety-seven scianidae, thirteen tons and the least is finfish species coming from fifty-six families. Tetraodontidae, about five tons amongst the The stations had finfish species numbers as economically important families enumerated. shown in Table 4. The species with the least The CPUE and CPUA of these families are landings were Ariomma bondi ; Ariommatidae, given in Table 2. Chaetodon marcellae ; Chaetodontidae, The stratum S3 had the least biomass Sardinella aurita ; Clupeidae, Aluterus estimate of all species combined, 80 tons, and heudelotti ; Monacanthidae, Cynopuncticus S2 had the most, 144 tons while the stratum ferox ; Muraenidae, Hippocampos; adjoining land was next to S2 with 136 tons, Syngnathidae, and Zeus faber ; Zeidae with respect to the commercially identified occurring 0.0122% by weight of total finfishes. Table 3 presents mean CPUA of the landings. The species with the most was strata with their confidence limits.
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