Natural Product Radiance, Vol. 6(2), 2007, pp.152-157 Explorer: Research Article Some herbal remedies used by the tribals of Nasik district, Maharashtra M V Patil1 and D A Patil2* 1Department of Botany Gangamai Education Trust’s Arts, Commerce and Science College Nagaon, Dist. Dhule, Maharashtra, India 2P.G. Department of Botany S.S.V.P.S’s L.K.Dr.P.R.Ghogrey Science College, Dhule-424 005 *Correspondent author Received 20 September 2005; Accepted 4 September 2006 Abstract number, part(s) used, medicinal uses and The native phytotherapy prevalent among the tribals and rural populace of Nasik district, formulation along with dose and duration Maharashtra, has been studied. The present paper communicates information on 32 species of is given in Table 1. Plants asterixed are angiosperms used to cure various ailments by tribals of Nasik district. Recent botanical and local new reports. While plants with double names, parts used, medicinal use(s) and formulation along with doses and duration have been asterixed have additional uses of the plant provided. parts used. Keywords : Herbal remedies, Medicinal plants, Mahdeo-Koli, Katkari, Bhils, Kunabi-Kokana, Thakur, Warli, Nasik district, Maharashtra. IPC code; Int. cl.8 — A61K 36/00 Introduction with the important published Nasik district, a North western literature6-9, the information on 32 species district of the state of Maharashtra, lies of medicinal importance appeared worth between North latitude 19°31’ and 20°21’ reporting. and East longitude 73°30’ and 74°55’ occupying an area of 15582 sq. km. The Methodology Tribal people collecting stem bark and other ranges of Western Ghats extend in the Different tribal hamlets and plant material from the forest district and is a predominantly tribal forest of the district were visited from district. The aborigines such as Mahdeo- 1997 to 2004. Senior tribal-men, Koli, Katkari, Bhils, Kunabi- women and medicine-men were Kokana, Thakur and Warli inhabit the interviewed. The data was verified rugged terrains of Western Ghats. Although in subsequent visits, voucher they are forest dwellers, they practice specimens were collected and agriculture. The agricultural produce does deposited in the herbarium, not suffice their sustainance and, Department of Botany, GET’s Arts, therefore, have to depend on forest Commerce and Science College, resources. Literature survey indicated a Nagaon, Dist. Dhule. These were very little ethnobotanical work done from identified by the authors with the this region in the past1-5. The present help of various floras10-12. authors, therefore, extended extensive and Information on medicinal plants intensive ethnobotanical observations with botanical and common A tribal medicine-man having variety of stem bark and since June, 1997 to 2004. On comparison names, families, voucher specimen bottle of decoction used as medicine 152 Natural Product Radiance Explorer: Research Article Table 1 : Medicinal plants used by the tribals of Nasik district S. No. Botanical Name/ Local Name Part Used Medicinal Use/ Formulation Dose & Voucher No./ Family Disease treated Duration 1. *Alternanthera tenella Colla Korda-ganja Inflorescence Earache Ash of BD till cure MVP-363 inflorescence Amaranthaceae wrapped in leaves of Piliostigma malabaricum (Roxb.) Benth. are smoked 2. **Ampelocissus latifolia Bendore Stem Easy delivery Ash Applied (Roxb.) Planch. / MVP-377 abdominally Vitaceae for a week 3. Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Phanas Young fruits Vomiting Fruits powdered OD one MVP-341 and mixed pellet for 3 Moraceae with jaggery, and days prepared pellets 4. **Aspidopterys cordata Shrivel, Latex To increase Latex mixed with OD consumed (Heyne ex Wall.) A. Juss. Makadvel lactation rice grains eaten raw about 15 g MVP-376 for a month Malphigiaceae 5. Bombax ceiba Linn. syn. Sawar Root Injuries, Bleeding Paste prepared OD till cure Salmalia malabaricum (DC.) in water Schott. & Endl. MVP-217 Bombacaceae 6. **Brachiaria reptans (Linn.) Chopadi Leaf Anaemia Juice obtained by OD for a Gard. & C.E.Hubbard crushing and fortnight MVP-356 squeezing Poaceae 7. Butea monosperma (Lam.) Palas Seeds Intestinal Decoction obtained OD for Taub. / MVP-89 worms in by crushing and a week Fabaceae children boiling 8. **Calotropis procera (Ait.) Ruchkin Tender leaves Fever and Lime, catechu and BD for 3 R.Br. / MVP-98 Cold root bark is days Asclepiadaceae chewed with leaves 9. **Careya arborea Roxb. Kumbhai Stem bark Piles Infusion or extract OD for 15 MVP-174 prepared in water days Lecythidaceae Vol 6(2) March-April 2007 153 Explorer: Research Article S. No. Botanical Name/ Local Name Part Used Medicinal Use/ Formulation Dose & Voucher No./ Family Disease treated Duration 10. **Carissa congesta Dalz. Karwand Latex Burning sensation Latex dropped on OD till cure MVP-27 during urination urinogenital opening Apocynaceae 11. **Casearia graveolens Dalz. Kirmira Stem pieces Antidote for Chewed raw OD for 5-6 MVP-38 snake-bite days Flacourtiaceae 12. **Cassia occidentalis Linn. Ran-tarota Root Leucorrhoea Infusion or extract BD for 10-15 MVP-101 prepared in water days Caesalpiniaceae 13. **Catunaregam spinosa Gal Fruits Madness Slurry prepared OD for 2-3 (Thunb.) Tirveng. in water months MVP-210 Rubiaceae 14. **Chrysopogon fulvus Kahandol Peels of culm Cough and Decoction BD for 3-4 (Spreng.) Chiov. and bark Chest pain prepared in days MVP 144 boiling water Poaceae 15. **Cordia dichotoma Forst. f. Bhokar Stem bark Excessive Decoction BD for MVP-63 menstruation prepared in a week Cordiaceae boiling water 16. Crinum defixum Ker-Gawl. Kumbh Leaves Pimples and Smoke passed OD for MVP-458 Body swelling over body 3-4 days Amaryllidaceae 17. Cucumis prophetarum Linn. Chibbad Fruits Eczema Fruits homo- OD applied MVP-150 genized with blue for 6-7 days Cucurbitaceae vitriol and paste is prepared 18. **Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. Karwal Stem bark Jaundice and Extract in water by OD till cure MVP-279 Urinary complaints crushing Dilleniaceae and squeezing 19. **Diospyros melanoxylon Tembrun Wood Good health and Wood burnt OD for 7 Roxb. / MVP-46 easy delivery and smoke is days Ebenaceae passed over the body of woman 154 Natural Product Radiance Explorer: Research Article S. No. Botanical Name/ Local Name Part Used Medicinal Use/ Formulation Dose & Voucher No./ Family Disease treated Duration 20. Eclipta alba (Linn.) Hassk. Kalamaka Leaf Injury caused Juice obtained BD till cure MVP-369 due to continuous by crushing and Asteraceae contact with mud, squeezing call ‘Chikhali’ 21. **Geodorum densiflorum Harya-kand Tuber To cure impotency Eaten raw with OD for 3 (Lam.) Schlecht. jaggery months MVP-264 Orchidaceae 22. *Glossocardia bosvallia Mirgi-kand Root stalk Alcohol addicts Decoction OD for 3-4 (Linn. f.) DC. mixed with tea weeks MVP-250 Asteraceae 23. Hemidesmus indicus (Linn.) Anantmul, Root To increase Root extracted in BD for 7 days Schultes Uparsali milk flow water taken orally MVP-49 Asclepiadaceae 24. *Hygrophila schulli (Ham) Talimkhana, Entire plant Yellow and Decoction OD for 3-4 M.R. Almeida & S.M. Almeida Kaluskanta painful urination prepared by days MVP-130 boiling all parts in Acanthaceae water 25. **Miliusa tomentosa Humb Unripe fruits Post-delivery Smoke passed OD for 7-8 (Roxb.) Sinclair / MVP-655 body swellings over body days Annonaceae 26. Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Karanj Seeds Ringworm Oil OD applied till Pierre cure MVP-93 Fabaceae 27. Pterocarpus marsupium Bivala Bark To regularize Infusion OD for 7 Roxb. var. acuminatus Prain menstruation in days MVP-185 teenage girls Fabaceae 28. **Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Kusum, Koshimb Root Rheumatism Extracted in water OD for 15 days Oken. MVP-109 Sapindaceae Vol 6(2) March-April 2007 155 Explorer: Research Article S. No. Botanical Name/ Local Name Part Used Medicinal Use/ Formulation Dose & Voucher No./ Family Disease treated Duration 29. **Schrebera swietenioides Mokha Stem bark Joint and body Decoction prepared OD till cure Roxb. pains, Headache, in water after MVP-148 Itching crushing Oleaceae 30. **Tylophora dalzellii Kawalvel Stem bark Throat infection, Bark wrapped in OD till cure Hook. f. ulcer leaves of Aegle MVP-359 marmelos Correa Asclepiadaceae ex Roxb. smoked 31. **Vitex negundo Linn. Nirgudi Leaf Conjunctivitis Juice obtained by OD applied MVP-134 crushing and around eyes Verbenaceae squeezing till cure 32. *Woodfordia fruticosa Dhait, Dhaiti Stem bark Excessive bleeding Infusion OD for a (Linn.) Kurz after delivery prepared week Lythraceae in water OD : Once daily, BD : Twice daily, TDS : Thrice daily *=New reports; **=Additional uses Conclusion different. Likewise, 4 species, viz. singly or in combination with other plants. The flora of Nasik district Alternanthera tenella Colla, The chemical and pharmacological (Maharashtra, India) harbours 943 species Hygrophila schulli (Ham.) M.R. investigations on these species and their belonging to 108 families10 and the Almeida & S.M. Almeida, derived products are required to know forest range from evergreen, semi- Glossocardia bosvallia (Linn.) DC. their efficacy on modern scientific lines. evergreen to dry deciduous types. and Woodfordia fruticosa (Linn.) However, it was largely untapped for Kurz find place in ethnobotanical Acknowledgements 8 ethnomedicinal heritage. The information literature with use of different plant The junior author (MVP) is has been compared with classical and parts. thankful to Dr. P.N. Patil, Principal of ethnobotanical literature6-9. It is worthy The remedies used for native Gangamai Education Trust’s Arts, to note that out of 32 species, only single healthcare practices in Nasik district are Commerce and Science College, Nagaon species, viz. Pongamia pinnata used in the form of decoction, infusion, and to Shri B.M. Patil, Ex-Principal, (Linn.) Pierre is recorded for similar use paste, gum, juice, latex, crude powder, S.S.V.P.S’s L.K. Dr. P.R. Ghogrey Science in Wealth of India7 and Dictionary of smoke and ash. The aforesaid College, Dhule, for necessary facilities and Economic Products India9. Interestingly prescriptions are the ones practiced in inspiration during the course of 19 species although reported elsewhere daily life of aborigines and rural folks of investigation.
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