[)88 W .AINFLEET .ALL SAINTS. LINCOLNSHIRE. [KELLY'S Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, the north tower a bell, & the buildings include a mas­ Wainfieet, Lincolnshire.-Francis Eateman, postmaste:r ter's .:residence: the President &. fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford, are the governors ; the school is ex­ SKEGNESS SUB-CO:\IMITTEE OF LlNDSEY LOCAL amined at least once a year by an examiner appointed PENSION COMMITTEE. by the college; scholatships of the annual value The following parishes are included in the area of the of £30 & £4o, tenable at the Magdalen College school, Sub-District :-Addlethorpe, :Bratoft, Bur.Eh-le-Marsh, Oxford, are awarded to pupils of this school who hold Candlesby, Chapel St. Leonards, Crlr>ft, Firsby, certificates of having passed the senior or junior Ox­ Friskney,_ Gunby, Hogsthorpe, Ingoldmells, Irby-le­ ford or Cambridge Local Examinations, or the College Marsh, Orby, Skegness, Steeping (Great), Thorpe, of Preceptors, provided that Latin & French or Greek Wainfleet All Saints, Wainfleet St. Mary, Welton-le­ are included in the subjects of examination: there are Marsh, Winthorpe new (1913) about 35 seholars ~ Rev. William Gerrish, -Meetings are held at the Estate offices, Wainfleet, on master; Miss F Lucas A.A.Oxon. & Lond. Univ. Miss monday following last friday of each month. K. Wells & three other assistants Chairman, C. W, Tindall esq. Wainfleet hall Public Elementary School. Clerk, ChapiiWI.n Lucas, St. John'.s street Each controlled by 6 manager~. Pension Officer, R.. 0. West, Burgh-le-Marsh Wainfleet (mixed), built in 1857• for r86 children; PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. & supported in part by an e.ndowment of £21 yearly, derived fl"om the rents of four cottages in Norlholme ; Fire Brigade, Herbert Cooke, superintendent Literary Institution, Chapman Lucas, sec John .Albert Dawes Fenwick, master Police Station, George Stephenson, sergeant, Town ball Wesleyan (mixed), built in 1820, for 108 children; Alfred H. Green, master PU:BLIO OFFICERS. Great Northern Railway, Robt. Bruntlett, station master Collector of Poor's Rate, Marshall Scupholm, High st WAIXFLEET ST. THOMAS• (or Northolme) is a small Clerk to the Old Age Pensions Sub-Committee, Chap­ parish, and forms part of and is ecclesiastically annexed· man Lucas, St. John's street to l\'ainfleet AnJ Saints, ~md by an Order of the Privy Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Wainfieet Distnct, Council the two parishes were united for civil purposes Spilsby Union &; Cer:t.ifying Faotory Snrgoon, Goorge in r888. The church, which was standing in the time Herbert Doudney M.B.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. Bark­ of the Protectorate, being then used by the General ham street Baptists, has long since been pulled down: the church­ Registrar of Births & Deaths for Wainfleet Sub-District, yard is used .as a cemetery: the inhabitants attend the Spilsby Union, Marsihall Scupholm, High street; church at Wainfloot All Saints. The living is a perpetual deputy, George Mar5'hall Scupholm, High street curacy, gross income £4, in the gift of the Bishop at Sub-Dh!Uributor of Stamps, Francis :Bateman, Post office, Linooln, and now held by the· rect{)r of Wainfleet All High street Saints. There is a barrow of , Danish origin in this SCHOOLS. parish, and traces of more than one camp. The register Magdalen College School, founded in 1459, by William is inch~ded in that o! Wainfleet All Saints. B. N. W. of Wainflete, bishop of Winches-ter, is now a mixerl Powlett esq. is lord of the manor and the principal land­ secondary school under the Board of Education: the owner. The area is 28 acres; rateable value included building js a rectangular structure of brick, 76ft. by I in that of Wainfleet All Saints; the population in rgu sa6ft. two 5toreys in height: the western end is flanked was 17r, . by two octagonal towers rising considerably ubove the Letters received from Wainfieet All Saints, which is the parapet; and between these is a plain arched doorway, nearest money order & teiegraph office and in the gable a Perpemiicular window of four The children of this place attend the Wainfleet All lights : the south tower contains a newel staircase & · Saints schools , Epton Mrs. Northolme hall Howsam George, sen. Rumbold lan& PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gerrish Rev. 'Villiam (master Mag- Huggins Mrs. The Villa, Market pl Bateman George, Salem bridge da1en College school), St. John's st Lucas- Chapman; St. John's street Rateman Harry, Salem bridge Gilliatt Mrs. Market place Miller George Frederick, High street Doudney George Herbert M.B. Bark- Hastings Mrs. High street '}:urner Joseph S. 6 Barkham street ham street Hopkins Rev. Christmas (rector) 1 Walker George Booth, Bridge house COMMEROIA.L. Eley John Henry, tobacconist & hair dresser, Markei: pi Early closing day, Thursday 1 ·p.m. Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, boot dealers, High st Allan & Miller, physicians & surgeons, High street Gunson Wm. Hy. brewer & wine & spirit mer. High st Barclays Bank Limit€d, bankers (sub-branch) (qpen Hewson Sidney, watch maker, Market place friday & fair days 10 a.m. till 2 p.m.), High street; Hodson James, saddler, High street draw on head office, 54 Lombard street, London E C 3 Holdich AJbert Edward, draper, High street Barton Henry, shopkeeper, High street Horton Charles, hair dresser, High street EatPman George & Son, brewers, wine & spirit mer- Howard George, farmer, Crow's bridge chants & ale & porter bottlers, Salem Bridge brewery HGwsam George, corn & flour merChant, Market plaoe Bateman Francis,postmaster & .tmb-distributor of stamps -Huggins !Wbert :Brown, chemist &; druggist, warehouse­ Ree Brothers, farmers · man & oil me-rchant, High street Bemrose Ross, New inn, High street Jobson Harry M. cycle maker, Market place Bidder Maud (Miss), ladies' school, S. Barkham street Jchnson Edwin, draper, High street Brett Ambrose, tailor, High street Keal George, grocer, High street Brocklesby William, boot & shoe maker, High street Literary In.stitution (Ohapman Lucas, 11ec. ),4 Ba.rkbam st Capital &; Connti88 ·Bank Limited (sub-branch) (H. M:1gdalen Oollege School (Rev. William Gerrish, master), Hewer, Spilsby, manager)~ open on fridays, Market St. John's street place; draw on head office, Threadneedle street,' Massey :ijarold, miller (wind) London EO~ Midgelow Frederick, dairy Cash Alfred, grocer & draper, High street Miller George Frederick M.B., B.S.Durh., :M.R.C.S. Cash Harry, shopkeeper, High street Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & sprgeon (firm, Allan Cash Jonathan, carpenter, High street & Miller), High street Cham hers John, beer retailer, W ainfleet bank Morley J oseph, farmer, Thorpe ro·ad Clarey Thomas, farmer, Fen ' Motley Joseph, shopkeeper, High street Cook George H. printer, Market place Motley' William, grocer, High street Cook Herbel-t, blacksmith, High street Nelsey Mary (Miss), apartments, ~ Barkham street Or!IDl Eley, baker, High street Oram William M. baker, Market pla.ce Cros!! William, boot maker, 'Market place Overton Frederick, Three Tuns P.H Daubney Thomas, wheelwright, Havemide Overton George, Royal Oak P.H. High street Davey Brothers, fishmonger_.,, St. John's street Oxley Samuel Reed, tent maker, St. John's street Davey Harold, fried fish dealer, High street Parker Samuel & Son, builders, Market place Daw~on Hannah (Mrs.), butcher, Hifth street Pawlett Mary (Miss), confectioner, High street Dickinson Waiter George Eurnett F .R.C.V .S. veterinary Pocklington John L. saddler, High street surgeon. 19 :Barkham lltreet Procter Arthur, builder, South terrace Dondney George Herbert M.R.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. !!nr­ Reding Henry J. grocer, High street . geon, & medical officer & public vaccinator W ainfleet Rimington Walter Edwin, plumber & glazier,High street distdct, Spilsby union & certifying fa~tory surgeon & Rog-erson Alfred, assistant overseer & clerk to the Parish medical officer fol' schools .in the Wainfieet district, Council, Market place Barkham street Rowson George, cowkeeper, High street Eley George B. stationer, High street Savage John, butcher, High street .
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