Mailed free to requesting homes in Webster, Dudley and the Oxfords 508-764-4325 COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY ONLINE: WWW.WEBSTERTIMES.NET Friday, October 31, 2014 THIS WEEK’S QUOTE Dudley honors veteran “Real success is finding your with bridge dedication lifework in the work that you QUINEBAUG RIVER BRIDGE NAMED AFTER love.” David FALLEN ARMY RANGER McCullough BY JASON BLEAU NEWS STAFF WRITER DUDLEY — Honoring veterans is INSIDE not just reserved for those who have Seniors ................. A5 fought in past wars and given their time, health and sometimes their lives Learning .............A6-7 to preserve the freedoms of those here Joe McKenna Mark Dowgiewicz Viewpoint ............. A10 at home. Occasionally the opportunity arises Sports ..................A12 for cities and towns to honor a veteran Obituaries ............. B2 of more recent wars and conflicts, as Events Calendar ...... B3 the towns of Dudley and Webster did on Oct. 24. Real Estate ........Sect.B McKenna, PFC Army Ranger Private First Legal Notices ..... Sect.B Class Christopher Dona died on June 13, 2013, during a training acci- dent while performing a strategic Dowgiewicz ready parachute training exercise at Fort LOCAL Stewart in Georgia in preparation for his second tour in Afghanistan. His service saw him receive the for 18th Worcester Jason Bleau photos Parachutist Badge, US Army Expert Sgt. Major Curt Donaldson and Staff Sgt. Rifle Marksman Qualification Badge, Andrew Jones, who served with Christopher Army Good Conduct Medal, National Dona, present the sign naming the Quinebaug Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan showdown River Bridge on Route 131 in Dona’s honor. Please Read HONORS, page A6 WEBSTER RESIDENTS HOPING FOR SUCCESS ON NOV. 4 MOUSE IN THE HOUSE BY JASON BLEAU es, they believe their indi- NEWS STAFF WRITER vidual plans and hopes Webster cel- Possibly the most for change and improve- ebrates 4th talked about election in ments in Douglas, Oxford, South Central Worcester Sutton and Webster will Annual Harvest County, the battle for the make them more effective Festival 18th Worcester District leaders than their oppo- state representative seat nents in the long run. Page A4 has quickly become one of Both had to endure pri- experience versus youth mary elections against as two Webster residents two other candidates from vie for the seat being their own parties before LOCAL vacated by Senate candi- officially campaigning for Jason Bleau photos date Ryan Fattman. the seat, and now they are WEBSTER — Webster’s Main Street area celebrated Halloween a little Webster Selectman seeking votes for the vic- early this year Saturday, Oct. 25, inviting locals and visitors to walk down Mark Dowgiewicz and tory in November. Main Street in costume to trick-or-treat from one business to the other. newcomer Joe McKenna Dowgiewicz, a Webster Pictured, a band of Minnie Mouse enthusiasts show off their simple but effec- have shown that while selectman and self-pro- tive costumes as their make their way down Main Street. For more photos, their values may be sim- turn to page A3! ilar in some circumstanc- Please Read ELECTION, page A6 Webster veteran honored for World War II service VEGNONE RECEIVES MEDAL Hunting safe- ty, and various FROM FRENCH CONSUL updates GENERAL Page A7 BY JASON BLEAU er country come to NEWS STAFF WRITER the states to honor an SPORTS WEBSTER — World American solider for War II has long been their efforts in freeing a staple of the history another nation as well. books and a war that On Oct. 15, Webster has inspired art, cine- played host to a cere- ma, song and pride in mony where one of its the fight for freedom veterans received such worldwide. an honor. World War II While here in the veteran and multi-Pur- United States we often ple Heart recipient take time to honor Frank Vegnone was Jason Bleau photo those who have fought presented with a presti- Webster World War II veteran Frank Vegnone (wearing his Legion of Honor Medal) shakes in conflicts like World gious award called the hands with Consul General Fabien Fieschi in front of Webster World War II monument after Bartlett’s Givins War II, it’s not every being bestowed with the highest honor France gives to foreign soldiers. has big day to day you see anoth- Please Read VETERAN, page A6 hand Uxbridge football first loss Page A11 Southbridge Relay comes in 12th in New England BY OLIVIA RICHMAN $219,623 to go towards was involved in relays in a program that raised said Southbridge Town NEWS STAFF WRITER cancer research and Auburn, Worcester and money goes towards. Council Chairman SOUTHBRIDGE — Out other programs that aim Southbridge. “A lot of “If you’re not from the and Relay for Life of 25 communities in New to help patients and fami- the research done by the area and getting cancer Co-Chairman Shaun England, Southbridge lies in their fight against American Cancer Society treatment in Worcester Moriarty. “There’s even was #12 in funds raised cancer. is done right in our back- or Boston and you need a kitchen. It’s like a for the Relay For Life in “We are very lucky in yard. It goes right to the a place to stay, rather mini-apartment.” 2014. New England and partic- hospitals in bigger cities, than paying for a hotel Southbridge has host- From January to the ularly in Massachusetts,” like Boston, Worcester.” near the hospital you ed Relay For Life for 17 Relay event in June, said Lauren Falco, a Relay Massachusetts is also can go to Hope Lodge years. Over that time, Southbridge collected For Life Specialist, who home to two Hope Lodges, and stay there for free,” Please Read RELAY, page A6 2 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, October 31, 2014 www.webstertimes.net Webster library receiving ‘unprecedented’ grant funding STATE ANNOUNCES 75 PERCENT GRANT BY JASON BLEAU project happen. NEWS STAFF WRITER “A library is really the cultural heart WEBSTER — Library renovations of a community,” said Moore. “While have seemingly become a priority in we’re taking care of the youngest citi- ALMANAC Massachusetts, specifically in South zens in the schools with the new Park Central Worcester Country where yet Avenue School and the relatively new another town has announced plans middle and high schools those students UOTE OF THE EEK to renovate its library and recently are only in the schools for about six Q W announced an unprecedented dedica- and a half hours of the day. The chil- tion to the project from the state. dren need a place where they can come “We live very separate lives now so Following in the footsteps of Dudley together, improve their minds, delve it seems. I think more than ever we into fiction and fact and get into the need that sense of community and a and Oxford, Webster’s Chester C. Jason Bleau photos Corbin Public Library is now slated kind of information you can get at a library is a place people go to because to see big changes in the future and a Town officials and supporters of the Chester library. The library has played a key they want to. It is a very special rela- recent announcement by Sen. Richard C. Corbin Library renovation pose for a photo role during this last Great Recession tionship.” Moore will certainly help ease the bur- after the announcement of a 75-percent grant that we had helping people learn how den of making the estimated $11 million from the state for the project. to get their résumés up to speed and - Webster Town Administrator John project possible. construction covered.” realize the technology they may not McAuliffe, reacting to the news that the On Tuesday, Oct. 21, Moore met In 19 years working in his field in one have had access to at home and get back town would be receiving a 75-percent with library patrons and town offi- form or another, Town Administrator into the job market as well. It will really grant to help renovate Chester C. Corbin cials in front of the historic building to John McAuliffe said the commitment be a nice addition to the renovation of Public Library. announce a 75-percent grant from the the state has made to this project is like downtown.” state to support the library’s 50-percent nothing he has seen before and called Grenier noted that the Chester C. of the cost they need to cover as part of it a project well worth the investment. Corbin Library is hoping to avoid put- OPEN TO CLOSE another grant from the Massachusetts “In today’s day and age with the ting the remaining 25 percent of their Board of Library Commissioners. onslaught of technology it seems as cost, around $2.6 million, that they have The library, as it stands today, was though it’s popular to say libraries are to make before February as part of DUDLEY built in the 1920 and dedicated to Chester the Massachusetts Board of Library on the decline, which kind of boggles DUDLEY TOWN HALL (508) 949-8000 C. Corbin after his wife Augusta donat- my mind because I think about it much Commissioners Grant requirements on Board of Selectmen (949-8001) ed the property to the town for such use. in the opposite way. Someone has to the shoulders of the taxpayers. Rather, Monday-Thursday .............8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The facility has seen better days, suffer- introduce and explain that technolo- the library is hoping donations and Fridays ......................................... 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. ing from water damage and electrical gy and someone has to help today’s outside funding sources will be enough Evening appointments if needed.
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