;dpjp: XXXIII. NO. I. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY; JUNE 29, 1910. PAGES ;I-TO ATTBMSX8B JtOXtB-VT. wamm EUBT aoma DOWW HEM.. $C CATCHER APPOINTED Blghwaymas. Boaxed A-wa; 1>y Vnr. A. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Altraa Meroer Buffers a Boalp Wound by NEW LOAN ASSOCIATIdW Holmaa Borden'a Soreanu. a VaU from Kis Wheel. JU Mr. and Mrs. A. Holmes Borden of BSTBUB BtBOXBIOAi BTOBJC AT Alfred - Mercer,' who lives in rooms JQMETT LACY, A COLORED MAN OF WALL STREET, Shrewsbury were walking on Syca- BOIilCBBX LABI W over John Beck's candy store on more . avenue at that' place a few Shrewsbury avenue, and who is em- EATONTOWN ORGANIZATION STARTS ITS CAREER'; nights ago when they were met by a Two Houaea and a Barn Bunaged, a ployed as a coachman by W. Strother GETS THE JOB. young'fellow carrying a pistol, who Koraa Killed and TWea Splintered— Jones pf Middletown township, was WITH BRILLIANT PROSPECTS. demanded their money or their lives. lightning Vlays Soxae Queer Pxanka In hurt in a bicycle accident Tuesday Mr. Borden grabbed at the pistol, but Lafayette Bonenok'e Xonae. night of last-week. He was riding ice Instructed to Back Him Up in Hii Work and to Have the; highwayman knocked his. hand . A severe'. electrical storm passed down Cooper's hill in Middletown Much Enthiuitum Manifested and Over 250 Shares Subscribed^ ieneral Supervision Over His Actions—Mayor Say* Red Bank aside. Mrs. Borden screamed and the over Holmdel and. vicinity last Wednes- township when the handlebars broke. for—Formation of Association to be Perfected Tonight mM^m, highwayman ran away. A lot of day afternoon. The 'storm was ac- He was thrown from the wheel and his the Boss Dog Town of the County and That Lacy Can Make hoodlums had been firing rocks at the companied by. a heavy gale and .tor- head was cut open. Five stitches were Officers to be Hected—Some of EatontoWs Wealthiest Meat '- Shrewsbury freight station and yell- rents, of rain.1'Trees were uprooted, required to cjose the cut. Mr. Mercer 200 a Week if He u Zealous in His Work. ing, and it is thought that one of this holes washed .in the roads by the heavy has resumed work- after being laid up Interested in the Association's Success. -- j \ - he Bed Bonk borough council held couneilmen came to the conclusion ;ang was the highwayman. downpour and in; some cases gardens several days. A new building and loan associa- ficials. Melvin R. VanKeuren of Eat- ripeclal meeting Monday night and that the present' ordinance is satis- were inundated. /Two.houses and a tion has been formed by the residents ontown was chairman of the meeting ointed Emmett Lacy of "Wall factory.' J. Frank Patterson, the barn were damaged by lightning, a of Eatontown. The formation of the and H. Whitney. Conrow of Oceanport s chief of police, was told of the ap- horse was killed-and trees were splin- *t dog catcher of the borough. tered. Tiny, rivulets were converted association was-agitated by the Eat- was secretary. '• councilmen had not intended to pointment and was instructed to aid WILLS 10 BE CONSTRUED. NEW STORE BUILDING. ontown improvement society early this Since the meeting a subscription the dog catcher in his duties, and to into raging streams, flooding lands and Ji-pp this matter until their regu- damaging crops. The storm was OFFICES ARB BWB&XXMa TO BB spring. Later' a public meeting was list has been kept at William E. Mor- tmeeting next week. The biting o* report any cases where the dog KB. ABB MBB. WXUXA1C P. OOBXISB held at Eatontown, and the laws gov- ris's store and over 200 additional catcher was negligent in his work. purely local, there being no rain in BBBOTBB BT TBBVOHIAW HTEB. liaro Wolcott, Srv and Sherman MABS MTnrUAI. WJXIiB. places only a few .miles distant. erning building and loan associations shares have been euhscribed for. wing, son of Postmaster Louis Y. A dog can be removed from the were defined by Daniel H. Applegate Some of Eatontown's wealthiest men : ining, by dogs,' caused .them to pound for $1. This money goea to Xaoh Xeft the SntlM Batata to the Lightning played some queer pranks The Wew Building- Will Oo Up on the and Howard S. Higginson, who are are interested in the association and jten their action in appointing a the dog catcher, and he also gets Other, tnt Mi. OoiUra Made Borne Be- in a house on the. VaJwUjrbiirg road Lot on Monmouth Btetet Ooouplad by connected with the Red Bank associa- everything points to* a prosperous v from the borough $1 for each dog he owned by Lafayette Schenck and occu- the Baxle Homeatead—Thla Home la tion. They also gave advice as to how r catcher. aneite Wnloh the Coart Will be Aiked Over 160 Tears Old. career for the organization. * •'•'• acv was the only man who put in kills. Dogs can be registered with the to Paca Vpon. • pied by August Daton, one of his farm an-association should be conducted. At the meeting tonight no effort lication for the job. He was not borough clerk for $1. The pound is Mrs. Ella M. CorUes.wife of> Wil- lands. Mr. Daton was not at home, Trevonian E. Hyer of Peters place Last week another meeting was held will be made to have a cut and dried nt at the meeting but sent his at the old gas tank near Cooper's iam P. Corliea, who died recently on but his wife and three children were in is tearing down the house on Mon- and preliminary steps were taken to convention. The members of the im- \ lication by letter. He is a.colored bridge. Each dog taken will be kept Monmouth street, Red Bank, made her the house. The bolt passed through mouth street, which he bought a short form a building and loan association. provement association feel very proud \ui and does odd jobs about town, 24 hours before being killed. Mayor will in March, 1876. William P. Cor- every room in the house, filling the time ago from Mrs. Henry S. White, Eighty-seven shares were subscribed over the part they have borne in form- ".stated in his letter that he would Root said Red Bank was the worst lies, her husband, made his will in dwelling with, smoke and knocking and will erect a store building and for, this being 37 more than the law ing the association,, but they say the e ample time' to catch dogs. dog town in the county and that Lacy March, 1886. John S. Applegate and down pieces of ceiling. A bed was re- dwelling in its place. The property requires.. A great deal—of-enthuBi- future of the association now rests he question of enacting a new dog could make $200 a week If he was Charles I. Gordon were the witnesses duced to splinters and the stock of a adjoins the First Methodist church asm was manifested and a glowing entirely with Eatontown folks. nance was talked over, but the zealouB. to Mrs. Corlies's will, and William gun was broken.off.' The bolt made parsonage. Mr. Hyer is a new resi- career was predicted for the associa- Eatontown had a building and loan Applegate, Jr., and Henry J. Child its exit through the south side of the dent of Red Bank, he having moved tion. All who subscribed for shares association about:thirty years ago, louse, making a perfectly square hole here this spring from Long Branch. were unable to be present, some of the PABTT OS BITSB BANK. were the witnesses to Mr. Corlies's but it failed. The shareholders in JtBSVBBB IBOH ITAST. j will. The wills are what is commonly in the enclosures of the building. The He was formerly a member of the shares being bought by their friends. the present association say this is no youngest Daton child was knocked un- undertaking firm of Hyer & Flock of le JUaiea Vela Entertain. Their For- known as mutual wills. Mrs. Corliss On this account the election of officers reason why their organization should *k Mataaelo Betnrna to Bed Bank conscious and the other-people in the Long Branch, and he will engage in will not be held until tonight. This be a failure. They say that history \ttn Spending* a Tea* in Italy. mer Employe ta. died a little over two months ago and' the undertaking business at Red her. husband died about a week later. house were more or less stunned. The J will allow all the shareholders not dont repeat itself at Eatontown, so • 'rank Marascio, who has been The Misses Weis, who were until child knocked unconscious • suffered Bank as soon as the new building is resent at the previous meeting to recently in the millinery business in Mrs. Corlies left all her estate to her far as building and loan association * iding a year with relatives in husband and named him as executor from nervousness a few.days, but has completed. Eave a voice in the selection of of- failures are concerned. -y, returned to Red Bank last the store now occupied by H. G, Fel- since recovered. !• Architect J. C. Delatush finished lows, entertained their former em- of the will. Mr.; Corlies in his will rsday. Mr. Marascio, until he left all his property to his wife, with George Walling, Jr.,. of Bradevelt, the plans for the building this week. •for his native home, conducted ployees at a party at their new home was riding a horse and leading.an- The building will be 36x40 feet and on Front street a few nights, ago.
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