Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55620-0 - Ovid: Metamorphoses Book XIII Edited by Neil Hopkinson Index More information INDEXES Italic numbers refer to pages, non-italic numbers to lemmata in the Commentary. 1Subjects ablative: absolute, 326, 635; causal, alliteration, 31±2, 83±4, 93, 115, 117, 312; comparative, 806; 122, 123±7, 128, 225±7, 865, 892; descriptive, 700; durative, 206; assonance at line-end, 602, 619 instrumental, 632; of origin, 692, Alphenor, 394 717 Ambracia, 713±15, 713 Accius, see tragedy, Roman Amyclas, 396 Achaemenides, 35 anachronism, 197, 234, 251±2, 318 Achelous, 894 anaphora, see repetition Achilles, 162±80, 164, 267, 443±4 Anchises, 625, 640 Acis, 40,897 Andromache, 173, 451±2, 679, 720±3 Actium, 715 Andros, 30,649 Actor, 273 Anius, 29±32 Ad Herennium, 16±21 anonymous bystanders, 88, 123±4, adjectives: distributive, 618±19, 753; 215, 233 for objective gen., 467; Antandros, 628 predicative, 49; transferred Antenor, 201 epithet, 691 Anthedon, 905 adverbs, 117 antimetaboleÅ,97 adynaton, 324±5 Antisthenes, 15, 366±7 Aeacus, 25±6 Antoninus Liberalis, 32±4, 713±15, Aelian, 28n.116, 29n.118,626 716±18 Aello, 709±10, 710 apo koinou construction, 180, 329±30, Aeolus, 26 483±4, 543, 558±9 Aeschylus, 14±15, 28, 41, 31±2, 181± Apollodorus (mythographus), 323, 204, 267, 399±400, 705 399±400 Aethiopis, see EpicCycle Apollonius Rhodius, 1±5, 273, 293, aetiology, 569±70, 571, 622, 716±18, 399±400, 749, 954±7 897 apostrophe, 483 Agamemnon, 216±37, 328, 359 Apuleius, 238±54, 954±7 Ajax, s. of Oileus, 356, 410±11 Aratus, 294 Ajax, s. of Telamon, 10±20,1±5, Arcesius, 144±5 63±81, 206, 290, 295, 340±1, 382± archaism, 410 98; invulnerability of, 267, 386± Arctos, 293 92; madness of, 385 Argives, 13 Alcidamas, 38 art, 28,838,894 Alcinous, gardens of, 719 Ascanius, 627, 679 Alcon, 683±4 Asclepiades of Tragilus, 293 allegory, 110, 228±9, 292±4 Asia, 484 245 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55620-0 - Ovid: Metamorphoses Book XIII Edited by Neil Hopkinson Index More information 246 INDEXES assonance, see alliteration Corinna, 32 Astyanax, 415±17 Corni®cius, 42 Astydamas, 15 Coroni, 32±4 Athamas, 919 Cragaleus, 713±15 Athenaeus, 41±2 Crataeis, 769 Augustus (Octavian), 516±17, 715 Crete, 705±6, 707, 707±8 Aulis, 181±204, 182 cursing, 329±30 Aurora, 27±9,579±80 Curtius, Q., 114 Autolycus, 31±2, 146±7 Cyclops, see Polyphemus Cyllene, Mt, 144±6 Bion, 394±6 Cynossema, 569±70 Bistones, 430 Cypria, see EpicCycle Boeo/-us, 1, 27, 716±18 Cythera, 625 book-divisions, 6±7 Briseis, 176 Damasichthon, 394 bronze, 700 Damoxenus, 683±4 Browne, Sir T., 162±80 Dardanus, 678 dative: of the agent, 67, 348, 660±1; Caeneus, 10 of disadvantage, 61, 560; Callimachus, 2, 31, 37,851±2 predicative, 849 Callisto, 293 Deidamia, 155 caltrops, 803 Delos, 29±32, 631, 635 Calypso, 301 dice, 213 Canute, 804 diction: poetic, 45, 47, 60, 86, 116, Carcinus, 15 123, 126±7, 141±2, 162, 169, 178, Catullus, 33, 477, 789, 790, 791, 800, 186, 197, 296, 313, 336, 399±400, 834 429, 471, 512, 513, 531±2, 724, 776, Celaeno, 709±10 918±19, 923; prosaic, 36±7, 144±5, chiasmus, see word-order 188, 239, 382, 684 Chaonia, 717 Dio, 25n.105 Charybdis, 730±1, 903, 916 Diomedes, 14, 45±54, 63±81, 98, 99, Chryseis, 173, 174 102, 181±204, 238±54, 245, 251, Cicero, 16±21, 42, 4, 31±2, 161, 383, 335±8, 350±69 853 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 716±18 Circe, 41±3, 301 Dodona, 716±18 Cisseus, 620 Dolon, 244, 245, 245±6, 342 Coeranus, 257 dove, 674, 716±18 comb, 765±6 Drances, 9±10 concilium deorum,1±5 draughts, 213 conditional clauses, 5n.14,49,733±4; Dulichium, 107, 711±13 concessive, 303; imperative Dymas, 62 instead of, 254 conjectures by learned ancient ecphrasis, 429, 692 readers, 294, 404±7, 683±4, 693± eloquence, 16, 18, 322 4, 707, 724, 865, 915 Enceladus, 937 Corcyra, 719±20 Ennius, 13, 121 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55620-0 - Ovid: Metamorphoses Book XIII Edited by Neil Hopkinson Index More information 1 SUBJECTS 247 Ennomus, 260 Hesiod, 710, 743, 749, 919, 951±3 EpicCycle: Aethiopis, 13, 28, 280±95, Homer: controversial passages in, 501, 587±99; Cypria, 14, 31, 34±42, 63±81; echoes of/allusions to, 45±54, 171, 174, 181±204, 196±204, passim; as fountainhead of 207, 238±54; Little Iliad, 13, 14,1± rhetoric, 19n.72, 21n.98 5, 99, 102, 156, 323, 385, 409±10, Horace, 2n.5,288,791 415±17; Sack of Troy, 14, 24n.98, hospitality, 760±1 409±10, 409, 415±17 Hyacinthus/hyacinth, 394±6 Etna, Mt, 868±9 Hyades, 293 etymologising, see word-play Hyginus, 255±62, 293 (bis) Euphorion, 31, 394±6, 398 Hyle, 683±4 Euripides, 14, 23±5, 36, 162±80, 171, hyperbole, 823±4 181±204, 412±14, 421, 425, 442, Hypsipyle, 399±400 447, 450, 451, 457±73, 463, 464, 465, 466±7, 475, 477, 479±80, Ida, Mt, 324, 628 483±4, 494, 509±10, 511, 514±15, Idomeneus, 358±9 533±5, 551, 552±3, 555, 561±4, in®nitive, perf. for pres., 964 569±70, 812 Ino (Leucothea), 919 Eustathius, 132±3 interpolated lines, 57, 230, 295, 332, 333, 378, 379, 404±7, 460±1, 693± `fast forward' style, 382±98, 558±64, 4, 794 623±31, 705±18, 706 Iphigenia, 181±204 Faunus, 750 irony, 43, 186, 295, 321±3, 523, 626, Frontinus, 120±2 741 Ismarus, Mt, 530 Galatea, 35±40 Ismenius, R., 682 genealogy, 140±58 Ithaca, 98 genitive, objective, 348 gladiators, 612±19 Jupiter, 707 glass, 791 Juvenal, 1, 568±9, 804 Glaucus, 41±3,288,951±3 Golden Line, see word-order Lactantius Placidus, 44, 683±44 Gorgias, 38 Laertes, 124 guest-gifts, 679, 681 lament, 427±8, 483, 489±90, 494± 503 Harpies, 709±10 Laomedon, 23, 246 Hecuba, 22±7 Latona, 635 Hedyle, 42 Latro, M. Porcius, 16, 120±2 heir, 154 Launa, 31±2 Helenus, 99, 336, 720±3 Lavinium, 32 Hellanicus, 238±54 legal terminology, 27, 154 (bis), 158, hendiadys, 687, 938 170, 190, 198±9, 200 Hephaestus (Vulcan), 313 Lemnos, 313, 399±400, 400 Heracles (Hercules), 23, 24, 51±2, Lesbos, 173 713±15 Lindus, 683±4 Herodotus, 400 litotes, 241 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55620-0 - Ovid: Metamorphoses Book XIII Edited by Neil Hopkinson Index More information 248 INDEXES Little Iliad, see EpicCycle oak, 799 Livy, 1, 4, 114, 120±2 Ocean, 950±1 locus amoenus,766,845 Octavian, see Augustus Lucretius, 181±204, 296, 368±9, 602, Odrysae, 554 719, 937, 955 Oebalus, 396 Lyrnessus, 176 omens, 771 Onasander, 205±15 Macer, M. Aemilius, 1, 27 oracles, 954±7 manuscripts, 44 Orion, 293, 294 Martial, 425±6 Orphism, 951±3 Melicertes (Palaemon), 919 oxymoron, 12, 327 Memnon 27±9,606;bird,28±9 Menander, 954±7 Pacuvius, see tragedy, Roman Mercury, 144±5, 146 Pagasae, 24 Meriones, 358±9 Palamedes, 14, 34±42, 37, 38, 162± Messana, 729 80, 213 metamorphosis, 1±6;brief,163; Palladium, 99, 337, 339±49, 373, changes of fortune, 643; 381 foreshadowed, 423±8, 892, 902; paradox, 497±504, 521, 564 of Hecuba, 23, 540, 547±8, 547; Parentalia, 612±19 of Memnon, 604±8; omitted, parenthesis, 16, 459, 866 671±2 Paris, 501 metaphor, as metamorphosis, 4±6, Parthenius, 1 12, 643 participle: comp./superl. from, 859; metonymy, 11, 653, 707 fut., 220, 274, 881; perf. pass., 50, metre and prosody: -õÅs/-õÅt perf. 243, 802 ending, 444, 756, 958; `leonine' `patheticfallacy',48, 581±2, 690±1, hexameter, 379; `metrical 785±6, 877 lengthening', 99; `prosodic Patroclus, 273 variation', 100, 223, 268±9, 319, patronymic, 22, 39, 68, 124, 189±90, 374, 416, 607, 764; -que 257, 273, 482 lengthened, 257; reinforcing sense, Pausanias, 28n.115 225±7, 347; spondaic®fth foot, Pelasgians, 13 684; varied ictus, see repetition Peleus, 144±5 Midas, 652 Pelion, Mt, 109 Molossians, 716±18 periphrasis, 45 Montanism, 503±5 Petronius, 262±5, 833 Moschus, 33 Phaeacians, 719±20 mourning, 611 Pherecydes, 293 Munichus, 716±18 Philoctetes, 45±54, 45, 50, 51±2, 52± 4, 313±38, 316, 317, 323 Nestor, 10,63±81 Philomelus, 238±54 Nicander, 1, 32,394±6,713±15 Philoxenus, 36 Nisus and Euryalus, 105±6 Phrygians, 44 nominative, and in®nitive, 141±2 Pindar, 14n.44,267,868±9 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55620-0 - Ovid: Metamorphoses Book XIII Edited by Neil Hopkinson Index More information 1 SUBJECTS 249 pipe, 784 scars, 255±62, 262±5 Pleiads, 293 Scylla, 730±1, 902, 910±11 Pliny(Elder),398,567,683±4 Scyros, 156, 162±80, 174 plural, `poetic', 4 Selli, 716±18 Polygnotus, 28 Seneca: Elder, 97, 120±2, 503±5; Polymestor, 429±38, 551, 555 Younger, 31±2, 650, 784, 801 Polyphemus, 35±40 Servius, 31n.122, 75, 516±17, 621±2, polyptoton, see repetition 636±7,669,674,784,818,840±1 Polyxena, 439±532, 457±73 Shakespeare, W., 23n.95 Poseidon, 246 shield, 2, 75, 110, 292±4, 347, 683±4 present tense: in ecphrases, 692; Sicily, 725±7 vivid, 380 Sigeum, 3 Priam, 409±10 simile, 547±8, 791, 804 Propertius, 288 Simois, 324 Protesilaus, 207 Simonides, 31 Proteus, 1n.1, 918 Sinon, 375±80, 381 proverb, 105±6, 400 Sisyphus, 26, 31±2 Pthia, 156 Sithonia, 571 puri®cation, 951±3 Solinus, 40n.140,897 Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus), 155, 162±80, Sophocles, 14, 28, 52±4, 99, 196± 394, 409±10 204, 213, 313±38, 316, 317, 320, Pythagoras, 3±4,720±3 322, 329±30, 385, 387, 392, 398, 399±400, 402 quarrel, as epicopening, 1±5 Statius, 162±80, 166±7, 621±2 Quintilian, 16±21,5±8,97,125±7, Stephanus of Byzantium, 683±4 132±3, 141, 161 Strabo, 3, 174, 253, 716±18 Quintus Smyrnaeus, 28, 440 Strophades, 709±10 Suda, 954±7 repetition: anaphora, 8, 15, 35±9, 40 suddenness, 617, 954 (bis), 49, 64, 80±1, 83±4, 178, Suetonius, 162±80, 479±80, 612±19, 280±95, 328±38, 375±80,
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