28.01.2015 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST SUPPLEMENTARY LIST FOR TODAY IN CONTINUATION OF THE ADVANCE LIST ALREADY CIRCULATED. THE WEBSITE OF DELHI HIGH COURT IS www.delhihighcourt.nic.in INDEX PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS ------------> J- 1 TO J-2 REGULAR MATTERS -----------------------> R- 1 TO 54 FINAL MATTERS (ORIGINAL SIDE) ---------> F- 1 TO 11 ADVANCE LIST --------------------------> 1 TO 92 APPELLATE SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY LIST)----> 93 TO 109 (FIRST PART) APPELLATE SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY LIST)----> 110 TO 117 (SECOND PART) ORIGINAL SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY I)--------> 118 TO 126 COMPANY -------------------------------> 127 TO 128 SECOND SUPPLEMENTARY ------------------> 129 TO 145 NOTES 1. Hon'ble DB-I will not assemble today. 2. Urgent mentioning may be made before Hon'ble DB-II at 10.30 A.M. NOTE Matters fixed for 23rd January,2015 shall be taken up for hearing on Tuesday, the 27th January, 2015 and Special Bench matters fixed for 23rd January,2015 shall be taken up for hearing on 30th January, 2015. CORRIGENDUM 1. W.P.(C) 18461/2006 & W.P.(C) 18462/2006 listed before Hon'ble Ms. Justice Deepa Sharma at item No. 3 & 4 may be read as under: AFTER NOTICE MISC. MATTERS 3. CM APPL. 15371/2006 TAGORE SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL RAKESH MALHOTRA, CM APPL. 1284/2007 Vs. DHRUV RAJ & ORS. H.K.CHATURVEDI, CM APPL. 10201/2014 RAKESH MALHOTRA CM APPL. 14094/2014 & ASSOCIATES CM APPL. 16478/2014 In W.P.(C) 18461/2006 4. CM APPL. 15374/2006 TAGORE SCHOOL RAKESH MALHOTRA, CM APPL. 1285/2007 Vs. JUGAL KISHORE H.K.CHATURVEDI,AMIT CM APPL. 10097/2014 GROVER,RAKESH CM APPL. 14098/2014 MALHOTRA & ASSOCIATES In W.P.(C) 18462/2006 DELETIONS 1. ITA 441/2013, ITA 444/2013,ITA 445/2013,ITA 446/2013,ITA 452/2013 & ITA 461/2013 listed before Hon'ble DB-V at item Nos. 14 to 19 respectively are deleted as the same are decided matters. 2. W.P.(C) 773/2015 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajiv Shakdher at item No. 26 is deleted as the same is listed before Hon'ble DB-VII. 3. W.P.(C) 6392/2013 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice Vibhu Bakhru at item No. 15 is deleted as the same is fixed for 05.05.2015. 4. W.P.(C) 1014/2012 listed before Hon'ble Mr. Justice V.P. Vaish at item No. 20 is deleted as the same is fixed for 09.04.2015. N O T I C E It is hereby informed that the Delhi High Court has launched SMS alert facility to provide information regarding filing defects(if any) found during the scrutiny of cases. All the advocates/litigants desirous of getting this facility are requested to provide their mobile numbers at the time of filing of cases. N O T I C E Encourged by the smooth functioning of E-filing of cases in the Company and Tax jurisdiction, which commenced on 25th October 2013, Hon'ble the chief Justice has been pleased to order that the E-filing in the Arbitration jurisdiction shall commence with effect from Monday, 2nd February, 2015. All the pleadings and documents in arbitration side matters will be filed electronically at the E-filing Centres, i.e., Room No.4, Ground Floor, Lawyers' chambers Block-I, Delhi High Court and New Original Side Filing Centre, Ground Floor, Lawyers' Chambers Block-I, Delhi High Court. Filing in the arbitration jurisdiction through any other mode will not be accepted after that date. The e-filing Practice Directions, issued on 25.10.2013, available on the website of Delhi High Court, will apply to e- filing of arbitration cases. Hard copies are also availabe at the e-filing Centres. For the purpose of e-filing, a lawyer or a litigant(in person), as the case may be, will need to purchase a digital signature. The list of vendors(Licensed Certifying Authorities) is available on the wesite http://cca.gov.in. A lawyer desirous of acquainting himself or herself with the e-filing procedure can visit the e-filing kiosk at Room No.4, Ground Floor, Lawyers' Chambers Block-I, Delhi High Court. The procedure for filing of soft copies of other original side cases(i.e.other than arbitration cases) will continue to be governed by the notice dated 30th January, 2014. URGENT NOTICE Reg: Destruction of Unclaimed Certified Copies prepared till 30th August 2014 and Applications for Supply of Certified Copies(Under Objection) for the period i.e. From 1st July 2013 to 30th August 2014. Advocate/Litigants are requested to kindly contact Copying Agent at the Certified Copy Filing Counter on any working day to collect the certified copies prepared till 30th August 2014 lying ready for delivery pursuant to the applications made during 1st July 2013 to 30th August 2014. However, the said certified copies, if not collected by 15.02.2015 would be destroyed in the first week of March, 2015, without any further notice and the amount deposited for such attested copy shall stand forfeited in view of Rule 10A added in Chapter5-B, Delhi High Court Rules & Orders Volume, Published in the Delhi Gazette on 01.09.09 and as per the receipt issued for supply of Certified Copy, which contains a note the "in case the attested copy is not collected within 120 days from the date of its preparation, it will be destroyed and the amount deposited for such attested copy shall stand forfeited". The Advocates/Litigants are further requested to contact Administrative Officer(Judicial), Copy 'Applellate' in Hall No.04, Basement, Extension Block of the High Court of Delhi on any working day to collect the applications made for supply of Certified Copies during 1st July 2013 to 30th August 2014 which are lying under objection. However, the said applications, if not collected for removal of objections, by 15.02.15, would also be destroyed in the first week of March, 2015 and the amount deposited for such attested copy shall stand forfeited. A list of such applications is available with the Copying Agent as also on the High Court Website. REGISTRAR(LISTING) HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI No. 31/Rules/DHC Dated : 16.01.2015 PRACTICE DIRECTIONS Hon’ble the Chief Justice, on the recommendations of the Hon’ble Judges of the Original Side, has been pleased to issue following practice directions for information and compliance by all concerned :- 1. In a Petition filed under Section 9 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, where the arbitration proceedings have commenced, an advance copy of petition shall be supplied to private parties and in all the petitions under Section 9 of the Act whether before, during or after passing of the award in cases where the opposite party is Union of India, State Government, Statutory Authority, Public Sector Undertaking or Govt. Department, advance copy shall be served through the respective standing/nominate/empanelled counsel. 2. In a petition filed under Section 11 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, for appointment of Arbitrators, an advance copy of petition shall be served upon the opposite party, where opposite party is Union of India, State Government, Statutory Authority, Public Sector Undertaking or Govt. Department through the respective standing/nominated counsel. 3. In a petition filed under Sections 14 & 15 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, for termination of mandate and substitution of the arbitrator, an advance copy of petition shall be served upon the opposite party or their counsel appearing in the arbitration proceedings. 4. In a petition filed under Section 27 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, for Court’s assistance in taking evidence, an advance copy of petition shall be served upon the opposite party or their counsel appearing in the arbitration proceedings. 5. In a petition filed under Section 34 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, for setting aside arbitral award, an advance copy of petition shall be served upon the opposite party or their counsel who appeared last in the arbitral proceedings. 6. In an appeal filed under Section 37 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, an advance copy of petition shall be served upon the opposite party or their counsel appearing in the arbitral proceedings. In all such above matters, a letter will also be served on the other side stating that the matter will be listed in Court shortly. The acknowledgment of service will be enclosed with the petition at the time of filing. All the Officers and Dealing Assistants at the Filing Counter are requested to ensure that advance copies in the above mentioned petitions filed under Sections 9, 11, 14, 15, 27, 34 and 37 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 are served upon the opposite parties and the acknowledgment of service is enclosed with the petitions at the time of their filing. These Practice Directions shall come into force immediately. By Order Sd/- (VINOD GOEL) REGISTRAR GENERAL 28.01.2015 J-1 PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGEMENTS(APPLET. JURISDICTION) COURT NO.2 (DIVISION BENCH-2) HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE BADAR DURREZ AHMED HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE SANJEEV SACHDEVA AT 2.15 P.M 1. FAO(OS) 34/2015 SEEMA SWAMI ANUPAM SRIVASTAVA, TARUN BANSAL VS. IHHR HOSPITALITY SHARMISHTHA GHOSH, VINEET JHANJI PVT. LTD. IMRAN MOULAEY COURT NO.3 (DIVISION BENCH-3) HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE PRADEEP NANDRAJOG HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE PRATIBHA RANI 1. W.P.(C) 6426/2000 KEASHAV SINGH PUNEET VERMA VS. DIRECTOR GENERAL, BSF, ANKUR CHHIBBER & ORS 2. W.P.(c) 4586/2005 SATYAWAN SINGH AMITA GUPTA VS. UOI ANJANA GOSAIN COURT NO.23 HON'BLE MS. JUSTICE HIMA KOHLI 1. W.P.(C) 7906/2013 JAGPREET KAUR GANDHI ANKUR CHIBBER VS.
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