05/05/20 REVISOR KLL/JK A20-0767 1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2711 as follows: 1.2 Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert: 1.3 "ARTICLE 1 1.4 APPROPRIATIONS 1.5 Section 1. APPROPRIATIONS. 1.6 The sums shown in the column under "APPROPRIATIONS" are added to or reduce the 1.7 appropriations in Laws 2019, First Special Session chapter 5, to the agencies and for the 1.8 purposes specified in this article. The appropriations are from the general fund, or another 1.9 named fund, and are available for the fiscal year indicated for each purpose. 1.10 APPROPRIATIONS 1.11 Available for the Year 1.12 Ending June 30 1.13 2020 2021 1.14 Sec. 2. CORRECTIONS 1.15 Subdivision 1. Total Appropriation $ 205,000 $ 5,545,000 1.16 The amounts that may be spent for each 1.17 purpose are specified in the following 1.18 subdivisions. 1.19 Subd. 2. Correctional Institutions -0- (2,545,000) 1.20 To account for overall bed impact savings of 1.21 reductions in the penalties for controlled 1.22 substances offenses involving the possession 1.23 of marijuana, investments in community 1.24 supervision, and increased penalties for sex 1.25 trafficking offenses, the fiscal year 2021 Article 1 Sec. 2. 1 05/05/20 REVISOR KLL/JK A20-0767 2.1 appropriation from Laws 2019, First Special 2.2 Session chapter 5, article 1, section 15, 2.3 subdivision 2, is reduced by $2,545,000. 2.4 Subd. 3. Community Services 205,000 8,065,000 2.5 $3,925,000 in fiscal year 2021 is added to the 2.6 Community Corrections Act subsidy, under 2.7 Minnesota Statutes, section 401.14. The base 2.8 for this appropriation is $4,911,000 in fiscal 2.9 year 2022 and $4,911,000 in fiscal year 2023. 2.10 $310,000 in fiscal year 2021 is for county 2.11 probation officer reimbursement, under 2.12 Minnesota Statutes, section 244.19, 2.13 subdivision 6. 2.14 $205,000 in fiscal year 2020 and $430,000 in 2.15 fiscal year 2021 is to provide offender 2.16 supervision services in Meeker and Renville 2.17 counties. These expenditures must be offset 2.18 by revenue to the general fund collected under 2.19 Minnesota Statutes, section 244.19, 2.20 subdivision 5. 2.21 $422,000 in fiscal year 2021 is to increase 2.22 Department of Correction's offender 2.23 supervision. The base for this appropriation 2.24 is $844,000 in fiscal year 2022 and $844,000 2.25 in fiscal year 2023. 2.26 $2,613,000 in fiscal year 2021 is to establish 2.27 county and regional revocation intervention 2.28 service centers for offenders who would 2.29 otherwise be returned to prison. The base for 2.30 this appropriation is $5,100,000 in fiscal year 2.31 2022 and $5,100,000 in fiscal year 2023. 2.32 $365,000 in fiscal year 2021 is for cognitive 2.33 behavioral treatment, for community-based 2.34 sex offender treatment, and to increase housing Article 1 Sec. 2. 2 05/05/20 REVISOR KLL/JK A20-0767 3.1 alternatives for offenders under community 3.2 supervision. The base for this appropriation 3.3 is $730,000 in fiscal year 2022 and $730,000 3.4 in fiscal year 2023. 3.5 Subd. 4. Operations Support -0- 25,000 3.6 Felony Murder Task Force 3.7 $25,000 in fiscal year 2021 is for staffing 3.8 needs of the Felony Murder Task Force. 3.9 Sec. 3. SENTENCING GUIDELINES $ 8,000 $ 36,000 3.10 Sec. 4. PUBLIC SAFETY; BUREAU OF 3.11 CRIMINAL APPREHENSION $ -0- $ 4,775,000 3.12 (a) Storage, Tracking, and Testing for Sexual 3.13 Assault Examination Kits 3.14 $3,096,000 in fiscal year 2021 is to pay for 3.15 the testing of unrestricted sexual assault 3.16 examination kits, storage of restricted kits, and 3.17 the development of an informational website 3.18 for sexual assault survivors to learn the status 3.19 of the testing of the survivor's individual 3.20 sexual assault examination kit. The base for 3.21 this appropriation is $2,067,000 in fiscal year 3.22 2022 and each year thereafter. 3.23 (b) Laboratory Capacity Enhancement for 3.24 Marijuana Testing 3.25 $293,000 in fiscal year 2021 is for staffing 3.26 and operating costs to increase staff and 3.27 provide for training, supplies, and equipment 3.28 to enhance the capacity of testing for the 3.29 presence and weight of marijuana to comply 3.30 with changes in law establishing additional 3.31 graduated penalties for possession of 3.32 marijuana. The base for this appropriation is 3.33 $255,000 in fiscal year 2022 and each year 3.34 thereafter. Article 1 Sec. 4. 3 05/05/20 REVISOR KLL/JK A20-0767 4.1 (c) Laboratory Capacity Enhancement to 4.2 Combat Violent Crime 4.3 $1,386,000 in fiscal year 2021 is for staffing 4.4 and operating costs to increase staff; provide 4.5 for training, supplies, and equipment; and 4.6 renovate space to enhance the capacity for 4.7 forensic testing to combat violent crime. The 4.8 base for this appropriation is $844,000 in fiscal 4.9 year 2022 and each year thereafter. 4.10 Sec. 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. 4.11 This article is effective the day following final enactment. 4.12 ARTICLE 2 4.13 GENERAL CRIME 4.14 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2019 Supplement, section 504B.206, subdivision 1, is 4.15 amended to read: 4.16 Subdivision 1. Right to terminate; procedure. (a) A tenant to a residential lease may 4.17 terminate a lease agreement in the manner provided in this section without penalty or liability, 4.18 if the tenant or another authorized occupant fears imminent violence after being subjected 4.19 to: 4.20 (1) domestic abuse, as that term is defined under section 518B.01, subdivision 2; 4.21 (2) criminal sexual conduct under sections 609.342 to 609.3451; or 4.22 (3) harass, as that term is defined harassment under section 609.749, subdivision 1. 4.23 (b) The tenant must provide signed and dated advance written notice to the landlord: 4.24 (1) stating the tenant fears imminent violence from a person as indicated in a qualifying 4.25 document against the tenant or an authorized occupant if the tenant or authorized occupant 4.26 remains in the leased premises; 4.27 (2) stating that the tenant needs to terminate the tenancy; 4.28 (3) providing the date by which the tenant will vacate; and 4.29 (4) providing written instructions for the disposition of any remaining personal property 4.30 in accordance with section 504B.271. Article 2 Section 1. 4 05/05/20 REVISOR KLL/JK A20-0767 5.1 (c) The written notice must be delivered before the termination of the tenancy by mail, 5.2 fax, or in person, and be accompanied by a qualifying document. 5.3 (d) The landlord may request that the tenant disclose the name of the perpetrator and, if 5.4 a request is made, inform the tenant that the landlord seeks disclosure to protect other tenants 5.5 in the building. The tenant may decline to provide the name of the perpetrator for safety 5.6 reasons. Disclosure shall not be a precondition of terminating the lease. 5.7 (e) The tenancy terminates, including the right of possession of the premises, as provided 5.8 in subdivision 3. 5.9 EFFECTIVE DATE. This section is effective August 1, 2020. 5.10 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2018, section 609.1095, subdivision 1, is amended to read: 5.11 Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) As used in this section, the following terms have the 5.12 meanings given. 5.13 (b) "Conviction" means any of the following accepted and recorded by the court: a plea 5.14 of guilty, a verdict of guilty by a jury, or a finding of guilty by the court. The term includes 5.15 a conviction by any court in Minnesota or another jurisdiction. 5.16 (c) "Prior conviction" means a conviction that occurred before the offender committed 5.17 the next felony resulting in a conviction and before the offense for which the offender is 5.18 being sentenced under this section. 5.19 (d) "Violent crime" means a violation of or an attempt or conspiracy to violate any of 5.20 the following laws of this state or any similar laws of the United States or any other state: 5.21 sections 152.137; 609.165; 609.185; 609.19; 609.195; 609.20; 609.205; 609.2112; 609.2113; 5.22 609.2114; 609.221; 609.222; 609.223; 609.228; 609.235; 609.24; 609.245; 609.25; 609.255; 5.23 609.2661; 609.2662; 609.2663; 609.2664; 609.2665; 609.267; 609.2671; 609.268; 609.322; 5.24 609.342; 609.343; 609.344; 609.345; 609.498, subdivision 1; 609.561; 609.562; 609.582, 5.25 subdivision 1; 609.66, subdivision 1e; 609.687; and 609.855, subdivision 5; any provision 5.26 of sections 609.229; 609.377; 609.378; 609.749; and 624.713 that is punishable by a felony 5.27 penalty; or any provision of chapter 152 that is punishable by a maximum sentence of 15 5.28 years or more; or Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 609.21. 5.29 EFFECTIVE DATE.
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