Restricted for official use Annual Report 20072008 Department of School Education Government of West Bengal Bikash Bhawan, Bidhan Nagar Kolkata 700 091 i Publisher Department of School Education Govt. of West Bengal Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake City Kolkata 700 091 Printed at Saraswaty Press Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise) Kolkata 700 056 2007-2008 Graphics, Layout, Cover Design Compilation & Edited by Directorate of School Education, West Bengal Date of Publication January 2009 ii Partha De Minister-in-Charge Department of School Education Government of West Bengal ( : (033) 2334 2256 (033) 2358 8858 (Fax) Dated, Kolkata, 5th February, 2009 FOREWORD I am happy that the Annual Report of the Department of School Education for 2007-2008 is being published. The Department of School Education has undertaken the task of Universalisation of Elementary Education and is getting ready to reach out to Universalisation of Secondary Education. We are happy to reduce the out of school children in Upper Primary level. We have been successful in bringing almost all children to Primary School through effective mobilisation by the Village/Ward Education Committee and participation of mothers in particular. Besides reduction in the number of Out of School Childern and Drop Out rates at the Primary level, increase in the capacities including improved access to Elementary Education could be seen around the State. Steps have also been initiated for a significant expansion at the Secondary and Higher Secondary level. About 3800 new set up Upper Primary Schools are coming up to cater to the needs of these huge number of students. Both Pre-service & In-service Training of Inspecting Officers/Teachers at different level were scaled up for qualitative improvement at every level of School Education. The activities map of all sectors of this Department have been incorporated in this current issue of the Annual Report. No area will be left out without a Primary, Upper Primary, High or Higher Secondary School as the case may be, and subjects taught will be equitably distributed in all the C. D. Blocks. Special drives are on to encourage Girls Education, Education of the Minority, S.C., S.T. and O.B.C. youth. Children with Special needs will be provided with quality Education. New and effective approach to English and Mathematics teaching is taken up.First Language will be subsequently taken up. School EducationDepartment has proposed to evaluate their work within the Class-room to the top most level and so tries to reorient the entire human resource. I hope this Annual Report will be utilized by all concerned in Management of education and they will find this Report useful. Their suggestions and comments will also help us for further improvement of the report in future. I convey my thankfulness to those who prepared this report and now publish the same in an appropriate manner. Partha Dey Minister-in-Charge iii iv GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT BIKASH BHAVAN, SALT LAKE CITY KOLKATA - 700091. Tel:2334-2228 Fax: 2337-6561 Dr. N. Chatterjee, Ias Principal Secretary Dated, Kolkata the 20th January, 2009. The 12th issue of the Annual Report of the School Education Department is being published for the year 2007-08. The main objectives of this Department are to enroll all children in schools by reducing out of school children,mainstream dropped-out-children in formal education, to converge all alternative systems of Education with the formal system and above all, to provide quality education. This is to place on record sincere gratitude to the Minister-in-Charge, School Education for his advice and guidance towards enrichment of this document. Special appreciation is recorded towards all colleagues of this Department especially the Director of School Education and his colleagues, State Project Director of Paschim Banga Sarba Shiksha Mission and his colleagues, Chairperson ,West Bengal Central School Service Commission, the President of the Boards and Councils and Rabindra Mukta Vidyalaya, the Director, State council of Education Research & Training. West Bengal and all others involved in preparing this document. Constructive suggestions and comments in this regard will be greatly appreciated. Principal Secretary v Dibyen Mukherjee IAS Director of School Education & Ex-officio Joint Secretary, Deptt. of school education GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake Kolkata - 700 091, Ph. 2334 4504 E-mail : dibyen-m @ rediffmail.com FOREWORD It gives me immense pleasure to see the Annual Report of School education Deptt. for the academic year 2007-2008 is being published. We have tried our best to update and enrich this 12th issue of the Annual Report significantly. Most of the activities of all sectors under the aegis of thes Deptt. probably have been highlighted in this Report. The area of universalisation of Elementary education has been broadhy emphasised and the various interventions of Sarba Siksha Mission have been ventilated in the report. Besides this, necessary statistical Study & Research Reports, Projected Population of the state, examination Results in detail etc. have also been incorporated in this volume which may be helpful to the Educational Administrator, Educational Planner, Research worker, Educational Managers at different level etc. in the field of school education. Yet I do believe that there may be some gaps and lacunae in the publication. We also invite constructive criticism from the readers, users of this volume in regard to desired improvement in the next issue of this report. Their feedback and valuable suggestion will help us to make it more comprehensive in the years to come. I am really grateful to our Honourable Minister-in-charge, school Edn. Prof. Partha Dey and Dr. Nandita Chatterjee, the Principal Secretory, school edn. Deptt. for their continuous advice, guidance in preparation of the report towards publication of this report. D. Mukherjee) Director of School Education & Ex-officio Joint Secretary, Deptt. of School Education West Bengal. vii viii THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA Preamble WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens : JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUTION ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION. ²à²ë²ßþزíâþ éãì²ßÛëÜ r´g¦ë²ßÜë “xyõÓ˚yñ ¶˛yÓ˚ˆÏì˛Ó˚ ãòÜíñ ¶˛yÓ˚ì˛ˆÏÑ˛ ¢yÓ≈ˆÏ¶˛Ôõñ ¢õyãì˛y!s˛fÑ˛ñ ïõ≈!òÓ˚ˆÏ˛ô«˛ñ Üíì˛y!s˛fÑ˛ñ ¢yïyÓ˚íì˛s˛f Ó)˚ˆÏ˛ô ܈Ïv˛¸ ì%˛úˆÏì˛ ~ÓÇ ì˛yÓ˚ ¢Ñ˛ú òyÜ!Ó˚Ñ˛£z ÎyˆÏì˛ ¢yõy!ãÑ˛ñ xÌ≈˜Ïò!ì˛Ñ˛ Á Ó˚yã˜Ïò!ì˛Ñ˛ñ òƒyÎ˚!Óâ˛yÓ˚ñ !â˛hs˛yñ õì˛≤ÃÑ˛yüñ !ÓŸªy¢ñ ïõ≈ ~ÓÇ v˛z˛ôy¢òyÓ˚ fl˛∫yï#òì˛yñ ¢yõy!ãÑ˛ ≤Ã!ì˛¤˛y xã≈ò Á ¢%ˆÏÎyˆÏÜÓ˚ ¢õì˛y ≤Ã!ì˛¤˛y ~ÓÇ ì˛yˆÏîÓ˚ ¢Ñ˛ˆÏúÓ˚ õˆÏïƒ Óƒ!=˛Ó˚ õÎ≈yîy ~ÓÇ ãyì˛#Î˚ ˙Ñ˛ƒ Á ¢Ç£!ì˛ ¢%!ò!ÿ˛ì˛Ñ˛Ó˚ˆÏíÓ˚ õyÏõ ì˛yˆÏîÓ˚ õˆÏïƒ ÎyˆÏì˛ ºyì,˛ˆÏcÓ˚ ¶˛yÓ ÜˆÏv˛¸ ÁˆÏ‡˛ ì˛yÓ˚ ãòƒ ¢ì˛ƒ!ò¤˛yÓ˚ ¢ˆÏAÜ ü˛ôÌ @˘Ã£í Ñ˛ˆÏÓ˚ñ xyõyˆÏîÓ˚ ÜíÈÙÈ˛ô!Ó˚°ÏˆÏî xyãñ 1949 ¢yˆÏúÓ˚ 26ˆÏü òˆÏ¶˛¡∫Ó˚ñ ~ì˛jµyÓ˚y ~£z ¢Ç!Óïyò @˘Ã£íñ !Ó!ïÓÂï ~ÓÇ !òˆÏãˆÏîÓ˚ x˛ô≈í Ñ˛Ó˚!äÈ– ix CONTENTS Page Chapter I : Introduction 1 18 I. MapIndia/West Bengal II. a) Demographic Profile of West Bengal b) Extract of W.B. Human Development Report c) Literacy Rate and Related Figure III. Projected Population in W.B. Chapter II : School Education Department 19 32 I. School Education Department at a glance II. Programme of School Edn. Deptt. 2007-2008 III. Management Information System (a) MIC.Office (A) (b) Different Departments of Education (B) (c) Management System I to IV (d) Strength of officers in HQ. and in different districts. Chapter III : Primary Education 33 68 I. General view II. District Wise Number of Schools Along with Number of Sanctioned Posts III. Pay Scale of Primary School TeachersROPA 1998 IV. Sanskrit Education & District Wise Number of Sanskrit Tols V. Report of Sarba Siksha Mission with Basic Statistics (a) General information : Demographic & Administrative Information. (b) Enrolment : Primary & Upper Primary (c) Bharti Sunischit Karan Karma Suchi - 2007 and its outcome. (d) Alternative innovative Education (e) Civil works. (f) Girls Education (g) NPEGEL, KGBV, CWSN, IED etc. (h) Teachers Training & its impact. (i) Teacher Recruitment (j) Different grants (k) Academic Resource Centre. (l) SLIP & Activities in collaboration with UNICEF (m) Management Information System (MIS) (n) Extract from Aide Memoire of Seventh JRM of SSA. xi VI. West Bengal Board of Primary Education (a) General Scenario (b) The New era in Development of Materials & Renewal of Text Books. (c) National curriculum Frame work 2005 and curriculum and syllabus. (d) English as second language from class I - the New Approach (e) Progress in teaching - learning in Santhali (Olchiki scripts) Language (f) New Approach to teaching learning of Mathematics. (g) Orientation of teachers in Teaching English as Second Language. (h) Primary Teachers Training Institute. (i) External Evaluation and Diagnostic Achievement Test (j) Sarva Siksha Abhijan (k) School Health Programme (l) Primary School Sanitation and Hygiene education cell. (m) Inter district Transfer of Pry. School Teachers. (n) Recognition to the Primary Schools as per govt. Quota. (o) Annual Sports Meet. (p) Future programmes Chapter IV : Secondary Education 69 94 I. General II. Grants-in-Aid III. Government Schools Including list of Government Schools IV. West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (a) General Scenario (b) Functions of Different Sections of the Board (c) Madhyamik Examination (SE), 2008 : Broad Features (d) Results Analysis of Madhyamik Pariksha 2007 & 2008 : A Comparative Study with gender specific including SC & ST.
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