LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HERNANDO COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CITRUS this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit der for cash. The Foreclosure Sale will be COUNTY, FLORIDA. SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES %QWTVŏU QHſEG PQVKſGF QH [QWT EWTTGPV CF- conducted electronically online via the In- TOGETHER WITH THAT CERTAIN SECTION 733.702. ALL CLAIMS AND FTGUU ;QW OC[ ſNG &GUKIPCVKQP QH %WT- ternet at www.Hillsborough.realforeclose. DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE rent Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida com, pursuant to Judgment or Order of the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1988 OMNI TRAILERS, INC. MOBILE HOME, VIN(S) 015800A AND 015800B FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTAND- Supreme Court Approved Family Law Court and Chapter 45, Florida Statutes, at FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME Form 12.915.) Future papers in this law- 10:00 a.m. on Friday, May 26, 2017. CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA and commonly known as: 4454 S SKY- PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) suit will be mailed or e-mailed to the LARK TERR, HOMOSASSA, FL 34447; IF YOU ARE A PERSON CLAIMING A CIVIL DIVISION YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECE- CFFTGUU GU QPTGEQTFCVVJGENGTMŏUQHſEG RIGHT TO FUNDS REMAINING AFTER including the building, appurtenances, and DENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. CASE NO. 2016 CA 000811 ſZVWTGUNQECVGFVJGTGKPCVRWDNKEUCNGVQVJG WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family THE SALE, YOU MUST FILE A CLAIM BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST highest and best bidder, for cash, electroni- 6JGFCVGQHſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKU0QVKEG Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain WITH THE CLERK NO LATER THAN 60 COMPANY, successor by merger with cally at www.citrus.realforeclose.com, on is April 21, 2017. automatic disclosure of documents and in- DAYS AFTER THE SALE. IF YOU FAIL REPUBLIC BANK, May 4, 2017 at 10:00 A.M.. Person Giving Notice: formation. Failure to comply can result in TO FILE A CLAIM, YOU WILL NOT BE sanctions, including dismissal or striking ENTITLED TO ANY REMAINING FUNDS. Plaintiff, Any persons claiming an interest in the Tammy A. Gail 8024 Spanish Oak Dr. of pleadings. AFTER 60 DAYS, ONLY THE OWNER v. surplus from the sale, if any, other than the OF RECORD AS OF THE DATE OF THE property owner as of the date of the lis pen- Spring Hill, Florida 34606 Dated: 3/25/17 JERRY BUCHANAN A/K/A JERRY LIS PENDENS MAY CLAIM THEIR SUR- FGPUOWUVſNGCENCKOYKVJKPFC[UCHVGT Attorney for Person Giving Notice: Don Barbee, Jr. PLUS. LYNN BUCHANAN; UNKNOWN HEIRS the sale. Clerk of the Circuit Court OF JERRY BUCHANAN A/K/A JERRY Kara Evans, Attorney In accordance with the American with LYNN; TERRY L. BUCHANAN; TAMMIE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. Florida Bar Number: 381136 By: Maria Trenton Disabilities Act of 1990, persons need- BUCHANAN A/K/A TAMMY BUCHANAN, If you are a person with a disability who 5308 Van Dyke Road Deputy Clerk ing special attention to participate in this ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES needs any accommodation in order to par- Lutz, FL 33558 4/7-4/28/17 4T proceeding should contact the Court Ad- CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, Telephone: (813) 758-2173 —————————————————— ministration at 800 E. Kennedy Blvd., An- AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED at no cost to you, to the provision of certain (CZ PGZ 6CORC (. VGNGRJQPG INDIVIDUAL DEFENDANTS WHO assistance. Please contact the ADA Coor- E-Mail: [email protected] 276-8100, within two (2) working days of ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR dinator for Citrus County, John Sullivan, at Secondary E-Mail: [email protected] your receipt of this described notice. If (352) 341-6700 at least 7 days before your ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN 4/21-4/28/17 2T hearing impaired, (TTD) 1-800-955-8771, PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST scheduled court appearance, or immedi- —————————————————— of Voice (V) 1-800-955-8770, via Florida AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, CVGN[ WRQP TGEGKXKPI VJKU PQVKſECVKQP KH VJG HILLSBOROUGH Relay Service. GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; time before the scheduled appearance is TENANT #1; TENANT #2, less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY Date: April 19, 2017 FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR Defendants. impaired, call 711. The Plante Law Group, PLC Dated this 10th day of April, 2017. HERNANDO COUNTY, FLORIDA 806 N. Armenia Avenue CIVIL ACTION NOTICE OF SALE By: Alicia R. Whiting-Bozich Tampa, Florida 33609 CASE NO.: 2015-CA-000472 Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Final Attorney for Plaintiff IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE (813) 875-5297 Judgment of Foreclosure for Plaintiff en- JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, (CZ Kass Shuler, P.A. [email protected] tered in this cause, in the Circuit Court of 1505 N. Florida Ave. ASSOCIATION, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH CITRUS County, Florida, the Clerk of the Tampa, FL 33602-2613 Plaintiff, COUNTY, FLORIDA By: David J. Plante, Esquire Court will sell the property situated in CIT- (813) 229-0900 RUS County, Florida described as: vs. CASE NO.: 14-CA-007913 4/21-4/28/17 2T [email protected] THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF THE THE BANK OF NEW YORK —————————————————— 4/14-4/21/17 2T GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW NORTH ONE-HALF OF LOT 17, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER IN BLOCK G, OF NEW MAYFIELD —————————————————— YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE ACRES, FIRST ADDITION, ACCORD- UNDER, OR AGAINST, PATRICIA A. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on ING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THERE- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR CWABS, INC., ASSET-BACKED Tuesday, May 16, 2017 starting at 9:00 CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA WILSON A/K/A PATRICIA ANN WILSON CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-7, OF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, F/K/A PATRICIA ANN STANLEY, a.m., 4148 N. Armenia Ave., Suite A., PAGE 129, PUBLIC RECORDS OF CIVIL DIVISION DECEASED, et al, Plaintiff, Tampa, FL, a Hearing Officer, on behalf of CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA. the Hillsborough County Public Transpor- CASE NO. 2016-CA-1026 Defendant(s). vs. TOGETHER WITH MOBILE HOME tation Commission will conduct a Public VAICENT, LLC, a Florida limited liability CHRIS A. MONTERO; LINDA 1980 BUDDY VIN #04630661AN, TITL E NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED SALE MONTERO, Hearing for Executive Carriers Inc. for #17507086 AND VIN #04630661 BN, company, one (1) unrestricted limousine permit. Plaintiff, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant Defendants. TITLE #17507087 to an Order Rescheduling Foreclosure **************************************************** and commonly known as: 275 South v. Sale dated March 20, 2017, and entered NOTICE OF SALE (A) Any Certificate holder providing the Bauer Road, Lecanto, Florida 34461, at FRANKLIN L. STORK, III, et. al., in Case No. 2015-CA-000472 of the Cir- NOTICE IS GIVEN that, in accordance type of service being applied for by the public sale, to the highest and best bidder, Defendants. cuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit with the Order on Plaintiff’s Motion to Re- Applicant may submit an opinion about for cash, at www.citrus.realforeclose.com, in and for Hernando County, Florida in schedule Foreclosure Sale entered on April the pending application in writing. NOTICE OF SALE on MAY 11, 2017, at 10:00 A.M. which JPMorgan Chase Bank, National 7, 2017 in the above-styled cause, Pat (B) Any Certificate holder providing the ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTER- NOTICE IS GIVEN that pursuant to that Association, is the Plaintiff and Glenlakes Frank, Hillsborough county clerk of court, type of service being applied for by the EST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, certain Uniform Final Judgment of Fore- Master Homeowners Association, Inc. shall sell to the highest and best bidder for Applicant who wishes to present testi- IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY closure dated March 30, 2017, in Case f/k/a Glenlakes Homeowners Association, cash on May 10, 2017 at 10:00 A.M., at mony or cross-examine witnesses at the OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS No. 2016-CA-1026, of the Circuit Court Inc., Matthew A. Stanley, as an Heir of the www.hillsborough.realforeclose.com, public hearing must file a Notice of Ap- PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN in and for Citrus County, Florida, wherein Estate of Patricia A. Wilson a/k/a Patricia the following described property: pearance/Intervention with the Commis- 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. Vaicen t, LLC, a Florida limited liability Ann Wilson f/k/a Patricia Ann Stanley, LOT 312 OF PALM RIVER VILLAGE sion not later than 12:00 p.m., five busi- company, is the Plaintiff and Franklin L. deceased, Roderick Eric Stanley, The Un- UNIT TWO-A, AS PER MAP OR ness days prior to the public hearing. The If you are a person with a disability who Stork, III, and Jane Doe, n/k/a Rose Sa- known Heirs, Devisees, Grantees, Assign- needs any accommodation in order to par- PLAT THEREOF, AS THE SAME Notice of Appearance/Intervention shall lozzo, are the Defendants, Angela Vick, ees, Lienors, Creditors, Trustees, or other IS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK include the name, address and telephone ticipate in a proceeding, you are entitled, Citrus County Clerk of Court, will sell to the Claimants claiming by, through, under, or at no cost to you, the provision of certain 46, PAGE 18 OF THE PUBLIC number of the person filing and the name, highest and best bid der for cash in an on- against, Patricia A.
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