9- BBMBBBBBjWPPW vjmEb 5 - TUlTi1iiiinrfrn Tiiiinrr r J 4 7 f 1 VOL XXXV No 6i HONOLULU TUESDA1 FEBRUAEY 5 18S9 i WHOLE No 1256 QTarits 7 Business Tau uDcrtiscmcnts SAM0AN Danielson in n saloon of laughing at itiv m - THE QUESTION IIIIIIX I sWt- SauiaiiandaMe a picture of tho dead Emperor of HiVM4Wv J ttU Germany Danielson denied having MISCELLANEOUS A B LOEBENSTEIN m done so when one of the officers rlTKLISUKl UY BISHOP COMPANY Surveyor anil Civi Engineer TUESDAY FEBRUARY 5 1S59 Considerable Excitement on the tried to throw him down Ho threw HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO Limited Pacific Coast the officer instead and the second 1242 11ILO HAWAII 6m officer then stabbed him onco in BANKERS Every Tuesday Morning PERSONAL each arm with his sword When IIOXOMMJ HAWAIIAN ISLANDS A M SPROTIIiI Danielson went to tho German Con- ¬ Vivid Hostllltfe i FIVE DOLLARS PER ANMJM DRAW EXCHANGE ON Account of from Klein of Al AV clerk- ¬ sulate next morning to complain THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO Civil Engineer and Surveyor Mr F Love is going to get a in the Examiner American and Ifi the two officers ho was told ho was PAYABLE IX ADVAXCE AND AGENTS IX ship the ro3toffice TIIEIB British Flags Insulted ¬ - - - Mr B Dillingham baby drunk and forced to leave the prem- SO 00 in Ailvnm c Sew VorJi Boston laris Tort Street Honolulu F has a Korei jn Subscribers Q2Jl 3m named initially O G ises MESSRS U ffl ROTHSCHILD SONS LONDON It L ¬ On the evening of the 16th about Which include postages prepaid ANKFORT-ON-TnE-MAIN- Mr J U Tucker promenaded in celes- ¬ --By the TJ S S Vandalia on Sat- 180 sailors from the Olga and Adler tp Commercial Banking Co of Sydney Frank J Kroger tial atlire on Chinese New Year The have been received Fran- ¬ Matafole ¬ H M WHITNEY Business Manager Londor Lieut Richard J Symonds of II B urday San came ashore at and be B The Commercial Banking Coof SydncySydncy Practical Watch coming somewhat primed announced Auckland and Maker Repairer M S Conquest has been promoted to a cisco papers to January 20th Tbe Merchant St np stairs The Bank of New Zealand its they were especially anxious to Mcr ttuette Blldlns Branches in ChristchnrchDanedin and Well At present located at S Roths Tailor Shop Commander Examiner of that date lias a page that ington Orders from the other Islands be carefully meet Americans will Police Captain Hopkins took the posi- ¬ or Englishmen for The Bank of British Colombia Portland attended lo Send care of S ROTH 1230 Cm and a half occupied by Mr Kleins RATES OF ADVERTISING Oregon tion of Deputy Sheriff of Ewa Oahu on the purpose of fighting They began - iti iff The Azores and Madeira Islands tebruary 1st correspondence from Samoa per in particular to look for Mr Cosack measured E Since Stockholm Sweden be- ¬ i Noarpene lwlmSmGmCm lyr The Chartered Bank of London Australia and Mr Robert Louis Stevenson is the steamer Alameda His letter is an English subject who recently China WILDERS uest of Mr Henry at Manuia gan the publication of tho Samoan GO COO 10 00 F Poor Apia Samoa January otli r Lac- - 4 1 2 00 800 4 00 Hongkong Yokohama Japan And transact a dated 1 40U 500 8 00 12 00 Lanai Kapiolani Park Times Cusack soughtrofuge at the 2 It Li 150 303 1230 General Banking Business y and opens with tbe following excit ¬ M Ls 4 200 400 600 7501000 15 00 Steamship Company Mr David Dayton ex Police Justice British Consulate The sailors en¬ 96 Lue S 300 509 7 50100014 00 IS 00 ing intelligence S Lines 4 4 00 6 00100014 00 20 00 23 00 MRS A M SIELLIS LIJIITEI has opened a magisterial and business tered several American houses in 40 00 K-C- o- 3 603 soouooisootesoo agency on King stre3t There can bo no question that search of the occupants but failing Co 7 S 09 12 09 16 0020 00 35 00 CO 00 Fashionable Dress and Cloak Jklaltor i The King rode to on ¬ ¬ to find to tho saloons l- 1231 No IT Emma street ly Yaikiki the tram never before in Samoa has the gen- them returned cotamcliioojaoojlsooaooorooojioooo way Tuesdny and expressed his satis- ¬ One which German vthai yu eral situation been moro critical dwelling tho C AlHB i 1 WZ5 W 4U IK JJ WJ Wlsuw aya2sHi co faction with the condition of the road than at the present time and nover sailors entered was that of George publication and Stects Honolulu Cor- ¬ ncc intended for Corner of Fort Queen Lieut Douglas Hamilton of the have American citizens and Amer ¬ Scanlan tho United States Marshal Kkcold he ajrceed to tbe Editor of the Hawa Lumber Paints Oils Nails Salt Building STMK morant and Messrs of m KINAU the Burchardt ¬ Post Office Box O IOItKNZiN Cuuiuinuilcr ican property hero been in more im- of Apia He was not at home but iian Gasetle 1215 of every kind- - v Kohnln went to Advertisements Materials the Molokai hunting they found him later in the company aS Cotrespoadeace reiatinr to Will leave Honolulu at 2 oclock p m touching grounds by the steamer Mokolii minent danger SebMristisacaadJob Printing should lie ad at Lahaina Maalaea Bay and Makcua the same Since my last letter as tho result of his brother in a saloon A Ger-¬ dressed to the JCanaserof the Hawaiian Gazette IIYS1AIV ISBCOS day Jlahukona Kawailiae Paauhau and Lau Rev Oliver P Emerson being - pahochoc the day at Hilo after of unceasing tyrannical man applied a vulgar epithet to laolBccBoiO- Importers of General Horchandisa followins arming at out of practice in the Hawaiian language the actions vs BnsinesE Cards and all quarterly or yearly midnight of tho German Consul backed up George Scanlan when the latter or prc rnoii for twenty vears preached eloquentlv in by atastieeneai are noyafrfe in adtantt or FRANCE ENGLAND GERMANY AND THE knocked him down Several dozen of bill LEAVES HONOLUIU ARRIVES AT UOXOIXIX tongue at Kaumakapili on three mon of war twenty two sailors nuum Uk STATES that Chureh must be ac UNITED Tuesday December 4 Tuesday December 11 evening from those vessels have been killed sailors at onco jumped on the two X B All forelKn advertisements I Sunday week caatMiiied with the pav when ordered in or no No 53 Queen Street Honolulu II Friday Deccmoer 14 Friday December 21 thirty two wounded of whom Scanlans and stabbed each of them The rates of Tuesday December 23 Tuesday January 1 Miss M Ella Spooner teacher of Eng ¬ maDy aatice will be taken of them ¬ ¬ Friday January 4 Friday January 11 will die while American in the back twice They managed chaise are eivea in the above scale and remit HYMAN BROTHERS lish Literature and Latin in Oahu Col and Eng tance fcr European or American advertisements Tuesday January 15 l ncsday January 22 lege being laid aside it is hoped only lish houses have been destroyed by to escape from the placo and went to fentecnpUoag may be made by postal order Fridaj January 25 Friday February 1 Commission Merchants Tuesday retirnarr Tuesday February 12 for a short time by illness her place is the Germans and tho American and a native church which is being used 206 Trout Street San Francisco Friday Febrnao 15 Fridav February 2 filled bv Mis3 MavE Dillingham of the as a hospital whero their wounds THE C English flags have been firod upon articular attcntiou paid to filling and shipping Tuesdav Fcnruary 28 Tuesday March class of 1SSS Advertiser Friday March 8 Friday March flag which were very soriousworo dressed Daily Pacific Commercial 121 Island orders y li The American was deliber Comi Tuesdav March 19 Tuesdav March 20 The following tourists for the Volcano by Dr Derr of tho Nipsic lr published bj the Hawaiian Gazette ant Friday March 23 Fridav April 5 ately shot at at ft Ollce in Merchant Street and delivered by M S GRINBATJM CO went away to go by the steamer W G By tho steamer which takes this Tho sailors in tho meantimo began Carrirr is the City at Hall Friday morning Mr Bronson and letter to America United States Con- ¬ attacking natives in ono of their Six Dollars S600 Per Annum Commission Merchants wife Capt de Courcv Lieut E A Ward sul Blacklock to Sec- ¬ houses beating a gray haired woman ai v and Weeklv to one address No 121 California Street San Francisco Cal STMB LIKELIKE Siebe T Bergens Mi has forwarded 10 0 peraunnm J F J Miss K 1200 y JtYIlS CoiiiiuiiihSci retary Bayard tho remnants of an who was defending her children to Voreien Countries Postage paid hau Mrs P Belau TWBrown and Mr laH 7 S1000 per anuum Leaves Honolulu each Meek for ICannakakai West - American flag formerly used by an with stones and clubs so savagely HOL tlSTER CO Kahnlni Hueio Keanae liana Unmoa and woro broken 89 Addns all Communication Klpllmlu Mr Ed Tucker formerly of this city American Tico Consul in Samoa that three of her ribs - COMPANY AND TOBACCONISTS HAWAIIAN- GAZETTE DRUGGISTS has had his fire wall devico for consum- ¬ which was willfully burned by tho both arms fractured her skull WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ing smoke adopted in the steamship Germans on December 21st severely injured and her back badly StmrKILAUEA Mariposa a notice of that vessels last An American citizen has beon hurt A boy who was looking on gutfucsis arte 1233 IOS Fort StrCPt HOU departure from San Francisco in tho taken prisoner in tho neutral terri- ¬ was boaton about tho head with CAMKROft CoimnniKlcr Chronicle referring to the absence of Apia by tho pickets torn from a fence and a LcT tory of Germans and Grocery Feed Store and Bakery es Honolulu each week for Paanliau Koho the black smoke from the funnel as convoyed on board of one of their number of natives woro seriously PROFESSIONAL lalcle and Ookala being due to that invention Comer King and Fort Streets men-of-w- while another American stabbed and also beaten with
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