SOUTHERN GULF ISLANDS EMERGENCY PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMISSION CAPITAL REGIONAL DISTRICT’S SOUTHERN GULF ISLANDS EMERGENCY PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMISSION Minutes from May 17, 2017 at 0900 Shoal Centre, 10030 Resthaven Drive, Sidney BC Present: C. Boyte, Chair, Pender Island; J. Wiznuk, Saturna Island; R. Weeks, Mayne Island; D. Rees-Thomas, Saturna Island; S. Luttmer, S. Galiano; R. Pettit, N. Galiano; B. Wheeler, Piers Island; D. Munroe, Pender Island Regrets: D. Howe, Director; K. Stobart, Mayne Island; Gaire McLean, Sidney Island Staff: S. Carby, Sr. Manager, Protective Services; J. Reid, Recording Secretary; B. Prochaska, Emergency Program Coordinator 1. Call to Order: C. Boyte called the meeting to order at 09:08 2. Welcome and introductions: were made around the room 3. Approval of agenda: The following were added to the agenda under New Business: a. Emergency Service Building Generator Pad on Saturna b. North Galiano Community Association Funding Request c. Saturna Radio Antennas It was Moved by S. Luttmer and Seconded by R. Pettit that the agenda of the Southern Gulf Islands Emergency Program Advisory Commission be approved as amended. Motion Carried 4. Approval of previous meeting minutes: It was Moved by S. Luttmer and Seconded by R. Pettit that the minutes from the May 15th, 2017 meeting of the Southern Gulf Islands Emergency Program Advisory Commission be approved as circulated. Motion Carried 5. Business arising from past minutes: a. CWPP: i. Galiano CWPP Demonstration Project Proposal (SD 64 property): S. Carby reports that the school board is not eligible. Action Item: S. Carby will speak with Legislative Services about who to send a letter to regarding funding criteria. SGI Commission Minutes May 17 2017 1 SOUTHERN GULF ISLANDS EMERGENCY PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMISSION ii. Swartz Bay Wildfire Prevention Program - Update: C. Boyte reports no new information on the program. Announced summer student funding was approved, so they may be able to assist. b. SGI finance sub-committee report: i. Mayne Island Improvement District Agreement Update – S. Carby reports the agreement was signed as of April 18th, 2017 and is now in place. Agreement reached on moving radios to appropriate space and storing emergency preparedness equipment. ii. First Nations Engagement update: S. Carby advised that SGIEPAC is a local commission designed to represent Electoral Area residents, whereas First Nations fall under federal jurisdiction. First Nations do not fall under CRD jurisdiction, only reside in the geographical region. A recent agreement between the federal government and EMBC will now see EMBC handling all aspects of preparedness, response, and recovery for First Nations. The CRD is engaged in discussions with EMBC and First Nations through REMP which include First Nations representation on the REMP Steering Committee. REMP initiated Information Sessions for First Nations Emergency Management have occurred already. Currently looking into the creation of the equivalent of LGEPAC for First Nations but that is still in the works. S. Carby encourages the local EPC’s to speak with local First Nations and seek out local level concerns and ideas that may be brought to SGIEPAC for discussion. iii. Casualty Collection Units (CCU) – B. Prochaska reports no further assessments done but looking to schedule more visits in June. Piers Island will be added to the list. iv. Establishing bylaw and EPC reporting structure – Distributed reporting structure organizational chart to the group to review Action Item: Commissioners to review and provide feedback. Action Item: B. Prochaska will look into arranging tour of PREOC for a future meeting 6. CWPP Working Group: Review of key items from the March 15th meeting. 7. Director’s report: No report 8. Chair’s report: Continuing to field emails and phone calls 9. Finance reports: Circulated reports – new system did not provide specific numbers, although this should be remedied in future reports. Reports do not reflect money that has been allocated to Mayne Island and for ENS marketing material. SGI Commission Minutes May 17 2017 2 SOUTHERN GULF ISLANDS EMERGENCY PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMISSION 10. CRD Protective Services report: S. Carby reports that P. Ensor will be participating in the Salish Seas exercise that will be occurring in the SGI area – with “100 evacuees simulating 1000” with 50% being evacuated to Salt Spring Island and 50% going to North Galiano CRD Integrated Water Service (IWS) is undertaking evaluations of plans to deliver potable water to the region. Each community, however, will be responsible for collecting, storing and distributing water. The Emergency Coordinating Committee and the Emergency Management Committee will be meeting in June. The EOC as CRD Headquarters in the board room is being upgraded and there is a new commercial space on the main floor that can be used as an EOC/to support an EOC. South Island Communication Centre for 911 and Police Dispatch in progress – should be built and in place for January 2019. The REMP Strategic Plan has been approved by the Policy Group and will include priorities including Disaster Mutual Aid Agreement, an HRVA for the region, and public engagement and awareness. 11. Area Coordinator/Emergency Support Services: Area reports were distributed ENS - B. Prochaska reports that all islands have marketing material for the ENS, including brochures, business cards, and foam-core boards sufficient to do mail drops and public events. Looking into creating drive-by signs, lawn signs, and full page ads for each island newspaper. Communications Team – Area Comms officer has stepped down, as have two team members. Working with P. Ensor to figure out next steps for the Mayne Island Comms Room. Considering moving the Comms trailer to Pender. More work needs to be done on the Islands in regards to communication positions. Both the ERC and DERC positions are currently vacant. CRD is working with HEMBC to look at some alternatives to HAM operator training. 12. Correspondence: None 13. New Business: a. Emergency Services Building Generator Pad for Saturna- J. Wiznuk requesting advice on the installation of a concrete pad for the new generator shelter (approved last meeting). General consensus that a concrete pad is a reasonable request SGI Commission Minutes May 17 2017 3 SOUTHERN GULF ISLANDS EMERGENCY PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMISSION R. Weeks Moved and it was Seconded by D. Rees-Thomas to recommend that the CRD undertake facilitating the installation of the concrete pad behind Emergency Services Building 1 on Saturna Island in a timely fashion. Motion Carried b. North Galiano Community Association request for funding- R. Pettit presented letter from the North Galiano Community Association requesting $12,500 to support the upgrades at the hall of the kitchen to commercial kitchen standards. The hall serves as an ESS reception centre. The upgrades are already complete and costs were more than the hall had budgeted for. C. Boyte Moved and it was Seconded by D. Munroe that the SGIEPAC support the idea for funding the North Galiano Community Hall kitchen renovations and requests the CRD look into funding opportunities. Motion Carried c. Saturna Island Radio Antennas – D. Rees-Thomas discussed the issues identified in the recent SGI Wide Comms exercise. It was identified that there are areas on Saturna that have very poor radio communications. Four portable mag- mount antennas – under $100 each – would help considerably Action Item: B. Prochaska to work with Island Coordinator to facilitate getting the requested antennas 14. Other Business: C. Boyte brought forward a discussion on the Fire Boat. S. Carby stated that a Fire Boat is not within the scope of the SGIEPAC bylaw. The opinion of the commission is that it remains a regional concern. It was suggest by members that the SGI Fire Chiefs should meet and present their unified proposal to the Director and begin the New Service Process (which was distributed to the group). Meeting Adjourned at 12:01 hrs. Next meeting: 0900 hrs Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at the Shoal Activity Centre, Sidney. SGI Commission Minutes May 17 2017 4 .
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