Chapel Finally Gets Its New DSF Goes To Dallas for Their Carillon See Page 3 'Family Portrait' TEXASThe CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY SMff • • • *TH, TEXAS See Page 2 VOL. 58, No. 45 FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1961 12 PAGES All-School Rodeo Will Be Tonight Contestants to Compete In Seven Events at Arena By JERRY JOHNSON There'll be a hot time in the old barn tonight! Tonight is the University's all-school rodeo to be held in Mansfield's indoor Kow Bell Arena. This will be the first time this event has taken place there. "This should be the finest rodeo we've ever had," commented Dr. Comer Clay, faculty sponsor. "We've got the finest stock and the best qualified entrants we've Coed entrants include Miss ever had." Melissa Shepherd, Beaumont freshman and the 1960 Cowgirl Beginning at 8 p m admission Sweetheart who represented the $1, the rodeo schedules the fol- University at the Fort Worth lowing events: bareback bronc Southwestern Exposition and riding, brahma bull riding, steer Fat Stock Show last January, and wrestling, calf roping and rib- MlS ior and representative to the bon roping. National Collegiate Rodeo Asso- The women will be able to ciation meet in Colorado Springs show their abilities when they in 1958 Mia McDaniel was cho- participate in the barrel racing s,en the official NRA Sweetheart there and goat tying contests. Goat- _ ' „. _ . ,„,, ... , , , Both Miss ShepherdP and Miss seekers will be composed of soro- McDanicl aro con testant; f„r |£ rity and fraternity entrants. girls' barrel race and the girls' Winning contestants will re- goat-tying contest. ccive trophies and belt buckles Other contestants for the girls' and a special trophy will be given goat-tying contest are Anita Greg- to the student organization whose °ry and Jerr,le J" Jennin«v Both ? are seniors from Fort Worth, members win the most points tonight. Competing for bareback bronc riding honors are: Louis Cum- Bennett Earns ings, Needville junior; Butch Wojeiechowski, South Ambojr, Outstanding X. J. freshman; Bobby Jo Cloud. Fort Worth junior; Mike Levis, Sahauanta. Aril freshman; Bob Cadet Award Gaylor, Kress junior; Louis Air Force ROTC cadet James James, Dallas junior; Frank H Bennett, was recently present- Taking the hard bumps above is David Guynn, the all-school rodeo tonight to be held in the Powell, Big Spring sophomore; ed a watch for being the out- Fort Worth sophomore and vlct president of Kow Bell Arena at Mansfield. Tht event it Billy Mills, Dallas freshman; standing number of the Air the Rodeo Association, as he gets ready for David Guynn, Fort Worth soph- Force ROTC grenadier drill team scheduled to start at 8 p.m. omore; Charles Hornick. Fort The award was made hv (" Maj Worth sophomore. Pat McAdoo. Robert E. Treadawav. Midland Seagraves sophomore and Larry senior, at the combined Air Foree- Oklahoma Graduate Ingrum. Pampa freshman Army ROTC Military Ball. C Maj Bull riding entries include Treadawav is the commanding Hutch Hutchinson, Carrollton, officer of the Air Force ROTC Ga. sophomore; Butch W'ojeie drill team chowski; Aubrey Taylor, Fort Hughes Is Dean of Fine Arts Worth senior; Mike Lews; Boh Dr. Prank C. Hughes, graduate tiaylor: Charley Caldwell, Baj 40 New Pledges town sophomore; Billy Mills; Of the University of Oklahoma David Guynn; Charles Wright, and the Eastman School of Mu- Mount Pleasant senior; Fairy Join Fraternities sic, has been named dean of the Dawson, Stinnett junior ami Bill Forty boys pledged fraterni- School ot line Aits 1'hillips. Lobbock .sophomore ties in the spring open rush The appointment will be at steer wrestlers tonight v ill he "A total of 71 boys registered Hutch Hutchinson: Mike Levis; for rush, Including si\ repledges," fective June l. Chancellor M E (lark Wood. Slaton sophomore. said Jewell Wallace, dean of Sadler announced today Hershel Upton, San Angelo fresh men Dr. Hughes lias been chairman man; Frank Powell; Billy Mills Delta Tan Delta pledged 5, of the me .i department at Trin- and I any Dawson Kappa Si-in | 5; I ambda Chi V r pha -t. rin Helta Theta, S; Phi ity Univei Ity since 19M Participating in the calf rop- ing event will be Hutch Hutch Kappa Si [mi i S ma Alpha Dr, Ralph Guenther of the mu- inson; Mike Levis; Bob Gaylor; . ;ma Chi, 5; and sic (acuity has been serving as 1 lark Wood ami iinshei Upton. a Phi Epsilon, ii executive director of fins Arts Contestants In ribbon roping since Dr Robert Hull real are Clark Woo I Her hel I p as d' an iii i960 lie became the Charles W | Larry Da* Songsters Sought flu '.lor of the Foil Worth S> in ell By Casa Manana phonj The nru lie.in took his B F A Magazine Wins i ■- i Mae,in.i w ill audition sing- from the University of Oklaho ers ot ail categoi ies ID a m April iti at the i ssa Mai ina in 1938 and his M || [•; there First Place Award Musicals theatre in 11)39. In 194!), he received his Is rcu," the University's Physical attractiveness and Ma ier of Kit Ic from the East- proficiency in singing, dan. Ban School ot the University of ffkisl in.iM.-ine, placed first In and music are the theatre's re- Rochester and in IMS, was ti category in the exhibit of quirements for applicants Pro. ■warded ins ph n there. and university public lessional experience is preferred In Ins new position, Dr Hughes Showing off the trophy which will be awarded to the winner ations. Performers must furnish then- own accompanists it possible will assume administrative con- of Song Fest Sunday are, left to tight, Joe Murray, Manhassef, The magaxine was rated at th trol of the department of music, They are also asked to bring N. Y. senior, Miss Janie Williams, Forf Worth senior and Danie il meeting of the Southwest rehearsal clothes and he theatre arts, speech radio TV and pre- art. Fitzgerald, Pampa junior. See story on page 4. District of tin' American College pared to audition hi letly before 1'uhlic Relations as sociations the theatre's choreographer. Friday, April |, 1940 Page 1 S K I Nominations Due Council Seeking Outstanding Prof A 'Professor of the Year" ganization is eligible to submit award is to be presented this a nominee. year by the Activities Council. Miss Stoneham added that in ■The tward «ill be given on nominating professors, "consid- eration should be given to the the basis of outstanding partici- nominee's service as sponsor pation in student affairs dur- and or chaperone for various ing the 1959-€0 term," said Miss student groups and special events. Joann Stoneham, Belton junior. "Individual interest in stu- She is in charge of this project, dent counseling, capabilities as under the direction of the per- an effective classroom instruc- sonnel and evaluations Commit- tor, and participation in extra- tee <>f AC. curricular student organization Nomination! should be made activities are to be determining no later than 5 p ■ . April 7. factors in the selection of the They are to be placed in the box professor." designated "Professor of the The nominations should con- Year Nominees," at the In for- tain the following information mat urn Booth in the Student in outline form: Center. (11 The name, position and Any student, faculty member, department of the nominee. University administrator, or or- (2) The name, address and phone number of the person mak- ing the nomination. (3) The reason for making General Catalog the nomination (4> The specific qualification Being Published of the nominee (5) Additional comments. The General Information cat- alog is now at the printers and will be ready soon. It will con- tain lists of the new University Banks TV Service Committees for the next year. We ;| Car and Portable Two of the players who will be featured in Nicholson, Cameron senior. The play will be President Lindley explained Repair I Radios, HI Fi's, that, due to Self-Study, there DSF's production of "Family Portrait" are presented tonight. The play also will be pre- 1 TV's, record players will be as few changes as pos- 1705 W. Berry WA 3-1101 Jim Der, San Benito junior and Miss Joyce sented at University Christian Church here. sible in the committee lineup. Drama Group to Present 2517 W. Berry 'Family Portra it' Tonight "Family Portrait," the Disci- The cast consists of over 30 ple Student Fellowship Drama players. Groups spring production, will Tickets will be on sale at the open at 8 p.m. tonight in Dallas, door for $1. at the Central Christian Church. Seamless sheers for every STOCK UP occasion: The play also will be present- 'Image America' ed at 8 p.m. tomorrow and Sun- Stretch seamless, reg. 1.65 day in the Fellowship Hall of the ON STOCKINGS! now 1.39 or University Christian Church. Depicts US Life 3 prs. for 4.00 There is no time like NOW to have all the Originally a Broadway produc- A radio series which will ana- Sandalfoot, regularly 1 65 tion, the play is the story of stockings you want . and need! Your favor- lyze all aspects of American life now 1.39 or Jesus' family, during the time now is being presented on WBAP- ite Mary Grey seamless nylons are priced this of his ministry week at special sav- 3 prs. for 4.00 W F A A-8 2 0 radio Monday ings. Come in and Richard Williams. Scranton, through Thursday from 7:30 to stock up.
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