April 17, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2073 Always more than a radio station, it ley South, the hotline show in the evening with greater; though created mortal and fal- belonged to the community and was journalist Lu Palmer doing a notebook series lible, we need Your gifts of wisdom and the heart of the community. So I con- called ‘‘Lou’s notebook.’’ Lou spearheaded the patience to find partners, even in sur- gratulate Melody Spann Cooper and all election of Harold Washington as Chicago’s prising and unlikely places, with whom of those who have made WVON what it first Black mayor with the slogan, ‘‘We Shall we must work together to benefit our is today: the voice of the Nation. See in ’83.’’ country and our world. Congratulations to WVON Radio on fifty Upon the urging of Wesley South,a radio We turn to You, Source of Peace, to years of broadcasting. talk show pioneer, WVON changed to a talk inspire and support the leaders of our Mr. Speaker, On April 1, 1963, WVON format and has never looked back. It has been Nation to find accord even in these Radio in Chicago, Illinois was launched and instrumental in not only electing Harold Wash- times of challenge. May it be Your will since that time has gone from being ‘‘the voice ington as Chicago’s first Black mayor, but also that in recognizing the Unity of the Di- of the negro’’ to ‘‘the voice of the Nation.’’ in electing Carol Mosley Braun, U.S. Senator; vine, they will strive to foster a similar WVON began when two brothers, Leonard Barack Obama, United States Senator; and unity among themselves for the sake of and Phil Chess, the owners of Chess Barack Obama, President of the United States this great Nation. Records, a successful record company with a of America. Joining together, we say the Hebrew plentiful supply of local music talent under WVON’s current line-up of hosts are some word affirming faith; faith in each their banner, such as Muddy Waters, Lil’ of the best in the Nation: Cliff Kelly, called the other, continued faith in humanity, Howlin Wolf, Jimmy Reed and others, who governor of talk radio; Matt McGill; Perry and faith in the Holiness beyond us. needed an outlet for their music. Therefore, Small; Reverend Al Sharpton; Saleem Amen. the brothers bought WHFC–1450 AM, a 1000 Muwakil; Kendall Moore; Dr. Leon Finney; and f watt station licensed in Cicero, Illinois. from time to time, Pam Morris, Dr. Terry On April 1, 1963, WVON hit the airwaves in Mason, and countless others who buy time THE JOURNAL Chicago with a group of hand-picked personal- like Garfield Major, talking to the people. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ities: Franklin McCarthy, E. Rodney Jones, Congratulations to Melody Spann Cooper Chair has examined the Journal of the Herb Kent, Wesley South, and Pervis Spann. and all of those who have helped to make last day’s proceedings and announces They became known as ‘‘The Good Guys’’ WVON Radio what it is today. to the House his approval thereof. and Ric Ricardo, Bill ‘‘Butterball’’ Crane, Ed f Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Cook, Joe Cobb, Roy Wood, Ed Maloney, Bill nal stands approved. RECESS ‘‘Doc’’ Lee, Don Cornelius, Richard Pegue, f Isabel Joseph Johnson, Cecil Hale, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- McKee Fitghugh eventfully joined the roster. ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Under the direction of the station’s general declares the House in recess until noon The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the manager, Lucky Cordell, and its ‘‘Ambassador today. gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. of Good Will’’, Bernadine C. Washington, The Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 37 LANKFORD) come forward and lead the Good Guys held Black Chicago captive for minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- House in the Pledge of Allegiance. more than a decade and ranked consistently cess. Mr. LANKFORD led the Pledge of Al- in the top five of the most listened to stations f legiance as follows: in the market. b 1200 I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The power of WVON went beyond the Chi- United States of America, and to the Repub- cago market. Berry Gordy, the founder of AFTER RECESS lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Motown Records had a special arrangement The recess having expired, the House indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. with WVON that every song he produced was called to order by the Speaker pro f would be sent immediately to WVON before tempore (Mr. WOMACK) at noon. WELCOMING RABBI ROBERT any other station. WVON was so powerful that f SILVERS it produced airplay in other markets, which im- pacted the overall sales and success of the PRAYER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without project. Rabbi Robert Silvers, Congregation objection, the gentleman from Florida WVON has always been more than a radio B’Nai Israel, Boca Raton, Florida, of- (Mr. DEUTCH) is recognized for 1 station. During a time when Blacks were ac- fered the following prayer: minute. tively involved in the civil rights movement, Eternal God, we children of human- There was no objection. WVON was the voice of information for local ity pray to You by many names, but in Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I’m proud and national affairs. During the riots that fol- our hearts we all know You as One. to have the opportunity to welcome lowed the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Your unity creates the common bond one of my constituents, Rabbi Robert WVON on-air personalities were there to lift between us and is our common bond Silvers, of the Congregation B’Nai the tension that had erupted in neighborhoods with You. And though Your absolute Israel in Boca Raton, Florida, as he of- across the city. They pleaded for calmness. truth eludes us, nonetheless we strive fered the opening prayer here today. He Following the death of Chess in 1969, the to be more like You and to carry out is a leader in the Jewish community in family decided to sell WVON to George Gil- Your will for humanity: that we live south Florida. His life epitomizes the lette (heir to the Shaving Products Company) together in peace. Jewish tradition of tikkun olam— and to Potter Palmer (heir to Palmer house) And though some seek to disrupt the bettering the world. who formed Globetrotter Communications. peace and deprive us of our very lives, Rabbi Silvers’ impact is felt well be- Their first order of business was to take as we witnessed in Boston, we pray, O yond the 1,200 families of Congregation WVON from 1450 frequency to 5,000 watt God, that their actions be thwarted and B’Nai Israel, with pastoral work and 1390 signal, which would improve their cov- that You continue to shelter us with care that he provides not only to his erage of Chicago. The 1450 frequency was Your canopy of peace. Send healing of own congregation but also to the great- left dormant. body and soul, O God, to the victims of er local community as a volunteer In 1977, Globetrotter Communications sold this act of terror, to our Nation, and to chaplain for the Palm Beach County WVON to the Gannett Company, whose major all who grieve with them. Keep forever Sheriff’s Office. He has served as presi- holdings were in print media. Gannett had pur- in Your loving embrace the souls of dent of the Palm Beach County Board chased an FM station in Chicago which be- those who lost their lives. of Rabbis and as president of the Great- came known as WGCI. In 1979, Wesley South We pray that those who do harm be er Boca Raton Religious Leaders Asso- and Pervis Spann formed Midway Broad- brought to justice and that You, O God, ciation, an interfaith coalition of cler- casting Corporation and purchased the license instill in all peoples everywhere a love gy. Rabbi Silvers has been involved in for the 1450 AM frequency. of humanity and a respect for each and education and interfaith dialogue Their station WXOL premiered in August of every human being created in Your di- throughout south Florida. 1979 and remains one of the few minority- vine image. I’m proud to call Rabbi Silvers and owned stations in the market. WVON became Help us, O God, to realize that each his wife, Ava, friends. I welcome them a mixed music/talk radio station and with Wes- of us holds a glimpse of something and all of his congregants who watched VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:50 Apr 18, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17AP7.006 H17APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 17, 2013 on C–SPAN as he delivered this mean- minute and to revise and extend his re- for 1 minute and to revise and extend ingful prayer. marks.) his remarks.) f Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. Speaker, in a draw attention to cutting-edge re- historic red brick building in Philadel- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER search now underway at the Charles C. phia, a man and his staff performed PRO TEMPORE Gates Center for Regenerative Medi- thousands of abortions under horrid The SPEAKER pro tempore. The cine and Stem Cell Biology at the Uni- conditions, which has led to a murder Chair will entertain 15 further requests versity of Colorado in Aurora.
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