Consultee Comments for Planning Application 1866/17 Application Summary Application Number: 1866/17 Address: Finningham Road Old Newton Suffolk Proposal: Outline planning application with Access, Landscaping and Layout to be considered for the erection of up to 56 dwellings with vehicular access from Finningham Road, Old Newton. Appearance and Scale to be the subject of a Reserved Matters application Case Officer: Gemma Walker Consultee Details Name: Mrs Karen Price Address: 1 Canhams Farm Cottages, Cow Green, Bacton Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 4HH Email: [email protected] On Behalf Of: Old Newton With Dagworth And Gipping Parish Clerk Comments This application was discussed again at an extra planning meeting of 25th July 2018. Previous comments submitted by the parish council are still deemed valid and in addition, in February 2018 Historic England registered the moat as an ancient monumental site. Cllrs felt that the setting of this farmhouse and the moats are the most important aspect of this particular piece of land that is still strongly felt should be preserved. This site is not the parish council preferred site for housing development within the village area and sufficient houses to meet the villages needs could be constructed on more appropriate and available sites. The damage to the setting is done by the whole development and will be marred by the whole development. NPPF highlighted the significance of the site, the sum total of the house moat and setting need to be preserved. Parish Council believe that this application would do untold harm to the setting. The development is too big It has been previously reported that the application of 56 houses in phase 1 is in excess of the needs of the village. Increased traffic movements on the B1113 because of the proposed development site still causes concern. The current infrastructure, including the small size of the village school is insufficient to deal with a development of this magnitude and there will therefore be a need for substantial upgrade of infrastructure facilities were this application be granted. Drainage issues are still a concern and historic issues and problems have not been addressed and this development will only exacerbate the drainage issues. Historic England response did not object in principle to the application but did identify a number of issues that in their opinion does not meet planning criteria. The Parish Council believe this to be the case and would like to reinforce the comments made by Historic England. The Historic England response states that in policy terms the application fails paragraph 128 of the NPPF. Recommendations were made for the applicants to speak to the county archaeological advisors with regard to a programme of archaeological works under para 141. There is presently no evidence to support that this has been done. It is questionable as to whether the development meets MSDC policies with regard to protection of designated heritage assets. It is the Parish Councils belief that this application does not meet the tests for sustainable development set out in paras 14 and 17 on heritage grounds. Cllrs agree with and support all comments made in objection in March 2018 and wish to highlight that the village has more than enough housing met by other sites that have approved outline planning that will not impact on the historic site of an Ancient Monument Site. The Parish Council know that we have other sites better suited for sustainable development. The Parish Council recognise that the applicants have had various conversations and have modified their plans to try to accommodate comments received, however they are still not convinced that this application is appropriate in terms of site and size for the village of Old Newton. All Cllrs voted in favour to object to this application on the above grounds. Unanimous vote. Application Objected. Karen Hall-Price Parish Clerk & RFO - Old Newton with Dagworth & Gipping Parish Council 01/08/2018 Your Ref: 1866/17 Our Ref: 570\CON\4694\17 Date: 19th December 2017 Highways Enquiries to: [email protected] All planning enquiries should be sent to the Local Planning Authority. Email: [email protected] The Planning Officer Mid Suffolk District Council Council Offices 131 High Street Ipswich Suffolk IP6 8DL For the Attention of: Gemma Walker Dear Sir, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 - CONSULTATION RETURN 1866/17 PROPOSAL: Outline planning application with Access, Landscaping and Layout to be considered for the erection of up to 56 dwellings with vehicular access from Finningham Road, Old Newton. Appearance and Scale to be the subject of a Reserved Matters application LOCATION: Finningham Road, Old Newton, IP14 4EG ROAD CLASS: B1113 Notice is hereby given that the County Council as Highway Authority recommends that any permission which that Planning Authority may give should include the conditions shown below: I refer to the recently submitted revised layout and access drawings. These are numbered 7129/06 for access and visibility splays and 7129/01/D for overall site layout. Drawing No. 7129/01/D, layout, overcomes the layout issues which I highlighted in my earlier 06/10/2017 comments. Drawing No. 7129/06, access, indicates the required access visibility splays and the required footway connection to the existing footway from Falconer Avenue to the south. Although the drawing indicates a footway connection at 1.8m width this in fact is unlikely to be achieved as there is insufficient space available between the garden fences and the edge of the road. However, having measured the space available and the width of existing footways in the vicinity, a footway width of approx. 1.4 metres may be achieved. This is similar to the existing footways nearby. The existing telegraph pole will need to be moved as this would significantly reduce the footway width and be an obstruction to junction visibility. As appropriate notes are included on the submitted drawing to cover these items I am content that suitable conditions may now be recommended as follows: 1 AL 8 Condition: Prior to the new dwellings hereby permitted being first occupied, the driveways and accesses onto the new estate road shall be properly surfaced with a bound material for a minimum distance of at least 8 metres from the edge of the metalled carriageway, in accordance with details previously submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 2BX www.suffolk.gov.uk Reason: To secure appropriate improvements to the vehicular access in the interests of highway safety. 2 D 1 Condition: Prior to the access being constructed the ditch beneath the proposed access shall be piped or bridged in accordance with details which previously shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall be retained thereafter in its approved form. (See Note 6). Reason: To ensure uninterrupted flow of water and reduce the risk of flooding of the highway. 3 ER 1 Condition: Before the development is commenced, details of the estate roads and footpaths, (including layout, levels, gradients, surfacing and means of surface water drainage), shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that roads/footways are constructed to an acceptable standard. 4 ER 2 Condition: No dwelling shall be occupied until the carriageways and footways serving that dwelling have been constructed to at least Binder course level or better in accordance with the approved details except with the written agreement of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that satisfactory access is provided for the safety of residents and the public. 5 GPDO 2 Condition: Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no direct means of vehicular access shall be constructed from Silver Street to the site. Reason: In the interests of highway safety to ensure accesses are located at an appropriate position and/or to avoid multiple accesses which would be detrimental to highway safety. 6 P 1 Condition: The use shall not commence until the area(s) within the site shown on Drawing Number 7129/01/D as submitted for the purposes of manoeuvring and parking of vehicles has been provided and thereafter that area(s) shall be retained and used for no other purposes. Reason: To ensure that sufficient space for the on site parking of vehicles is provided and maintained in order to ensure the provision of adequate on-site space for the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles where on-street parking and manoeuvring would be detrimental to highway safety to users of the highway. 7 V 1 Condition: Before the access is first used visibility splays shall be provided as shown on Drawing No. 7129/06 as submitted and thereafter retained in the specified form. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 2 Class A of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no obstruction over 0.6 metres high shall be erected, constructed, planted or permitted to grow within the areas of the visibility splays. Reason: To ensure vehicles exiting the drive would have sufficient visibility to enter the public highway safely and vehicles on the public highway would have sufficient warning of a vehicle emerging in order to take avoiding action. 8 Footway. Condition: Before any of the hereby approved dwellings are first occupied the Finningham Road frontage footway shall be provided linking the site with the with the existing footway to the south as shown on the submitted Drawing Number 7129/06.
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