;'ia •r.&w. mm EVENjftfe EbTTTTlM THE TOWN TOTAY £ ^rt!!i*?h*^«. REP0RTE0CHQICE r • ••>/z~iv %"V. • i->•'.,' r •;••':;-'V V --v'^i$wi Decision Not /IV ..-- Matthias NeldHeldo*V chafW'? of f bMgW£Jaftiii:;.v-«hwtUN»^ Oil «o«n| W ^ Pardon Eugene Debt NEWPRES1D tilling station on IMniitat afenw "" '?.* I •' "S :- . ,1 ".. , •• Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. !9.?ii-:Presi- im LADIESOF EASTERN ; Cabbdto, Cabba«c--2c Ih in 106 m Gr*fldv tferkr- and^Tralircounties' dertt Wilson's refusal to pardon Eu­ gene V. Debs, Socialist , candldlate for If STAR TO CROOKSTQp - . Obf-l^dvy 6-***** Ut® ^l8 president, who is «ervlhe a term In thef ederal prison atAtlantaTGoorgta, About SO members of Red River >-<4f AS a^city ijve 'feei' highly honored that your great-cotvv^i^' Herald »i.oo rcr month, Mornin* !V Con*?w.Bce for T- M- C" *• older ror violation of the espionage act j- was Chapter No. 226 of the Easterh Star *r •V^nlng edition 76oTor to bo he,d hw* in ***>- Indorsed by department adjutants of left, this noon fof. Crookston where tlon is to. be'held Jn..:q£r midst. -We welcome you a#< * ' U paid III advance. VWnb f the American Legion meeting here they will spend ,the. afternoon Attend­ Phono S101.—Adv, **?; ,. today, mie legion "views With heart­ ing an^SlaaWriMEttar sohod of Uar))rb- we - welcome jiou' jut individuals,^ • ' - Aiihtial meeting of North, Dakota felt eatlcfactlon this'vital act in^sup- tion to «• held Di thai elty toMyi' *n^r«in0ib0Tn' ,tent>*»vhaB returned Ms a grW^ ^ri^nUNLtlon the store °of' Bender an^' p. JM*1" bcjn hls oftfcoVt the corner Educational. association to open, here port of the fundamental doctrines of A banquet will be t/erVed^is even­ Ofrhlrd and Detners.—Adv. tomoirow^fej-^f h**t „ %£» K the oonstitutlon," aays .a .telegralh t<5 ing at 8:10. o'clock .-for.. tnev Vislting ] welcomea ym^ahd nothing that we can dp fo make-your etay- ~ ^ Jk v tlrfX .the president. •. ladles at the Crookston hoieir'^ind 'an i l-abbagc, Cabhace—2c lb. in 100-ttjT x Annual meeting of Grand Corks entertainment WtU be' staged f6irjtfieir < pleasant and%rpfitable/wlll be left undone, lota, lrancy Holland stock. O. J, Barnes o°unty ohapter of the American Red benefit this evenulig. The East^ufand Co;—Adv.'.\ «»•* Orp«B;lwld here, today. ; • G0LBY TO LEAVE ^ « Forks women/plan to returij. ;t^r this It Is your prli'llepe to u^e our store ao you-may feci Ifr ;, city Wednesday-^mornlng.' ^ t » la to your advantage^ ? ,c ^ 3 c* Dance at the auditorium^, every r FOR SOUTH AMERICA Xf \ , Jiil / and Saturday. JBmard'a full FEDERAL RUUNC C orcheatra Tickets, including war 1 JhlngtOT, Nov. ».—(B»tthe Asso­ . '"v • ,\ 1 .... - ' 1 l."l. tax, 11.10.—Adv. :" ;;1ffiCESSARY TO ?; ciated Press.) —Secretary CWby of the EAST -S^ANIL^L L i iV > vw state department/wlirieave for South X ~ •<$. :• i ' V Auditor Gone—County Auditor H*na RUN RAILROACS America within two weeks on an of • No trace has been found, of the Anderson left last night for Big fleial visit, if President Wilson ap­ thievfcs who burglarised (JwP.Arnty and Fork, Minn., and the Twin Cities to proves-the trik>. M ^Washington, Nov. 9.-^-Ameriea will' Navy store late SUndaV afternoon.-and mfe, attend to business affairs. v ^pmade off with approximately' $800 • > *•• ' » —— S.ifyj. 1\^ ^ never again have private control and FarlkmiolrS Rsliavail J* ^ XCEPTf^m th^SandpSi^ operations of raUrn^as unaccompanied MnnMHa»« DMieTW worth of goods," \ * 1 Two lined—Hoy Wonson wm Vi- terday fined $10 for eckless driving by by state and federal regulation, Chair­ : man Clark of the Interstate commerce Fell In Portland Chester Creery lliid Joe Sanson,' of reducing our stockr$h Police Magistrate R. J. Purceil. O. both Of Sioux City ,loWa, who were ar­ B. Olson was fined $1)0 for speeding. oommiMon declared today, addre«Blng the thirty-second annual convention rested here early Sunday ^morning, Portland, Ore,, Nov. 9.—What-'Is where Otey will iace a charge?of boot- §ale of Coatings, Skirtings, Stiti Morning Classes—The administra­ of the National Association of Railway [believed to have been a slight ea>th legging .... y". • tive committee of-the university yee- and Public Utilities Commerce. ,» shock was felt in Portland at iI:lS V?: Lsv </«• • iterday decided to hold classes ontne ' "Even if we shall come to govern- o'clock this morning. The tremora Mrs. flm Ryan of thiiettjr left Sun­ ings^ Velvets, is profitless, for morning of Armistice day,. Instead Of tnent ownership and_ operation," ad- lasted for about IS seconds, hut It la day night fof /Farg<rr%Herc she will giving the studenteKan entire da.y, ded Mr. Clark, "the necessity for a aaid, no damage - has so far t>sen rs- spend a few days visiting her sister- &£•• separate tribunal with Jurisdiction -to ported. are selling at Notlj in-law, Mrs. Robt. Johntrtone. fee—Provide yourself against an ' determine questions of reasonableness > • :?<i. •.——»—•. • ' * fmmj\ • % . • £•[ \ uncer tain future and order some of of'^charges and alleged dlsorlHrtiiation* j TOO MAwY IITYITR117Q 1 John .Hiler of Ersklne, Mirin.,^ is. our WyomingVyomlng coal that laIs smokeless. ^"Ihe^"1 be Presenfr.Present-." , a, VvIyIAIlI LUAUIULO, spending a, few days in ^2ast G^Uii'd sootless^and clinkerless and burns as' ! "When tho final balance she«t (lt Forks visiting his son, L.' B. H|ler. • clean as wood. Grand PorkS'tee and completed it will be found the Aimer KS jgpECURES KURTZ h ,' - 4 An M *1 AA»\1 mm m >'•! 1—^ ^ —.— — M' i Fuel Co.—Adv. lean people paid a handsome pride for Mrs. John Plsk of Staples'Is visiting «fj the use and the operation of the rail/ Tokio,. Oct. 1,-r— (Mail.)—Comforts for a few days at th^ home of Mrs. Must HU^t—Street Commissioner B. roads during the war," he said, "but and luxuries of life have multiplied So P. P. Rand, North Third, street. " '' X IF.- Sorbo says that the practice of as such operation wae essential as a with the ltierease 6t wealth and in­ J -X Kdnimping ashes and other obstructions war measure we must, 1 think, In ventions that : people, have become Mrs. .P. P. Grace of Devils Lako is T (In the gutters and ditches along the fair&ess, consider it as a part of the "slaves," declared the Rev. D. W. here, Visiting her mother, .Mrs, Mary, Iclty streets must stop. Such rubbish necessary expense of the war." Kurtz, D. D., of McPhersoh, Kans., in Enri'ght. '''• . '•; '•, ... > "an- address here today before the Mils -up the gutters and make* It im- Chairman Clark vdeclared the right W&ki' ; • Iposslblo for the streets to drain prop* of states to regulate their internation­ ,World's Sunday School • congress. k Qttotlng the scriptural saying that A stated communication ofj^hiSfted" < I ? |erly. • ^ al affairs was recognised throughout River Lodge NOT292, A. F., a|jd A. Al.: We guarantee that every price quoted is, the the transportation aot. He urged co­ ''Wljcre there is no vision, the people will-be held this eveniny .at J:30 Examine Score Card»—Mrs. Agnes operation between state and federal perish," the speaker said that politic­ Richard " WasHburn Child. oclock. lex, city food it^pector, yesterday ls- oommtaBioner, as authorised 'by the ians and even educators too often actual price paid lot the merchandise.' ^ 4 v,^ ued an appeal io housewives to give law. b6ast£d of a nation's ~ wealth, com- Although no official announcement J. N. Gorgenson of By gland w^s a lore attention to the examination of forts and luxuries and were not aware has been made, it' is generally report­ business visitor in the city Monday. - -V -V -» ore cards of all dealers In food stuffls, that the Bplrit of phopHecy and vision ed, that . Richard Washburn Child, ••it. Ixplalnlng tHat by so doing, the shop MORE' P0UCEMEN had faded; .. *• lawyer and writer) wilifbe named bsc- A. Lassard of Grafton was a business Gamel J-lrjlr.Contirig—54 inchos wide, cost. .(2,50 feepers will be' given greater encour- "ThWk Strength of a " niltion," Dr. retaYy to President-elect' Harding visitor in Ease Grand Forks .Monday. fement in maintaining a high mark. .PLACED "ON DITHPS*' Kurtzt declared, "does riot depend upon when the new chief / executive enters Its armies or its wealth, but upon the • *> > vjl -,ihes White' House ripxt March. Child • A -meeting of the Ladies' Xt{l socjlety Elks Dance Friday—On Friday W WALL STREET physical, moral and spiritual health ils a New Yorlwr., H,e js tH'4 author o'f of the Mendenhall Memorial Presby* J»ening, another of a series of lnfor- of Its people. Multitudes are slaves "several" books ' and'' a coh'trlbutor to terlan church will hold a .meeting Homespun Coating—54 inches wide, cost. .C3.50 ' fir' -to greed and gold or to the passions Ste .mal dances which the local order of magazines. Heris al»o Miked of for a Wednesday afternoon ht 8 o'clc>ok in, AH Wool Velour—54 inches wide, cost. ... .$2,50 ' 1 ~ Blks hais announced £ar the Winter New Tork, Nov. Twenty-five ad- and appetites of the b*ody. There can cabinet positioh. " the church parlors. Mrs. W; C. Wilson ieaison. will Tin Vlven a -I— ditiona.1 imivuiinipatrolmen iqncauijrespecially seieciiselected Be no permanent civilisation based on and Mrs. F. L. Corliss will , be the ,l ancy Chock Skirting—34 inches wide, cost.$4.30|;c$^l.K % 1 0da p e materialism.
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