FUKUYAMA & HIS CRITICS ON IDENTITY POLITICS MARCH/APRIL 2019 / • • • / The New Nationalism ­ FOREIGNAFFAIRS.COM MA19_cover_SUB.indd All Pages 1/18/19 5:03 PM DOWNLOAD CSS Notes, Books, MCQs, Magazines www.thecsspoint.com Download CSS Notes Download CSS Books Download CSS Magazines Download CSS MCQs Download CSS Past Papers The CSS Point, Pakistan’s The Best Online FREE Web source for All CSS Aspirants. 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Wohlforth Who’s Afraid of Budget Deficits? 82 How Washington Should End Its Debt Obsession Jason Furman and Lawrence H. Summers No Country for Strongmen 96 How India’s Democracy Constrains Modi Ruchir Sharma The Kurdish Awakening 107 Unity, Betrayal, and the Future o the Middle East Henri J. Barkey The New Containment 123 Handling Russia, China, and Iran Michael Mandelbaum ON FOREIGNAFFAIRS.COM Arthur Goldhammer Emily Gogolak on Peter Harrell on how on Macron and the Trump’s chaotic to ramp up pressure “yellow vest” protests. border policy. on Russia’s economy. March/April 2019 FA.indb 3 1/18/19 7:56 PM Educate to Liberate 132 Open Societies Need Open Minds Carla Norrlof Less Than Zero 142 Can Carbon-Removal Technologies Curb Climate Change? Fred Krupp, Nathaniel Keohane, and Eric Pooley REVIEWS & RESPONSES The Original Hidden Figures 154 The Women Scientists Who Won the Great War Elaine Weiss E Pluribus Unum? 160 The Fight Over Identity Politics Stacey Y. Abrams; John Sides, Michael Tesler, and Lynn Vavreck; Jennifer A. Richeson; Francis Fukuyama Recent Books 171 “Foreign Aairs . will tolerate wide dierences of opinion. Its articles will not represent any consensus of beliefs. What is demanded of them is that they shall be competent and well informed, representing honest opinions seriously held and convincingly expressed. It does not accept responsibility for the views in any articles, signed or unsigned, which appear in its pages. What it does accept is the responsibility for giving them a chance to appear.” Archibald Cary Coolidge, Founding Editor Volume 1, Number 1 • September 1922 March/April 2019 FA.indb 5 1/18/19 7:56 PM March/April 2019 · Volume 98, Number 2 Published by the Council on Foreign Relations Editor, Peter G. 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In “A New Americanism” (page 10), she argues that historians’ failure to tell a common American national story has ceded the eld to charlatans oering their own twisted versions—and allowed a dangerous strain o American nationalism to take hold. Born to a British mother and a Ghanaian father, KWAME ANTHONY APPIAH grew up traveling between his two homelands, an experience that shaped his wide-ranging scholarship and writing on everything from ethnicity and identity to ethics and language. He is the author o numerous books, including Cosmopolitanism and The Lies That Bind, and has won scores o prizes, among them the National Humanities Medal. Now a professor o philoso- phy and law at New York University, Appiah, in “The Importance o Elsewhere” (page 20), makes the case for cosmopolitanism. After he graduated from Harvard, ROBERT SAPOLSKY spent over 30 years living on and o in Kenya, observing a troop o baboons for several months at a time. Now a professor o biology and neurology at Stanford, Sapolsky is best known for his work on the long-term eects o stress hormones on the brains o baboons and humans. In “This Is Your Brain on Nationalism” (page 42), he asks whether humans can overcome the neurological, hormonal, and developmental underpinnings o their tribalism. HENRI BARKEY is one o the world’s foremost experts on the Kurds. During the Clinton administration, he worked on the Policy Planning Sta o the U.S. State Department on issues relating to the Middle East; he went on to serve as the director o the Middle East Program at the Wilson Center. Now a professor at Lehigh University and an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, in “The Kurdish Awakening” (page 107), Barkey argues that the United States’ actions in the Middle East have helped promote a new Kurdish nationalism. 02_TOC_Blues.indd 7 1/21/19 12:34 PM THE NEW NATIONALISM he nation-state is so dominant Jan-Werner Müller argues that the today that it seems natural. But true challenge comes not from national- Tno political arrangements are ism per se but from a particular populist natural, and any concept with a hyphen variant. The best response is to avoid has a fault line running through it by getting distracted and focus on deliver- de¿nition. States are sovereign political ing practical results. structures. Nations are uni¿ed social Robert Sapolsky oers a depressing groups. What does each owe the other? take on nationalism’s cognitive enablers. The claims o the state are obvious: When it comes to group belonging, it has a host o practical responsibilities humans don’t seem too far from chim- and legions o technocrats working to panzees: people are comfortable with satisfy them. But the claims o the nation the familiar and bristle at the unfamiliar. are less clear, and they come with ugly Taming our aggressive tendencies re- echoes. The advocacy o those claims— quires swimming upstream. nationalism—drove some o the great- Yael Tamir suggests that the main est crimes in history. And so the concept problem today is a clash between became taboo in polite society, in hopes nationalism and neoliberal globalism. that it might become taboo in practice, Nationalists want states to intervene as well. Yet now it has come back with in the market to defend their citizens; a vengeance. Here, a dazzling collection their opponents favor freer trade and o writers explain what’s happening freer movement o people. Jack Snyder and why. concurs, suggesting that the proper Jill Lepore opens with a bravura survey response is to allow governments greater o two and a hal centuries o American freedom to manage capitalism. And national consciousness. Today’s challenge, Lars-Erik Cederman shows that rising she argues, is not to resist nationalism ethnic nationalism has usually been but to reappropriate it. followed by violent upheavals, so keep- Kwame Anthony Appiah tackles the ing things peaceful down the road will supposed incompatibility o nationalism be dicult. and cosmopolitanism, which he claims Nationalism’s largely unpredicted is based on a misunderstanding, since resurgence is sobering. But these essays cosmopolitans believe in the possibility left me hopeful, because they show a o multiple nested identities. way out. Underneath all the theory and Andreas Wimmer notes that distin- history and science, everything boils guishing good, civic nationalism from down to politics.
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