Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 1967 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Sub Judice Matter [7 SEPTEMBER] Questions 411 THURSDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER, 1967 Mr. AIKENS: Mr. Speaker, I give notice that your ruling be disagreed with. If we are going to have solicitors writin~ to us and Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, telling us what to do, we mtght as well Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair disband. at 11 a.m. Mr. SPEAKER: Order! I point out to the hon. member that I have given reasons for SUB JUDICE MATTER my ruling. If he studies my ruling, he will MR. SPEAKER's RULING see what I refer to in it. Mr. SPEAKER: Hon. members, I have received the following letter from Messrs. Hawthorn, Cuppaidge & Badgery, Solicitors, QUESTIONS dated 5 September, 1967:- PRINTING OF EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS "The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, IN HoNG KONG Parliament House, Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked BRISBANE. The Minister for Education,- "Dear Sir, ( 1) What publications used in Queens­ "re A. T. Dewar v. Mirror Newspapers land State primary and secondary schools Limited are printed and bound in Hong Kong? "We are acting for the abovenamed Alexander Tattenhall Dewar, of Power (2) What is the name of the firm in Street, Wavell Heights, Member of the Hong Kong doing this work? Legislative Assembly of Queensland. ( 3) Is this firm associated with any "We are instructed to inform you that we Queensland firm and, if so, who are the have today issued a Writ out of the directors and shareholders of the local Supreme Court of Queensland, Brisbane, firm? on behalf of our Client against Mirror Newspapers Limited. (4) Is he aware of any legislation in "The plaintiff's claim as set out in the Western Australia ensuring that such Writ is as follows: educational printing is carried out within '$50,000.00 Damages for the publica­ the State? tion of defamatory matter in writing of and concerning the Plaintiff in the news­ paper called 'Sunday Truth' on Sunday, Answers:- 3rd September, 1967.' (!) "No publications prepared by the "Yours faithfully, Department and supplied for use in school~ "HAWTHORN, CUPPAIDGE & BADGERY are printed in Hong Kong. The Honour­ able Member will be aware that there are "R. M. Badgery" a large number of other publications in use Since receiving that letter I have given very in schools often chosen by teachers. I serious consideration to the question whether have no complete list of these nor do I the discussion of this matter would now come have precise information on the place of within the rules relating to sub judice matters. printing of these publications. I am aware "May", at page 454, states- that some are printed in Hong Kong. I "Matters awaiting the adjudication of a would point out to the Honourable Mem­ court of law should not be brought forward ber that the choice of publications for use in debate (except by means of a Bill)'', in schools is determined by the educational and then is set out the procedure that has quality of such publications rather than by been adopted by the House of Commons. their place of printing. Furthermore, Apart from criminal matters and courts teachers are not expected to seek approval martial, it clearly states- for all the publications they use." "The ban further applies to matters (2) "Among the firms in Hong _KC!ng awaiting or under adjudication in a civil doing this work are Lee Fung Pnntmg court from the time that the case has been Coy. Ltd., Hong Kong Printing Press. Ltd., set down for trial or otherwise brought Wing, King, Tong Coy. Ltd., Penmsula before the court, as for example by notice Press Ltd.'' of motion for an injunction; such matters may be referred to before such date unless (3) "Some of these printing firms are it appears lo the Chair that there is a real associated with Australian and oversea~ and substantial danger of prejudice to the publishers; one of them with a Queensland trial of the case." firm Jacaranda Press Pty. Ltd. I suggest I feel that further discussion of this matter, to the Honourable Member that he obtain which relates to an hon. member of this the names of directors and shareholders House, could present a real and substantial from the relevant authorities.'' danger of prejudice to the trial of the case and that therefore the matter is sub judice. (4) "No.'' 412 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions OFFICE CLEANING, MAIN ROADS (2) Have any of these three convicted DEPARTMENT murderers been released from prison and, Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked if so, on what date? The Minister for Mines,- (3) Did William Ernest Hamilton apply Further to his Answer to my Question to the Parole Board this year for release on August 31 concerning cleaning of the and was his application rejected? If so, new Main Roads building,- was he told that the rejection of his application was prompted by his reluctance ( 1) What are the factors that make to take up painting or some other form cleaning of the building by contracting of art or culture which would have specialists cheaper than by day labour? enabled the Parole Board to assess his (2) For how long has the contract degree of redemption and rehabilitation? been let and who are the contractors? ( 4) If long-term prisoners are required to cultivate artistic hobbies and pursuits to ( 3) What steps will be taken regarding impress the Parole Board with their fitness security of Departmental records, &c.? for release, will this be made known to all ( 4) For what periods have the dis­ such prisoners so that they can, if they missed individual cleaners been employed wish, adopt the cultural vogue or painting and will they be offered alternative 'school' most favoured by the Parole employment? Board? (5) Are prisoners provided with paint, Answers:- palette, brushes and other articles necessary (1) "Specialization together with wider for painting and are instructors made experience and knowledge of techniques, available to train and assist them? equipment and materials." Answers:- (2) "(a) 12 months; (b) Specialised ( 1) "November 14, 1953." Treatments Pty. Ltd." (2) "All of these prisoners have been (3) "(a) The Department has the right released on parole-Sylvia J oyce Clare to reject employees. (b) The Contractor Ferguson on November 14, 1963, and both and his employees must enter and leave the Albert Eric Murphy and William Ernest building via the watchman on duty. Hamilton on July 14, 1967." Confidential correspondence and documents (3 to 5) "See Answer to (2)." are kept inaccessible." (4) "(a) Three male cleaners less than RETAIL TARIFFS, TOWNSVILLE REGIONAL 2 years service. Fourteen female cleaners ELECTRICITY BOARD with the following periods of service:- 17 years, 14 years, 13 years, 12 years, 8 Mr. Tucker, pursuant to notice, asked The years, 4 years, 3 years 3, 2 years, 1 year Minister for Industrial Development,- 2, less than 1 year 2. (b) No. U nder the revised retail tariffs of the Townsville Regional Electricity Board recently promulgated, is not the cost of SHAREHOLDINGS OF MINISTERS OF THE 610 units of electricity per month to CROWN farmers in the Board's area almost Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked double the cost of the same amount of The Premier,- electricity supplied over the same period to farmers by the Electricity Department, What are the commercial or business Brisbane City Council? If not, will he establishments, if any, with which give particulars? Ministers of the Crown are associated by way of shareholding or directorship, Answer:- either directly or through their immediate "The cost of 610 units per month family? supplied by the Townsville Regional Electricity Board from its main coastal Answer:- network under the tariff now applicable for "The information sought by the Honour­ farm purposes is about 56 per cent. higher able Member is not in my possession." than the cost of the same number of units per month under a comparable tariff at present applying in the area of supply of RELEASE OF LONG-TERM PRISONERS BY the Brisbane City Council." PAROLE BOARD Mr. Aikens, pursuant to notice, asked The VACCINATION AGAINST MEASLES Minister for Justice,- Mr. Kaus, pursuant to notice, asked The ( 1) On what date were Sylvia Clare Minister for Health,- Ferguson, Albert Eric Murphy and William Regarding a report that in an address Ernest Hamilton sentenced to life imprison­ to the Health Inspectors' Conference in ment for the murder of Ferguson's Bundaberg this week the Deputy Director­ husband? General of Health, Dr. Johnson, referred Questions (7 SEPTEMBER] Questions 413 to pending campaigns for vaccination (2) What is the amount of unpaid against measles, when will they begin hospital fees owing to the North Brisbane and how will they be conducted? Hospitals Board and the South Brisbane Hospitals Board, respectively, for the Answer:-- years ended June 30, 1965, 1966 and 1967 "The question of vaccination against and for what categories of service were measles was discussed at the last meeting they incurred? of the National Health and Medical Research Council when it was decided a joint Commonwealth-Victorian pilot trial Answers:- with a live measles vaccine be carried out (1) "The unpaid fees of $13,500 at the in Victoria. A similar procedure was Longreach Hospital mentioned in the carried out in Tasmania before i.t was Telegraph of August 31, 1967 are classified approved that Sabin vaccine be used as the as follows:- vaccine of choice for immunisation against $ poliomyelitis. The Commonwealth Health Private General Patients . 10,818 Private Maternity Patients 2,225 Department is still investigating the best Ambulance Charges and Others .
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