THURSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL JOURNAL — INDEX First number refers to issue number; following number refers to page number Page numbers with an f refer to a figure; page numbers with an n refer to an endnote Cover = c Back cover = bc Inside back cover = ibc Active, steamship, 4:26 Adair, Ruth, 9:1, c Adams & Company, express, 4:25 Aerial photographs, 5:16f; 11:21f, 23f Aetzel, George and Hazel, 7:4 Airplanes, 1:35-42, 37f, 38f; 2:33-34, 33f Alexander, Gerry, 1:3-4 Alida, sidewheeler, 4:27f, 28, 39n50, 39f Alki, 4:25, 35n22 Allen, Edward Jay, 2:17, 21 Allen and Son Mill Company, 9:39f, 41f Allen, Tom, 10:31; 11:35 Ambulance service, World War I, 8:4-14, c, 4f, 11f, 16f American Legion Auxiliary, 6:7-8 Armstrong, Freeman, 9:4, 4f Armstrong, Raymond “Eddie”, 6:29 Arnold, Irving and Eleanor family, 8:36, 38-42f Athens, 5:48 Audenarde, Belgium, 8:8-14, 8f Audubon Society, 10:30 Automobiles, 2:42-43, 42f Baker, Frank, 11:33-34 Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 4:23 Baran, Abbot Oswald, 9:18-19, 19f Barton, Austin, 9:ibc, bc Baskets, Native American, 1:23-34, 24f, 27f, 28f, 29f Batteau, 4:29, 40n56 Beach, Chauncey E., 9:13 Beall, Jean Cory, 5:ibc Bell, Major W. H., 10:6, 6f Benedictine Sisters, 6:46-49, 47f Bennett, G. Stacey, 7:2-19, 6f Benson, Edwin F., 9:14 Bessie, steamboat, 8:ibc, bc Bigelow House Museum, 2:bc, ibc Bigelow, Daniel R., 2:30, 30f Billings, William, 3:35 Birds-eye views, 2:38f; 3:8f; 10:5f Black Bear Mine, 3:42-44, 41f Black Cat Nursery, 11:43f Black Duck, sloop, 4:27, 37n36 Blanchet, Bishop A. M. A., 3:3-4 Blueberries, 4:9-14, 9-13f Blume, Bob, 1:45 Boeing Company, 11:24, 23f Bordeaux logging company, 9:43f Bottle caps, 4:2-8, 3f, 4f Bottle-filling machine, 3:bc Brother Jonathan, steamship, 4:27, 38n39 Brown, Benjamin F. and wharf, 3:20-21; 5:40 map, 5:43f Brown, Tom, 4:30, 41n59 Bucoda, 3:c, 36f coal mines, 3:33-41 Budd Inlet, 3:17 Bush, George, 2:12 Bush, William, 1:46, 46f Butler Cove, 5:37 Canneries, 9:1, c; 11:21-22 Cannon, John, 8:29 Cannon, Poppy, 11:ibc, bc Canoe, Coast Salish, 3:14f, 15-16 Capital City Iron Works, 9:16 Capitol Lake, 2:43 Capitol to Capitol Yacht Race, 3:27f Carlyon, P. H., 2:43 Carpenter, Robert, 10:33f Carr, Charles, 9:19-20, 20f Carranco, Lynwood, 9:38-40 Catholic religion, 3:3-13 Centennial Rose Garden, 7:28-37, 28f, 31f, 33-35f, 37f, bc, ibc Cherry Hill Coal Company, 5:42 Christopher, Gretchen, 11:2-8, c, Citizens for the Future, 10:32 City of Shelton, steamship, 3:20f Clemons Logging Company, 7:20 Clifford, Judge Raymond W., 10:32; 11:38 Coal mining, 3:33-48, 5:37-38, 5:42 map, 3:33-35f, 37-40f, 42-43f, 47f Coast Guard Auxiliary, 11:17 Cobain, Kurt, 6:49-50; 11:2 Colchote, 5:4-5 Collins, Luther, 2:7-10 Colter, Henry, 4:25 Columbian, 10:ibc Columbus Day Storm, 11:32-44, 37f, 39f, 43-44f map, 11:42 Comstock, Glen, 9:42 Constitution, USS, sailing frigate, 3:21 Constitution, steamship, 4:26, 38n37 Contris, Mike, 10:35; 11:35 Cook, Rod, author, 4:9-14 Cook, W. J., 9:7 Cowlitz Landing, 4:25; 7:40f Cowlitz Tribe, 1:23 Cram & Mahlum, advertisement, 4:47f Crooks, Drew W., author, 1:23-34; 2:28-44; 5:2-13; 10:2-11 Crooks, Jennifer, author, 4:42-48; 5:21-33; 9:2-37; 11:ibc Cusack, Harry, 4:18f Daily Bread Shop, 4:45f Dalton, Robert R., 8:17 Danner, Lauren, author, 7:2-19 Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington, 5:27 Dawley, Lee, 11:35 Derrick, W. Fred, 11:33 Deschutes River, 4:15-21, 15f bridges, 7:43-44 Devore, Reverend John F., 3:11-12 Dewey Day, 9:5 Discovery, HMS, sloop, 3:16f Dkhw’Duw’Absh, 2:8-9 Dodge, John, author, 11:32-44 Donation Land Claim Act, 2:6-7 Douglas, David, 3:18 Dubbs’ Pharmacy, advertisement, 4:47f Dunn, Robert, 10:34 Eberhardt, Joseph, 4:9-14 Eckert, Henry, 4:19 E. C. Tew, advertisement, 4:47f Egan, Ray, author, 3:3-13 Ehrman, Sherry, 10:33f Eld Inlet, 3:17 Eldridge, Les, author, 3:14-32 Eliza Anderson, steamship, 4:27, 38n38 Ellis, Barbara, 11:2-8, c Emilie Parker, schooner, 4:25, 26, 35n17 Evans, Elwood, 2:8 Faulkner, L. B., 4:17, 20 Ferry, river, 2:21-22, 23f Ferry, Governor Elisha, inauguration, 2:28-29, 29f Finch, Captain Duncan B., 4:27, 38n42 Finley, Robert and Werdna, 6:29 Fleetwood building, 11:7f Fleetwood, Shadrick family, 11:4-5 Fleetwood, telephone exchange, 11:4-6, 4f Fleetwood Mac, 11:4, 4f Fleetwood, SS, steamship, 11:5, 5-6f Fleetwoods, 11:2-8, c, 3f Food conservation, World War I, 9:10-12, 11f Fool hens, 4:31f Fort Colville, 4:32f Fort Lewis (Camp Lewis), 8:6; 9:14, 24f; 11:26 Fort Nisqually, 3:17; 7:41 Fort Steilacoom, 7:41f Flume, powerhouse, 4:18-19, 18f, 21f Fraser, Karen, 1:48f Frost, Robert, 5:8 Gardner, Jean, 7:35f Gasser, John, 6:20-21, 30 Gates, Janine, 1:3-4 Gelbach, Etta Sprague, 5:25 Gelbach Flour Mill, 4:17 Georgiana, sloop, 2:18 German-Americans, during World War I, 9:17-19 Gold Bar Restaurant, 2:31-32, 31f Goodwin, Frank, 2:15 Gove, Captain A. B., 4:26, 37n34 Grainger, Charles, 5:8 Gray, Howard E., 5:27 Great Western Mine, 3:41-42 Gregg, Kate, 2:19 Gregory & Company, express, 4:25, 34n2 Gregory, James F., 8:11 Greyhound, sternwheeler, 3:23f Grim, Alta, 10:29f Guiberson, Francis, 11:29 Gunstone, Flora B., 9:14 Guttenberg, Frank, 5:7 Haggerty, Ben, 11:2 Haglund, Ivar, 10:8-9 Haid, Murrell F., 5:17 Hale, Crosby & Winsor, 4:28, 38n45 Hamly, Justice Frederick, 10:32 Hammond, Captain William, 4:27, 38n43 Hannukaine, Bonnie, 11:3f Hannum, Carol, author, 7:20-27 illustrator, 2:c, 2, 23f; 7:44f; 10:13f Hannum, James S., author, 1:5-20; 3:33-48; 5:34-50; 7:38-48; 10:12-24; 11:2-8 Harbor Days, 3:26-27, 29f, 31f Hartman, Sarah McAllister, 2:19-20, 21f Hawaiian Chieftain, tall ship, 3:31f Hawk, Isaac, 2:22 Hay, Governor M. E., 2:32 Hays, Jerusha Jane Logan, 4:33 Henness, Benjamin F., 7:38 Henry, Francis, 10:2-11, 2f, 7f Hesquiat Tribe, 5:2f Hewitt & Ashley, 2:42 Hick, Carter, 1:3-4 Hillside Inn, 4:16f Hoage, Muriel, 9:1, c Holloway, Jean McLeod, 8:ibc, bc Home Guard, World War I, 9:7, 22, 7f Hops, 4:7-8n3 Horton, Captain William N., 4:26, 36n32 Hospital, Tumwater, 5:14-20, 14f, 16f, 18f Hotel Olympia, 2:37 Hough, John, author, 3:14-32 House post, Native American, 5:2-13, c, 6f, 10f Hudson’s Bay Company, 2:4-5; 3:17 Huggins, Cheryl, 11:3f Hunt, Captain James M., 4:26, 36n29 Huntamer, Thomas, 1:46, 46f Hydroelectric power, 4:15-21, 15f, 16f, 18f, 21f I Kan Kan Club, 9:1, c Independence Creek, 10:12-24; map, 10:12 Indian Wars of 1855-56, 2:13-14; 3:19 Ingham, Dr. G. W., 2:42 Ingham, Dr. Reed, 11:14, 14f Isabel, steamship, 4:28, 40n51 Ivar’s Acres of Clams restaurant, 10:9, 11f J. A. Gilbaugh, funeral home, advertisement, 4:47f J. B. Brown, brig, 4:26, 36n30 J. B. Libby, sidewheeler, 4:27, 38n44 J. C. Fremont, bark, 4:24, 34n11 J. E. Kelley, advertisement, 4:44f J. H. Smith & Company, 5:38 Jacobs, Helen McKay, 11:30 James Lasityr, advertisement, 4:47f Japanese residents, 10:12-24; 11:17-18 Johnson, James, Olympia mayor, 1:36 Johnson, Karen L., author, 1:4, 35-42; 2:2; 3:2; 5:51-52; 6:2-44; 8:34-44; 9:38-44 Josie McNear, steamship, 4:28, 38n45 Kalama, 1:5-6, 16 Kearney, J. F., 9:12 Kelly, Roy L., 11:32-40 Kenney, Frank, 11:31, 31f Kenney, Frank M., 9:5; 11:9f, 15 Kenney, Grace, 8:15; 11:17 Kilde, Bill family, 11:39f Kiyono, Shinkichi and Tetsu family, 10:18-25, 19f, 20f Kohout, Linda, 6:bc, ibc Krenik, Ed, 11:36 Kytta, William and Amanda family, 8:36, 43-44f Labbe, John, 9:38-40 Lacey, 50th birthday, 1:43-48 City Council, 1:46, 46f City Hall, 1:46-47, 48f Fire Department, 1:43-44, 43f Library, 1:46, 47f Lady Washington, sailing ship, 3:31f Lange, Dorothea, 8:34-44, 34-35f Lange, Edward, 2:38f; 9:44f Larsen, Dennis M., author, 8:18-33 Lee, Don, 7:29 Legion Way, 9:29f Leschi, 2:4, 14 Lewis County, evolution of, 2:4-5 Liberty Loans, 9:7-10, 9f Lindbergh, Charles, 1:35-42, 35f, 42f, c Logging, 7:20-27 accidents, 7:21-27 camps, 7:22, 7:27f equipment, 7:21f jargon, 9:38-44 Longmire, James and family, 2:21-22 Love, Courtney, 6:45, 49-50, 51f Loveless, Morris “Moe”, 1:44 MacDonald, Angus, 4:29-31, 29f, 40n57 MacDonald, Christine, 4:29-31, 30f Macklemore, 11:2 Majestic Mine, 3:44 Major Tompkins, steamship, 4:26, 36n27 Makah tribe, 5:3 Mallory, Ernest, 8:2-17, 2f, 5f, 11f; 11:10 grave, 8:15f house, 11:12f Mallory, Henry and Mary, 8:2 Maple, Jacob and Samuel, 2:8-9 Maple Lane, State School for Girls, 6:13-17 Margaret McKenny Campground, 10:38 Margaret McKenny Elementary School, 10:38 Margaret McKenny Park, 10:38 Masachie Jim, 2:10 Masonic Temple, Olympia, 2:32 Mathwig, Elizabeth and Emil family, 5:14-20 Mathwig, Dr.
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