NMP Équipe NMP Editors Rédactrice en chef Mél Hogan Content Curator M-C MacPhee Video Curator Dayna McLeod Rédactrice Mathilde Géromin Consultant Elisha Lim Copy Editors TS Lindsay Shane Traduction Gabriel Chagnon Site Configuration + Design Jeff Traynor Mél Hogan Archinodes.com Design + Mise en page Mél Hogan Open Source CMS NMP Drupal.org Print-on-Demand Lulu.com http://stores.lulu.com/nomorepotlucks copyright 2009 | all copyright remains with the author/creator/photographer subscribe to the online version | abonnement en ligne Editorial 100 Butches, Number 35 Mél Hogan (4–5) Elisha Lim (40–4) Adventures in Deconstruction 3 Poems Mary K. Bryson (6–) Trish Salah (4–44) Boycott de Madame Arthur Sexual Healing Line Chamberland (–6) Nicholas Little (45–47) The Postman La New Born Canadienne Dianah Smith (7–9) Mathilde Géromin (48–5) Deep Lez I Statement sweetest thing/ tierra sagrada Allyson Mitchell (54–56) Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (0–) An Interview with La Bombe Catherine Opie Julie Doucet () Marie-Claire MacPhee (57–67) The Two-spirited Rebirth of Patty Hearst Gets Laid: Indigenous Nations: The Scandelles Meet An Interview with Bruce LaBruce Dayna McLeod (68–70) Waawaate Fobister Stu Marvel (4–40) Cover (7) NMP Editorial NMP continues to be run entirely volun- tarily by a group of people impassioned by cultural production, re-defining culture A birth is a beginning – a moment of com- in each issue. We’re trying something new ing into, of coming out of, and of emerging here and we hope you are going to like it. from, a new existence. I am grateful beyond words to people who It is this kind of “birth” that has inspired contributed to this first issue, who trusted the first issue… and not so much the cul- us blindly to make this come together. Mer- tural obsession with babies. Birth of a new ci à toutes les personnes qui ont permis à year, birth of new era, birth of a new way of ce projet de voir le jour. being afforded by technologies like print- on-demand, content management sys- I followed Mary K. Bryson’s Adventures tems like Drupal that make websites dy- in Deconstruction online for the past few namic and easy to use, and of course, your years. This, after a series of uncanny, albe- everyday, DIY, recording equipment. We it virtual, encounters. It’s quite something are looking for people all across Canada to to grow to care for someone you have nev- post short entries and photos on our media er met in person, to follow them on such page, online. an intimate journey, to have a friendship born through and bound to the internet. It The birth of (a new) NMP – a journal of poli- is an honour to have her writing published tics, arts, and culture – will come to define in this first issue. itself through you, the readers. We look forward to your feedback, your reactions, Nous sommes tout aussi enthousiasmées your contributions to further issues dealing de publier ici un article de Line Cham- 4 with a range of topics like copyright, ego, berland, militante lesbienne féministe, NMP health, softball, making out, spirituality portant sur le boycott du bar Madame and interactivity. Our next issue, out March Arthur. Ce précieux récit me donne envie , 009 carries the theme of “Trespassing/ d’entreprendre une démarche concertée Transgressions.” de recherche et de publication de contenu historique, et de contribuer d’une façon Ce premier numéro est un début, un re- plus systématique à la redécouverte et à nouvellement pour NMP, dorénavant pub- la célébration de notre culture, dans toute lié sous forme de journal-zine qui, tous les sa richesse et sa diversité. deux mois, vous offrira une vaste gamme d’articles et d’entrevues sur une théma- De plus, vous trouverez d’éclectiques et tique particulière. fascinantes contributions de fiction, de poésie et de style « manifeste », par plu- of NMP – more of Lim’s work to come in sieurs artistes et militantes triées sur le every issue. volet par les éditrices de NMP pour cette édition d’inauguration : Dianah Smith, Julie Also, you’ll never miss another Dykes on Doucet, Trish Salah, Leah Lakshmi Piepz- Mykes show – we have them all archived na-Samarasinha et Allyson Mitchell. Nous for you on the NMP website. espérons qu’elles sauront alimenter et re- nouveler votre réflexion critique et artis- A very special thank you to my lesbro Jeff tique. Traynor for his technical support with the website – I know you’ve put in a crazy In journalistic and academic form, Nicholas amount of time and energy into this. And Little and Stu Marvel explore the interplay thank you to Maryse Bézaire for configur- of health, culture, art and identity. ing the NMP of yore, which we are working to archive and make accessible in the near A stunning cover image entitled “Thrown” future. taken by Montréal-based photographer Nikol Mikus adorns our first issue. Mikus Big love to M-C MacPhee and Dayna McLeod sets the bar very high for future issues and who have lost more than a few nights’ sleep we are very proud to feature her work as over this, and to Mathilde Géromin and Eli- part of NMP’s rebirth. sha Lim who seriously enrich the scope and reach of this project. Finally, four fascinating features by NMP editors include Marie-Claire MacPhee’s in- Thank you to our translator, Gabriel Cha- terview with internationally famed photog- gnon, to copy-editors Lindsay Shane and rapher, Catherine Opie, bringing to light her TS, and to you, the readers, to whom we work on temporary communities – fishing are committed to bringing forward the 5 houses and surfers – complementing her greatest and most audacious magazine earlier seminal queer portraiture. Dayna ever made, in the entire universe. McLeod delves into the work of The Scan- NMP delles and Bruce LaBruce, a well-known Mél Hogan porn amateur and filmmaker, becoming NMP’s first of many exclusive video art features. Mathilde Géromin offers us a self- reflexive account of “becoming” Canadian – and I am so very happy to have her here working with us. Elisha Lim’s astonishing Butch Portraits are to be a regular feature I have been living with a breast cancer diagnosis for three short weeks - days that have been filled to burst- ing with specialist appoint- ments, blood tests, MRI, and hundreds of desperate and sometimes awkward conversations with friends and family. And I have cried. I have never cried so much as I have over the past days. Buckets. I never know when the tears will start. The beginning of this story probably involves a mini- mum of three combustive elements: queer love, a tat- ADVENTURES IN DECONSTRUCTION Mary K. Bryson too and cancer. I could start this account 7 years ago, when I had fallen desper- ately in love with a woman called Ange. She seemed like a heroic figure to me at 6 the time. When I met her, NMP The following is an excerpt from: Ange had just been through http://brys.wordpress.com surgery for colon cancer. She had “the bag”. And she “Adventures in Deconstruction: Field Notes From a Cancer Battle had a poster on her bed- Ground Where Queer Life Meets Precarious Life Head On” room wall of an Amazonian woman with an amazing June 30, 2007 floral tattoo that wound its Dancing on Knife’s Edge way across her double mas- tectomy scar. Ange died of I have wondered how to start this blog. Just thinking about cancer about six months writing my cancer onto the screen is way too real. after getting the all-clear from a doctor at the B.C. Cancer Agency. she had set up an appointment with a sur- And now, today, I am quietly waiting for my geon. I remember that I couldn’t hear the own bilateral mastectomy (double) which surgeon’s name, and that I was utterly at is scheduled for the day after the day af- a loss for words. I couldn’t metabolize the ter tomorrow. And the tattoo that I have information at all. so proudly sported for the past seventeen years - a floral wreath that winds its way It was a Friday, which meant that I couldn’t across my breasts in Ange’s honour - will it- get into the doctor’s office until Monday to self be severed, and distorted; brutally cut read the radiologist’s report on the biopsy. short, just like my love of Ange. So I read whatever I could get my hands on about DCIS. Monday, I knew what to look I wanted to start this blog right away - back for in the report. And when I finally got to then - in the early days - but I just couldn’t see the report, I couldn’t fathom the inten- bring myself to do it. I didn’t have the en- tion of my doctor’s good cheer. The DCIS ergy or perhaps, the courage. So this first was multi-focal, grade comedocarcino- entry will be a retrospective on the first ma, and with a focus of microinvasion. Not three weeks. good. But my doctor wasn’t around, and the next step was to get in touch with the June 8 - a mere three weeks ago - I got the surgeon, and to see what I could find out call from my doctor with the results of my about her. core biopsy. I was sitting in the Edmonton airport, waiting to fly back to Vancouver af- Dr. C works at VGH and is an oncological ter having done a couple of really good re- surgeon.
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