FURNIZORI DE MEDICAMENTE (farmacii cu circuit deschis) AFLATI IN RELATIE CONTRACTUALA CU CAS NEAMT SI PROGRAMUL DE LUCRU AL ACESTORA Adresa/farmacie punct de lucru ( adresa Adresa furnizor ( adresa completă: localitate, str., Telefon/fax Nr. Denumire furnizor de completă: localitate, str., nr., nr., bl, sc, etaj, ap, farmacie/punct de program orar farmacie/punct Nr. crt. Contract medicamente bl, sc, etaj, ap, judeţ/sector) Telefon/fax judeţ/sector) lucru de lucru sat Pangaracior, comuna 0233221971 Pangarati, jud. Neamt 0756124919 L-V: 09.00 - 17.00 ROMAN, str. Bogdan L-V: 07.30 - 20.30 Dragos nr.18bis, Jud. S: 07.30 – 14.00 Neamt 0758817456 D: 08.00 – 13.30 L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 A & B PHARM SABAOANI, str. S: 07.30 – 13.00 CORPORATION SRL BROSTENI, COM. BAHNA, jud. Orizontului nr.1, Jud. D: 09.00 – 1 230/7230 c+g / pns Neamt 0233742860 Neamt 0758817457 12.00 ADONIS FARM SRL L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 2 166/7166 c+g / pns TUPILATI JUDET NEAMT 0233782075 TUPILATI JUDET NEAMT 0233782075 S: 07.00 - 12.00 Roman, str.Oituz, nr.11, L-V: 07.30 – 19.30 jud.Neamt 0233742933 S: 08.00 – 13.00 Roman, str.Stefan cel Mare, bl.6, et.P1, L-V: 07.30 – 18.30 jud.Neamt 0233733722 S: 08.00 – 13.00 sat Pildesti, com.Cordun, str. Mihai Eminescu, JUD.NEAMT 0233274111 L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 sat Gheraesti, str.Branduselor, JUD.NEAMT 0233722111 L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 Sabaoani 0333119419 L-V: 08.00 – 12.00 sat Cotu Vames, com. ALFA FARM SRL c+g Roman, Str.Stefan cel Mare, Horia, str.Plopului, nr. 114, 3 224/7224 / pns Bl.6, et. P1, Jud Neamt 0233733722 JUD.NEAMT 0333105861 L-V: 08.00 – 12.00 L-V: 09.00 – 15.00 Sarbat legale: Costisa, jud. Neamt 0233283231 09.00–14.00 L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 FARMACIA ANTONELA S: 09.00 - 14.00 SRL Zanesti, Sos Nationala, Podoleni, str. Libertatii, nr. Sarbat legale: 09.00– 4 510/7510 c+g /pns nr.587, jud.Neamt 0233282234 9 233278465 14.00 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 Piatra Neamt, Str.Titu S: 08.00 - 18.00 Maiorescu, Nr. 10, D: 08.00 – 14.00 JUD.NEAMT 0233219541 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 S: 08.00 - 18.00 Piatra Neamt, B-dul D: 08.00 – 14.00 Decebal, bl. I1, jud. Neamt 0233237837 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 Piatra Neamt, Str. S: 08.00 - 18.00 Progresului, Nr. 42, D: 08.00 – 14.00 JUD.NEAMT 0233220019 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 S: 08.00 - 18.00 Piatra Neamt, Aleea D: 08.00 – 14.00 Ulmilor Bl A2, JUD.NEAMT 0233227271 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 Piatra Neamt, Bdul. S: 08.00 - 18.00 Republicii Nr.10, D: 08.00 – 14.00 JUD.NEAMT 0233229103 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 Piatra Neamt, Str. Mihai S: 08.00 - 18.00 Viteazu , Complex Orion, D: 08.00 – 14.00 JUD.NEAMT 0233232333 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 Piatra Neamt, Str. S: 08.00 - 18.00 Progresului, Nr. 121, D: 08.00 – 14.00 JUD.NEAMT 0233219545 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 Piatra Neamt, str. B-dul S: 08.00 - 18.00 Decebal, nr. 15, D: 08.00 – 14.00 JUD.NEAMT 0233625034 Garcina, str. Ep. L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 Melchisedec Stefanescu, 0233242169 / nr. 111, jud. NEAMT 0725584009 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 FARMACIA ARDEALUL PIATRA NEAMT, STR.TITU Piatra Neamt, str. Gen. N. S: 08.00 - 18.00 SRL MAIORESCU, NR. 10, bl. F36, Dascalescul, nr. 13, bl. D: 08.00 – 14.00 5 115/7115 c+g / pns ap. 18, JUD. NEAMT 0233219541 T2 , jud. Neamt 0233211235 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 Piatra Neamt, Str.1 S: 08.00 - 18.00 Decembrie 1918, bl. M1, D: 08.00 – 14.00 JUD.NEAMT 0233261792 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 S: 08.00 - 18.00 Piatra Neamt, B-dul D: 08.00 – 14.00 Traian, nr. 2. JUD.NEAMT 0233621795 ARIZONA M SRL Comuna Razboieni, jud. 6 317/7137 c+g / pns Tibucani, jud. Neamt 0233293129 Neamt 0233293190 L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 L-V: 08.00 – 19.30 FARMACIA ARUNCUS ROMAN, Str. Stefan cel Mare, ROMAN, Str. Stefan cel S: 08.00 – 15.00 7 SRL Nr. 10, Jud. Neamt O233740751 Mare, Nr.10, Jud. Neamt O233740751 D: 08.00 – 14.00 217/7217 c+g / pns Dulcesti, jud. Neamt 0233761188 L-V: 08.30 – 13.00 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 S: 08.00 – 15.00 D: 09.00 – 13.00 0233231942 L – V: 08.00 – 21.00 S: 08.00 – 21.00 PIATRA NEAMT, D: 08.00 – 21.00 143/7143 Bd.TRAIAN, Bl.S1, 8 PARTER, JUD.NEAMT 0233217858 L: 08.00 – 16.00 S-D: 08.00 – 13.00 BELLA DONNA SRL Baia Mare, str. Transilvaniei, Roman, str. Cuza Voda, Sarbat legale: 08.00- 9 234/7234 c+g / pns nr.5, ap.93, jud. Maramures 0233740499 nr.21, ap.1, jud. Neamt 0233740499 13.00 L - J: 10.00 – 14.00 TASCA, Jud Neamt 0372752092 L-V: 07.30 – 19.30 BELLADONNA SRL c+g BICAZ Str.Barajului nr.7 parter BICAZ, Str.Barajului nr.7, S: 08.00 – 18.00 10 401/7401 / pns Jud.Neamt 0233253377 parter, Jud.Neamt 0233253377 D: 09.00 – 13.00 BIOCOGNO FARM SRL Targu Neamt, B-dul Stefan cel Raucesti, Str.Principala, 11 329/7139 c+g / pns Mare, nr. 44 0747054677 1. PIPIRIG,IMOBILJud.Neamt 0747054677 L - V: 08.00 – 16.00 C4,JUD.NEAMT L-V: 08.40 – 15.40 S: 09.00 – 14.00 BUCATARU PHARM SRL 2. sat HANGU, ROMAN, STR.CUCUTEI, comuna HANGU, incita L-V: 08.00 – 15.00 12 322/7322 c+g / pns NR.4C, JUD.NEAMT 0728309666 salii de sport 0728309666 S: 09.00 – 14.00 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 S: 08.00 – 14.00 Piatra Neamt, B-dul Piatra Neamt, B-dul D: 08.00 – 14.00 COROMA FARM SRL N.Dascalescu, nr.13, Bl.T2, N.Dascalescu, nr.13, Sarbat legale: 13 168/7168 c+g / pns parter, jud. Neamt 0233211296 Bl.T2, parter, jud. Neamt 0233211296 08.00-14.00 Stefan cel Mare, str. Principala, nr.190, jud. Neamt 0766292887 L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 Sat Pangaracior, Comuna Pangarati,jud. Neamt 0233240469 L-V: 08.30 – 16.30 sat Romani,str. Principala, nr. 116, Comuna Romani, jud. Neamt 0233768587 L-V: 08.30 – 16.00 loc. Girov, str. Prof. Ghe. Dumitreasa, nr. 2, jud. Neamț 0740766445 L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 loc. Radeni, jud. Neamț 0740766445 L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 sat Borlesti, str. Piatra Neamt, str. Mihai Viteazu, Principala, nr. 130, FARMACIA CSC SRL c+g Nr. 2, Bl. B24, Sc. A,et.4, ap. Comuna Borlesti,jud. L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 14 170/7170 / pns 17, parter, JUD.NEAMT 0233224479 Neam 0233297420 L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 BALTATESTI, S: 08.00 – 13.00 DUCA SRL BALTATESTI, STR.FLORILOR 0233244023 STR.FLORILOR, NR.63, Sarbat legale: 08.00-12.00 15 302/7302 c+g / pns NR.63, JUD. NEAMT 0233244013 JUD. NEAMT 0233244023 COM. MARGINENI, SAT ELENA FARM SRL Piatra Neamt, str. Martisor, 0741092748 MARGINENI, JUD. 0233295707 16 151/7151 c+g / pns nr.12, jud. Neamt 0233295707 NEAMT 0741092748 L-V: 07.00 – 15.00 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 FARMACIA ETELKA SRL ROMAN,BD.ROMAN S: 08.00 – 14.00 ROMAN, BD.ROMAN MUSAT, MUSAT, BL.48/51, Sarbat legale: 08.00- 17 208/7208 c+g / pns BL.48, AP.51, JUD.NEAMT 0233744252 JUD.NEAMT 0233744252 14.00 P.NEAMT,Str.Petru Rares, L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 FARCOM SRL P.NEAMT,str.Petru Rares, nr.58, bl.B9, AP.22,Parter, S: 08.00 - 15.00 18 120/7120 c+g / pns nr.58, blB9, AP22, JUD.NEAMT 0233224195 JUD.NEAMT 0233224195 D: 08.00 - 13.30 L-V: 10.00 – 18.00 Piatra Neamt, Piata Stefan S: 09.00 – 14.00 FARMAVIT SRL Piatra Neamt, Piata Stefan cel cel Mare, nr.16A, jud. D: 09.00 – 19 114/7114 c+g / pns Mare, nr.16A, jud. Neamt 0233212666 Neamt 0233212666 14.00 TG. NEAMT, L-V: 07.30 – 20.00 STR.STEFAN CEL MARE, S: 08.00 – 14.00 BL.M2, PARTER, D: 08.00 – 14.00 JUD.NEAMT 0233790509 FLOREDANA FARM SRL TG. NEAMT, STEFAN CEL MARE, BL.M2, PARTER, 20 c+g / pns JUD.NEAMT 0233790509 Petricani, Sos. Principala, JUD.NEAMT 0233785118 L-V: 08.00 – 15.00 FLOREDANA FARM SRL TG. NEAMT, STEFAN CEL Bălțătești, parter Complex MARE, BL.M2, PARTER, Comercial Zimbrul, 20 326/7326 c+g / pns JUD.NEAMT 0233790509 JUD.NEAMT 0233245233 L-V: 08.00 – 16.00 L-V: 08.00 – 20.00 TG.NEAMT,Str.STEFAN CEL TG.NEAMT,Str.STEFAN S: 08.30 – GALMED PLANT SRL MARE, Bl.M1' , CEL MARE, Bl.M1' , L-V:16.00 08.00 – 20.00 D: 21 313/7313 c+g / pns Sc.D,Parter,Jud.NEAMT 0233791163 Sc.D,Parter,Jud.NEAMT 0233791163 09.00 – 12.00 S: 08.00 – 13.00 GEONET SRL Bacau, str. Calea Moldovei, nr. Piatra Neamt, str. B-dul 22 176/7176 c+g / pns 197 0234513808 Decebal, nr. 35 0751164104 ROMAN, Str.Mihai Eminescu, nr.46, L-V: 09.00 – 17.00 HEPITES SRL c+g ROMAN, Str.Mihai Eminescu, jud.Neamt S: 08.00 – 13.00 23 238/7328 / pns nr.46, jud.Neamt 0233722088 0233722088 D: 08.00 – 13.00 Piatra Neamt, B-dul Decebal, nr.79, în incinta Centrului Comercial Shopping City , Unitatea nr.

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