TECHNOLOGY - VIDEO STEREO- COMPUTERS - SERVICE BUILD THIS COMPUTERIZED IC TESTER Troubleshoot IC's in or out of circuit THE TRUTH BEHIND THE BLUE BOX And how Ma Bell crushed them RF TRANSISTORS GERNSBACK PUBLICATION Understanding the data sheets ATI SURFACE -MOUNT * -TECHNOLOGY Forrest Mims brings you the technology and 4 projects you can build COMPUTERDIGEST Turbocharging your PC PLUS: * BUILD AN ELECTRONIC LOCK, * POOR MAN'S STORAGE SCO /E./ * SEMICONDUCTOR TESTING NOW GET SCOPE, COUNTER AND DMM INPUT AU. AT ONCE THROUGH ONE PROBE! 1238 8 Gated frequency measurement. Delay time measurement. Delay Channel 1 dc volts measure- B sweep triggering during the time from the start of A sweep to ment. The average dc compo- intensified portion of the A sweep. the start of the B sweep is mea- nent of a waveform is measured Intensified portion frequency is sured with crystal accuracy. directly through channel 1 with measured with the counter/timer/ direct digital fluorescent readout. DMM. The Tek 2236 combines surements to 0.1%. 100 MHz, dual timebase A built-in, auto -ranging scope capability with ohmmeter provides counter timer/DMM measurements functions integrated into from 0.01 n to 2G1/ -as its vertical, horizontal well as audible continuity. and trigger systems. For Automatic diode/junction the same effort it takes to detection and operator display a waveform you prompts serve to simplify can obtain digital readout set-up and enhance of frequency, period, confidence in your width, totalized events, measurements delay time and A -time to The 2236: scope, accuracies of 0.001%. counter, timer, DMM The same probe is plus a 3 -year warranty used to provide input for the -all for just $2,650. CRT display and the digital Bandwidth 100 MHz Contact your nearest dis- measurement system, No of Channels 2 + Trig. View tributor or call Tek toll -free. resulting in easy set-up, Max. Sweep Speed 5 ns/div Technical personnel on our greater measurement confi- Digital Direct Ch 1 Voltage Meas. 0.5% DC; 2.0% direct -line will answer your dence and reduced circuit Readout AC RMS questions and expedite loading. Probe tip volts can Features Resistance: .010 to 200 Meg0 delivery. Orders include Continuity/Temp: Audible/C° or F° probes, 30 -day free trial and also be measured through Totalizing Counter: -1 counts to 8,000,000 the Ch 1 input. Direct Freq. Meas: 100 MHz to 0.001% acc. service worldwide. Precision measurements Period, Width Meas: 10 ns with 10 ps max Call Tek direct: at the touch of a button. resolution Auto -ranging frequency, Timing Meas. .001% (delay and s -time with readout) 1-800-433-2323 for period, width and gated Accuracy video tape or literature, measurements are push- Trigger Modes P -P Auto, Norm, TV Field, TV Line, Single Sweep 1-800-426-2200 for button -simple. And the 2236 application assistance or 7.3 kg (16.2 Ib) offers an independent float- Weight ordering information. ing 5000 count, auto -rang- Price $2650 ing multimeter with side Warranty 3 -year including CRT (plus optional service In Oregon, call collect: inputs for DC voltage mea- plans to 5 years) 1-627-2200 Tektronix' COMMIT III) Ill I XLELLENGE Copyright C 1986. Tektronix. Inc. All rights reserved. TTA-797 CIRCLE 92 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD November198711:wanes Vol. 58 No. 11 COMPUTERDiait SEW isIMO 0$ .S.C.SPISTI row if LECTS0000, S 106$ ASSOIs.. 43 IN -CIRCUIT DIGITAL -IC TESTER A computerized tester for TTL IC's Bill Green 107 ELECTRONIC COMBINATION LOCK An electronic lock that's opened with an electronic key. Paul Renton Ht ifFiTtfi 49 THE BLUE BOX AND MA BELL Pirates on the telephone lines. PAGE 91 Herb Friedman, Communications Editor 57 SPECIAL SECTION: SURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGY > I. An introduction to the packaging revolution Radio 7 '4 Forrest Mims, III Electronic; 113 POOR MAN'S STORAGE SCOPE Give your standard scope the power of more complex instruments. Duke Bernard ANDHIE 109 UNDERSTANDING DATA SHEETS OF RF POWER -AN TRANSISTORS INTOODUCTI What data sheet parameters mean, and how they're derived. CKAGING REVOLUTION Norman E. Dye, Motorola Semiconductor Products 115 TESTING SEMICONDUCTORS PAGE 57 Op -amp AC parameters. TJ Byers - AND MORE DEP 1 IILI ;1/i 152 Advertising and Sales 6 VIDEO NEWS 33 AUDIO UPDATE Offices What's new in this fast - Stereo imaging. changing field. Larry Klein 152 Advertising Index David Lachenbruch 39 ANTIQUE RADIOS 153 Free Information Card 14 EQUIPMENT REPORTS Restoring a classic, part 2. 122 Kit Report NCM Model 871 Pattern Richard D. Fitch 8 Letters Generator. 41 DESIGNER'S NOTEBOOK 31 NEW IDEA An under -voltage monitor 131 Market Center Multi -tone generator. Robert Grossblatt 22 New Products 32 SERVICE LOG 124 STATE OF SOLID STATE 127 PC Service Surface -mount components. A bang -bang IC. Robert F. Scott 4 What's News 1 Radio ON THE COVER Electronics Hugo Gernsback(1884-1967) f °under Troubleshooting a complex piece M. Harvey Gernsback. of electronics equipment is seldom editor -in -chief. emeritus Radio .N114easy. But when the circuit contains a Larry Steckler, EHF, CET. number of IC's, all soldered securely editor -in -chief and publisher Electron's' to a PC board, it can become a BLED 114S EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT CONFHlTERIZED r nightmare. This month we'll present IC TESTER a digital IC tester that can assess Art Kleiman, editorial director Brian C. Fenton, managing editor THE TRUTH 13*EN.,, the condition of an IC, in circuit or TM SLUE BCC Carl Laron, WB2S1.11. associate editor out. What's more, it can be built at a Jeffrey K. Holtzman, RE TRANS4STor, very reasonable cost. The story be- assistant technical editor SURFACE -MOUNT * gins on page 43. Marc Spiwak, associate editor TECHNOLOGY Also this month, our special sec- Robert A. Young, assistant editor tion on Surface Mount Technology Julian S. Martin, editorial associate focuses on one of the most impor- Byron G. Weis, editorial associate tant advances in component pack- M. Harvey Gernsback, Elati: 71.044. contributing editor AR, S.11144,roDoCrts, rtlalC. aging. Written by noted author Jack Darr. CET. service editor Forrest Mims, III, the special sec- Robert F. Scott, tion begins on page 57. semiconductor editor Herb Friedman, communications editor Bob Cooper, Jr. satellite -TV editor "if iLT, Robert Grossblatt, circuits editor Larry Klein, audio editor David Lachenbruch, contributing editor THE DECEMBER ISSUE Richard D. Fitch, contributing editor IS ON SALE Teri Scaduto, editorial assistant NOVEMBER 3 PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Ruby M. Yee, production director Robert A. W. Lowndes, BUILD THE MACRO -SCRUBBER editorial production Stabilize Macrovision-encoded videotapes for best viewing. Andre Duzant, technical illustrator Ronald Dee, assistant technical illustrator BUILD A DIGITAL IC TESTER Karen Tucker. advertising production Part 2 shows you how to program and use the tester. Marcella Amoroso, production traffic CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Jacqueline P. Cheeseboro, ALL ABOUT STRAIN GAGES circulation director What they are and how they are used. Wendy Alanko, circulation analyst Theresa Lombardo, circulation assistant COMPUTERDIGEST Typography by Mates Graphics All about disk storage. Cover photos by Nick Koudis and Forrest Mims Ill As a service to readers. RADIO -ELECTRONICS publishes available plans or information relating to newsworthy prod, techniques and scientific and technological developments Because of possible variances in the quality and condition Radio -Electronics is indexed in materials and workmanship used by readers. RADIO -ELECTRONICS disclaims any responsibility for the safe and proper functioning of reader -built protects based upon or from plans or information published in this magazine. Applied Science & Technology Index and Readers Guide to Periodical Liter- Since some of the equipment and circuitry described in RADIO -ELECTRONICS may relate to or be covered by U.S patents. ature. RADIO -ELECTRONICS disclaims any liability for the infringement of such patents by the making. using. or selling of any such equipment or circuitry. and suggests that anyone interested 111 such protects consult a patent attorney Microfilm 8 Microfiche editions are available. Contact circulation depart- RADIO -ELECTRONICS. (ISSN 0033.7862) November 1987. Published monthly by Gernsback Publications. Inc. 500- B Bi-County Boulevard. Farmingdale. NY 11735 Second -Class Postage paid at Farmingdale. NY and additional mailing offices ment for details. Second -Class mail registration No 9242 authorized at Toronto. Canada One-year subscription rate USA and possessions $16.97. Canada $22 97. all other countries 525.97. All subscription orders payable in U.S.A. funds only. via international postal money order or check drawn on a U.S.A.bank. Single copies S2.25 1987 by Gernsback Publications. Inc All rights reserved Advertising Sales Offices listed Printed in U S A on page 152. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to RADIO -ELECTRONICS. Subscription DeptBox 55115 Boulder. CO 80321-5115 A stamped self-addressed envelope must accompany all submitted manuscripts and/or artwork or photographs if their return is desired should they be rejected We disclaim any responsibility for the loss or damage of manuscripts and/or artwork or photographs while in our possession or otherwise ,111 2 TEST EQ PMENT THAT MEASURES UP TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS egrallilMENTS omm--cro W00VDC 200 kozoma 760 VAC 9II :.01. Ore..I '1M ;203fIKU cos.. I 2CORI: Joy -/OKI) 000", .0soch.coon OMM-300 $79.95DMM-200 $49.95DMM-700 $49.95DMM-100 $29.95 3. 5 3,G T DMA4 MULTITESTEc 3.5 DIG 'T FULL FUNCTION DMM 3.5 D13.T AUTORAVGANG 0A1M 3.5 D'GIT .DOCKET SIZE DMA4 3er best rucdel. A highly a:curate, fUlfer c Hight ccura:y. 20 amp current capability and Autoranga ccnvenience or fully /larval oper- Shirt-pDcket partabilty with to compronese cl DM VI loaded with many extra feaures mar y range settings make this model ideal for ation.Selectable LO OH N mode permits in features or accuracy.
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