O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 10, ISSUE 522 October 13, 2007 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO New Book: Archbishop Christodoulos’ Liver Transplant Operation is Aborted CIA in the Surgery Reveals Cancer Spread into Ailing Dark About Prelate’s Abdominal Lining, Shocks Doctors By Evan C. Lambrou questioning it and proceeding with And Theodore Kalmoukos specialized tests to be 100-percent Junta Coup Special to The National Herald sure about the source. This will de- termine the course of therapy that NEW YORK – “I am grateful to God must follow,” he said. Agency Allegedly for the cross that I am bearing. This Asked why, since the Archbishop is His wish.” had been in Miami since mid-Au- "Caught Off Guard" Those were the words spoken by gust, the peritoneal tumors were His Beatitude Archbishop not detected earlier, Dr. Tzakis said By Dictatorship Christodoulos of Athens & All the location of the tumors made Greece after his physician informed them difficult to detect, noting that By Antonis H. Diamataris him last Monday, October 8, that Christodoulos also seemed like he Special to The National Herald the liver transplant he was expect- was gradually recovering his ing to cure his liver disease was no strength. NEW YORK – “The colonels caught longer an option. “We did not know that there was the CIA off guard” concludes Tim After Dr. Andreas Tzakis opened a tumor outside of the liver. These Weiner, author of a well researched Christodoulos up on the operating types of growths, peritoneal im- new chronicle on the CIA entitled table at a Miami hospital last week- plants, are very difficult to detect “Legacy of Ashes: The History of end, and discovered, to his dismay, with x-rays. Outwardly, the Arch- the CIA,” and veteran New York that cancer had spread into the bishop exhibited no signs, and Times intelligence pundit. This Archbishop’s peritoneum, he abort- seemed strong enough to undergo viewpoint sharply contrasts the be- ed the transplant surgery and the surgery,” the Greek American lief traditionally held by a majority closed Christodoulos back up. physician said. of Greeks that the coup d’état The operation, which normally Christodoulos had checked into which took place in Athens on April takes anywhere from 8-12 hours, Aretaieion Hospital in Athens on 21, 1967 was orchestrated by the did not last long. It was over within June 9, after feeling discomfort and CIA. At best, it is almost a general 2-3 hours, and what seemed to pain in his abdominal area the day consensus in Greece that the CIA hold so much promise for the Arch- before, just as he was getting ready had prior knowledge of the bishop’s recovery, up until last Sun- to travel to Egypt for a visit at the colonels’ plans to overthrow the day, suddenly turned grim. Patriarchate of Alexandria. After government, and gave its blessings Dr. Tzakis, an internationally several tests, it was determined by for the final go ahead. This theory – renowned transplant surgeon at his doctors that he needed intesti- which no one has been able to the University of Miami/Jackson nal surgery. prove to date – is now being chal- Memorial Medical Center, a lead- That was the beginning of a gru- lenged by a very credible author, TNH PHOTO ing hospital for organ transplants, eling 42-day stay. who provides accounts and insight Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens & All Greece at his temporary residence in Miami just a half hour be- told the National Herald he was The Archbishop underwent an from key players of that day who fore he went to the hospital for a much-anticipated liver transplant last Sunday, October 7, unaware that “shocked” to find tumors along claim that the CIA was duped cancer had spread into his peritoneum. Christodoulos’ peritoneum, the Continued on page 3 twice, by the coup sprung by the serous membrane lining the ab- Greek colonels, as well as by the dominal cavity, and that he and his operation to oust Cypriot President medical team were caught com- Archbishop Makarios ordered by pletely off-guard. Dimitris Ioannides. “This was a totally unexpected Let us start from the beginning. Maloney: We Need to Hear from Greece development. It took everyone by Nationalist NY Times reporter Tim Weiner has surprise. It’s an extremely rare just released a 702-page in-depth By Evan C. Lambrou up aid to help Greece recover from to render an official statement, complication – an unusual mode of Shoots From chronicle on the history and actions Special to The National Herald the devastating ecological disaster spelling out Greece’s needs clearly metastasis, which broke into the of the CIA, where the “sparing suc- which ravaged the Greek country- and quickly (see related story, on peritoneum. The tumor is pretty cesses and many failures in the NEW YORK – Congresswoman side in late August and early Sep- page 6). much the same as it was three Hip, Not Lip CIA’s past” are detailed. As is al- Carolyn Maloney of New York says tember. “The Hellenic Caucus, which months ago, and was not violated ways the case, the believability of the United States Congress is Rep. Maloney, the Democratic currently has 136 members, in any way, so we don’t know how this book will depend upon the au- standing by Greece, but said she al- co-chair of the House Hellenic Cau- worked to pass a resolution ex- or why there was metastasis,” he By Andy Dabilis thor’s reliability. so hopes Greece officially states its cus, has been a staunch and consis- pressing its solidarity with Greece said. Special to The National Herald So just who is Tim Weiner? Mr. needs, so that she and others in the tent supporter of Hellenic issues about this catastrophic event “The most common mode of Weiner has been a well-known House of Representatives can intro- and interests for more than a (House Resolution 605, sponsored metastasis is when a tumor is on ATHENS – As a politician, George journalist for over twenty years duce legislation to help secure decade. She told the National Her- by Rep. Sarbanes, which passed the surface of the liver and bleeds Karatzaferis is famous for his covering intelligence affairs for the more funding for wildfire relief. ald, she said she agreed with the unanimously right after Labor into the organism’s system. But this rightwing hooks aimed at the status NY Times. He has been awarded The U.S. Government can and three Greek American members of Day). We’re pushing the Adminis- tumor was inside the liver,” he quo, but they often ended up hit- the highly-coveted Pulitzer Prize – should do more for Greece than the the House, Congressmen Gus Bili- tration to do more. We sent a letter added, and there was no prior indi- ting only air because his party was the highest honor an American $1.95 million it has offered so far, rakis of Florida, Zack Space of Ohio with 45 signatures to the State De- cation of metastasis. out of power. Now, the hits are journalist can receive – for his re- she said, adding that she is confi- and John Sarbanes of Maryland “It’s so rare for such a metastasis starting to land. search on “secret U.S. national se- dent the U.S. will eventually step that the Greek Government needs Continued on page 6 to occur from the liver that we are Even his campaign poster lead- curity programs.” Hence, his work ing up to the September 16 elec- on the relations between the CIA tions, showing the pugnacious and Greece’s junta is too significant Karatzaferis in a suit and wearing to be overlooked or dismissed on boxing gloves, apparently struck a the grounds that “the author does chord with Greek voters, illustrat- not know what he is talking about.” Metropolis of ing his won’t-back-down stance on The basic premise of Mr. Wein- issues he deemed almost a matter er’s book is that “the United States New Jersey of survival for Greece: limits on im- - the strongest nation in the history migrants and a stronger national of the Western World – has failed to identity. create a top-notch intelligence Buys Offices It worked. For the first time, agency... [The CIA’s] history is Karatzaferis’ rightwing nationalis- filled with short-lived successes tic LAOS party (Popular Orthodox and many failures, which have cost By Theodore Kalmoukos Rally) won ten seats in the parlia- the country abroad for years.” The Special to The National Herald ment, and which analysts argue long list of CIA failures Mr. Weiner took votes away from the ruling cites include two that are of direct BOSTON, Mass. – The Holy Me- party, New Democracy. interest to the Greek Community: tropolis of New Jersey acquired its Upon his party’s election, he im- the coup d’état organized by the own private headquarters with the mediately launched into a speech Greek colonels and Dimitris Ioan- purchase of a three-story building in which he blistered New Democ- nides’ ouster of Cypriot President in Westfield, New Jersey a few days racy for failing to defend Greece’s ago. The new building, which is lo- interests abroad, and attacked Continued on page 7 cated in a prestigious location and main opposition party PASOK for a which, until recently, housed the “barren foreign policy.” central headquarters of a large con- Among his targets were what he struction firm, will be converted to said was Greece’s timid handling of the new administrative headquar- Turkey over Cyprus, and on the ters of the Church in New Jersey.
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