Department of the Army, DoD § 578.61 in acts of heroism involving conflict paign or the words ‘‘Defensive Sector,’’ with an armed enemy. It was originally and with a star at each end of the in- worn only on the suspension and serv- scription. The campaigns are as fol- ice ribbons of the Bronze Star Medal to lows: denote an award made for heroism (i) Cambrai; (valor). Effective February 29, 1964, the (ii) Somme, Defensive; ‘‘V’’ device was also authorized for (iii) Lys; wear on the Air Medal and Army Com- (iv) Aisne; mendation Medal for heroic acts or val- (v) Montdidier-Noyon; orous deeds not warranting awards of (vi) Champagne-Marne; the Distinguished Flying Cross or the (vii) Aisne-Marne; Bronze Star Medal with ‘‘V’’ device. Ef- (viii) Somme, Offensive; fective June 25, 1963, the ‘‘V’’ device (ix) Oise-Aisne; was authorized additionally for wear (x) Ypres-Lys; on the Joint Service Commendation (xi) St. Mihiel; Medal when the award is for acts of (xii) Meuse-Argonne; valor (heroism) during participation in combat operations. In the case of mul- (xiii) Vittorio-Veneto; tiple ‘‘V’’ devices for the same award, (xiv) Defensive Sector. only one ‘‘V’’ device is worn on the (3) The World War I Victory Medal 1 service ribbons. service clasp is a bronze bar ⁄8-inch by 1 (d) ‘‘M’’ device. The ‘‘M’’ (Mobiliza- 1 ⁄2 inches with the name of the coun- try which the service was performed in- tion) Device is a bronze letter, M, 1⁄4- inch high with serifs at the bottom of scribed thereon. The service clasps au- the members. It is authorized for wear thorized are as follows: on the Armed Forces Reserve Medal by (i) England; members of the Reserve Components (ii) France; who are called or who volunteer and (iii) Italy; serve on active duty in support of spe- (iv) Russia; cific U.S. Military operations or con- (v) Siberia. tingencies designated by the Secretary (4) The American Defense Service of Defense, as defined in 10 U.S.C. 101(a) Medal clasp is a bronze bar 1⁄8-inch by (13). AGR members who receive orders 11⁄2 inches with the words ‘‘Foreign changing their current duty status Service’’ and with a star at each end of (legal authority under which they per- the inscription. form duty), their duty location, or as- (5) The Army of Occupation Medal signment to support a contingency op- clasp is a bronze bar 1⁄8-inch by 11⁄2 eration are also eligible for award of inches with the word ‘‘Germany’’ or the ‘‘M’’ Device. ‘‘Japan’’ inscribed thereon, to denote (e) Clasps. They are authorized for occupation duty rendered in Europe wear on the Army Good Conduct and/or the Far East. Medal, World War I Victory Medal, (6) The Antarctica Service Medal is a American Defense Service Medal, clasp bearing the words ‘‘Wintered Army of Occupation Medal, and Ant- Over’’ for wear on the suspension rib- arctica Service Medal. All clasps, ex- bon of the medal awarded in bronze for cept the Army Good Conduct Medal the first winter, in gold for the second clasp, are worn only on the suspension winter, and in silver for the third win- ribbon of the medal. The clasps are de- ter. scribed as follows: (f) Service stars. Are worn on cam- (1) The Army Good Conduct Medal paign and service ribbons to denote an clasp is a bar 1⁄8-inch by 13⁄8 inches, of additional award. The service star is a bronze, silver or gold, with loops indic- bronze or silver five-pointed star 3⁄16- ative of each period of service. Para- inch in diameter. A silver star is worn graph 4–9 describes the clasps author- instead of five bronze service stars. The ized for second and subsequent awards bronze service star is also affixed to of the Army Good Conduct Medal. the parachutist badge to denote par- (2) The World War I Victory Medal ticipation in a combat parachutist battle clasps is a bronze bar 1⁄8-inch by jump, retroactive to December 7, 1941. 11⁄2 inches with the name of the cam- See § 578.74 on Parachutist badges for 433 VerDate Aug<31>2005 12:10 Jul 30, 2008 Jkt 214125 PO 00000 Frm 00443 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214125.XXX 214125 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR § 578.62 32 CFR Ch. V (7–1–08 Edition) criteria for award of the combat para- (2) A silver hourglass shall be award- chutist badge. See AR 670–1 for proper ed upon completion of the second 10- wear of the service stars. Service stars year period award. are authorized for wear on the fol- (3) A gold hourglass shall be awarded lowing campaign and service medals upon completion of the third 10-year and or ribbons: period award. (1) World War I Victory Medal; (4) A gold hourglass, followed by a (2) American Defense Service Medal; bronze hourglass shall be awarded upon (3) American Campaign Medal; completion of the fourth 10-year period award. (4) Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal; (i) Berlin Airlift Device. A gold colored (5) European-African-Middle Eastern metal miniature of a C–54 type aircraft Campaign Medal; of 3⁄8-inch wingspan, other dimensions (6) Korean Service Medal; proportionate. It is worn on the service (7) Armed Forces Expeditionary and suspension ribbons of the Army of Medal; Occupation Medal. (See § 578.46 Army of (8) Vietnam Service Medal; Occupation Medal) (9) National Defense Service Medal; (j) Army Astronaut Device. A gold col- (10) Humanitarian Service Medal; ored device, 7⁄16-inches in length, con- (11) Prisoner of War Medal; sisting of a star emitting three (12) Southwest Asia Service Medal; contrails encircled by an elliptical (13) Military Outstanding Volunteer orbit. It is awarded by the Chief of Service Medal. Staff, Army, to personnel who com- plete a minimum of one operational (g) Arrowhead. The arrowhead is a mission in space (50 miles above earth) bronze replica of an Indian arrowhead and is affixed to the appropriate Army 1⁄4-inch high. It denotes participation in Aviator Badge, Flight Surgeon Badge, a combat parachute jump, helicopter or Aviation Badge awarded to the as- assault landing, combat glider landing, tronaut. Individuals who have not been or amphibious assault landing, while awarded one of the badges listed above assigned or attached as a member of an but who meet the other astronaut cri- organized force carrying out an as- teria will be awarded the basic Avia- signed tactical mission. A soldier must tion Badge with Army Astronaut De- actually exit the aircraft or watercraft, vice. as appropriate, to receive assault cred- it. Individual assault credit is tied di- § 578.62 Service ribbons. rectly to the combat assault credit de- A ribbon identical in color with the cision for the unit to which the soldier suspension ribbon of the service medal is attached or assigned at the time of it represents, attached to a bar 13⁄8 the assault. Should a unit be denied as- inches in width and 3⁄8 inch in length, sault credit, no assault credit will ac- equipped with a suitable attaching de- crue to the individual soldiers of that vice. A service ribbon is issued with unit. It is worn on the service and sus- each service medal. pension ribbons of the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign, European-African-Middle § 578.63 Lapel buttons. Eastern Campaign, Korean Service (a) Lapel buttons are miniature rep- Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Armed licas of military decorations; service Forces Expeditionary Medal, and Glob- medals and ribbons; and identification al War on Terrorism Expeditionary. badges. Lapel buttons are worn only on Only one arrowhead will be worn on civilian clothing. The buttons will be any ribbon. worn on the left lapel of civilian cloth- (h) Ten-Year Device. The Ten-year de- ing for male personnel and in a similar vice is authorized for wear on the location for female personnel. Armed Forces Reserve Medal to denote (b) Lapel buttons for military decora- each succeeding 10-year period as fol- tions. Lapel buttons for military deco- lows: rations are issued in the following two (1) A bronze hourglass shall be award- forms: ed upon completion of the first 10-year (1) A rosette, 1⁄2-inch in diameter, for period award. the Medal of Honor. 434 VerDate Aug<31>2005 12:10 Jul 30, 2008 Jkt 214125 PO 00000 Frm 00444 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214125.XXX 214125 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR Department of the Army, DoD § 578.63 (2) A colored enamel replica (1⁄8-inch (those being transferred to another by 21⁄32-inch) for the service ribbon for component for completion of a mili- other decorations. tary service obligation, and those re- (c) Lapel buttons for badges. The only ceiving an Honorable Discharge Certifi- badges that have an approved lapel cate). button are certain identification (2) Non-adverse separation provision. badges as follows: (3) Minimum 9 months continuous (1) Presidential Service Badge; service—a break is 24 hours or more. (2) Vice Presidential Service Badge; (4) Active Federal service on or after (3) Office of the Secretary of Defense April 1, 1984; or, service in a Ready Re- Identification Badge; serve unit organized to serve as a unit (4) Joint Chiefs of Staff Identifica- (National Guard unit or Army Reserve tion Badge; and troop program unit) on or after July 1, (5) Army Staff Identification Badge. 1986. (d) World War I Victory Button. A five- (5) Retroactive issuance is not au- pointed star 5⁄8-inch in diameter on a thorized.
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