China Highway 11Project Hunan Highway Corrldor Project Public Disclosure Authorized Xiangtan- Leiyang Highway Project EnvironmentalAssessment Summary (2nd Revised Version) Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized HunanProvincial Communications Department Changsha,China Public Disclosure Authorized December,1995 Contents A. BackgroundDescription of the Project................................................. 1 B. BriefIntroduction to the Project................................................. 2 C. Descriptionof the PrimaryEnvironment ................................................. 3 D. PredictedEnvironmental Impacts and MitigationMeasures ...................... 6 E. EnvironmentalMonitoring ................................................ 13 F. EnvironmentalManagement Institutions and PersonnelTraining ........... 14 G. Participationof the Public................................................ 15 H. Resettement............................................... 15 . Summary............................................. 15 AppendixI KeyElements of the EAP............................................... 17 Appendix11 Environmental Monitoring Plan .............................................. 23 AppendixIll EnvironmentalSupeivisory Plan: ................................ 25 AppendixIV Summaryof EnvironmentalInvestment ................................... 27 AppendixV Summary of SocialInvestigation .......................................... 29 AppendixVl EnvironmentalStandards (Noise, Atmosphere, WaterQuality) .......................................... 31 EnvironmentalAssessment Summary of Xlangtan - Lelyang HighwayProject A. Background of the Project 1. The study work of Xiangtan-Leiyang Expressway belonging to Hunan highway corridor project (formerly termed MXiangtan-LeiyangSection of Beijing-ZhuhaiNational Highway, Xiangtan-Yizhang Expressway')started in September, 1992. The prefeasibility study report of the project was finishedin November,1993, and the feasibilitystudy reportwas completed in May, 1995. The preliminary design was finished in February, 1995. As agreed upon by Hunan Provincial Communications Department and experts from the World Bank in October, 1995, this project contains Xiangtan-Leiyanghighway (the main road), nine linking-roads and the subproject-Loudi-LianyuanClass II Auto-only highway. 2. The HighwayScience Research Institute of the MOC was entrusted with the environmentalassessment for the project by Hunan Communications Department in September, 1993. The research institute holds Class A certificate on environmental assessment awarded by China National EnvironmentalProtection Agency (NAPA). The project's Environmental Assessment Synopsis was examined and approved by the National Environmental Agency in April, 1995. The environmentalimpacts assessment was examined and approvedby both the EnvironmentalOFFice of the Ministry of Communications and the NationalEnvironmental Agency in November, 1995. 3. The experts from the World Bank has checked the following reports: EnvironmentalImpacts Assessment (EIA) in April, 1995, Environmental Assessment Plan (EAP) in July, 1995, Environmental Assessment Summary (EAS) in November, 1995, all the three concerningXiangtan- Leiyang Highway Project and its eight linking-roads. Besides, the world Bank experts checked the EIA and EAP of the subproject, i.e. Loudi- Lianyuan Highway,the EIA of the linking road betweenTian Taishan in Zhuzhou and Yi Shuhe (Tianyi road) in Xiangtan respectivelyin Duly, November,November, 1995. Based on suggestions given by the experts afterchecking the aforementionedreports, final revisionshave been made by the assessingunit and Hunan ProvincialCommunications Department. 4. Major regulationsand standards on environmentadopted in this project. Regulations: (1) China EnvironmentaiProtection Reaulation (2) China AtmosphericPollution Prevention Regulation (3) China Water PollutionPrevention Reqiulation (4) China CulturalRelics Protection Regulation (5) China.Environmental Noise Prevention Regulation (6) China Land ManagementLaw (7) (86) NAPA No. 003 Document, i.e. EnvironmentalProtection ManaaementMeasures for Constructive Proiects I (8) (90) No. 17 by the MOC, i.e. EnvironmentalProtection Management Measuresfor Communication ConstructiveProjects EnvironmentalStandards: (9) GB 3095-82 AtmosDhericEnvironment QualityStandards: (10) GB 3096-93 UrbanDistrict EnvironmentalNoise Standards; (11) GB 3838-88 SurfaceWater EnvironmentalQuality Standards. SpecificLimitations concerning each environmentalstandard are shown in AppendixVI. 5. Scopeand Periodof Assessment (12) In this project, the assessment scope of atmosphere, noise and cultural relics is on both sides 200m away from the proposed highway's central line. That of ecologicalenvironment and ordinarywaters is also 200m, but that of wildlifeand air pollutant is to be extended to 500m on both sides away form the proposed highway's central line. The scope for studying social, economicand life quality value is the concemed areas along the whole line including regions or cities as well as districts under their jurisdiction. (13) Assessmentstandards of the project are as follows: GB 3095-82 Grade II Standard for atmosphericenvironment; GB 3096-93 Urban District Noise Standards as reference for noise environment; Class IV standard for schools and hospitals; Class II Standard for residential areas; Class II standard defined in GB 3838-88 Surface Water EnvironmentalQualitv Standard forwaterquality. (14) Accordingto the characteristicsand construction period of the project, the assessment period limitation is hereby defined as the year 2020, the predictedyear number for specific phase being as follows: construction phase (1996-1999); early operation phase, 2000; medium operation phase,2010 and late operationphase, 2020. B. Brief Introductionto the Project 6. Xiangtan-Leiyangexpressway is 168.847krn in total length and will be built under the standardsof highways in plains or lightly hilly areawith designed drive speed of 1201akh, 27.5m of subgrade. It is a total access controlled expresswaywith 9 interchanges,85 Grade separation,8 extremelybig and big bridges. Besides, there will set up complete facilities including 3 service areas, 3 parking lots, 3 administration stations and 9 tolling stations. Land to be used is 20500.91 mu (equal to 1366.73 hectares, includingtemporary landuse). It is estimated the total investmentis 4.302 billion yuan.There are 9 linking roads with a total length of 39km, in which the distance of 8 roadsamounts to 23km in length. 7. The linking road between Tian Taishan in Zhuzhou and Yi Shuhe in Xiangtan is the longest included in Xiangtan-Leiyanghighway project. It has a total length of 16.056km, being Class I road and containing 4 lanes. 2 The designed drive speed is 1COkm/h and the subgrade is 24.5m. Altogetherthere will set up 2 interchanges. 4 level intersection,3 big and medium bridges. Land to be used is 1124.57mu (equal to 74.97 hectares).It is estimated that the total investmentis 123.68 million yuan, and the earth and stone work is 1.1 51208 million m3. 8. Loudi-LianyuanClass II Auto-only highway is 59.6km in total length, with 4 lanes and designed drive speed being 80km/h. The subgrade is 1Sm. Besides there will set up 4 big bridges, 4 interchanges, 50 grade separationsand 5 tolling stations. Land to be used is 2835 mu (equal to 189 hectares),with 4.65749 million m 3 of earth and stone work. The estimatedinvestment amounts to 426.23 million yuan. C. Description of the Primary Environment 9. TopographicalFeatures (1) The proposedXiangtan-Leiyang rcad is located in the mid-southof Hunan Province,whose altitude decreases from the middle to both north and south: in north lies the Xiangtan-Hengshan red soil basin; in the middle extends Shiwan-Than lightly hilly or hilly terrain; in the south is the sout,hernHengyang basin. Landforms along the road are mainly erosive- accumulativeplain and slightly hilly terrain. In some areasis lightly hilly or hilly terrainerosive-denudation of erosive denudation.The seismic degree is lessthan IV deqree. (2) The Tiantaishan-yishuhe linking road lies between Zhuzhou city and Xianr'tancity, both located in Middle Hunan Province.Topography of the arca is plain or lightly hilly land. of quite great undulation. Hilltops are perfectiyround and bedrock appear exposed in most paris. (3) Loudi-Lianyuan highway is situated in Middle Hunan Province, topographicallybeing low hilly land with some sections atong the road having quite great undulation. General feature is that the altitude decreasesform both south and north to the middle, and that the river valleyis relativelywide. The areaswhere the project lies are of heavysoil erosion. 10. Climateand Hydrology The project areas have a temperate climate with four distinguished seasons, adequate heat, concentration of rainfiall, varying spring temDerature,drought-attacked summer and autumn, short-termcoldness ano long-termsummer. The annual averagetemperature is 17.2-17.9 °C, andthe annualaverage rainfalil 1315.0-1409.6mm with 70% concentrating in the periodfrom April to July. South wind prevailsin summer and mainly northor north-eastwind in the other seasons at the aeneralvelocity of 2.1 mlsecondor so. The area of Loudi-Lianyuan road has a slower wind velocityand a smaller rainfall amount. Withinthe area of the proposed Xiangtan-Leiyangexpressway as well as its Tiantaishan-Yishuhe linking road, all the rivers, which belong to Xiangjiangwater system, have water-flows all-year-round.Due to basically
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