'4 " - -- ---. --.- --. - - --- V--- ---- The Daily Campus No. 33 Southern Methodist university, Dallas, Texas, Wednesday, October 25, 1978 64th Year Student Senators approve contingency appropriations Debble Mitchell "We studied each group thoroughly, to be used for homecoming queen entry fees or Staff Writer and I am very pleased with the final SMU professor honorariums. report," said Smith. and they limited Rotunda space alloca- After deliberating more than two "I don't want you to think I'm trying tions to $25 for small groups and $50 for hours, student senators Tuesday ap- to railroad this report through, but we larger ones. proved the $24,000 appropriations need to vote on it today so these Five organizations received the full report presented by Kristi Smith, Ap- organizations can have their money," amount requested. The largest of these propriations committee chairman. she said. appropriations went to the newly- The total budget was divided among Because a sizable amount of money established Arden Club, a group of 41 recognized student organizations was left in the 1977-78 contingency non-professional dramatists. with the Program Council receiving the fund, the appropriations committee this The Arden Club received $1028 from largest appropriation of $3,500. semester had more money to disburse, the committee to buy basic sound and The 7-member Appropriations com- Smith said. Even so, she said, the com- light equipment. mittee began hearings Sept. 27 and mittee formulated new policies in con- "We realize $1028 is a lot of money for spent more than 400 hours considering sidering requests for funds. a drama club when we have an art requests to meet the self-imposed This semester the committee did not school on campus, but the art school deadline Tuesday. appropriate any money to organizations has refused to help the Arden Club at Senators speaking up Tuesday Cont. on p. 2 Trouble fcr SWC coaches COLLEGE STATION (AP) - Texas A&M Head Football WACO (AP) - Baylor Coach Grant Teaff took issue this Coach and Athletic Director Emory Bellard. who reached week with a story that appeared in the Memphis Press the saturation point with the alumni grumbling about his Scimitar Friday that said Mississippi State's Bob Tyler had program, resigned Tuesday although he had the best record an offer to be Baylor's next head football coach. in the Southwest Conference the last seven years. Teaff said in a statement released by Baylor that the story Bellard, the father of the Wishbone-T and one of the was "upsetting." strongest recruiters of schoolboy football talent in the coun- ITIS "That type thing embarrasses not only me, but anyone else Bellard try, gave no reason for his shocking resignation. who does his job professionally. People who do those He has his resignation statement read to the team then unethical things don't understand the repercussions. It is a went into immediate seclusion in his office. Offensive coor- ( r i cvery humiliating thing to me because I have always done a dinator Tom Wilson was named the interim head coach and c e job that was respected and have never been in this type of quits as associate athletic director Marvin Tate was promoted in- ri situation. More important tome is my family and what it has terim athletic director. " nput them through. My wife getting a call out of the clear blue Even Bellard's wife, Mary Kay, didn't know Bellard was u p s e tt n g concerning something she was totally unfamiliar with, the resigning. shock to my mother in Snyder and to my coaches and their Aggies' "The first I heard about it was today....I guess he just families when they are on the road is not fair. reached a saturation point with all the unhappy alumni," "My relationship with the media as a whole has long been said Mrs. Bellard. O a good one; a relationship that I have been proud of. I am Aggie Trainer Billy Pickard said, "The players are in t 0 eT fwell aware of the job and the men of high integrity that do it. *'1 coach shock. They loved Emory and played for him as hard as they I also realize that a head coach or anyone else in the public could. Injuries to key personnel kept them from performing eye loses some of their privacy and that is to be expected. at their best. The coaching staff and the head coach gave all But there comes a time when you have to stand up and take they could give. It just didn't work out. The football gods a stand when this type of unfactual reporting gets started. I just didn't look down on it. believe that something has to be done when a story such as this can be circulated around the country without any basis Cont. on p. 2 of factual reporting." -- -- Fairwell Big Tex stands forlornly over ; the grounds of the State Fair of Texas this week, survey- ing the debris left behind by the millions of fairgoers who filed past him during the 2-week festival. But the mid- way is empty now and the rides are silent, and the only sign of life is an occasional 1* carnival worker who walks alone -, - down one of the deserted alleys. Soon, Big Tex will be dismantled and tucked away until next I; fall-in time for another Texas celebration. ~I L.phoioaby Tow Sebmid IX rI - I'-- ~--~--~- -- Linden organizing Upd BEAT SMU in Japan Students interested in possibly spen- "It's a one-in-a-lifetime experience," ding a semester or year studying in said Linden. "We're going to offer a MON Japan and earning SMU credit can number of courses in business, history. CAMPUS "Y" meets e inquire about more information at a art history, either sociology or psycho- room 104 of the student table setup today between 9 a.m. and 5 logy. and religion. They all count CANTERBURY HOUSEv p.m. in the student center. as credit toward SMU. vices at 5 p.m. DELTA PHI, French Dr. Glenn Linden, history professor,. "Japan is a different country. My Pt a members at 7: 30 p.m in TEXAS is.in charge of the new SMU-in-Japan feelings is that at one time or another, brief meeting wilt follow. program, which will be an SMU exclu- THE SMU CHAMBER OR should go to another culture, sive since no other university in the person Festivalconcert at 8a 15 look at your own is St for St country has one. and then sit back and Admission SMU general public. Linden spent the first six months this culture." Linden said the Japanese are more FACULTY FOLLIES wil year teaching two courses at the Kwan- chapter of Mu Phi Epsi very friendly toward sei Gakuin University in Nishinomiya. group-oriented and p m. in Caruth Audito are serious, $2 for the Kwansei Gakuin is a "sister school" to Americans. The students students and taking 15 hours, they SMU, said Linden, and has an enroll- and instead of meeting once a ment of 14,000. They also have one of take 15 or 16 courses, week for the whole year. UC st the best football teams in Japan. ri -.-- - Mustangs :i SATURDAY NOV. 4 opini Holly Bonh Now More Than Ever IOiEC0ll DAICE . Staff Writer University Colk M ustang to be pleased wi e UC students at ania Needs You last week. The senators about the Terry vices, SNAP and Get Your Tickets Now * Call 692-2901 SMU vs. Texas The Terry Repo SMU Ticket Office * Moody Coliseum Saturday, Oct. 28 * 2:00 p.m. in Austin University Colle Humanities and tem, The Colleg tions and discuss scheduled lateri The tutorial organization int to have a free because funds a will provide a su students wantin plan, the stude the tutor's fee a the other half. SNAP'will be Sign of good times to come TVII 1 Artist Joe Don worked 20 hours on this 15-by-16 sign that adorns the solemn brick exterior of the student center. The sign advertises the Homecoming Dance which will be from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Nov. 4 at the Adolphus Hotel. -Bellard Cont. from p. I "The kids love Tom, too. Hele's a Despite an overall record of 48-27. wonderful man and a great fellow .He's Bellard failed to please the highly vocal Start a career every Aggie alumni who wanted a Cotton not a bit happy now. Of course, assistant coach aspires to be a head Bowl caliber club. after inConsumer Research unfortunate set ofc ircum- The grumbling became louder coach. It's an the Aggies lost to the Houston Cougars stances." 33-0 and to the Baylor Bears 24-6 the .; whle working part-time. list for last two weeks. In both games, the Ag- Ironically, Wilson was a final ie at the rate of 20 the Texas Tech job last year. H was gies failed to score a touchdown. The market research industry isgrowing byTex Just two weeks ago the Aggies were percent a year. This rapid growth has caused a shortage in beaten out at the last minute ! Dockery. the No. 6 team in the nation. trained people. For this reason there are many career openings in consumer research. M/A/R/C, the nation's third largest consumer research Cont. from p. I organization, has several entry-level positions where a per- -Senate son can get the experience necessary to qualify for a pro- * all," said Smith.
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