ORIENTALNEWS ANGOLA China’s long-term partner in Africa uAllies in times of both peace and war, in recent years the bonds between China and Angola have gone from strength to strength since Angola’s civil war ended, as the two sides work together to develop bilateral relations based on sincerity, amiability, equal- ity and mutual benefit This year marks 10 years of peace, prog- forces behind the 14-year armed struggle ress and reconstruction in West Africa’s Re- against Portuguese colonial rule, along with public of Angola, after four decades of con- the FNLA (National Liberation Front of flicts and civil war left the former Portuguese Angola) and UNITA (National Union for the colony physically, socially and economically Total Independence of Angola). The MPLA torn apart. Boasting a wealth of natural re- officially declared Angola’s independence sources, including natural gas, oil, and dia- under the slogan “One People, One Nation” monds, and vast arable lands, the country is in the capital Luanda on November 11, 1975, potentially the richest in the region. It vies and the three liberation movements agreed with Nigeria for the title of Africa’s top oil pro- to form a joint transitional government, with ducer, and the current priority for Angola’s President Jose Eduardo dos Santos at the government is to develop of other sections helm. of the economy – particularly agriculture, One of the main principles of the alliance industry, fishing and mining – to convert the was to establish a program of economic and nation’s petrodollars and untapped potential social development that could take advantage into tangible socio-economic benefits for of the country’s natural resources to improve the people. It is a huge undertaking – one living conditions for the Angolan people. in which the international community is However, the new regime collapsed within increasingly taking part. months and the three movements simul- Led by Jose Eduardo dos Santos, the taneously declared three different Angolan ruling MPLA (Popular Movement for the Lib- republics. The country plunged into a bloody eration of Angola) party was one of the main 27-year civil war, dramatically stunting the na- tion’s socio-economic growth until the peace agreement was finally signed on April 4, 2002, that formally ended fighting between the military UNITA and the MPLA government. On achieving peace, the government sought international assistance to repair the war-ravaged nation’s infrastructure and industries, similar to the Marshall Plan (of- ficially the European Recovery Program), the large-scale financial aid program provided by the United States to help rebuild European economies after the end of World War II in order to combat the spread of Soviet com- munism. However, it found that many of the West- ern powers which had exploited Angola’s past internal struggles for their own interests turned their backs on Angola, refusing credit “In modern lines or imposing strict measures and limita- tions on the loans. According to the Ministry history, the of Foreign Relations, the IMF “urged the Angolan government to comply with the terms of a credit agreement that came with Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos meets with Chinese President Hu Jintao at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on December 17, 2008 Chinese a series of requisites and conditions. After careful analyses on our side, we refused ity and the MPLA very much appreciates improvements, and has invested in a num- in Africa after Equatorial Guinea’s Presi- government and the agreement. After two years of repeated China’s policy of non-interference in the ber of buildings and other projects. The dent Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. insistence on their side, a delegation from internal affairs of the countries in which first financing package of US$2 billion was Elections are slated to be held by the end people have the IMF recognized that the agreement they they invest or to which they extend credit. agreed to in March 2004. Hospitals, schools, of 2012, the second since 2002. The MPLA ANGOLA IN were trying to impose on us was not justified. The first China-Angola trade agreement roads, railways and basic infrastructures for took 81% of the vote at the last poll in 2008, provided aid and Angola had gone through a long and hard was actually signed back in 1984, but the civil each province in Angola were part of the and is widely regarded as the overwhelming armed struggle to gain independence and war stalled the deeper development of the first loan beneficiaries. In 2006, the loan was favorite to win another term. FIGURES it was not going to give in to more external relationship. However, since 2004, energy doubled to $4 billion, turning China into a President dos Santos has often ex- help to Angola repression or accept a limited or monitored and resource-hungry China has been major major player in Angola. pressed the nation’s gratitude at the two-way independence.” As such, the government buyer of Angolan oil and raw materials to The excellent relationship the two relationship enjoyed by Angola and China over many differ- looked further afield for alternative invest- fuel its own growth. Its presence in Africa is countries enjoy can be traced back to the that goes from strength to strength. During ment partners. expanding and is always in the context of mu- ideological and political similarities and an official visit to China in 2008, President 11.1 Officially-rated as the ent time periods” China stood out as a partner willing to tual benefit. Of course the Chinese benefit cooperation between the MPLA and the Chi- dos Santos said: ““I would like to thank the world’s fastest- growing economy extend a helping hand, offering multi-billion- from their investment in African countries, nese Communist Party during the struggle Chinese side for aid and help. In modern 2001-2010 by the IMF, Angola’s dollar lines of oil-backed loans at favorable but China acts more like an investor and for independence and the civil war, when history the Chinese government and people Jose Eduardo dos Santos interest rates. It also came to the country’s aid bank to Angola, rather than an out-and-out Angola received military and humanitarian have provided aid and help to Angola. This GDP growth averaged 11.1% for with the arrival of many Chinese construction profiteering dealmaker. support from China. help has come over many different time the period President of the Republic companies and technical know-how. The China has provided credit to the coun- President Jose Eduardo dos Santos is periods.” of Angola Angola-China relationship is one of solidar- try for infrastructure (roads and bridges) currently the second longest-serving ruler 1,600 Angola has 1,600 km of coastline making it one of the preferred ports for ac- cessing West and Central Africa Credibility through accountability 85 Oil and diamonds are the country’s main exports, making up 85% and 5% respectively uThe Angolan Court of Auditors “It is not enough to get good results online auditing and finanancial man- For 2012, the Court has expansion has boosted the country’s image in the from the economic point of view in a agement system by which they can in mind with the planned construction eyes of the international community country or society,” comments the Judge. keep track of any public or private of a head office in Luanda, as well as six Despite being independent “If there is no institution to control the entity that falls under their jurisdiction. regional courts throughout the country 35 resources to do better and correct distri- The Court also uses online portals – in Cabinda, Huambo, Malanje, Lunda for over 35 years, Angola still uses Judge Juliao Antonio, President of the bution according to the control and the to keep interested citizens informed Sul, Huila and Benguela. Portuguese as its official language Angolan Court of Auditors, is very much a rules and principles of financial manage- about its activities, as well as changes The Court of Auditors will continue respected political figure in Angola, with ment, it will not help the achievement of in legislation and other procedures. with its policy of transparency, which a long career as a Member of Parliament, good economic results.” This technological advance has placed as Antonio says will keep the country 5.8 Real GDP is forecast to and involvement with the MPLA, the rul- Thus, in its first year of activity, in a Angola’s Court of Auditors on par with united: “When one takes an interna- expand by an average of 5.8% in ing party. He played an active role in ceremony held in South Korea, the An- others around the world. tional financial obligation, all of us as 2012-2013, driven by rising oil the struggle for independence, and was golan Audit Court joined the Interna- Antonio feels this has been a sig- citizens become engaged in this debt subsequently held captive in UNITA prison tional Organization of Supreme Audit nificant attribute, particularly for the process,” output and the start-up of major camps during the civil war. He recalls Institutions (INTOSAI), open to receiving people of Angola, as the country’s fi- Judge Antonio ends with a special gas projects that painful period of Angola’s history: guidance and cooperation from other nancial resources are guaranteed. And message directed at Angola’s Chinese “I don’t think there is anyone who has internationally experienced institutions. consequently, so are developments. friends: “I will conclude by saying that experienced that bitterness who would “Being a member of this community Moreover, it is an important move in life we have friends and people we want to go back and try it again.” definitely made my job easier, because he of transparency aimed at citizens.
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