Report Id: OC2E Clawson Public Schools Page: 1 of 328 Run by: clawpayrpts Check Register by Vendor Name Run Date/Time: 11/28/2017 12:32:25 PM From Check Date 7/1/16 To Check Date 6/30/17 Bank Code: 02;03;04;05;10;16;12;13;20 Document Type: AD;MD;ACH;EFT First Backward Second Backward Check Number Check Date Check Description Invoice Number Fund Dept. Unit Actv. Func. Obj. Ref. Document Ref. Document Department Name Check Amount Bankd Code: 02 Aaron Hacias - VC0000102697 000000000077633 2/3/2017 F & JV boys basketball 1/26 F & JV BOYS BASKETBALL121 500 1/26 0293 0000 0000 3192 GAX 00000023650 Athletics 91.00 000000000077633 Check Total: 91.00 Vendor Total: 91.00 Aaron's Lock & Key, Inc - VC0000102476 000000000076602 8/12/2016 keys 55193 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000022623 Main/Operations 28.80 000000000076602 Check Total: 28.80 000000000076714 9/9/2016 keys - transportation 101 051 0271 0000 0000 5990 GAX 00000022728 Transportation 24.00 000000000076714 Check Total: 24.00 000000000078124 5/12/2017 Keys - maint. dept. 55486 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000024200 Main/Operations 23.58 000000000078124 Check Total: 23.58 Vendor Total: 76.38 AARON WOODBURY - 968 000000000077682 2/17/2017 V & JV boys basketball 2/7 V & JV BOYS BASKETBALL121 500 2/7 0293 0000 0000 3192 GAX 00000023713 Athletics 105.50 000000000077682 Check Total: 105.50 Vendor Total: 105.50 ABSOLUTE FIRE PROTECTION - VC0000103577 000000000078290 6/2/2017 HS - fire pump test 9612 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5940 GAX 00000024362 Main/Operations 540.00 000000000078290 Check Total: 540.00 Vendor Total: 540.00 ACE Transportation, Inc. - VC0000102390 Report Id: OC2E Clawson Public Schools Page: 2 of 328 Run by: clawpayrpts Check Register by Vendor Name Run Date/Time: 11/28/2017 12:32:25 PM From Check Date 7/1/16 To Check Date 6/30/17 Bank Code: 02;03;04;05;10;16;12;13;20 Document Type: AD;MD;ACH;EFT First Backward Second Backward Check Number Check Date Check Description Invoice Number Fund Dept. Unit Actv. Func. Obj. Ref. Document Ref. Document Department Name Check Amount 000000000076586 8/5/2016 transportation - July 2016 2015432 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000022610 Title I Regular 216.00 000000000076586 Check Total: 216.00 000000000076907 10/7/2016 Sept. 2016 transportation 2015457 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000022919 Title I Regular 720.00 000000000076907 Check Total: 720.00 000000000077170 11/11/2016Transportation - Oct. 2016 2015527 175 803 0271 0000 0601 3312 GAX 00000023169 Title I Regular 756.00 000000000077170 Check Total: 756.00 000000000077412 12/23/2016transportation - Nov. 2016 2015614 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000023407 Title I Regular 633.00 transportation - Nov. 2016 2015615 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000023407 Title I Regular 390.00 000000000077412 Check Total: 1,023.00 000000000077523 1/20/2017 transportation 12.5.16 2015726 175 803 0271 0000 0601 3312 GAX 00000023525 Title I Regular 78.00 transportation Dec. 2016 2015725 175 803 0271 0000 0601 3312 GAX 00000023525 Title I Regular 429.00 000000000077523 Check Total: 507.00 000000000077738 2/24/2017 Transportation Jan. 2017 2015849 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000023761 Title I Regular 1,023.00 000000000077738 Check Total: 1,023.00 000000000077828 3/17/2017 transportation Feb. 2017 2015981 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000023860 Title I Regular 660.00 transportation Feb. 2017 2015982 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000023860 Title I Regular 975.00 000000000077828 Check Total: 1,635.00 000000000078015 4/21/2017 2 - transportation March 20172016105 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000024049 Title I Regular 888.00 2 - transportation March 20172016198 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000024049 Title I Regular 858.00 000000000078015 Check Total: 1,746.00 000000000078073 5/5/2017 TRANSPORTATION April 20172016247 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000024120 Title I Regular 648.00 TRANSPORTATION April 20172016248 175 803 0271 0000 0601 5110 GAX 00000024120 Title I Regular 741.00 000000000078073 Check Total: 1,389.00 000000000078318 6/9/2017 Transportation - May 2017 2016364 175 803 0271 0000 0601 3312 GAX 00000024406 Title I Regular 624.00 Transportation - May 2017 2016365 175 803 0271 0000 0601 3312 GAX 00000024379 Title I Regular 984.00 000000000078318 Check Total: 1,608.00 000000000078371 6/23/2017 transportation - June 2017 2016505 175 803 0271 0000 0601 3312 GAX 00000024441 Title I Regular 528.00 000000000078371 Check Total: 528.00 Vendor Total: 11,151.00 ACO / Great Lakes Ace - VC0000103378 Report Id: OC2E Clawson Public Schools Page: 3 of 328 Run by: clawpayrpts Check Register by Vendor Name Run Date/Time: 11/28/2017 12:32:25 PM From Check Date 7/1/16 To Check Date 6/30/17 Bank Code: 02;03;04;05;10;16;12;13;20 Document Type: AD;MD;ACH;EFT First Backward Second Backward ACOCheck / GreatNumber LakesCheck Ace Date - VC0000103378Check Description Invoice Number Fund Dept. Unit Actv. Func. Obj. Ref. Document Ref. Document Department Name Check Amount 000000000076571 7/29/2016 maint, ground supplies&bldg maintACCT 200647 6/30 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000022592 Main/Operations 246.59 maint, ground supplies&bldg maintACCT 200647 6/30 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5991 GAX 00000022592 Main/Operations 57.96 maint, ground supplies&bldg maintACCT 200647 6/30 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5992 GAX 00000022592 Main/Operations 502.73 000000000076571 Check Total: 807.28 000000000076690 9/2/2016 Custodial/grounds/maint. supplies#200647 8/31/2016 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000022713 Main/Operations 325.73 Custodial/grounds/maint. supplies#200647 8/31/2016 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5991 GAX 00000022713 Main/Operations 111.98 Custodial/grounds/maint. supplies#200647 8/31/2016 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5992 GAX 00000022713 Main/Operations 85.68 000000000076690 Check Total: 523.39 000000000076848 9/30/2016 Acct# 200647 August purchases200647 9/01/16 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000022835 Main/Operations 614.85 Acct# 200647 August purchases200647 9/01/16 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5991 GAX 00000022835 Main/Operations 207.64 Acct# 200647 August purchases200647 9/01/16 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5992 GAX 00000022835 Main/Operations 316.46 Acct# 200647 August purchases200647 9/01/16 121 500 0293 0000 0000 5990 GAX 00000022835 Athletics 13.98 000000000076848 Check Total: 1,152.93 000000000077112 10/28/2016supplies - bldg. maintenance ACCT#200647 / repairs 9/30 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000023095 Main/Operations 490.61 supplies - bldg. maintenance ACCT#200647 / repairs 9/30 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5992 GAX 00000023095 Main/Operations 81.51 000000000077112 Check Total: 572.12 000000000077190 11/11/2016Cust. / maint./ bldg./pool suppliesOCTOBER 2016 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5902 GAX 00000023178 Main/Operations 12.54 Cust. / maint./ bldg./pool suppliesOCTOBER 2016 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000023178 Main/Operations 139.88 Cust. / maint./ bldg./pool suppliesOCTOBER 2016 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5991 GAX 00000023178 Main/Operations 19.75 Cust. / maint./ bldg./pool suppliesOCTOBER 2016 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5992 GAX 00000023178 Main/Operations 47.13 000000000077190 Check Total: 219.30 000000000077374 12/16/2016cust/maint supplies & bldg repairs200647 11.30.16 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000023365 Main/Operations 768.79 cust/maint supplies & bldg repairs200647 11.30.16 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5992 GAX 00000023365 Main/Operations 222.65 000000000077374 Check Total: 991.44 000000000077538 1/20/2017 Cust/maint/bldg-supplies/maintACCT 200647 12/31/16101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000023565 Main/Operations 50.84 Cust/maint/bldg-supplies/maintACCT 200647 12/31/16101 052 0261 0000 0000 5991 GAX 00000023565 Main/Operations 120.68 Cust/maint/bldg-supplies/maintACCT 200647 12/31/16101 052 0261 0000 0000 5992 GAX 00000023565 Main/Operations 68.66 000000000077538 Check Total: 240.18 000000000077742 2/24/2017 Maint / / Grounds/ Bldg supplies200647 1/31/2017 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5940 GAX 00000023785 Main/Operations 163.37 Maint / / Grounds/ Bldg supplies200647 1/31/2017 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5991 GAX 00000023785 Main/Operations 91.60 Report Id: OC2E Clawson Public Schools Page: 4 of 328 Run by: clawpayrpts Check Register by Vendor Name Run Date/Time: 11/28/2017 12:32:25 PM From Check Date 7/1/16 To Check Date 6/30/17 Bank Code: 02;03;04;05;10;16;12;13;20 Document Type: AD;MD;ACH;EFT First Backward Second Backward Check Number Check Date Check Description Invoice Number Fund Dept. Unit Actv. Func. Obj. Ref. Document Ref. Document Department Name Check Amount Maint / / Grounds/ Bldg supplies200647 1/31/2017 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5992 GAX 00000023785 Main/Operations 74.74 000000000077742 Check Total: 329.71 000000000077973 4/14/2017 Athletic supplies #200647 2/2/172/2/17 - 3/29/2017 - 3/29/2017 121 500 0293 0000 0000 5990 GAX 00000023999 Athletics 31.15 Custodial supplies #200647 2/2/172/2/17 - -3/29/20173/29/2017 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000023999 Main/Operations 251.13 Custodial supplies #200647 2/2/172/2/17 - -3/29/20173/29/2017 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5992 GAX 00000023999 Main/Operations 167.13 Trans. supplies #200647 2/2/1702/02/2017 - 3/29/2017 - 03/29/2017101 051 0271 0000 0000 5990 GAX 00000023999 Transportation 17.98 000000000077973 Check Total: 467.39 000000000078239 5/26/2017 cust/ maint / bldg supplies #200647APRIL'17 #200647 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5904 GAX 00000024319 Main/Operations 68.29 supplies for bldg repairs #200647APRIL'17 #200647 101 052 0261 0000 0000 5992 GAX 00000024319 Main/Operations 147.43 000000000078239 Check Total: 215.72 Vendor Total: 5,519.46 Adam Schihl - 1 000000000076701 9/9/2016 reimnurse 6th gr orient.
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