26 Greenfield Recorder, Thursday, April 25, 198S • £ A Ifilllil ii ) Leisure Calendar is a free public service provided by ________ shop, "The Old Maid and the Thief," by Gian Carolo Me-* the Greenfield Recorder for its readers. notti. 8 p.m. Recital Hall, Arts Center on Brickyard Pond- Individuals and organizations are invited to submit infor­ Free admission. mation for publical.on. All material must include: date, time, location, admission price, sponsor and a brief de­ scription of the event. Deadline is 10 days before publica­ Dance tion date. Events must be open to the public. Photographs I are welcome and should be black-and-white glossies. Be THE MONADNOCK FOLKLORE SOCIETY sponsors *\ sure to include proper identification on photos. If you contra dance in Greenfield (N.H.) Town Hall, 8 to 11:30c would like your photo returned, enclose a self-addressed p.m. Potluck supper at 7 p.m. Beginners welcome. Ad-r stamped envelope. mission $3. \ Send information, to: Leisure Calendar, Greenfield Re­ corder, 14 Hope St., Greenfield, Mass. 01301 or call 772- i 0261 (Ext. 316). Films Because space varies from week to week, we regret that we cannot guarantee that all listings will be printed. ACTOR'S THEATER, 2 Flat St., BratUeboro, Vt.; "A Boy- and His Dog," 197S underground science-fiction film ocu survival after nuclear war. Latchis Ballroom, 7 p.m./, Continues April 28 and May 4 and 5. >; -rfc Clubs * CALVIN'S, Fiske Avenue, Greenfield: The Mix. Music I begins at 9 p.m. $2 cover charge. ST AGE WEST: "The Good Doctor," by Neil Simon. Simon THE SERENDIPITY LOUNGE, Howard Johnson's Res^, transforms a dozen tales by Chekhov into a blend of good taurant, Mohawk Trail, Greenfield: Joel Zoss. Music, cheer. 8 p.m., 1 Columbus Center, Springfield. Tickets begins at 8:30 p.m. No cover. ™ from $9 to $17.50. Continues Tuesday through Sunday SCOTCH MIST, Mohawk Trail, Greenfield: Mitch Cha-: through April 28 — Tuesdays at 8 p.m., Wednesdays at 2 kour Band. Music begins at 8:30 p.m. •"«* and 8pm., Thursdays at 8 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays MUCHMORE'S, Huckle Hill Road, Bernardston: Ther at 8:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Mix. Music begins at 8:30 p.m. < THEATER, TOO, a new feminist theater collective based SILVER SPUR, Route 2A, Orange: North Country in Amherst, presents "8 x 10 Glossy," by Sara Dreher. 8 Connection. Music begins at 8:30 p.m. p.m., OldJSchool Commons, Northampton Center for the LOBSTER POT, Routes 5 and 10, Whately: Angus & the/; Arts, South Street, Northampton. Continues April 26 and Dreammakers. Music begins at 8:30p.m. 27. RUSTY NAIL, Route 47, Sunderland: The Stampers;,,? MOUNT HOLYOKE presents, "A Little Night Music," a Music begins at 8-.30 p.m. $7 at the door. >t^ musical celebration of romantic love and mismatched IRON HORSE COFFEE HOUSE, 20 Center St., Northr-) couples. Alice Withingtoh Rooke Laboratory Theatre, ampton: Traver Hollow — Bluegrass Party. ,n Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley. 8 p.m. April 28 at 2 FLAT STREET, 17 Flat St., BratUeboro, Vt.: Blockyard,,„ p.m. Admission $1 on opening night. Tickets other times Music begins at 8:30p.m. ,„.r will be $4 for the public, $2 for students and senior citi­ THE COMMON GROUND, 25 Elliot St., BratUeboro, Vt.:•!'. zens. Through April 28 and May 2 through 5. On The Lam, New York City street band. Music begins at,,. WESTFIELD STATE COLLEGE DINNER THEATRE 9:30 p.m. $3 admission. presents the musical comedy, "Two By Two." Student THE OXBOW RESTAr Union Theatre, Westfield State College. 8 p.m. Tickets $1 for students, $2 non-students. Buffet dinner at 7 p.m. in the Third World Room in the Student Union. For reser­ Miscellaneous IT vations or dinner information, contact the Ely Campus Center Box Office at 5624111, extension 442. JACK STREETER will be Juggling and face painting ats* 10:30 a.m. at the Community Preschool, Route 116, South j Deerfield. Open house, 10 a.m. to noon. Music RINGLING BROS, and Barnum & Bailey Circus at Wor- J cester Centrum. See Thursday's listing. FRANKIE LYMON'S THE TEENAGERS, 50s rock 'n' WORKSHOP ON THEOREM painting at Old Sturbridge '. roll group with original members Jimmy Merchant and VUlage, Route 20 West, Sturbridge. Registration re9-* Herman Santiago. "Teenagers" hits include "Why Do quired. For more information, call (617) 347-3362. Fools Fall in Love?" "I Promise to Remember," "Goody, VICTORIAN MAY BASKET WORKSHOP at Wistaria.-^ Goody," and "I'm Not a Juvenile Delinquent." Much- hurst Museum, 238 Cabot St., Holyoke. 1 to 3 p.m. $1.50* -• more's Allegra Lounge Huckle Hill, Bernardston. 9:30 fee. For more information, call Karen Hays at 534-2216. -J i p.m. $15 admission. Continues April 26. NATIONAL ASTRONOMY DAY wUl_be celebrated aCl PORTLAND STRING QUARTET at the Fine Arts Center, These area folk artists will participate in "Folkzapoppin" in Northampton. the Science Museum's Shell Hall on the Quadrangle, 239L{ University of Massachusetts. Tickets $5. More informa­ State St., Springfield. Planetarium shows will be at 2 ancL i tion, call 545-2511. 3p.m. ' [ CONCERT: Portland String Quartet. Fine Arts Center Folk gala set in Northampton ILLUSTRATED LECTURE, "The Struggle to Make Ce-f Concert Hall, University of Massachusetts. 8 p.m. ramie Art" by New York Potter Val Cushing. Room 227,* • Herter Hall, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 2:307 4 RECITAL: Sentor recitat by Laura Lake, flute. 8 p»m. NORTHAMPTON - "Fotkzapoppinr sr gala of Franklin County artists featured ifHbe concertjadll Keene State College, Keene, N.H. Recital Hall, Arts music, dance and lore, will be presented Sunday at 7 be Davis Bates of Leyden, Sophia Bilides of Deerfield, -p-.fflv -— _ „_ * «. Center on Brickyard Pond. Free admission. p.m. at the Northampton Center for the Arts. David Kaynor of Montague, Tommy Elder of Ashf ield, m CONCERT: TheBusboys with The Good Guys. John M. Fourteen of the folk artists from the Pioneer Valley and Nick Plakias and Tim Van Egmond of Greenfield. SUNDAY 28 Greene Hall, Smith College, Northampton. 8 p.m. Admis­ Folklore Society will be featured, an opportunity for t sion $6 and $7. people to hear these valley artists together in one Other artists will be Susanne Barkan, Debbie Fish, concert. • Ricky Greenwald, Ricardo Moraga, Diane Sanabria, Theater Offerings for the evening will range from cowboy Randi Silnutzer, Roger Tincknell and Katie Tolles. Dance The local artists perform regularly in schools, li­ ST AGE WEST: "The Good Doctor" continues at 2 andL, yarns and yodeling to the music of the Andes and the braries, museums, nursing homes and community FIVE-COLLEGE Faculty Dance Concert, Bowker Audi­ stories and contradances of New England. The music 7:30 p.m. See Thursday's listing. ^ 1 of Greece, Sweden and Scotland will be heard along groups. Their programs are educational and enter­ MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE: "A Little Night Music'!? torium, University of Massachusetts, sponsored by the taining and can be tailored to the specific needs Of the continues at 2 and 8 p.m. See Thursday's listing. Pioneer Valley Association. 8 p.m. Continues April 26 and with work songs, country harmonies and fiddling sponsoring group. -1 27. tunes of American folk culture. I. Youngsters in the audience may join in the chil­ Tickets are available in advance, $4, at World Eye 3 dren's participatory songs. Bookshop on Federal Street. Tickets are $5 at the door. Music Clubs UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS CONCERT Band; presents its annual spring concert. Fine Arts Cente!!L THE SERENDIPITY LOUNGE, Howard Johnson's Res­ sent, "Moonchildren," a comedy by Michael Weller that Dreammakers. Music begins at 8:30 p.m. Concert Hall. 3 p.m. Special guests, the UMass Marchings taurant, Mohawk Trail, Greenfield: Mitch Chakour & Al recalls much of the idealism, nonconformity and zany ex­ RUSTY NAIL, Route 47, Sunderland: The Stand and Percussion Ensemble. Free admission. Fuller, Music begins at 9 p.m^No cover. ploits of the American college students in the sixties. Ho­ That's Flat. Music begins at 8:30 p.m. HOLYOKE COMMUNITY COLLEGEliosts New England^ CALVIN'S, Fiske Avenue, Greenfield: Head First. Music lyoke Community College, 303 Homestead Ave., Holyoke. IRON HORSE COFFEE HOUSE, 20 Center St., North­ Community Junior College Choral Festival. HCC Campus. i begins at 8:30 p.m. 8 p.m. Continues Arpil 27 and May 3 and 4. ampton: Archie Shepp, World Class Sax. Music begins at Center. 4 p.m. Six participating coUeges include Green- 4 SCOTCH MIST, Mohawk Trail, Greenfield: The Thrillers. BUTTERFLY ARTS INC. presents, "Dreams without 8:30p.m. $6. field Community College choral. Free admission. 7I*.* Music begins at 8:30 p.m. Boundries: A Film Documentary for the Stage, with FLAT STREET, 17 Flat Street, BratUeboro, Vt.: Block- PIONEER VALLEY FOLKLORE SOCIETY presents.; SILVER SPUR, Route 2A, Orange: WhiskeyJRlvjBr^Music Music." Fictional documentary using slides, music and yard. Music begins at 8:30. traditional music and dance by "Folk Traditions" artistsT. J begins at 8:30 p.m. dance, revolving around 10 people from various walks of MOLE'S EYE CAFE, downtown BratUeboro, Vt.: No Re­ Northampton Center for the Arts, South Street, North?, j| LOBSTER POT, Routes 5 and 10, Whately: Freddie Kole life. Thome's Marketplace, Northampton. 8 p.m. Conti­ grets. Music begins at 9:30 p.m. ampton 7 p.m. Tickets available at Maple Leaf Music in - & the Cadillac Cowboys. Music begins at 8:30 p.m. nues April 27 and May 2, 3,4,9,10 and 11.
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