2424 • CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 10, By Mr. CULBERTSON, of Pennsylvania: Petition of citizens of By Mr. TARSNEY: Memorial of the Commercial Club of Kansas Erie County, Pennsylvania, favoring the option bill (H. R. 5353)-to City, Mo., in relation to the census-to the Select Committee on the the Committee on Agriculture. Eleventh Census. By Mr. DOLLIVER: Petition of15citizensofKossutb County, Iowa, Also, memorial of the same organization, in favor of abolishing the favoring the Torrey bankruptcy bill-to the Committee on the Judi­ distinction between third and fourth class mail matter and consolidating ciary. the same into one class, to be known as third class-to the Committee Also, two petitions of 12 citizens of Palo Alto County, Iowa; also, on the Post Office and Post Roads. of 30 citizens of Winnebago County, Iowa; also, of Le Grand Alliance, By Mr. EZRA B. TAYLOR: Petition ofL. M. Bancroft and 30 others, No. 1202, of same county and State; also, of Union Farmers' Alliance citizens of Nelson, Portage County, Ohio; also, resolutions of the Farm­ No. 1884, of Angm~, Boone County, Iowa; also, of 24 citizens of the ers' Alliance of the same county and place, in favor of the option bill­ same place, in favor of option bill-to the Committee on Agriculture. to the Committee on Agriculture. By Mr. EVANS: Petition of 63 posts of the Gra.nd Army of the Re­ By Mr. TOWNSEND, of Colorado: Petition of citizens of Wetmore, public in Tennessee, and 38 department commanders of the Grand Army Colo., for the free and unlimited coinage of silver-to the Committee of the Republic, asking the donation of a lot for Memorial Hall at Chat­ on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. tanooga, Tenn.-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, petition of comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic and Also, petitions of 38 Grand Army of the Republic departments, ask­ veterans of the late war now residing in Colorado, for the erection in ing that a home for disabled soldiers be established at Chattanooga and the city of WasHngton of a monument to the memory of the late Ad­ Chickahominy National Park as provided in House bill 12653-to the miral Dahlgren and Col. Ulrich Dahlgren-to the Committee on the Committee on Military Affairs. Library. By Mr. FORMAN: Petition of citizens of Madison County, lliinois, By Mr. WILLIAMS, of Illinois: Affidavit in support of claim of favoring passage of House bill 5353, to prevent dealing in options and Mary Woodruff-to the Committee on Pensions. futures; also,ofmembersofFa.rmers' Mutual Benefit Association, Lodge By Mr. WILSON, of Washington: Petition of 35 citizens of Whit­ 4307, of the same county and State, for the same measure-to the Com­ man County, Washington; also, of 21 citizens of Douglas County, mittee on Agriculture. Washington; also, resolutions of Onecho Alliance, No. 44, praying the Also, petition of citizens of the same county and State, in favor of passage of House bill 5353,defining options-to the Committee on Agri­ the Paddock pure-food bill-to the Committee on Agriculture. culture. By Mr. GEST: Petition of citizens of Warren County, Illinois, for pas..<iage of the Torrey bankruptcy bill-to the Committee on the Judi­ ·~· . ciary. SENATE. By Mr. WALTER I. HAYES: Petition of citizens of Oasis, Johnson County, Iowa, in favor of option bill-to the Committee on Agricul­ TUESDAY, Febritary 10, 1891. J ture. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. By Mr. KELLEY: Petitions of 258 soldiers of Burnside Post, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Kansas, giving the company and Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. regiment of each soldier, asking for the passage of the bill introduced The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. ;·, by Mr. KELLEY, of Kansas, providing for the payment to the soldiers of EXECUTIVE C.)MMUNIC.A.TION. the difference between the money received in payment of army services The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senaoo a communication from and its coin value at time of payment-to the Committee on Invalid theActing Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with Pensions. resolutions of the 10th and 12th ultimo, reports of Special Treasury Also, resolutions of Farmers' l\Intnal Benefit Association, of Hall's Agent Charles J. Goff and Assistant Treasury Agents A. W. Lavender, Summit, Kans., .T. M. Young, president, and Alexander Tilford, sec­ S. R. Nettleton, and .Toseph Murray, concerning the condition of affairs retary, in favor of the farmers' antioption bill (H. R. 5353), defining in the Seal Islands of Alaska relating to the fur-seal fisheries for the options and futures, and imposing special tax on dealers therein-to year 1890; which, on motion of Mr. FRYE, was, with the accompany­ the Committee on Agriculture. ing papers, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be By Mr. LANE: Petition of Bingham Lodge, Farmers' Mutual Benefit printed. Association, No. 1499, of Fayette County, Illinois, in favor of silver MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. coinage-to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. By Mr. McCLELLAN: Resolutions of Farmers' Alliance No. 1, of A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McPHERSON, La Grange County, Indiana, demanding that the Senators and Mem­ its Clerk, announced that the House had disagreed to the amendments bers of the House of Representatives from Indiana actively support the of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 12499) making appropriations for for­ option bill and speedily secure its final passage-to the Committee on tifications and other works of defense, for the armament thereof, for the 'procurement of heavy ordnance for trial and service, and for other .Agriculture. By Mr. McKINLEY: Petition of citizens of Ohio, favoring passage purposes, asked a conference with the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and had appointed Mr. BREWER, Mr. BUT· of the Butterworth bill-to the Committee on Agriculture. TERWORTH, and Mr. SAYERS managers at the conference on the part By l\Ir. MARTIN, of Indiana: Petition of I. L. Williams, R. J. Mc­ of the House. Clain, and 43 others, citizens of Jay County, Indiana, and Fiat Lodge, 3724, Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association, for legislation as follows, The message also announced that the Honse had passed a bill (H. t-0 wit: To prevent gambling in farm products; for a service pension; R. 13462) making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Gov­ for the repeal of the limitation of arrears of pensions; for free coinage ernment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892, and for other pur­ of silver; for a gr:iduated income tax; for increasing the money circu­ poses; in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. lation to $50 per capita; to prohibit adulteration of food; for the issue ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. of more greenbacks, and for the election of United States Senators by 'l"'he message also announced that the Speaker of the House had direct vote of the people-to the Committee on Agriculture. signed the following enrolled bills; and they were thereupon signed by By Mr. NORTON: Two petitions of citizens of Lincoln County, Mis­ the Vice President: souri, asking Congress for appropriation of money for complete system A bill (H. R. 11915) to ratify and confirm agreements with the Sac of levees on the Mississippi River from Cairo to the Gulf, to prevent dis­ and Fox Nation of Indians and the Iowa tribe of Indians of Oklahoma astrous floods and improve navigation-to the Committee on Levees Territory, and to make appropriations for carrying out the same; and and Improvements of the Mississippi River. A bill ~H. R. 13071) authorizing the construction of a railway, street­ Also, petition of C. H. Hardin and 155 others, citizens of Mexico, rail way, motor, wagon, and pedestrian bridge over the Missouri Rive.r Audrain County, Missouri, asking the passage of the resolution con­ near Council Bluffi!, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebr. cerning the treatment of the Jew~ in Russia, introduced by Hon. AMOS J. CUMMINGS-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. FORTIFICATIONS APPROPRIATION BILL. By Mr. O'NEILL, of Pennsylvania (by request of Mr. REED, of The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the action of the Maine): Resolutions of the Scranton Board of Trade, remonstrating House of Representatives nonconcurring in the amendments of the Sen­ against the passage of the Senate free-coinage bill-to the Committee ate to the bill (H. R. 12499) making appropriations for fortifications on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. and other works of defense, for the armament thereof, for the procure­ By Mr. RANDALL: Resolutions of Massachusetts Reform Club- ment of heavy ordnance for trial and service, and for other purposes, to the Committee on Reform in the Civil Service. and requesting a conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses By Mr. RAY: Resolution adopted by Miller Council, Junior Order thereon. United American Mechanics, of Indian Head, Pa., favoring the restric­ Mr. DAWES. I move that the Senate insist on its amendments tion of immigration-to the Select Committee on Immigration and and accede to the request of the House of Representatives for a con­ Natnr::i,lization. ference. By Mr. STAHLNECKER: Petition of the president, secretary, and The motion was ag;reed to. executive comutittee of the Laundrymen's National Association of By unanimous consent, the Vice President was authorized to appoint America, relative to the Chinese exclusion act-to the Committee on the conferees on the part of the Senate; and Mr. DA WES, Mr. PLUMB, Foreign Relations. and Mr. GoRMA.N were appointed.
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