3 3 M O H FRIDAY, JULY 8, M06 PAGE EIckTEEir Avers^e Daily Net Press Run The Weather F or the Week Eiiiided' July 2, I960 Bunny and warm today The annual picnle of the tomorrow, Mghs near 90; mild Grand Court of the Order of Mariners Promote About Town CD Test ^ ' tonight, low In 6 0 a ,/ Amaranth wdll be held Sunday Area Ijlecruiter both stor^ 14,465 ' SWU)ia& Services \viU.be held at 2 p.m. at Buena Vista Park, IS® Manohester’a Civil De­ I ' lUdnche$ter— A City of Village Charm Wesrt Hartford. Members of fense 'Warning System will • 7 ■ , ; . ■ / • at Teonple Beth Sholorn tonig-ht Marine Coi^w recruiting rep­ ' / 5 ' / open toiritt at 7:30 and tomomw at 9 a-m. Chapman Court attending are Bretoh-Booth 4 ^ sound {^;aih tom orrow'at 11 (ClaMitied Advertising on Page 11) ^RlGE SEVEN CENTS reminded to bring silver, china, a.m. in a three-minute, stea­ resentative Samuel H. Hope of VOL. LXXXV, No. 237 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION—CONNECTICUT LIFE) MANCHESTER, CONN ) SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1966 and' a box lunch. Dessert and The Jnarriage of llliss Bar,- dy blast. 18 Goeiee Dr. ireoenbly rec.eived Memhera o f World War 1 bara Jean Booth and Joseph a commission \ and was ad­ Veterans and AuxiliAiy will beverages will be served at 6. All wardens have, been as­ fairway Lucien Breton, both of Rock­ vanced to rank of warrant of­ signed posts at warning-si­ meet tonight at 7 at the Walter ville, wa.s solemnized Saturday, ficer at a cereimony'. held , re­ N. Leclero Funeral Home. George R. McKay, stationed ren locations’ to determine with- the U.S. Navy in Naples, July 2 at St. Bemard's'Church! cently at the Marine Corps Re­ Monday! For the Birds Main St., to pay respects to. Rockville. the effectiveness of the sys­ Italy, was recently promoted to tem. Although the system cruiting Station in Hartford. Frank Nadoowski. whase wife The bride is the daughter of Hope Is the Marine Corps rep­ NORVHLl ' Mich. (AP)— Is a member a t the auxiliary. y'eom.an-second class. He has has ' been sounded every Both Sides Gloomy, Mr. and Mrs. John .E. Booth of The State Conservation De­ been in t}ie Navy four years. He resentative for the Bast Hart­ • METAL PATIO TABLE .. Dart Hill Rd. The bridegroom week, .since May 21, no deci­ partment says Norvell’s I-at- is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ford area. • GAMP STOOLS .................. Membears of Washington 1/>L. is a son of. Mr. and Mrs. Lucien sion (Mi’tts worth has been tle League baseball field George D. McKay of 67 Bran­ Hope enlisted in the Marines 'Royal Black Preceptory. and Breton, 198 South St. reached tb datA SMAliL GRILLS «««•••«*•• for the birds. Many- of ^ e ford St., and is married to' the in 1945. After basic training he I>aughlers o f Liberty, No. 17 Mrs. Richard McGill of Rock­ • ICE BT’CKEXS •••••••••,•< Little Leaguers and their former Shirley Bendell^of Hil­ was assigned to Sea School and Reverse Ambush and No. 125, will commeimomt'e ville, was matron of honor. Paul parents feel the same way liard St. His wife is also in Na­ later served aboard the , USS the Battle of the Boyne Sunday Breton of Woodstock served as Fargo as a captain’s orderly. direction of the Cambodian against Premier Nguyen Cao about the department; ples. ' his brother’s best man. Ushers SAIGON, South Viet by attending the Worship Serv­ Caldor to Open He has served in Europe, the frontier. Ky’s government and sentenced The departnient squired ice at the Rred>yteirian Church were Edwin Booth, brother of Nam (A P )— A U.S. armor­ Miss Karen Evanisld. daugh­ Far East, and throughout the A spokesman at a forward them to 60 days in prison. their old four acre diamond on Spruce St. ait 1^ a.m. The the bride; and John Kupchunos, Furniture Mart ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Evan- continental limits of the Unit­ ed column lured a heavy command post reported Ameri­ The chief figure forced Into a‘ few years ago' and it be­ group will meet at Orange Hall both of Rockville. came part of an 1,800 acre iski of JO'High St. is spending At Nazarene ed States. ■ ■ Viet Cong force into the can units were setting up a retirement'iWas Lt. Gen. Nguy®" at 9:15 and pirocede to the A reception for 65 was held Oaldoir will open a new ftir- wildlife refugfe. The site it­ her vacation in San Antonio, In 1951 he did duty in Korea, fire of waiting artillery. blocking force behind the Viet Chanh Thi, a rival of Ky whose LBJ Urges church. at the home o f the bride’s, par-, The Rev. J. Grant Swank Jr. mture mart on Monday at the alerted warplanes and bat- Cong in an eMort to cut off their dismissal March 10 as com self is clarified as a nesting Tax. , ents. After a wedding trfp to and while there participated in began his duties as associate Burrs (Corner Shopping Center, the spring and summer offen­ talions of helicopter-borne escape routes. mander of the northernmost 1st area for birds. New Jersey and Virginia the pastor of the Church of the Robert Huff, department Early Accord A apeotal congregiationaJ Mi.ss Nancy H. Holt, daughter The I'SDOO square foot furniture sive and the eventual Allied 1st Infantry Division There was no immediate re­ Corps area touched off three couple will live at 59 Spring Nazarene this week. months of political turmoil. biologist, said giving up the meeting at Binenual Lutheran of Mr. and Mrs. Haniion G. n»art la adJacent to the newly breakthrough of 1951. He is a port of casualties on either side. St., Rockville. He received a B.A. degree troops north of Saigon to­ SAIGON, South Viet Nam site might set a precedent Church will be held Sunday, Holt of 489 Adam.s St, is.on the native of Wilmington; N. C. Coupled with the sudden flare- I I I Stalemate from E2uStem Nazarene College, opened Caldor store oflf erft 93 day. It was the second ex­ (AP) -- More than 2,000 main an<l' lead to a. land grab by July 17 at 10 a.m. insrt,eed of dean's list at Marietta (Ohio) up in ground fighting after a 10- Wollaston, Mass., attended of -the Wilbur Ck<oss Highway, ecution of such reverse am­ force Viet Cong troops clashed other grroupe. this Sunday as originally riched- College for the past seme-ster. day lull, the U.S. Command re­ Building Costs Hai-vard Divinity School, and WASHIN(JTON (AP)— Kled. She is an English maJor and a The Miancheister FUmature Library Hours^^ bush tactics in 10 days. ported renewed aerial pounding^ today with an armored U. S. Meanwhile, , the Norvell received a B.D. degree in 1964 Prodded by President John­ member of the FVench Club. Mart waU^open with a special Contact wa.s bi-oken just be­ of five oil instillations in North infantry force which lured the kids have been playing their Drop for June from {he Nazarene ’Theological Communists from dense jungle son for a prompt settle­ A car baoking into a park­ Gamma Sigma, sorority and Set for Suntfner Sunday lyfdss Schedule fore dark. Field reports said it Viet Nam. Babe Ruth League games on SeminAry, Kansas City, Mo. He sale e< merchandise from na­ i r m ment, the machinist union ing spa^ee at Deed's lot on Cen-' Meissiah Ghonis at the school. Taxable construction- f or Chief Librarian Miss Anna was believed the enemy -- a In the political field, a Viet­ into a big battle. y their opponents’ fields. was • pastor of a Nazarene tionally advertised Rimlture The sudden flareup in ground and five maJor airlines re­ ter St. last night struck a She is a gradmte of Manches­ which building permits were is­ French has announced the n w JU LY - AUGUST - SEPTEMBER force of at least regimental size namese general court-martial church! in Calgary. Alberta, manufadturere. It wiill feature lighting after a 10-day lull was parked car. Damage was con­ ter High School. sued last month dropped ap­ summer -scheduled for Manches­ estimated at more than 2,000 disciplined five generals who sume negotiations today in Canada, before coming to Man­ a large selecbion of modern and announced by the U. S. Military fined to the left front fender of proximately 56 per cent below ter’s libraries, with Saturday men - - was withdrawing to the cooperated with Buddhist dissi­ an e f f o r /t o end a strike chester. Early American styles for the Command which adso -reported Tough Test the parked xsar, operated by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Turking- the totiils for the correspond­ closing the key words. northwest. That would be in the dents in the spring uprising / that has sn^yled air travel He IS maiTied to the foriper oomiplete home. A large rug de­ In The Church renewed aerial pounding of five f Omar B. Chapman Jr., 37, of ton of 18 Anderson St., and Mr. ing moilth last year, according' Mary Cheney Library will be in 231 U.S. cities. Priscilla C. Anthony, daughter partment and lamp accesaory oil installations in Worth Viet East Hai’.tford. The bacliling dar and Mrs. W. D. Turkington of to a re'port issued by Thomas open Monday through Friday, For Reserve Both sides appeared gloomy o f Mr.
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