) BAN n • »n >utn VOI J., WKDNKSI KAK Headden's ( Skunks lor Vts Testimonial For Postmaster at Paul Sipie to Sumhin? It Will WfU\ at Ilntnti And I oiProfits Mickey Walker inomrvv MjM Rumson Wins Car Visit Red R Plans • s The memht(» of \h [«„ * itatn the Shrewsbury Fighter to b« Hotl- . auAiMnry of Jiivir.it Children* <>-j •> i Jteii Bank inti «T \i,f • <.r Mi» I Richard J. Roger* Wins Crievro- Companiun of N« \ Unity Ma>l>ei r > u -' 1 Beach t > U ' Wtrh Or ortd »t Dimu-r at liultywood let Coach al Fair Haven Fair Byrd on South ! •t J18 2fr weir 'I.I n.-. (hangr < Set ' 'i.gr Wall O'atino—-Plan* to b« Made at Firemen Elated Over Suicet* ton to Chrulrrt nation >! ' •en Hotel MfcctiriK Tomorrow Night. ily i of the Fair. Ship Monmoutii <>r iMe to- b] dm The firemen's fair at Fair Havi-n I'aul Ni|,i,. ,,f s „ i,-. >f MIK. M i, \,\ -ilk. < lowed Saturday night. Akh'iunU it "?. !!•-• - -«f in<5 vaf i- .. ! iu ht |,|. H ShHr key of HOB i w/a« not a record breaker of nil t h»- Hvnl OI1H nlhfi vl' IMIII - V^ i| f,.- Sr-IVCll 'l'h*> > H 11 • •> W_ Will fir- IIIH (If ht B • firemen» faira it tiurpanned last food win iif A . >•.!•. (t >>M ! OUldofJl' '-<••,.• 'I itit- i niniiuMee in rhargt* • yearn event in attendance and le flrCB Wil! r 1 inf-Ji •r.n Will \>V rflliimjf i i nw flight at th*- HoUywornJ I reipta Over 12,000 was taken in t hft fent HI t » Th »• M -el;, !,).• will be in ••• t,t. l'.iliiKe avetiue. Saturday night. While a report 1 w rhm K* "f M r ,>- \1ft •, tti i i y, Mrs Wr- at half |.«.-l I • i oinriiitiec, headed hy I^o showing the exact amount cleared lie non Wiiifri-tw jii •1 MIHH Mfirift Scott. •lixk al ' hr. lo i t i )<• iw, lnnut-i well-known wrentlfi, will not he ready for a few days thp nut Bnvr'l.n, >'.• At the ('in- lus' 'ii • >f t he nift't ing at '.. A r>,,t' W> . f * - MJOIMH of Jack Kearns, Mickey's firemen know the fair wa« one of Phi: i 11. ! " -i Mr*. Mfivtx'ifj rfi rnenta of 0X| ic'illllon .(Till 1 niMMdfcfi , Joe Humphreyo, w*U- the nioal succebsful evrr held at Sin ' fVldn:'!. r ' find i«k<' were lih role wl]] t)f 11 t\ hnwn fl>jh(. announcer; Daniel Kair Haven and th«y appreciate the mti thai S:H H' •• served. A JUK in ihf bug pcize was ny. < liMsiiaim, one of the proprietors of din posed <>1 Hud it wttt. won t>j Mra.support and generosity of the public. f 'oninianrier H>,,1 l eg let rj • h< i t )i«> Hollywood casino, and local The firemen will give a big share of Wellington WHkinn. ra* kin paid the t« ll'l Moml.v in. -i- '• 'i (he m-wBpaperrnen, Humphreys has the profits to the new municipal ilc: "H •» He • onaented to serve as master of building fund. A large amount will 'lit Si •rtKKIi work In tilr K JtllM•<ll Large Barn and V. lj|f h be used for unemployment relief and Invitations tn attend have been Chicken Supper Christmas charity work. tlonpei». v. 'It nf the at 9 ;y t, .-!>.. i. ' Contents Burnrd mailed to Jack Dempsey, former Postmaster Richard J. Rogers of the food !•••)>.••• view. Ufa vyweight champion; Gene Tun- Rumson won the Chevrolet coach, tikh to at Lincroft fif, «*•: vt •! ; M. nty, retired heavyweight champion, which was disposed of on the co-op- Will hf . »! • . any and other well-known boxers, in- rat ive plan. Other articles award- tlSinP'l 'M. • •• The cluding Benny Leonard, Jack Cur- Annual Event of St. Catherine's ed were as follows- the |'HiU <IKU ma'le alive j [ Johnson and Freddy Church of Everett to be Held Tlntl —r>nnat#H 1>V MM. William B. Tit- I'!,,,,, .,,i .- and Jim Londos, world's le, won hy Mint, Dorothy Summers, Rum- the t'bil.'.if « • ' start August 22d at James Rowe's non. r i *«ifn and to sell the hfavywelght wrestling champion. Ump—Donated by Globe furniture com- the VKii-.n- .• •• Residence. n ,,n Dot HtHCeSHftll With The date will be »et at tomorrow'!! uny. won hy S. P. Kokp. Rum*on. liter Din -^ meeting. The committee members Hot roil cloth — Donated by Mr», Harry t if*' Kift of four little The annual chicken supper and , won by Mr*. Henry Jeffrey. bd'hii * ii. '• • will be the gueats of Mr. Chrlstlano. Dllll vtlili-l [•••• n, ttw rnllsh farmer fair of 8t. Catherine's Catholic Rrrt The dinner, which will be held at ^et.— Donated by Kalr Haven flre #M inl lr n • church of Everett will be held- on mpany. won by Mrs. Ja.ol, Grimm, lair ! the Hollywood casino, Is expected to ("a MI I). H> "' • i <'Mnier found that four Saturday night, August 22d, on the rhll.lnii »•!•• • • • iiioi,. than he really be attended by about 300 persons. lawn, of Mr, and Mrs. James Gor- ri.iu»—'IKinatrit hy Mi Io The purpose of the dinner is to on by Mr.. E. C. Jon Kal »li'l l '' nfici keeping them un- don Rowe'a residence at Lincroft, Annlxtli.K Mi " Hinf mature enoUKh to pay honor to the Shrewsbury fighter, Booths will be conducted for the Old Dutch Ubl#— Donated by Churlps f j> hcniHelveH, Mr. Casler mil tee MM- I ' • who recently fought. 8harkey and sale of various articles, and a plat- V. BarHrlli. won hy Mm. Haiel M. Smith.) 11 i n M] w 'air Haven. nr-Di .Irffn^ I •• (»f them looBe one niRht who Is expected to meet Max form will be erected for dancing. - t ltl\ t Umbrella ntanii—I>onal*d by Charles Ham Umc'i K winwk at Chapel Hill. SchmelinK, world's heavyweight The lawn will be lighted with tavdclll. won by Thomas F. Sno*i ru • it t v. II HIKIW every evidence Vivr nK'ivi.e- ;;; champion. electric lights of various colors. •air Haven. "', H : U • !i Jfjfii HI Hj-pM- .-!•:.•• I •: j. H rn| henlth in their' Bridge table rover—Donated by IV. Kxi hBHK" < "< | Music will be supplied by Harry Du- Hun tins:, won by Mrs. Harry V>ron*-i In I hi' li*-W PHpe' ill' s jf»ii (. They are not local club R! l! )K four's orchestra of Keyport. The air Haven. Die, tunning- They come supper and fair is the largest an- Porkeihook— Donated hy Tony Hunlh day IIIHII' "• ' >M<- liite «nd their sur- Aerial Show at on by Mrs. Austin Har\ ry. or the 1"M * '• nual money-making event of the • • : :itfu ),>[]( ly rnuntriflefl Everett church. Rev. John J. Lucitt » Blmrt lii'l' - t-' -iiriiifiM(M> of beetles, New Flying Field pastor of the church. change 'till '' ' '• < fmr which skunka Mrs. Thomas Kelly of Everett, Belvedere Beach Another Circus we,| Ins two unusual Parachute Jumper and Stunt Pi- president of the Blessed Sacrament l| })tnk.i Hi, 1 brutlon II i spoiler laat. week. lot Entertained Crowdt at guild, is general chairman. Mrs. Pageant Planned sailing vessel. Johnp'i niMK.iri die attractive with Stoutwood Airport La>t Sun-George Mauser and Miss Mary Kel- "At th( iHhP h© WAR Hi'v«*n * '"log The For Red Bank mNii'K those of cats and ly of Lincroft will have charge of day Afternoon. n in to iii.i unlike those of pup- the cake table. The fancy booth Mardi Gras to be Held During | ri and Boon learn^i ui Ni..i Week's Appr «.«»>. • ^k11r>kK have the usual A crowd estimated at more than will be In charge of Mrs. Frank Haley and Mrs. Jacob Jeffrey. Soda Week of Augu.t 28th With | L'nd'soon^ wont^out'^n th- cen'iv Walter I,. MainV SI-.,. •', f their kind -black bodies 500 persons witnessed Ihe first of a junctio .vliltp Htrlpft running through series of flying exhibitions last Sun- water and Ice cream will be sold Baby Parade on September j was given Uie young pii|>j in M«kr Th,,- »!,.« • ., .... <-i "•' of the back and a white day afternoon at the newly opened by John Maher, Walter Palmer, Ber- 5th—Water SporU. find turneii out Ex.hibil #1 Hunt- • I ••>• ' > 'ii *>w h tiiil Mr. Casler's pets Stoutwood airport at River Plaza. nard Kelly and Martin J. Kelly. that answered many < all^ Bud (Jersey Wildcat) Hardy, at- Charles Kelly, John Warneker and At a meeting of the Belvedere job-4 around the ciimj' A* tOl P nf AIM. 11 > rinvci used tlie odoriferous Beach pageant association at Keans- "czni "I II Knl K;,li> 1 1. .Hi.nil which they possess, but their ached to the Glenn Curtis airport at John P. Brady will have charge of he haa workpfl dillg.-n'! v ., dancing. Wilfred and Joseph Mul- burg last Friday night it was decided speclments of AMIHI.T.: MM i irt fearful leBt they will do North Beach, Long Island, leaped from a plane at an altitude higher lin and Thomas Kelly are on theto hold this year's carnival and mar-animal life, spending mans HH II I III 'II I <>!• < <>' "I •f .-id if t hoy Hi'fi attacked by dogs, di gras later than It had been origi- | nnod hy hoys or frightened in some than 1,000 feet and landed only a games' committee.
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