• » __ rruiiT VOL. LXXIV NO. 4 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY Nelson, Findley Speak Against Wylie Wins Battle Vietnam War at Music Festivai For Postponement Dr. William Nelson, president seven speakers, twoantl-war films The following Is a tenatlve “ This is restrictive to the rights of the University Senate, and the and two light shows are Included schedule: Rev. Cecil Findley, UCCM min­ U it f Writer and creativeabllity of candidates,** in the Festival/Rally. Admissim Wylie said. ister, are among those scheduled to the 12-hour event is 50 cents. 3-6:30 p.m. Rock bands: The to give anti-war speeches^turday TTie anti-war speeches Inter- Outcasts, LF, Septet, Sunday Ron Wylie, representing Christian argued that his justi- ficati(xi for the rule was, if some­ at the CSR h&sic Festival and q>ersed with folk groups will ten- Feeling. Students for a New University Anti-War Rally. atlvely flll the time period from 6:30-11 p.m. Folk singers: Jay (SNU), won his case against elec­ one thought of another point that, The Festival/Rally, sponsored 6:30 until 11. Jones, Tom West, Bob Lamb, Dave* tion commissitmer Chris Christian would be fair and equitable to all candidates, they could bring it to by Comaiittee for Student Rights, Rock music will be featured from Bailey, Ron Webster, O'Conner & Wednesday In Student-Faculty will be held in Henry Levitt Ar^ia 3 p.m, until 6:30 p.m., and from Garrison, A, T & She, Myma Court. the election commissioner. It from 3 p.m. to 3 a.m. 11 p.m. until the event ends at Fletcher and Sandy Ault. The court ruled thatSGA’selec- could then be made available to Alvin Butler, who is a member 3 a.m. Speakers; Alvin Butler, Dr. ticm code should be strictly ad­ alt candidates.*’ Both Christian and SGA Presi­ of the Black Student Union, Mo­ The two anti-war films - “David William Nelson, The Rev. Cecil hered to. Article fl. Section I hammed Abdellah Basha, a Black Schoenbrun on Vietnam,** and Findley, Mohammed Abdellah of the code states that SGA elec­ dent Scott Stucky said Rule 16 had Muslin^ and Dave Bailey of Law­ “ Toys** are scheduled for three Basha, Dave Bailey, Ron Wiley tions willbeannouncedthreeweeks been used last spring. rence, Kan., will also speakagainst showings at 4 p.m., 8 p.m., and and Ron Holmes. in advance of said elections. The court found that the elec­ the Vietnam war. U p.m. - 3 a.m. Rock Bands: tion commissioner was within his midnight in a room In the Arena Action brought by Wylie, SNU A dozen musical performances. complex. Public Secret, Outcasts, Jam. rights to make this rule, but it CSR chairman Ron Holmes, said chairman, contended the freshman should be reworded. the purposes of the Festival/Rally elections were being rushed, and are to demonstrate opposition to that candidates not having direct The last adjudication Wylie re­ Harvard Center Ternrized the Vietnam War, to raise much “contacts” with the SGA office quested concerned Rule 17 of the needed fUnds for the WSU student would not have adequate time to Campus Sign Code Statute. This prepare for the elections if held rule forbids any handbills, loan fund and to encourage student early. B y Viet Cong Sympathizers participation In the University “nils Is clearly restrictive to community. The elections, originally sched­ the rights of free speech and free­ The following is taken from a uled for today, were postponed until dom of the p ress,” Wylie argued. Oct. 6 and 7. CAMBRIDQE. MASS. (AP) - A cept any of the group, which Sunflower interview with Holmes: Newspapers which announced the band of about 20 youthful Viet shouted dofwn research fellows who Holmes explained that the anti Both sides acknowleged that be­ elections are distributed on cam­ C<Mig sympathizers Invaded Harv­ attempted to reason with them. Vietnam war rally “demonstrates cause of Sunflower publication pus, at most, three times a week. ard's Center for International Af­ Shouting “ We are going to close there is a large segment of the dates, no one was at fault. Pub­ “ This does not allow sufficient fairs Tliursday, terrorized re­ this place dowm** the group rushed population, mostly the young lic announcement did not appear exposure,” Wylie said. searchers, and fled after 10 min­ from floor to floor, breaking Into people, who arew illing to publicly In TTie Sunflower until the fifth “ We feel this is clearly un- utes. offlces, tipping over baskets, and e}Q)re8s opposition to this immoral day of school. ThiB was in the constltuUonal,*’ Wylie said. The university said “fifteen or roughing up the building's occu­ and insane conflict.** second edition of the newspaper. Wylie also accused Christian pants. Sept. 19. more men and women** were in “Much anti-war feeling exists of partisanship. the group, which injured two per­ It was the worst disruption of in this area of the country, but Christian, who is also SGA vice “ There is one party on campus sons. broke windows, scrawled ob­ a university building since a band there has not been significant ex­ president said, “ I waived that (the scenities on the front wall, and of SDS students led an occupation that has the ability to make hand­ pression of it so far. An anti­ code) because three weeks after bills work for them,” Wylie said. forced some occupants from the of the administration building last war rally in conservative Kansas school starts is right in the mid­ April. Outside the courtroom, Wylie la­ three-story brick building. is more significant of the anti­ dle of homecoming.*’ A witness quoted a demonstra­ A seminar on “ Political Parti­ ter said, “SNU knows how to use war feeling than rallies at the more handbills for its own benefit,” tor as saying the invaders were cipation** conducted by research liberal universities,*’ he said. However, Court Chairman Dr. from Studoits for a Democratic fellow Ronald Brunner was inter­ Walter Eversman, associate pro­ “ The constant Increase In the Christian defended the rule by rupted. When he argued with the Society. A university spc^esman frequency and size of anti-war fessor of aeronautical engineering, saying, “handbills disrupt large said Ae school has three separ­ intruders, he was assaulted. The said that Article II, ^ t i o n I of demonstrations since the first classroom s which is clearly school quoted a witness as saying the election code shall be strictly ate SDS groups, and could not even march on Washington have served against campus policy. He point­ Bnoier was **pushed, and kicked adhered to. say for sure if the invaders were ed out that by the end of the day Harvard students. in the groin. He fell to the floor, See 'Feitival’ Page 2 This means freshman elections handbills are either wadded up, Police arrived too late to inter­ where hewas kicked and hltagain.** will be held the same week as or In the form of paper airplanes. imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Homecoming Queen elections. “ In either case, they are on the Voting for Homecoming Queen floor,” he added. What’s Iaii4a will be Oct. 9 and 10 (Thursday and Friday). Homecoming is Sat­ Sunflower staff writer Vickie Mc- The court ruled that handbills urday, Oct. II. would be allowed if they were Kissick reports the findings of the Wylie alsocontested twoelectlon placed directly in the hands of LEIAP Committee— See Page 4. rules set up by Christian. voters, and not distributed inside The first contested rule Is: If any University buildings. They The Kappa Sigma fraternity tells persons get any ideas not men­ may be distributed In the CAC of fUn, frolic and cleanliness in tioned above, the candidate must except on election day, the court 'readers Speak'--See Page 5. contact the election commissicmer said. about the idea before u sing them, The court explained that Rule 17 to get approval. This Is Rule “unduly restricts freedom of iililiiiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 16 of the CampusSignCodeStatute. expression.’* Steeplejacks Used Sneaky Plan To Decorate Tall Tower Ticker •r CUFF IIEBERLY walked over two Morrison and hid The engineers stated that once Maaagipg Editor In a secluded area near the they were on the 18-Inch ledge building. surrounding the tower, it was easy Five young engineering students After observing the runs that to avoid being seen. “ All we breathed a sigh of relief Mondiy campus police made by the build­ had to do was work on the op­ morning after they had success- ing, they called their three cohorts posite side of the clock out of ftilly decorated the Morrison tower over a small walky-talky. view to someone on the other clock. side.” The other three pranksters ar­ The quintet of sneaky steeple The whole operation took little rived in a station wagon with jacks responded to an ad in T\ies- more than an hour. Sunflower requesting Information their trusty 40-foot extension lad­ The engineers were carefbl to about how the shamrocks were der tied to the roof. Two of the point out that there was no neg­ placed on the clock faces. team jumped out, unloaded the ligence on the part of the campus ladder and hid while the third Asked why they chose to put police. “We were very IucIq^ not drove the car away. to get caught, even after we had up shamrocks, they stated that Two of the four remained as taken many precautions,*’ said one ^int Patrick is the patron saint lookouts while the' other pair clock clin^r. of the engineers, and the Sham­ made their way to the clock face.
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