
Dioxins and furans in fisb berow Love canar, New york: concentration reduction forrowiug renedíatio¡. Lawrence C. Skin¡er New York state Departnent of nnvírãnnental conservation S0 Wolf Road Albany, Ne¡r york L2233 Subnitted i"¡ compretio¡ gf project titled ,Dioxi¡s ôibenzofurans in ca¡ruga _t-be a¡d evaluation crãet fishrî ,L-i.u is o¡e part of an of tue etrectiveness of remedial activlties associated with the Love canal area, r¡i"g.ti-r"iîJ, Nes york. Augrust 1993 ABSTRACT The cayuga creek drainage.basin ¡¡aters has served.as the receiving for leachates_originating-.arnong-tn" frorn-ihe inactive hazardous waste site known as Love canal. numerous compounds originating frorn che¡nicar 2,3,7,8-tetrachrorodibenzo-p--aioxin'.the site, €nã- mo;t-t;;i; i= the efficacy of remedial wolk õ-;a ,7 ,8, -TCDD) . To examine ¡nonitori!9 or "==o"iàiåà'ritú r,ovã'canar, _young f ish f or dioxin=-ana dibenzofurans hras conducted. of the chemicals examinã¿,-"ùn" ;lã-;;pouna for Love canar *¡as 2,3,2,g-TcDD. lilønostic2'317r8-TCDD concentrations Decrines in averaged zo percent between 1992 and L987, and further decLines ¡etween 46 and 86 percent occurred between L9g7 and 1992-defendeni-or-i"""tiãilanglnf basin. The reductions h'ere consiètent i¡ tt" encapsuration -.rrawiirr õñi;ãïon of of the Love canar site, rater'õiãã"i"g of storm ¡¡ater drainage systems and rernovar oi ttre most hi;ñit contaminated sediments from reduction tribuiaiies--or cayuga creek. Totar of 2,3,7'8-TCDD concentrations h¡ere 84 percent or more. L :TÀBLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRå,CT i TÀBLE OF CONTENTS ií LIST OF TABLES l].l_ LTST OF FTGT'RES v TNTRODUCTION 1 IIÍETHODS 2 Sanple collection 2 Chemical analysis 3 Data analysis 3 RESULTS 4 Fish collections 4 Dioxins 5 Dibenzofurans 6 2,3,7, 8-TCDD toxiciÈy equivalents 7 DTSCUSSTON 7 2 g_TCDD ,3 ,7 , I Dibenzofurans 9 Other inrpacts 10 coNcLUSroNs L2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 14 LTTERATTIRE CITED 15 TABLES 20 FIGT'RES 47 APPENDTCES ii 49 LTST OF TÀBLES Table Title Paqe 1 Mean concentrations of dioxins containing the 2 ,3, 20 7,8-chloro congener group in Voung_ol_irrã_y"", fish from rhe cavuga-creãk dråin;ée-b";i;,'ñiãg.r" Fal1s, New york. 2 Mean concentrations of arr._dioxin congeners in young- 24 of-the-year fish from the cayuga creeÉ arainãge'ùã=írr, Niagara Fa1ls, New york. 3 The relative contribution of the 2,3,7,g 27 -tetrachroro congener to totar aioiins-ilãh and totar dibenzofurans- in-young-of-the-y"át from the Cayuga Creek basin, t'tiagara faits, wãw--york. 4 Comparison of mean 2,3,Zr8-TCDD concentrations 28 in yogng-of-the-year. cypiiniform-ilsñ--ior arr l_ocations by yeai ot coitecrion, óãvgã=õr;;k basin, Niagara Falls, Neq¡ york 5 Comparison of 2,3,Zr8-TCDD concentrations in 29 y-oung-of-the-year cypriniform fish over tine for the Cayuga Creek dráinage basin aãwnsiream of Love Canal, Niagara FaIIs, Nerrr york. 6 Comparison of mean concentrations tetrachloro of 2,3,7,g_ 30 -- containing heptachrorodiúãñzðaioxins-Uy _i1 ygung-of-the-yg_ar cyfrinir"r.-ii=t y"", in Little River and the Cãyuga Creek basin] Niagara Fa}ls, New yorkl 7 Conparison of mean octachlorodibenzodioxin 31 concentrations in young-of-the-year clprinifor¡n fish {Tor cayuga creek and Berghortz creek ä"ri"g-igelr-'" Niagara Fal1s, New york. I conparison of mean concentrations of octaehrorodi- 32 benzodioxin in young-of-the-year cypriniforn fish in the cayuga creekbasin over tirner- uiãgara Falls New York.. r 9 Mean concentrations of dibenzofurans containing the 33 2 ;3,7, 8-chloro congener group +n young-of_ttre_feãi- fish from the Cayuga creãk alainale básÍn, Niagara Fa1ls, New york. 1tr- labl.e TitIe Paqe 10 Mean concentrations of alr dibenzofuran congeners in 36 young-of-the-year fish from the cayuga creeÉ drainage bãsin, Niagarà falls, New york. 11 con¡rarison of concentrations of dibenzofurans 39 containing the 2,3,7 r g-tetrachloro group. in young-of-the-year. cyprinitãin'iisñ"orrgãrr", ¡V locatíon, cayusa creek-arainå|ã-bã;ñ; ñi"g"rå Fal]s, New york. T2 2,3,7r8-TCDD toxicity equivalents and percent 42 contribution to 2,3,1,e-TcDD toxiciiy ãquivatents by Z13,7rB-TCDD and 2,3,4,2rg-pCDF i; young-of-the-year fish from cayuga creek drainage basin, Niagara Falls, New york. 13 Comparison of 2,3,Zr8-TCDD concentrations in 44 cypriniform fish from the cayuga creek arainage basin by year, Niagara Falls, ñew york 14 Percentage change in Z,3,7r8-TCDD concentrations 45 nrith ti¡ne in cyprinifoim'f ish from the cayuga creek drainage basin, Niagara Falls, New iõiX. 15 Cornparison of 2,1,ZrB-TCDD toxicity eguivalents 46 in cyprinifor¡r fishàs from the cayûga'ðieex drainage basin by year; Niagara Fa1ls, Nehr yõrk. tv LTST OF FrGT'RES No. Titl-e Paqe 1 General and specific area of study 47 for assessing dioxins and furans rn young-of-the-year fish from the Cayuga Creek drainage basin. 2 Sanpling siÈes for assessing d.ioxins 48 and furans in young-of-the-year fish from the Cayuga Crèek draináge basin. v TNTRODUCTION Love Cana1 is an inactive hazardous waste siÈe 1ocated in Niagara Falls, New York. The site achieved national notoriety in L978, and thereaft'er, due to perceived human health iurpaãtÀ-i,o=-- residents located adjacent to Lt¡e site. The human health irnpacts are believed to be càused by the disposal of chenicãi wastes by the former Hooker chemical óorporatiðn (the ,ror owned by occidentat chenical corp.). The esti¡oãteã-äi,äéo-tons"orp-tty-i= of chenicat wastes disposed iir íove canãi-i;;i;ã";-ñ;;s orhers, chlorinated solventé, oirs, chlorouenãenes, hexachlorocycro_ l-ï11::, polychlorinared biphenyls (pcBt , and rrichlãrophenot (NYsDoH, 1981). Dioxins aré coñta¡nin"nts of trichlorophenol (Firestone, LgTz; Rappe et ar., 197gà)--and dibenzofurans are contaninants of pcB (Èowes et al., tgisa and 1975b) ãnd chlorophenols (Rappe et aI., Lg7gi. Itater and leachate from Love canar entered d_raiTage the cayuga creek basin via storrn drain aiscnãiões to Brack creek" The chemicals trere subsequenlly distribuaãá srrc"e==i.rãry-to dovnstream waters and sediinents Ín.aerjnortz creek, cayuga creek, the Little River and the Niagara nivei] rn preriminary work, crayfish from Berghottz creeÉ irnnediatety doilnstreã¡r of Black creek showed pg/g of 2,3,7, B-tetrachtorodibenzo-p-aioiin (2 8-rcDD)1zg0 (NysDoH, - '3 ,7 ' 1esí) . subseq"""i-il;1t;ï!-or rish demonstrated 213,zr8-TCDD concentratións as greát as pglç, (Kuzia, orKeefe et êr., 113 anatvzed._1995; 19g3). ôiuenzorurans were not rn w!or9 carp from tne íittle Rivei,-ð[ãrii"g ¿iõezl reported 644 pglg totar dioxins of which en pâlg was contributed by.the 2,?,2,8-TCDD congener. Further, ttre cäíþ-coñiained 1019 pglg totar dibenzofurans which hrere principaiii-"ãrpiisea or L r2 r3 I 4,7r8-heïachloro-, !,2,3, 4, 6,7-ra-heplachioror' octachloro - dibenzofurans. ãnd Extensive remedial work has been conducted in the environs surrounding Love canar. The site has been encapsulated, arl known drainage terminated, a leachate collectioi anà treatment system installed, and homes most rikety to be irnpãôiea rrere destroyed. Remediation also included ðleaning-t,ñe-=ùrm water drai_nage syst'em and removing soils and sedir"it=--irãr'trr" cayuga creek basin (Black and Berqhortz creek) where 2,3;7,e-tcpo concentrations exceeded r.õ part per uittion. To evaruate the effectiveness of these rattei actions, a monitoiinj'progr", ,"" instituted which incorporat,ed fish as one cornponent. This latter study and its findings are reported here. I METHODS Sanple Collection Young-of-the-year fish v¡ere collected by the NyS Departnent of Environmental conservation's-negion é fisñeries biorogists. cotrections were made ar seven locárions il-Ëñ;-õ;ñ;; creek lla]nage basin in october of the years igez, 1990 and Lsgz. The 1987 cotl.ections r¡ere made prior t,o areaginó õr- Àrãär Bergholtz creeks" The 1990 and "na successiyely 1992 colÍecf.ions srere one year and three years pãst-dreaging. Fish $¡ere collected at the forrowing six slaiiã"-=-i" arr Étriãe sanpling years (see Figure 1 and 2l: Station No. Location 1 Little River upstream of the nouth of Cayuga Creek opposite the southern tip of Cayuga Island 2 Little River downstream of the mouth of Cayuga Creek 3 Cayuga Creek at the Lindberg Avenue Bridge 4 Cayuga Creek at the Cayuga prive bridge 5 egrgþ9llz creek approximátety 100 netérs west of !{illiarns Road 6 Cayuga Creek at the porter Road bridge rn 1987, the seventh station, _cayuga creek upstream--Ë", of Lockport Road (a contror location), did nôt-"ontåin risr¡. 1990, the station ltas moved to the-Ñiagara nivãi-upstream of Little River as a control- rn Lgg2, the étation was leturned to cayuga creek upstrearn of Lockport Road where brook sticiiãËãðx-1cJr"u inconstans) were collected. \-' Due to differing habitat and fish-habitat preferences, the fish species avairable differed between station's in ãny given )r.ear. -.Ii"t.population structure fluctuates from và.i to year thus differing collections.of fish nere expected between years. Further, the dredging activily"p"ði"= modified thä avairable habitat aL severar statioñs útricn resürled in further a].teratÍon of fish species ared popuration_compositigr, rn 1992, young-of- the-year fish hrere not avairable iñ sufficieni for chemical analysis at four rocations. Therefore,"ür¡ãi= order aged fj.sh (norrnarly ageã.r+¡ lrere coLrecred to fitl saurprin!-;;;=. order f i=lr_ may- introduce grearer dara variabiiiat .á"Ë-to potentiarJ.y."ggd longer duration of chemicaJ.
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