221lii3ElEii tf.?$?"Fy ' '1 ' '- HONOLULU LIBFAF.V - 1 AND Reaoiwg Room As . BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IS AN OPEN MARKET PLACE ACCESSIBLE TO ALL HAWAII From Sun Franclscol ' Mny IS VlrKltiliin A person who know For wishes lo whal Ban Franclscol la going on, how to live economically! Mongolia. Mny 20 how to keep up to From Vancouver, himself and affairi date, must of necessity take a daily Xcnlundla . May 26 Evening paper. Try the BULLETIN. For Vancouver) May 23 Bulletin Marntnu 3:30 EDITION Wields a Potent Influence For Upbuilding ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 4929. 12 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1911. 12 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. OPIUM PROBE GOING DEEP HAWAII STATEHOOD IN CONGRESS CAMPAIGN ON TO Searching For Snyder To Admisson Up 21 II ADDED AGAINST TARIFF "Higher-Up" In m men To Committee Wholesale Grocers Maintain Men Accused of Wrecking Organization at Washing- Here Times Face Many New ton to Get Legislation., Opium Smuggling On Territories Charges. (Associated Tress Cable) IS BROUGHT PRESSURE SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 16. MUST PLEAD GUILTY ON Montana real THE CONGRESSMEN In move of llic (Irani) Chris Snyder, tho estate (Associated Press Cable.) OR NOT GUILTY SOON Sensational results arc exported United Htntcs Jury hero on a cabled request follow In tho wuko of tho now InvcJ--J man arrested WASHINGTON, D. May 16. Statehood for Hawaii is before has cnuseil considerable "worry" Collector of Customs Stackablo C, again ligation lain tho smuggling of opium' of town. from Congress The resolution passed by the Hawaiian Legislature calling for iiiuong sauo citizens the in Honolulu and held for smuggling (fractal II ii lie tin Ccrirspniuirncc.) into tho Territory that was hegiuit The books of tho Hank of Hawaii Statehood for the Territory was received today and referred to the Senate I.OS May I -- Twenty - opium, will bo tried In Honolulu. He AN(li:i.l, II j- cstorday by tho United woro brought beToro tho (Irnnd-Ji-uy Committee on This committee consists of Smith of Michigan, John 1'. Monk. States Grand, was taken aboard the steamer Man- Territories. ono now Indictments were voted lato I Jury and which will be resumed whuii by Abo Lewis It Is tli.it Nelson of Minnesota, Burnham of Now Hampshire, Brown of Nebraska, WASHINGTON, Mny -f- lrqat and stated churia and sent baoJVto Honolulu to- today by the grand Jury against tho pressure la being brought tn bear on the Inderal Inquisitors iccniucno fur. the information demanded In tho sub Bristow of Kansas, McLean of Connecticut, Llppitt of Rhode Island, Owen accused d)iiamllc conspirators, James day. .' of Oklahoma, Chamberlain of Oregon, Shively of Indiana, of Maine, b'cnnlnrH nml Representatives lo (heir final work. poena Issuo for Kred Damon of tho Johnson UUd John McNiunara and Ortlc tho tariff on sugar. A commlt-li- o The summoning of ofllclnls of tho Hank of Hawaii was given by Lewis, and Hitchcock of Nebraska. representing tho wholcsulo groc- llnnk of Hawaii and tho first National Tho throwing of light on tho deposits (' Snyder, the real estnlo man ar Nineteen of tho "Indictments, It Ii ers of tliii country lias opened head- 'Hank with their deposit ledgers show- -. made by cither James Ino of tho rested when tho Manchuria reached understood, nro against the McNiuna-ra- s quarters I... !. .l..n..ll.. .. l l... .1- .- . ' hero and Is also conducting IIIK UlU lllIU9ll llimil' U UU UVUi City Transfer Company or Jacobscn Man Francisco on his last trip uud LIKES" OIL olono and churgo them with mur- a literature campaign In tlio interest largest express companies In the city of tho Union Pacific Transfer, tho lat- lipid tht re charged, with smuggling BUSINESS DECISION der In connection with tlio blowing of lower diitlcH. is ono of tho links in n chain of cvi- - ter being formerly n deputy collector opium, declare Unit he Is tho Innocent up of the IO Angoles Times plant In a Issued com- - 1 pamphlet by the donee that Is being forged for somo, under Collector of tho l'ort Stackablo victim of a misplaced suspicion, ac October 1 nml tho cunseqiiont deaths widely I rmXec .nml circulutcd this is one who Is under suspicion Is stated to be ono of tho Important cording to news from tho Coast today (Associated Press Cable.) of 21 men. Tlio other two aro said mild sugar: I .!' about Hawaiian Collector of tho Tort Stackablo connecting links In tho ovldcnco thus Hnydcr a rial estate man of Dillon, YORK, May 16. Following decision of the Supreme to ho against McManlgal, as princi- "Tho produced NEW the Court Hawaiian Islands stated this morning that tho latest far sccurciL, Mont, unfl tho arrest was made at Oil Company stock is unexpect- pal, tho McNnmnra brothers us less 14 per against the Standard yesterday, the market and than cent of tho amount tliu cabled request of. Collet tor of Cus- edly buoyant. The dieision ia Interpreted as favorable to business, as it lim- accomplices In tho Llewellyn Iron of Sugar which wo last port consumed toms Ktncknble of thl? The Sun general anti-tru- law to "(indue," not to explosion da). In nml It Is they its the application of the Sherman, works Christmas jc.ir, estimated thut lYnnclscn Call suys of his arrest: "every" restraint. which no ono was killed. vhuve reached the limit of their pro- "Snider declares that ho Ii tho In ducing cnpnclly As sugars Arraignments Today. these .STANDARD OIL IN nocent victim of suspi was Tn. come Jn "free." our high protective BUSKS ofllcluK II almost night when tlio cion, and the Kcdcraf ut this qulsltors completed their work tarllT etinblcs theso planters tn sell Stuck- - and port are Inclined to think that PEACE NEGOTIATIONS ARE RAPID tho true bills ordered will not bo Iliad their sugar at a correspondingly high nlilrt bus acted wltli mure liustu than I'llco. Not only do tho sugnr Interests In court until tomorrow morning Tho HAWAII NOT AFFECTED BY iHxcretlon, (Continued on Page 7) (Continued on Page 7) Took Drink With Men. During the Manchuria stay In Ho (Associated Tress CaMo.) nolulu, A. 1.. Howard, scinni) steward, JUAREZ, Mex., May 16. A general armistice is hourly expected as a mid I'uul Wesslng, main deck watch result of the orooress of the peace negotiations between the federal and DECISION OF SUPREME COURT man, were arrested by 8tackabo on a'rebel commissioners. The negotiations are proceeding more rapidly than was charge of smuggling opium. Tho men hoped, and indications are that the demands of the rebels will be agreed to. were followed fiom the Manchuria by customs Inspectors, und when arrested Standard Oil business In Hawaii Securities Company to dlstolvo, Iho r'nch man was found to have four tins DRUNKEN REBELS PILLAGE TOWN k will not ho affected by tho decision actual railroading business of Iho of opium. Howard Is said to havo been 'the concern was not effected at all. Tho placed on tho ship by tho l'aclllc "Mall of United Stales Supremo Coutt corHrntlon dissolved Into Its original Steamship Company ns a doteetlvo fori As In Uased on tle number residing In announced tho II ill lot In yesterday, according to Iho opinions component parts, tho Circa Northern, the purpose of learning which mem- - (As.ioc.utcd Cable.) jenterday afternoon tho swimming Tress Iho Territory, it larEcr percentage of of attorneys and lmslnoss-.nio- n who tlio Northern Pacific and tho Hurling-to- n bers of tint creV wero engaged In Mpyirn r.lTV. M.v IB Drunken rebels have cantured the town icmiicUoiih at Walklkl have been M. Russian laborers nro now engaged In have consldoicd the rcpoils of tho mnds, and stockholders In tho smuggling J of Paehuea and begun a reign of terror, pillaging banks, stores and ware-Snde- r plantation work Jhan cither Portu- raised and tho dear public ran dlsixut i decision that orders tho famous Northern Securities Company were went down the gangplank nt generally dynamiting structures that resist their efforts fig- nmong llio cliolcra germs as much - hou looting and guese, or Spanish, according to late to dlssolvo In six months, given In oxchnng! for their holdlngi the sumo time ns Howard und Wcss- The ,d,nU ot tne lown hav8 barricaded their homes. of as It pleatjcs. Mott-Smll- h entcr ures compiled under tho direction President Ab n matter of fact- -, the decision stock In each of tho three o.ids. Inc. mid they walked uway fiom tho Is id that tho tn tlio - Dr Victor 8. Clark, commissioner of 'I strain Incident uwalted as momentous will havo great Whllo Iho two ca'sca tiro not entire ship In company , Inn on swimming has been BBaBn.aaalBB.Ban.... Immigration The figures would seem lifted from legal as- U Hnydnr s.iys Im Invited them to Join effect on tlio and financial ly similar, Iho prlnrlp.il Invohed to provo Iho against Rui-shi- his BhouldorR ho Iiiih -' that cry tho and feels that ho lit-t- lo Tho him In u drink and that after tho llba- pects of Stumtnid Oil business hut held to he much of tho same. .1 us not having gonn to the plan- ceased to ho regarded In tho light of on tho physical or actual scllltiB Standard Oil people hero expect to Hon they parted Ho did not lenrn SHIPMENT OF n nubile cnoiuy. men hud lccn arrested until tations Is Jargoly unfounded. and distributing sldo, it Is believed continue doing business Just (ho sumo that the Accoidlng to theso statistics, slnco At Its mooting vestorday afternoon special In tint following morning, and thought no Ocorgo II, nlclinrdson, agent nlthnugh there may ho a chaugo 1H09.
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