2-9-16 Sect. 1.2.qxp #2:Layout 1 2/4/16 1:33 PM Page 1 Brunner elected president of National Cattlemen’s Beef Association By Donna Sullivan, Editor One of those challenges Brunner’s family opera- For Ramona rancher will be to meet the growing tion, Cow Camp Ranch in Tracy Brunner, there’s plen- demand for beef, but Brun- Lost Springs and Cow Camp ty to be optimistic about in ner believes the industry is Feed Yard in Ramona, spe- the beef industry. As he takes up to the task. “I believe cializes in breeding Sim- the helm of the National Cat- global demand will probably mental and SimAngus bulls tlemen’s Beef Association as grow even faster than global and custom feeding and mar- its newly elected president, beef supplies can keep up,” keting cattle. While theirs is he hopes to build on the cur- he said. “We have the bright- a rich history, Brunner be- rent strength of the beef in- est of futures based on a very lieves the industry offers dustry, both domestically high quality product that plenty of potential for those and abroad. people like to enjoy. And we just getting started. “The beef industry today have a great crop of young “I appreciate the beef in- is in a wonderful position,” beef men and women who dustry the most for its oppor- he said. “We have strong do- are continually improving tunity,” he said. “We speak a mestic demand for beef. We the industry as well.” lot about family and heritage have growing global demand His leadership style is one and generations, which is as well, and both are impor- of anticipating positive re- only right. But what really is tant as we transition to larger sults and communicating important about cattle and supplies in the years ahead.” that to those he works with. beef is the inherent opportu- The fourth-generation “We all achieve the most nity and room for all sizes, cattleman was elected to suc- when we pursue our goals ages and business plans. ceed outgoing president with expected success,” he Young farmers and ranchers Phillip Ellis at the 2016 Cat- explained. of today are smarter, not tle Industry Convention and The focus of his immedi- afraid of hard work and new NCBA Trade Show in San ate attention will be to con- technology savvy. Young Diego January 30, where tinue to push back on the people who stay in cattle for 6,700 cattle producers gath- Waters of the U.S. rule and the long haul are going to re- ered to share input on grass- Tracy Brunner was elected president of NCBA at their annual convention and trade he would also like to see the ally enjoy the next fifty roots policy issues and listen show January 30. Courtesy photo Endangered Species Act, and years. And no better place to industry experts. half-full, Brunner welcomes “We know our challenges portunity and opportunity is the impact it has on farmers for cattle and beef than Emphasizing that he challenges and sees them as will continually evolve; what makes the industry’s and ranchers, re-examined. Kansas.” never sees the glass as below an opportunity for growth. those challenges bring op- future so bright,” he said. The search is on for new wheat streak mosaic virus resistance By Julia Debes found in conventional wheat other than Wsm2. sistant sources. His initial lecular markers. Researchers are looking - Wsm2. The other two Among the 13 winter- testing shows great promise While the search contin- for wheat genes that will genes come from a wild type wheat lines, Zhang and for one line that might have a ues, Zhang’s team is zeroing provide additional resistance wheat relative, Thinopyrum his team have found two different resistance gene in on this new resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus, intermedium. lines that may contain a gene than Wsm2. Early indica- gene. In the near future, this thanks to funding from the This Wsm2 gene is im- different from Wsm2. They tions are that the resistance new gene will be introduced Kansas Wheat Alliance. portant because wheat have initiated the process to gene in this line should be into elite breeding lines and Yield loss due to wheat breeders start by using genes introduce these two resist- located in a different genom- be stacked with Wsm2 or streak mosaic virus equaled from wheat before exploring ance sources into their elite ic region than Wsm2, which other resistance genes. more than 4.25 million the complicated introduc- breeding lines, which should would provide a more As a result of this Kansas bushels in the 2013 Kansas This photo shows wheat tions of genes from other introduce another barrier for durable resistance to wheat Wheat Alliance-funded re- wheat crop alone, adding up streak mosaic virus, wheat relatives. the wheat streak mosaic streak mosaic virus when search, Kansas farmers will to a $32.6 million economic which had an economic Four existing wheat vari- virus. stacked with Wsm2. Zhang’s have more protection of impact. impact of $32.6 on the eties include the Wsm2 Zhang is continuing the team is continuing to work wheat crop yield potential Wheat streak mosaic 2013 Kansas wheat crop. gene: RonL, Snowmass, search for other unique on this line to identify its lo- thanks to more durable re- virus flies on the Kansas Photo by Jeanne Falk Jones, K-State Oakley CL and Clara CL. genes with virus resistance cation within the wheat sistance to wheat streak mo- wind from one wheat field to Research and Extension But, as Zhang pointed out, in the seven spring-type re- genome and its linked mo- saic virus. another – courtesy of its does not have sufficient pro- all these resistant varieties host, the wheat curl mite. As tection to avoid yield loss have the same resistance the mites feed on wheat, due to the virus’s infection. source. wild grasses like foxtail, and That may soon change as Dr. As a result, if the virus other plants, they spread the Guorong Zhang, Kansas evolves under selection pres- A winter sunset virus from one field to an- State University wheat sure and breaks down this re- other. breeder, is leading this re- sistance, then all the current- The Kansas wheat crop search with his team at the ly-resistant varieties would K-State Agricultural Re- become susceptible. There- search Center in Hays. fore, it is necessary to ex- K-State agronomist plore new resistant sources Jeanne Falk-Jones compares and discover new resistance the wheat streak mosaic genes, which researchers can virus to the flu virus in hu- then introduce into new vari- mans. “It is the toughest on eties or stack with Wsm2 to the young because they have make the resistance more a harder time fighting off the durable. virus,” she said. “In addition, The Challenge of there is no medicine or treat- Finding New Resistance ment to cure the virus. Genes Wheat that is stressed will be To find new resistance more susceptible to severe genes for K-State wheat va- symptoms. This includes rieties, Zhang and his team stress from drought, lack of are testing 20 new resistant nutrients, or poor growing plant introductions (13 from conditions. “ winter-type wheats and Known Resistance seven from spring-type Exists wheats). These have been se- Three current genes are lected from more than 3,000 known to have wheat streak germplasm lines, to try and mosaic virus resistance, re- identify if any of these vari- Grain bins, boots on a fence and a spectacular sunset make for a perfect ferred to by number: eties has a gene for wheat Kansas winter scene. Photo by Kevin Macy Wsm1,Wsm2 and Wsm3. Of streak mosaic resistance these three genes, only one is 2-9-16 Sect. 1.2.qxp:Layout 1 2/4/16 12:53 PM Page 2 Page 2 Grass & Grain, February 9, 2016 nurtures the close family their shared experience liv- ties that make life rich in ing, working and harvesting ways money can’t buy. from the land. Children who are raised Farmers and ranchers on a farm or ranch earn val- believe that through their ues that last a lifetime and shared vocation they are that can be learned no giving more to the world other way. Farming and than they are taking from it A farmer’s creed ranching provides educa- – an honor and privilege By John Schlageck, neighbors and family – my tion for life and no other oc- that does not come to all Kansas Farm Bureau dad for one – quote bits and cupation teaches so much men or women. Agricultural Last week as I was get- Wal-Mart opening, it Think of farmers and pieces of it. I’ve heard oth- about birth, growth and ma- producers believe their ting ready for work, I lis- closed down, citing lack of ranchers and this old, often ers refer to it at meetings, in turity in such a variety of lives will be measured ulti- tened to a television news business as the reason. forgotten tribute comes to church, at a sale barn, fu- ways. mately by what they have story about one of the The town’s residents were mind. It fits farmers like nerals and many other Without question, many done for their fellow men towns where Wal-Mart had quick to blame Wal-Mart of the best things in life are and women and by this stan- seed in the soil or ranchers places where rural people announced it was closing for their predicament.
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