APRIL 30, 1976 25 CENTS VOLUME 40/NUMBER 17 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE APRIL 24 ACTIO POSTPONED By Jon Hillson White, City Council President the gang beating of two Black BOSTON, April 21-In the Louise Day Hicks, Gov. Michael bus drivers in South Boston on face of rapidly escalating anti­ Dukakis, and President Gerald April 17, this pent-up- anger Black terror here, which has Ford," Dixon said. "They are erupted into retaliation by sharply increased the race polari­ responsible for the over two-year Blacks against whites. zation in this city, leaders of the campaign against school de­ On the night of April 19, a Black community in Boston have segregat~on and for the physical white man, Richard Poleet, was decided to postpone the national and violent attacks against pulled from his car in the Black probusing march scheduled for Blacks and Puerto Ricans." community and beaten by a April 24. Government complicity with group of about twenty Black The emergency decision was the racist antibusing forces has youth. Today Poleet is in critical announced at an April 21 news . been decisive in creating the condition and is not expected to conference at Freedom House in polarization that led desegrega­ live. Roxbury, attended by prominent tion leaders to postpone the The same night, white motor­ supporters of the April 24 action national action planned for April ists were stoned and a train from Boston's Black community. 24. As Dixon told the news passing near Roxbury was March coordinator Maceo Dix­ media, the level of anti-Black blocked by piles of debr1s. Train on, speaking for the April 24 violence is such that "it's not engineers were stoned when they coalition, told the media: "This possible to hold a peaceful, legal tried to remove the refuse. city is hot. It is tense. The race activity at this time." Reaction by the city officials, polarization has escalated with Boston is a city on the brink of the capitalist news media, and the recent beating of two Black explosion. Months of unchecked racist leaders to these incidents bus drivers in South Boston and racist attacks have generated has been a hysterical campaign the beating of a white man in deep rage and frustration in the against "Black violence." Police Roxbury. Black community. · began to cordon off sections of "The reason why this city is In the wake of recent night­ the Black community. The polari­ hot, tense, and racially polarized riding forays by carloads of zation sought by racist foes of rests with Mayor Kevin H. racist thugs into Roxbury, and Continued on page 3 THIS In Brief WEEK'S MURDER WITH IMPUNITY?: An Alabama state judge itself as Yad Mitrakem (Hand of Vengeance). The Zionists' quashed murder indictments April 14 against three former target was a meeting in progress at the Washington, D.C., MILITANT Ku Klux Klan members in Montgomery, Alabama. Another campus on "Palestinians Rebel in Occupied Lands." former Klan member had testified that he and these fellow The meeting was cosponsored by the GW Organization of 3 Racist terror night riders had forced a young Black man, Willie Edwards, Arab Students, GW Young Socialist Alliance, and the grips Boston to jump to his death in the Alabama River nineteen years Militant Forum. Mohammed Shadid, head of the political 4 A congressional candidate ago because Edwards had supposedly "smiled at a white science department at Shaw University in North Carolina, who is part of struggle woman." was the featured speaker. The judge claimed that the indictments did not sufficient­ The sixty people in attendance evacuated the room while 5 Interview with ly specify the cause of death-drowning, injuries from the police searched for a bomb. They found a rock wrapped in Maceo Dixon fall, etc. Prosecutors have asked the judge to reconsider his brown paper and wire. 6 NAACP prepares for ruling. When the meeting reconvened, Shadid said that Palestini­ Delaware busing fight Impunity for terrorism is nothing new to these murderers. ans face this kind of terrorism daily in the Mideast. Only They were also implicated in a wave of church bombings there, he said, the Zionists make good on their threats. 7 Democrats double-cross during the 1956 Montgomery bus boycott-but charges United Farm Workers against them never stuck. 8 Lessons for steel: DEMOCRATS WERE L.A. COP TARGET: Los Angeles 'LABOR COMMITTEE' THUGS ATTACK YSA: On the CIO in war cops carried out political spy operations against the Beverly April 14 a group of three young thugs attacked Spencer Hills Democratic Club, the Los Angeles Press Club, and the 9 S.F. Muni drivers Livingston, a leader of the Young Socialist Alliance in Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE) in 1960, the balk strikebreaking move Albany, New York. Livingston was beaten while on his way Los Angeles Times reported April 12. home late in the evening. He was punched and had his face The espionage was carried out in cooperation with the 13 J.B. Johnson fights cut. His attackers called him a "Trotskyite scum." U.S. Army. The army was investigating film maker Robert for fair trial The attack followed three weeks of harassment of Cohen, who was suspected of "subversive activity" because 14 California legislature Livingston. Two weeks earlier a chain was thrown through of a trip to the Moscow Film Festival in 1957. Cohen also cuts ballot requirements the window of his house. The week after, his front door was later made films about Cuba, East Germany, and China, smeared with dog excrement. which apparently didn't meet the government's anticom­ 15 Camejo in Puerto Rico A month ago the local chapter of the National Caucus of munist standards. hails independence fight Labor Committees, also known as the U.S. Labor party, The Los Angeles Police Department ran checks on the threatened the Albany YSA. The NCLC is a fascist group three groups because Cohen belonged to two and had 17 Israeli troops murder with a long history of violence against the left, Black Palestinian child applied to join the third. groups, and unions. Assemblyman Alan Sieroty, who was president of the 18 Dennis Banks fights The NCLC threatened to make the Albany YSA a victim Beverly Hills Democratic Club at the time, described the frame-up in Oregon of "Operation Mop-up" and told them to "stay off the operation as "shocking . in terms of possible intrusion of streets." "Operation Mop-up" refers to a series of violent political liberty." 28 Black women and attacks carried out by the NCLC in 1973 against the The spy files were turned over to Cohen under the the fight for ERA Communist party, Socialist Workers party, and other Freedom of Information Act. organizations. The purpose of the campaign, in the NCLC's 2 In Brief own words, was to "destroy" these groups. MILITANT GETS AROUND: Clippings sent in from our So far, the Albany cops have responded to the attack on readers show that articles-especially those by Baxter In Our Opinion 10 Livingston by dragging their feet. Albany YSA leader Gary Smith on the Black liberation struggle-are widely circulat­ Letters Mele told the Militant: "It is obvious that if these thugs are ed through other newspapers. Most recently we received a 11 Capitalism in Crisis going to be identified, caught, and prosecuted, it is going to copy of the April 10 Chronicle, a Black weekly published in La Lucha Puertorriquena take the pressure of all those concerned with civil liberties. Charleston, South Carolina. It reprinted Smith's March 19 These attacks must be stopped. They are a menace to all Militant article, "Black Dems: a sorry record." 12 The Great Society political activists in the Albanyarea." From England, a Militant reader sent us the April edition Women in Revolt of Grass Roots, a London Black community paper, which DSOC ENDORSES SOCIALIST SUIT: "You may add By Any Means Necessary ran part of another article by Smith, "FBI plot to destroy the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee as one of Black America." This was originally printed in the April 16 Campaigning for Socialism your organizational sponsors," stated an April 15 letter 1974 Black Scholar under the title "FBI Memos Reveal from DSOC National Chairman Michael Harrington to the 24 In Review: 'Navajo Nation' Repressive Schemes." Political Rights Defense Fund. The PRDF is funding the $27 million suit against government harassment brought by the EARL BUTZ SPEAKS: Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz WORLD OUTLOOK Socialist Workers party and the Young Socialist Alliance. has sounded an alarm. Food production will "be crippled" if 19 What strategy to defend DSOC counts among its members a number of union government regulations of farm chemicals, drugs, environ­ Soviet dissidents? officials, including Jerry Wurf, president of the American mental controls, and safety devices continue. As an Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; 20 The oppression example, Butz blasted the changeover for California farm Victor Gotbaum, executive director of AFSCME's District of Soviet Jews workers from short-handled to long-handled hoes. Butz Council 37; and Victor Reuther, longtime leader of the charged that this was done because "the city people, driving 22 On the eve of United Auto Workers union. Portugal elections by, feel more comfortable watching the workers use the kind ZIONIST BOMB THREAT IN D.C.: "A bomb will go off of hoes that look good through car windows." at 9:00 p.m. at the PLO meeting. Death to Palestinians." To have efficient production, Butz stressed, "decision This bomb threat was phoned into the George Washington making must be kept close to the land and in the hands of THE MILITANT University newspaper on April 9 by a group identifying farmers." -Ginny Hildebrand VOLUME 40/NUMBER 17 APRIL 30, 1976 CLOSING NEWS DATE-APRIL 21 Editor MARY-ALIC~ WATERS Managing Editor: LARRY SEIGLE Bus•n_ess Manager ROSE OGDEN Our Party Is Your Party Too! Southwest Bureau HARRY RING Washmgton Bureau NANCY COLE IF YOU AGREE with what you have been reading in the Militant, now is the time to join the Socialist Workers Published weekly by The Mil1tant Publishing Ass'n, party...
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