INDEX TO VOLUME IV Aangaan, 476. Address to burghers, by L. Itotha, Aapies river, 445. 527- Aaronslaagte, 254, 257. Adelaide, 174, 277, 467. Aasvogels Krans, 246. Adjutant-General, The, 301. Abandonment of Wolmaranstad, 415. Administration of: Cape Colony, 176- Aberdeen, and district, 72, 74, 173, 8, 224. 230-1 ; the Orange River 175-6, 226, 228-9, 367. 456. Colony and the Transvaal, on 463, 465 : attack on the town, conclusion of peace, 535, 548. 466. 560-3. Aberdeen Road Station, 74, 173, 237, Aide-Memoire, from the Netherland 278 ; attack on, 228. Government (peace proposals), 529- Aberfeld, 482. 31- Abrahams Kraal (Modder river), 95, Akel, 164. 264. Albert, 60. Abrahamskraal (cast of Kofiyfontein), Albert Junction, 179. 432. Albertina station, 439. Action of: Bakenlaagte, 304-15; Alberts, Commandant H., 210, 376. r3o3chbult, 494-6 ; Boschmanskop, Alberts, Commandant Sarel, 409. 518-19 ; Forts Itala and Prospect. Alderson, Brigadier-General E. A. H., 219-21 ; Graspan, 105 ; Gruis- C.B., A.D.C., 31-3, III, 113, 115. fontein, 408 ; Moedwil, 295-7 > 117, 119-32, 137. Nooitgedacht, 13-22 ; Onvcrdacht. Alcttasdraai. 160-1. 57 ; Onverwacht, 379-80 ; Quagga- Alexander. Lieut. -Colonel H., D.S.O.. fontein, ; 287-8 Richmond, 236 ; 337-8. 243, 344. 283-6, 390, 359, Rooiwal, 499-503 ; Sannah's Post, 370. 318-19; Scheepers Nek, 217-18; Alexanders Kraal, 329. Springhaan Nek. 51 ; Tabaksberg, Alicedale, 466. the, 76 ; Tafel Kop (Orange Aliwal North, 46, 60, 62-4, 78, 97, River Colony). 389-90 ; Tiger 163-5, >68, 176, 179, 234. 236, 253. Kloof Spruit, 386-7 ; Treurfontein, 261, 266-7, 286-7, 3>7. 327-8. 406-7; Tweebosch, 417-20; Twee- 368, 464. fontein, ; 394 Vlakfontein, 186-8 ; Alkmaar (Delagoa Bay line), 208. Wilmansrust, 203 ; Yzerspruit, 411- Alkmaar (or Spitrkop), 300, 378. 14 ; Zuur Vlakte, 234-5. AUegrens Kraal, 466. Acting-President, South African Re- Alleman's Dam, 360. public. See BuRGBR, S. W. AJlemans Kraal. 466. ; 7IO THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. AUemans Poort, 273. Army, British, strength of in South AUenby. Colonel E. H. H., iii, 113. Africa. See Strength ; also Ap- 115-17, 119-21, 127, 142, 149-52. pendix 13. 155, 188-9, '92-4. 197. 216, 219, Army Medical Corps, Royal. See 222-3. 291-2. 303. 315. 371. 373. Regular Units ; also Appen- 375-6. 378-9. 381. 485-7. 490. 514. dix 7. 517, 520, 522. Army Ordnance Department. See Ambuscades, 154, 191, 233. 330. 344, Appendix 8. 376. 381. 444. 450. 484. Army Post Office Corps. See Appen America (U.S.A.), 25. Dix 9. America siding, 57. Army Remount Department. See Amerspoort. 1 16-17, 147. '54. '99- Appendix ii. 200, 376. Army Service Corps. See Regular 6. Ammunition, 81, 109; Boers, capture Units ; also Appendices 5 and of, by, 351, 355, 469 ; expenditure Articles of peace. 547-63. of, : of. Artillery, Royal. Units. 363 short 125, 355 ; See Regular British, capture of, by, 52, 135, 141, Arundel, 66. 146, 158, 208, 211, 241, 257, 261, Ash, Commander S. H. B., R.N., 470. 429, 438-9, 443, 476 ; exhaustion Ashburner's Light Horse. See Colo- of. at Yzerspruit. 414 ; expendi- nial Units. ture of, 221 : at Bakenlaagte, 312- Ashheld, Sergeant W., 310. 13; Boschbult, 496; Itala. 220: Assegai river, 1 19-21, 201. Ookiep, 472. Astan Drift, 246. Amnesty, general. 532-4, 536, 560-3. Atherton, Lieut. -Colonel T. J., C.B., Amos Poort. 74. 237, 242, 244, 284-6. 290, 370. Amsterdam, and district, 114, 117, Atlantic Ocean, seaboard of. 65, 74, 148,199. 204-5, 216. 222, 377, 379; 350. blockhouse line to, 372, 512. Attack, steepest side of position most Anderson. Lieut. -Colonel W. C, 410- favourable to. 393-4. 15, 417. 419. 422. Attack on : Aberdeen, 466 ; Belfast. .\nley. Major F. G., 308-10, 314. 37-40 ; blockhouses, 205, 208-9, Annenous, 470. 259. 346, 483-4 ; Dalmanutha, railway, .\ppcndices, 567-705. 36-7 ; Delagoa Bay 35 ; Arbitration, 536. Du Moulin's camp, 432 ; Helvetia, .\rcadia, 317. 26, 42 ; Lichtcnburg, 134 ; Machado- Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. dorp, 36, 42 ; Motlderfontein (Cape See Regular Units. Colony), 274-6 ; Modderfontein Arming of loyalists in Cape Colony, 69. (Gatsrand), 130; Nooitgedacht, 40; Armistice, proposals for, 107, 450 Pan, 41 ; Wildfontein, 40 ; Wonder- terms of, for peace, 508. fontein, 40; railways, 125 ; Smith- Armoured trains, 80-1, 209, 228, 238, Dorrien's camp, 114; Vryheid, 362. 366, 402, 442. 467, 507. 30-2. See also Convoys. 509. Attaquas mountains, 283. : of Arms Boers, short of, 355 ; capture Attitude Cape Colony, 60, 330-1. of. by. 469 ; laying down of, by, Australia, 25. 107 ; thrown away by. 202. See Australian contingents. See Colonial also Peace Conditions. Units. INDEX. 711 Avontuur (Botha's Berg, Eastern Barker, Lieut. -Colonel J. S. S., 45. Transvaal), 143. 53-6. 59. no, 170. 254-5, 257-8. Avontuur (Cape Colony), 73, 242. 260-1, 266, 269, 321, 331. 335. 338, 384. 386, 400, 402, 405. 420. Babanago, 153-4. 43'. 433-4. 475-6. 479. 482. 485, Babington, Major-General J. M., 128- 487-8, 490. 30. 134-8, 148, 155. 181-2. 197. Barkly East, and district, 163. 22^^, 204-5, 207-8, 210, 223. 234, 272, 286-7. 368-9. 473- Baden-Powell, Major-General R. S. S., Barkly West, 60. C.B., 304. Barracouta, H.M.S.. 469. Badenhorst, Commandant C, 12, 14, Barrett, Captain R., 318. 16-17, "3. 123, 190, 444. Barroc, 278. Bag-nets, 255. Barry, Private J. (awarded the Vic- Baileyton, 467. toria Cross posthumously), 38. Baillie, Colonel A. C, D.S.O., 458. Barrydale, 283, 285. 463-5.474- Barter. Lieut. -Colonel C. St. L.. C.B.. Bakenlaagte, 375, 390, 414, 421, 504; 3>5. 373. 375. 378-9. 3«'. 514. 522. action of, 304-15. Barton. Major-General (i.. C.B.. Bakoven Pan, 87. C.M.G., I. 193-4. 197. Balaklava, British and Russian cavalry Bas Berg. 80-1. 89. at, 501. Basfontein, 184, i<>o, 194. Balmoral (Delagoa Bay line), 23, tj, Bashoek, 190, 298-9, 301. 128, 145-6, 208, 517. Basing, Colonel G. L., Lord. 104-5. Balmoral (Mabusa Spruit). 200. 197, 265-7, 269, 320, 327. 33H. Bamboes Hock, 274. 430-1. 434. 478-80. 490- «. 51 '• Bamboes mountains, 174, 179. 225-6, Bassons Hoek, 74. 236, 277, 458. 464, 466. Bastards Nek, 90. Bamboes Spruit, 476. Basutoland. and border of. 97-8. 164. Bangor, 66. 253. 265-7. 287, 316. 326. 431. Bank, 346. Bath, the order of the, 170, iKo. 217. Bankdrift, 291. 224. Bankfontein (south of Lindley). 335. Bathfontein, 141. Bankfontein (north of Middelburg). Batsheba. 432. 143- Baviaans Kloof mountains. 73. Bankhoek, 151. Baviaanskraal, 425. Bank-notes, South African Republic, Bazeilles. in miniature at Boschbalt, 144. 495- Bankpan, 207. Baznards Dam. 473. " Banon, Major F. L., 165, 171. Beaters." 486 ; definition of, 1 14. Bapsfontein (or Bapsfon.), m. 113. Beatson. Major-General S. B.. 139. 130. 142-5. 150, 152, 15s. 199. 203-5. Barbed wire, 33, 35. 40, 257. 403. 484. 207. 211-12. 214, 223, 243, 283: Barberspan, 416. arrives in Cape Colony, 242. Barberton, 23. Beaufort West, 6^70. 72-4, 175. 237. Barker, Captain F. C. C, 212. 279-80, 285, 357-8, 455, 459. Barker, Brigadier-General J. C, 23, Bechuanaland, 130, 506. 415- Beddy's Scouts. See Colonial Units. 712 THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. Bedford (county in Cape Colony), 326. 334-6. 384-6, 403. 423-5. 433. 475. 467. 482, 484-5 ; blockhouse line to. 391, Bedfordshire regiment. Sm Regular 398. 400. 476. 483. Units. Bethlehem commando. See Com- Been Kraal, 74. 239. mandos. Beer Vlei. 84. 87. BethuUe, 62, 77-9, 97, 163-4, 176. Bees. Private W. (awarded the Vic- 353, 365-6, 369, 387, 338. toria Cross), 297. Bethulie commando. See Com- Beestekraal, 301-2. mandos. Beestkraal, 287. Bethune, Colonel E. C. 65. 67, 69-70. Beginderlyn, 11 5-16, 146. 149, 302. 73, 93, 94-7, 100, 103-4, no, 165, Belfast, and road, 23, 36, 34-5, I36. 168-9, ^71. ^97. 246-7. 350, 331-3, 143-4. 148. 376-7 ; attack on. 37- 338. 474- 40 ; casualties at, 44. Bethune's Mounted Infantry. Ser Belgian monarchy, 24. Colonial Units. Bell, Lieutenant F. W. (awarded the Beukes, Commandant, 436. Victoria Cross), 148. Bcwicke-Copley. Lieut. -Col. R. C. A. B.. Bell, L4Uice-Corporal J., 313. C.B.. 315. 223, 304, 315. 373, 465-7. Bell's Kop, 377. 473-4- Bellew, Captain R. W. D., 359. Beyers, General C. J., 10-13. 19, 21-2. Belmont, 351. 75, 113. 128-30. 437-42. 444-9. Bendigo. 333. 451 ; chairman at peace conference, Bengal Lancers (T5th), 357. 542-3- l^ennett. Major A. J., 336. Bezuidenhout, Field-Cornet, 463-5. Benson, Lieut. -Colonel G. E.. 131, Bezuidenhout's Drift, 487. 133. »35-6. 138-9. M3-S. 148-9. Bierlaagte, 424. ^55. *99- 204. 307-8. 3to-i2, 314- Biermann, Commandant, 451. 15. 3*3. 337. 373-4. 376 ; at Baken- Biesjes Poort, 175, 280-1, 465. laagte, 304-15. Biesjesbult, 258. Berkshire regiment, The Royal. See Biesjesvallei, 507. Regular Units. Biessiepan, 258. Berg river. 362. 430. Bismarck, 318, 431. Bergcndal, 9, 436. Blaauwbank, 213. Bergfontein, 141. Blaauwkopje, 403. Bergvleit, 303. Blackwoods Camp, 145. Berlin, 34. Blaine, Captain, 449-50. Bertram, Captain R. M., 363. Blauw Kop, 147, 183, 206. Best, Lieutenant A. A., 441. Blesbokspruit, 150. Bestershoek, 189. BHnk Kop, 84. Besterskraal, 256. Blinkklip, 192. Bethanie, 161. Blinkwater, 143-6, 211, 515. Bethel, and district, 42, 113, 150-2, Blockhouses, lines of, etc., 46-7, 153, 199, 303-4, 309. 215.
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