![25 FEB. 1970] T0 Questions 18](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
17 Oral Answers [25 FEB. 1970] t0 Questions 18 MR. CHAIRMAN: I wish that there ance to a large extent even to meet their- should be no more questions on this but if non-plan revenue expenditure. you insist, I will allow. HON. MEMBERS: No, Sir. Delhi was made a Union territory at the time of reorganisation of States in 1956 and MR. CHAIRMAN: Next question. kept as a Centrally administered area because of its special position as the Capital STATEHOOD FOR HIMACHAL PRADESH,DELHI 5 of the country. In September 1969 the 11- MANIPUR AND TRIPURA Membcr Committee of the Metropolitan 62. SHRI A.D. MANI:f Council nominated by the Chairman of this Council gave a report recommending that SHRI CHITTA BASU: with a view to provide a uniform and SHRI MULKA GOVINDA powerful set up there should be a Legislative REDDY: Assembly for Delhi as a whole having full SHRI BANKA BEHARY DAS: financial and legislative powers in respect of all subjects including law and order like any SHRI NIRANJAN VARMA: other State in India. Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: SHRI A. D. MANI: I have seen the state- (a) whether all the Members of Parlia- ment which has been laid on the Table of the ment from the Union Territories have ado. House. It is extremely unsatisfactory pted a resolution requesting the Union because it does not answer part (b) of the Government to confer the status of full question. It only says that these areas are not statehood on Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, financially viable. May I ask whether the Manipur, Tripura without any further delay; Government would at least set a time-limit for these areas to attain statehood as was (b) if so, what is the reaction of Govern- done by the U.N. in the case of the Trust ment to this demand; and Territories where a ten-year time-limit was (c) what are the criteria for granting fixed ? Is the Government going to fix such a statehood to Union Territories? time limit for the attainment of statehood by these Territories? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA): (a) Govern- SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: For ment have seen a press report to this effect, such questions a time-limit cannot be fixed. We can only fix criteria. If those criteria are (o) and (c). A statement is laid on the Table fulfilled by the various Territories, only then of the House. the question of granting statehood would arise. As far as Himachal Pradesh is STATEMENT concerned, the House knows that there was a So far as Himachal Pradesh is concerned, debate here and (he Government's point of its financial position is being studied. The view was put forward that if the Union matter was discussed with the Chief Minister Territory attains financial viability, we shall of Himachal Pradesh in November 1969, but immediately take steps to grant Statehood to further discussion will be necessary before that Territory. On this assurance the Chief reaching any conclusions. Minister of Himachal Pradesh was called and we had detailed discussions with him with Demand for statehood for Manipur and the paper prepared by the Planning Tripura can be considered when the financial Commission as the background material and resources of these Union territories are svffi- the Government's consideration of this ciently developed to meet their sdministia-tive particular matter is going on very actively. expenditure. At present these Union territories As far as the. other Territories are are depending on Central assist- concerned... The question was actually asked on the floor of the House by Shri A. D. Mani, SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: What about Manipur? 19 Oral Answers [RAJYA SABHA} to Questions 20 SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: As paring Nagaland with the Union Territories. far as the other Territories are concerned It is wrong to compare it with a Union like Manipur and Tripura, the question is Territory. that their non-plan gap is very wide. In the SHRI CHITTA BASU: Again 1 want to case of Manipur it is about Rs. 41 crores. emphasise the particular point raised by Mr. SHRI A. D. MANI: For every Territory it Mani. When Nagaland was created and when is like that. Meghalaya was created they were not as financially viable as the Government would SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: For require them. The question of creating a Tripura it is Rs. 50 crores in the Fourth separate State was based more on political Plan. consideration in the case of Nagaland and SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: What is the Meghalaya. In the case of Manipur budgetary gap ? particularly, may I say that considerations SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: other than financial viability should be taken Will you allow me to continue ? into consideration in the matter of granting statehood. In the case of Manipur, today a MR. CHAIRMAN: Let the Minister very massive movement has been launched, answer. spearheaded by all the political parties. Am I SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: to understand that unless sufficient political As far as this natter is concerned, we are pressures are created by the people of that going mainly by the financial viability be- Stale, the Government is not going to concede cause the funds of the Union Government that demand? Will the Government consider it are involved to a very large extent. We have wise to concede the demand of the people of examined this question very thoroughly and Manipur because if the situation goes out of I have also stated the general policy of the control in the Manipur area which is a Government that we do not wish to keep any sensitive region, it is not in the interests of the Union Territory as a Union Territory country's integrity and security. Therefore provided it can look after its own finance may I know whether the Government would and meet its expenses, non-plan as well as also change the criteria with regard to plan expenditure and we are willing to granting of statehood to Manipur. It should consider this question actively, sympathe- not be limited to the consideration of financial tically and immediately provided those cri- viability but the other political consideration teria are fulfilled. Therefore as far as the should also be taken into consideration. Government is concerned, there is no SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: I hesitation in the Government's mind. We would request Members not to make have laid down certain criteria and as soon comparisons which are not applicable. I have as they are fulfilled, we shall take immediate said about Nagaland that it was not a Union action. Territory. Meghalaya was not a Union SHRI A. D. MANI: May I know whether Territory nor is it a State. It has not been Nagaland is financially viable? May I know created as a State. It is autonomous within whether the Metropolitan Council of Delhi the State of Assam. As far as Manipur is has not recommended that Delhi should be concerned, there is no question of political made a State? When little Haryana can have pressures. For instance about Himachal statehood, why should the Government Pradesh there was no political pressure but refuse to give statehood to Old Delhi and the when we found that it had a case, we agreed Delhi area? to examine it particularly after they had the financial viability. SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: The Manipur Delhi is very different because it happens to Chief Minister came here. Was it a cultural be the capital of the nation. Obviously it troupe ? cannot be put on par with other Union Territories. Haryana, as a State, is viable SHRI VIDYA CHARAN SHUKLA: financially. There is no difficulty about The territory of Himachal Pradesh got viability. Nagaland was never a Union certain additional territories from Punjab Territory. There is no question of com- after the reorganisation, and 21 Oral Answers [25 FEB. 1970] to Questions 22 the Himachal Pradesh Government also but, as far as our examination goes up to made very good efforts to mobilise their date, there is no such case. internal resources and got more and more revenue, and when it came to the point where that case can be examined, we have started examining it, and if we find that it is feasible to do so we shall grant them State- hood. We will also examine the case of Manipur sympathetically and we will also go to the extent that is possible for us to go to see if we can grant Manipur Statehood, because it is our basic policy to grant State- hood to them as soon as they fulfil the cri- teria that we have laid down. We are for the Statehood of any territory provided it can be done within the criteria that we have laid down. SHRI BANKA BEHARY DAS: Sir, from the Minister's reply it seems that he is applying different standards for converting Union territories into States. In the case of Dilhi he says that it is most important because the capital of India is locat:d here in Delhi. And even during the debate about Himachal Pradesh the Minister himself countered the argument that there is financial viability about that territory. So, in any application of standards, not only the standard that should be applied to Union territories should be taken into consideration but also the standard that has been applied in the reorganisation of States because, when the reorganisation of States came, financial viability was one of the considerations, not the sole consideration.
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